
Collections of Essays

This page lists collections of essays published about L.M. Montgomery’s life, work, and legacy since 1976, as well as their contents.

Total number of items: 19

Collections of essays tend to narrow the focus on a particular aspect of an author’s work or on a specific concern or theme in a broader range of texts. They bring together individual authors whose chapters sit in conversation with each other, under the guidance of volume editors. The collections of essays listed here all centre on L.M. Montgomery’s work, and they are supplemented by several more book chapters appearing elsewhere.

Related pages: Book-Length Studies | Critical Anthologies | Special Journal Issues and Collections | Book Chapters | Paratexts | Latest Items

1976 (1)

Sorfleet, John Robert, ed. L.M. Montgomery: An Assessment. Guelph: Canadian Children’s Press, 1976.

John R. Sorfleet, “Introduction: L.M. Montgomery: Canadian Authoress,” 4–7. Elizabeth Waterston, “Lucy Maud Montgomery 1874–1942,” 9–26. Mary Rubio, “Satire, Realism, and Imagination in Anne of Green Gables,” 27–36. Gillian Thomas, “The Decline of Anne: Matron vs. Child,” 37–41. Ann S. Cowan, “Canadian Writers: Lucy Maud and Emily Byrd,” 42–49. Muriel A. Whitaker, “‘Queer Children’: L.M. Montgomery’s Heroines,” 50–59. Jane Cowan Fredeman, “The Land of Lost Content: The Use of Fantasy in L.M. Montgomery’s Novels,” 60–70. Jean Little, “But What About Jane?,” 71–81.

1992 (1)

Reimer, Mavis, ed. Such a Simple Little Tale: Critical Responses to L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables. N.p.: Children’s Literature Association; Metuchen, NJ: The Scarecrow Press, 1992.

Mavis Reimer, “Introduction: The Anne-Girl and the Anne Book,” 1–10. Muriel A. Whitaker, “‘Queer Children’: L.M. Montgomery’s Heroines,” 11–22. Gillian Thomas, “The Decline of Anne: Matron vs. Child,” 23–28. Perry Nodelman, “Progressive Utopia: Or, How to Grow Up Without Growing Up,” 29–38. Catherine Ross, “Calling Back the Ghost of the Old-Time Heroine: Duncan, Montgomery, Atwood, Laurence, and Munro,” 39–55. Marilyn Solt, “The Uses of Setting in Anne of Green Gables,” 57–63. Mary Rubio, “Anne of Green Gables: The Architect of Adolescence,” 65–82. T.D. MacLulich, “L.M. Montgomery’s Portraits of the Artist: Realism, Idealism, and the Domestic Imagination,” 83–100. Carol Gay, “‘Kindred Spirits’ All: Green Gables Revisited,” 101–8. Janet Weiss-Townsend, “Sexism Down on the Farm?: Anne of Green Gables,” 109–17. Susan Drain, “Community and the Individual in Anne of Green Gables: The Meaning of Belonging,” 119–30. Nancy Huse, “Journeys of the Mother in the World of Green Gables,” 131–38. Eve Kornfeld and Susan Jackson, “The Female Bildungsroman in Nineteenth-Century America: Parameters of a Vision,” 139–52. Temma F. Berg, “Anne of Green Gables: A Girl’s Reading,” 153–64. “Suggestions for Further Reading: A Guide to the Research and Criticism on Anne of Green Gables,” 165–90.

Paperback edition: Children’s Literature Association and The Scarecrow Press, 2003.

1994 (1)

Rubio, Mary Henley, ed. Harvesting Thistles: The Textual Garden of L.M. Montgomery; Essays on Her Novels and Journals. Guelph: Canadian Children’s Press, 1994.

Part 1. Contexts. Mary Henley Rubio, “Introduction: Harvesting Thistles in Montgomery’s Textual Garden,” 1–13. Gabriella Åhmansson, “‘Mayflowers Grow in Sweden Too’: L.M. Montgomery, Astrid Lindgren and the Swedish Literary Consciousness,” 14–22. Catherine Sheldrick Ross, “Readers Reading L.M. Montgomery,” 23–35. Temma F. Berg, “Sisterhood Is Fearful: Female Friendship in L.M. Montgomery,” 36–49. E. Holly Pike, “The Heroine Who Writes and Her Creator,” 50–57. Clara Thomas, “Anne Shirley’s American Cousin: The Girl of the Limberlost,” 58–63. Patricia Kelly Santelmann, “Written as Women Write: Anne of Green Gables Within the Female Literary Tradition,” 64–73. Elizabeth R. Epperly, “Approaching the Montgomery Manuscripts,” 74–83. Gavin White, “The Religious Thought of L.M. Montgomery,” 84–88. Edith Fowke, “A Note on Montgomery’s Use of a ‘Contemporary Legend’ in Emily Climbs,” 89–92. Margaret E. Turner, “‘I Mean to Try, as Far as in Me Lies, to Paint My Life and Deeds Truthfully’: Autobiographical Process in the L.M. Montgomery Journals,” 93–100. Laura Higgins, “Snapshot Portraits: Finding L.M. Montgomery in Her ‘Dear Den,’” 101–12. Denyse Yeast, “Negotiating Friendships: The Reading and Writing of L.M. Montgomery,” 113–25.

Part 2. Texts: Owen Dudley Edwards, “L.M. Montgomery’s Rilla of Ingleside: Intention, Inclusion, Implosion,” 126–36. Marie Campbell, “Wedding Bells and Death Knells: The Writer as Bride in the Emily Trilogy,” 137–45. Gabriella Åhmansson, “Textual/Sexual Space in The Blue Castle: Valancy Stirling’s ‘Room of Her Own,’” 146–54. Elizabeth Waterston, “Marigold and the Magic of Memory,” 155–66. Jennie Rubio, “‘Strewn with Dead Bodies’: Women and Gossip in Anne of Ingleside,” 167–77.

1999 (2)

McCabe, Kevin, comp. The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album. Edited by Alexandra Heilbron. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.

Don Harron, Preface, 1–2. Edith Katherine Smith, “Lucy Maud Montgomery: Passionate Puritan,” 3–7. L.M. Montgomery, “Abegweit: ‘I Have Come Home,’” 9. Mollie Gillen, “Order of the British Empire,” 10–11.

Chapter 1. The Land She Was Born To. Kevin McCabe, “A Pilgrimage to L.M. Montgomery’s Island,” 14–20. Francis W.P. Bolger, “The Lucy Maud Montgomery Birthplace, New London,” 21–25. “Father Bolger,” 26. Jennie Macneill, “The Macneill Homestead: ‘Hallowed Ground,’” 27–30. Edith Katherine Smith, “Hon. Donald Montgomery Homestead,” 31–35. Sandy Wagner, “Silver Bush,” 36–39. Carolyn Strom Collins, “Green Gables,” 40–43.

Chapter 2. Childhood in P.E.I., 1874–1890. Kevin McCabe, “Growing Up in Cavendish,” 46–48. Kevin McCabe, “Maud’s Early Schooldays,” 49–54. Kevin McCabe, “The Alpine Path” 55–56. Kevin McCabe, “The Marco Polo: ‘The Fastest Ship in the World,’” 57–59. “The Last of the Marco Polo: The Charlottetown Patriot, 1883,” 60. Lucy Maud Montgomery, “The Wreck of the Marco Polo,” 61–62. “Letters Written by Eleven-Year-Old Maud,” 63–69. Jonathan Walford, “The Fashions of L.M. Montgomery,” 70–79.

Chapter 3. Starting Fresh in Saskatchewan, 1890–1. Kevin McCabe, “Hugh John Montgomery in Saskatchewan, 1880–90,” 82–85. Bill Smiley, “Lucy Maud Montgomery in Prince Albert, August 20, 1890 to August 27, 1891,” 86–91.

Chapter 4. The Happiest Years of My Life, 1891–1898. Kevin McCabe, “‘The Happiest Year of My Life’: Prince of Wales College, Charlottetown 1893–94,” 94–99. Joanne E. Wood, “The Teaching Years,” 100–104. Kevin McCabe, “Dalhousie University, 1895–96,” 105–11. Carolyn Strom Collins, “The Scrapbooks,” 112–17. Alexandra Heilbron, “Maud’s Beaux,” 118–37. Bev Hayden, “True Love by a Whisker,” 138–43.

Chapter 5. Early Writing Career, 1899–1902. Kevin McCabe, “Budding Poetess,” 146–51. “Bliss Carman (1861–1929),” 152. John Ferns, “Lucy Maud Montgomery and Canadian Culture,” 153–54. Carol Dobson, “Halifax Days,” 155–59. Kevin McCabe, “Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Table Talk,” 160–67. Elizabeth R. Epperly, “Through the Eyes of Lucy Maud Montgomery,” 168–73. “Elizabeth Rollins Epperly,” 174. Kevin McCabe, “L.M. Montgomery and Her Pen-Pals,” 175–81. Kevin McCabe, “Ephraim Weber,” 182–85.

Chapter 6. Return to Cavendish, 1903–1911. Kevin McCabe, “A Life Less Happy: The Dilemma of Being Maud,” 188–90. Jennie Macneill, “Wintertime in Cavendish, 1908,” 191–93. “‘I Am so Thankful I Can Work,‘” 194. Alexandra Heilbron, “Was Anne a Real Girl?,” 195–99. Jack Hutton and Linda Jackson-Hutton, “Images of Anne Throughout the Years,” 200–205. “Miss L.M. Montgomery, Author of Anne of Green Gables,” 206–8. Alexandra Heilbron, “Anne Around the World,” 209–11. “Cavendish’s 1911 Presentation to Miss Montgomery,” 212–15. “Maud’s Letter to Fannie Wise,” 216–21.

Chapter 7. Ontario. Part A. Leaskdale, 1911–1926. Allan McGillivray, “Mrs. Macdonald of the Leaskdale Manse,” 225–30. Gabrielle Ceraldi, “L.M. Montgomery and the Great War,” 231–37. Kevin McCabe, “Chester and Stuart: A Photo Album,” 238–44. Joanne Wood, “A Star and a Stone: Maud and Ewen Macdonald,” 245–53. Kevin McCabe, “Two Very Necessary People: Frede and Ewen,” 254–55. Kevin McCabe, “A Tour of Uxbridge and Leaskdale,” 256–60. Part B. Norval, 1926–35. John Ferns, “Norval Then and Now,” 261–67. Kelly Crawford, “Living in Norval,” 269–74. “Maud’s and Anne’s Recipes,” 275–80. Mary Beth Cavert, “L.M. Montgomery and Friendship,” 281–85. Melanie A. Kingston, “Good Help Is Hard to Find: L.M. Montgomery’s Maids, 1911–1936,” 286–90. Marian Hebb, “LMM and Anne Go to Court,” 291–94. Part C. Toronto, 1935–42. John Ferns, “Toronto: 1935–42,” 295–98. Winifred Alston, “My Meeting with L. M. Montgomery,” 299–300. Elizabeth Waterston, “Flowers and L.M. Montgomery,” 301–4. “Elizabeth Waterston,” 305. Luella Veijalainen, “My Grandmother ‘Donny,’” 306–7. “L.M. Montgomery Replies to a Young Fan,” 308. Trudy Ramsey, “How the Correspondence Came About,” 309–11. Yuka Kajihara and D. Jason Nolan, “Remembering Maud in Toronto,” 312–21. “LMM’s Last Letter to Ephraim Weber,” 322. Kevin McCabe, “The Funeral of L.M. Montgomery, April 29, 1942,” 323–26. “Obituary of L.M. Montgomery,” 327–28. “The Obituary of Ewen Macdonald,” 329.

Chapter 8. Montgomery on Stage and Screen. L.M. Montgomery, “Is This My Anne,” 333–35. Norman Campbell and Don Harron, “Anne of Green Gables the Musical,” 36–44. “Don Harron,” 345. “Norman Campbell,” 345. Alexandra Heilbron, “Anne of Green Gables, the Sullivan Adaptations: An Industry Begins,” 346–49. Alexandra Heilbron, “Road to Avonlea: A Canadian Success Story,” 350–54. Ben E. Jansen, “The Sets of Avonlea,” 355–62. Benjamin Lefebvre, “Avonlea Without Anne,” 363–65. Ben Jansen, “An Avonlea Symphony,” 366–69. Alexandra Heilbron, “Emily of New Moon on TV,” 370–71.

Chapter 9. LMM Festivals. Linda Lowther, “Cavendish’s Annual Lucy Maud Montgomery Festival,” 374–75. Kathy Gastle, “Montgomery Christmas in the Village of Norval,” 376–77. Jack Hutton, “Bala’s Museum with Memories of L.M. Montgomery,” 379–81. Jack Hutton, “Anne Shirley Look-Alike Contests,” 382–87. Margaret Firth, “Celebrating ‘Anne of the Silver Screen’ at Westfield Heritage Centre,” 388–91. “Uxbridge/Leaskdale Montgomery Days,” 392–93. Alexandra Heilbron, “Canadian World in Japan,” 394–99.

Chapter 10. Shades of L.M. Montgomery. Elizabeth Ballantyne, “‘A Page of Grumbles’: L.M. Montgomery and Her Journals,” 402–6. Carol Shields, review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Vol. IV: 1929–1935, ed. Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston, 407–8. Richard Dionne, “Maud’s Money,” 409–13. “Lucy Maud Words,” 414–15. Alexandra Heilbron, “The Motoring Macdonalds,” 416–21. “The Cancer Man,” 422–23. “The Sagittarius Woman,” 424–25. Alexandra Heilbron, “The Psychic World of Maud Montgomery,” 426–29.

Chapter 11. Anne International. Yuka Kajihara, “An Influential Anne in Japan,” 433–38. “Home Sweet Home,” 439. Murray White, “Japan of Green Gables,” 440. Calvin Trillin, “Anne of Red Hair,” 441–46. Mary Evelyn Smith, “The ‘Kindred Spirits’ E-Mail Newsletter,” 447–50. “Kindred Spirits from Around the World,” 451–53. “L.M. Montgomery Magazines and Newsletters,” 454–57. Isabelle Goyette, “Finding L.M. Montgomery in Quebec,” 458–60. Kevin McCabe, “Ethnic Minorities in L.M. Montgomery’s Writing,” 461–62. Alexandra Heilbron, “Canada’s Commemorative Stamps,” 463. “Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority Inc.,” 464–65.

Chapter 12. Anne in Academia. Mary Beth Cavert, “L.M. Montgomery’s Book Dedications,” 468–70. Joanne Wood, “The Cavendish Library,” 471–72. Mary Henley Rubio, “Why L.M. Montgomery’s Journals Came to Guelph,” 473–78. “Mary Henley Rubio,” 479. Anna MacDonald, “The Author and the Island,” 480–83. Mollie Gillen, “The Rescue of the Montgomery-MacMillan Letters,” 484–85. “Mollie Gillen,” 486. Mary E. Doody Jones, “Anne of Green Gables: A Sign of the Times,” 487–90. Susan Drain, “Rea Wilmshurst and L.M. Montgomery,” 492–93. “Rea Wilmshurst (1941–1996,” 494. Sandra Gwyn, “The Emily Effect,” 495–99. L.M. Montgomery, “The Pink and Gold Heart,“ 500–501.

Gammel, Irene, and Elizabeth Epperly, eds. L.M. Montgomery and Canadian Culture. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999.

Irene Gammel and Elizabeth Epperly, “Introduction: L.M. Montgomery and the Shaping of Canadian Culture,” 3–13.

Part 1. Montgomery and Canada: Romancing the Region, Constructing the Nation. Montgomery and Canadian Nationalism. Laura M. Robinson, “‘A Born Canadian’: The Bonds of Communal Identity in Anne of Green Gables and A Tangled Web,” 19–30. Owen Dudley Edwards and Jennifer H. Litster, “The End of Canadian Innocence: L.M. Montgomery and the First World War,” 31–46. Romance and the Shaping of Canadian Culture. Carole Gerson, “‘Dragged at Anne’s Chariot Wheels’: The Triangle of Author, Publisher, and Fictional Character,” 49–63. E. Holly Pike, “(Re)producing Canadian Literature: L.M. Montgomery’s Emily Novels,” 64–76. Elizabeth Waterston, “Reflection Piece—The Poetry of L.M. Montgomery,” 77–84.

Part 2. Montgomery and Canadian Culture: Negotiating Cultural Change. Religion, Education, and Technology. Mary Henley Rubio, “L.M. Montgomery: Scottish-Presbyterian Agency in Canadian Culture,” 89–105. Irene Gammel and Ann Dutton, “Disciplining Development: L.M. Montgomery and Early Schooling,” 106–19. Sasha Mullally, “‘Daisy,’ ‘Dodgie,’ and ‘Lady Jane Grey Dort’: L.M. Montgomery and the Automobile,” 120–30. Motherhood, Family, and Feminism. Erika Rothwell, “Knitting Up the World: L.M. Montgomery and Maternal Feminism in Canada,” 133–44. Diana Arlene Chlebek, “The Canadian Family and Female Adolescent Development During the 1930s: Jane of Lantern Hill,” 145–52. Roberta Buchanan, “Reflection Piece—‘I Wrote Two Hours This Morning and Put Up Grape Juice in the Afternoon’: The Conflict Between Woman and Writer in L.M. Montgomery’s Journals,” 153–58.

Part 3. Montgomery and Canadian Iconography: Consuming the Popular. Anne as Cultural Icon. Frank Davey, “The Hard-Won Power of Canadian Womanhood: Reading Anne of Green Gables Today,” 163–82. Theodore F. Sheckels, “Anne in Hollywood: The Americanization of a Canadian Icon,” 183–91. Sharon J. Hamilton, interviewed by Dianne Hicks Morrow, “Reflection Piece—Anne Shirley and the Power of Literacy,” 192–97. Montgomery, Canada, and Cultural Tourism. Yoshiko Akamatsu, “Japanese Readings of Anne of Green Gables,” 201–12. Calvin Trillin, “Anne of Red Hair: What Do the Japanese See in Anne of Green Gables?,” 213–21. Margaret Atwood, “Reflection Piece—Revisiting Anne,” 222–26.

Deirdre Kessler, “Epilogue: L.M. Montgomery and the Creation of Prince Edward Island,” 229–34.

2002 (1)

Gammel, Irene, ed. Making Avonlea: L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002.

Irene Gammel, “Making Avonlea: An Introduction,” 3–13.

Part 1. Mapping Avonlea: Cultural Value and Iconography. Carole Gerson, “Anne of Green Gables Goes to University: L.M. Montgomery and Academic Culture,” 17–31. Cecily Devereux, “Anatomy of a ‘National Icon’: Anne of Green Gables and the ‘Bosom Friends’ Affair,” 32–42. Brenda R. Weber, “Confessions of a Kindred Spirit with an Academic Bent,” 43–57. Juliet McMaster, “Taking Control: Hair Red, Black, Gold, and Nut-Brown,” 58–71. Margaret Steffler, “‘This Has Been a Day in Hell’: Montgomery, Popular Literature, Life Writing,” 72–83. Elizabeth R. Epperly, “The Visual Imagination of L.M. Montgomery,” 84–98. Andrea McKenzie, “Writing in Pictures: International Images of Emily,” 99–113. Irene Gammel, “Safe Pleasures for Girls: L.M. Montgomery’s Erotic Landscapes,” 114–27.

Part 2. Viewing Avonlea: Film, Television, Drama, and Musical. Eleanor Hersey, “‘It’s All Mine’: The Modern Woman as Writer in Sullivan’s Anne of Green Gables Films,” 131–44. K.L. Poe, “Who’s Got the Power? Montgomery, Sullivan, and the Unsuspecting Viewer,” 145–59. Ann F. Howey, “‘She Look’d Down to Camelot’: Anne Shirley, Sullivan, and the Lady of Shalott,” 160–73. Benjamin Lefebvre, “Road to Avonlea: A Co-production of the Disney Corporation,” 174–85. Christopher Gittings, “Melodrama for the Nation: Emily of New Moon,” 186–200. George Belliveau, “Paul Ledoux’s Anne: A Journey from Page to Stage,” 201–15. Carrie MacLellan, “Snapshot: Listening to the Music in Anne of Green Gables: The Musical,” 216–22.

Part 3. Touring Avonlea: Landscape, Tourism, and Spin-off Products. Janice Fiamengo, “Toward a Theory of the Popular Landscape in Anne of Green Gables,” 225–37. E. Holly Pike, “Mass Marketing, Popular Culture, and the Canadian Celebrity Author,” 238–51. James De Jonge, “Through the Eyes of Memory: L.M. Montgomery’s Cavendish,” 252–67. Jeanette Lynes, “Consumable Avonlea: The Commodification of the Green Gables Mythology,” 268–79. Tara MacPhail, “Snapshot: Making Anne and Emily Dolls,” 280–85. Tara Nogler, “Snapshot: My Life as Anne in Japan,” 286–94. Danièle Allard, “Taishu Bunka and Anne Clubs in Japan,” 295–309. Alice van der Klei, “Avonlea in Cyberspace, Or an Invitation to a Hyperreal Tea Party,” 310–16.

Beate Nock, “Epilogue: A Letter from Germany,” translated by Irene Gammel, 317–20.

2005 (1)

Gammel, Irene, ed. The Intimate Life of L.M. Montgomery. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005.

Irene Gammel, “Introduction: Life Writing as Masquerade: The Many Faces of L.M. Montgomery,” 3–15.

Part 1. Staging the Bad Girl. “‘ . . . Where Has My Yellow Garter Gone?’ The Diary of L.M. Montgomery and Nora Lefurgey,” edited, annotated, and illustrated by Irene Gammel, 19–87. Jennifer H. Litster, “The ‘Secret’ Diary of Maud Montgomery, Aged 28 1/4,” 88–105. Mary Beth Cavert, “Nora, Maud, and Isabel: Summoning Voices in Diaries and Memories,” 106–25.

Part 2. Confessions and Body Writing. Irene Gammel, “‘I Loved Herman Leard Madly’: L.M. Montgomery’s Confession of Desire,” 129–53. Mary McDonald-Rissanen, “Veils and Gaps: The Private Worlds of Amy Andrew and L.M. Montgomery, 1910–1914,” 154–69. Janice Fiamengo, “‘ . . . The Refuge of My Sick Spirit . . . ’: L.M. Montgomery and the Shadows of Depression,” 170–86.

Part 3. Writing for an Intimate Audience. Elizabeth R. Epperly, “Visual Drama: Capturing Life in L.M. Montgomery’s Scrapbooks,” 189–209. Joy Alexander, “‘I Hear What You Say’: Soundings in L.M. Montgomery’s Life Writings,” 210–21. Paul Tiessen and Hildi Froese Tiessen, “Epistolary Performance: Writing Mr. Weber,” 222–38.

Part 4. Where Life Writing Meets Fiction. Cecily Devereux, “‘See My Journal for the Full Story’: Fictions of Truth in Anne of Green Gables and L.M. Montgomery’s Journals,” 241–57. Melissa Prycer, “The Hectic Flush: The Fiction and Reality of Consumption in L.M. Montgomery’s Life,” 258–72. Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston, “Untangling the Web: L.M. Montgomery’s Later Journals and Fiction, 1929–1939,” 273–90.

2008 (1)

Mitchell, Jean, ed. Storm and Dissonance: L.M. Montgomery and Conflict. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008.

Jean Mitchell, “Introduction: Storm and Dissonance: L.M. Montgomery and Conflict,” 1–21.

Part 1. Narrating Self and Other. Margaret Doody, “L.M. Montgomery: The Darker Side,” 25–49. Rita Bode, “L.M. Montgomery and the Anguish of Mother Loss,” 50–66. Carole Gerson, “L.M. Montgomery and the Conflictedness of a Woman Writer,” 67–80.

Part 2. A World of Conflict and Private Sorrows. Andrea McKenzie, “Women at War: L.M. Montgomery, the Great War, and Canadian Cultural Memory,” 83–108. Benjamin Lefebvre, “‘That Abominable War’: The Blythes Are Quoted and Thoughts on L.M. Montgomery’s Late Style,” 109–30. Paul Tiessen, “Opposing Pacifism: L.M. Montgomery and the Trouble with Ephraim Weber,” 131–41. Heidi MacDonald, “Reflections of the Great Depression in L.M. Montgomery’s Life and Her Pat Books,” 142–58.

Part 3. Performing Difference(s). E. Holly Pike, “‘Tempest in a Teapot’: Domestic Service and Class Conflict in L.M. Montgomery’s Journals and Fiction,” 161–77. Margaret Steffler, “Performing Motherhood: L.M. Montgomery’s Display of Maternal Dissonance,” 178–93. Kylee-Anne Hingston, “Montgomery’s ‘Imp’: Conflicting Representations of Illness in L.M. Montgomery’s The Blue Castle,” 194–208. Susan Meyer, “The Fresh-Air Controversy, Health, and Art in L.M. Montgomery’s Emily Novels,” 209–20. Pamela Rossi-Keen, “Sustainable Dissonance: Becoming-Anne Through L.M. Montgomery’s and Kevin Sullivan’s Anne of Green Gables,” 221–37. Suvi Ahola and Satu Koskimies, “Love and Controversy for over Eighty Years: Anne, Emily, and Finnish Women: An Interview,” 238–44.

Part 4. Avoiding, Mediating, and Resolving Conflicts. Trinna S. Frever, “Out the Open Window: Avoidance as Conflict Resolution in L.M. Montgomery’s Short Fiction,” 247–62. Sarah Clair Atkinson, “‘You d—d idiot!’ What L.M. Montgomery’s Silent Heroines Really Want to Say,” 263–77. Hildi Froese Tiessen, “The Conflicted Worlds Behind the Letters of L.M. Montgomery and Ephraim Weber,” 278–94. Kate Sutherland, “‘Even a Successful Lawsuit Will Be a Worry’: Law and Community Relations in L.M. Montgomery’s Life and Work,” 295–307.

Part 5. Troubling Translations and Dissonant Re-readings. Laura Robinson, “‘“Outrageously Sexual” Anne’: The Media and Montgomery,” 311–27. Martina Seifert, “Conflicting Images: Anne of Green Gables in Germany,” 328–43. Danièle Allard, “Hanako Muraoka’s Famous and Truncated Translation of Anne of Green Gables: Some Lingering Questions,” 344–62. Carolyn Strom Collins, “‘Bound for Quebec’ or ‘Journey’s End’? Conflicting Stories About the Montgomery Family’s Arrival in Prince Edward Island,” 363–72. Nancy Holmes, “How Green Is Green Gables?: An Ecofeminist Perspective on L.M. Montgomery,” 373–90.

Epilogue. Jane Ledwell, “What Occurs: Storm, Dissonance, and Conflict in L.M. Montgomery’s Life and Writing,” 391–93.

2009 (1)

Blackford, Holly, ed. 100 Years of Anne with an “e”: The Centennial Study of Anne of Green Gables. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2009.

Holly Blackford, “Introduction: Anne with an ‘e’: The Enduring Value of Anne of Green Gables,” xi–xxxviii.

1. Writing and Placing Anne. Irene Gammel, “Wildwood Roses and Sunshine Girls: The Making of Anne of Green Gables as a Popular Romance,” 1–21. E. Holly Pike, “L.M. Montgomery and Literary Professionalism,” 23–40. Joy Alexander, “Anne with two ‘G’s: Green Gables and Geographical Identity,” 41–60.

2. Romancing Anne: Language and Silence. Melissa Mullins, “Negotiating the Well-Worn Coin: The Shifting Use of Language in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables,” 63–80. Hilary Emmett, “‘Mute Misery’: Speaking the Unspeakable in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne Books,” 81–104. Eleanor Hersey Nickel, “‘The World Hasn’t Changed Very Much’: Romantic Love in Film and Television Versions of Anne of Green Gables,” 105–21.

3. Quoting Anne: Intertextuality at Home and Abroad. Laura M. Robinson, “Anne and Her Ancestors: Self-Reflexivity from Yonge to Alcott to Montgomery,” 125–42. Theodore Sheckels, “Anne of Green Gables as Intertext in Post-1960 Canadian Women’s Fiction,” 143–63. Cornelia Rémi, “Interactions with Poetry: Metapoetic Games with Anne in Astrid Lindgren’s Madicken,” 165–90.

4. Maturing Anne: Gender and Empire. Christiana R. Salah, “A Ministry of Plum Puffs: Cooking as a Path to Spiritual Maturity in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne Books,” 193–209. Monika Hilder, “The Ethos of Nurture: Revisiting Domesticity in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables,” 211–27. Sharyn Pearce, “Constructing a ‘New Girl’: Gender and National Identity in Anne of Green Gables and Seven Little Australians,” 229–45.

“Chronology of Important Events in the Life and Career of Anne’s Creator, Lucy Maud Montgomery,” 247–50.

2010 (1)

Gammel, Irene, and Benjamin Lefebvre, eds. Anne’s World: A New Century of Anne of Green Gables. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010.

Irene Gammel, “Introduction: Reconsidering Anne’s World,” 3–16. Carole Gerson, “Seven Milestones: How Anne of Green Gables Became a Canadian Icon,” 17–34. Alison Matthews David and Kimberly Wahl, “‘Matthew Insists on Puffed Sleeves’: Ambivalence Towards Fashion in Anne of Green Gables,” 35–49. Mary Jeanette Moran, “‘I’ll Never Be Angelically Good’: Feminist Narrative Ethics in Anne of Green Gables,” 50–64. Helen Hoy, “‘Too Heedless and Impulsive’: Re-reading Anne of Green Gables Through a Clinical Approach,” 65–81. Irene Gammel, “Reading to Heal: Anne of Green Gables as Bibliotherapy,” 82–99. Leslie McGrath, “Reading with Blitheness: Anne of Green Gables in Toronto Public Library’s Children’s Collections,” 100–16. Jason Nolan, “Learning with Anne: Early Childhood Education Looks at New Media for Young Girls,” 117–33. Alexander MacLeod, “On the Road from Bright River: Shifting Social Space in Anne of Green Gables,” 134–49. Margaret Steffler, “Anne in a ‘Globalized’ World: Nation, Nostalgia, and Postcolonial Perspectives of Home,” 150–65. Irene Gammel with Andrew O’Malley, Huifeng Hu, and Ranbir K. Banwait, “An Enchanting Girl: International Portraits of Anne’s Cultural Transfer,” 166–91. Benjamin Lefebvre, “What’s in a Name? Towards a Theory of the Anne Brand,” 192–211. Richard Cavell, “Afterword: Mediating Anne,” 212–16.

2013 (1)

Ledwell, Jane, and Jean Mitchell, eds. Anne Around the World: L.M. Montgomery and Her Classic. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013.

Jane Ledwell and Jean Mitchell, Introduction, 3–24.

Situating Montgomery and Her Classic. Elizabeth Waterston, “Anne of Green Gables—and Afterward,” 27–34. Elizabeth R. Epperly, “Lasting Images of Anne of Green Gables,” 35–44. Mary Henley Rubio, “Uncertainties Surrounding the Death of L.M. Montgomery,” 45–62. Barbara Carman Garner, “A Century of Critical Reflection on Anne of Green Gables,” 63–79.

The Terrain of the Classic: Allusions and Intertexts. Margaret Doody, “L.M. Montgomery and the Significance of ‘Classics,’ Ancient and Modern,” 83–91. Paul Keen, “‘So—So—Commonplace’: Romancing the Local in Anne of Green Gables and Aurora Leigh,” 92–105. Cynthia Sugars, “‘Matthew’s School of Critics’: Learning to Read Anne of Green Gables,” 106–19. Wendy Shilton, “Anne of Green Gables as Centre and Circumference,” 120–30.

Provoking the Classic: Class, Colonialism, and Christianity. Caroline E. Jones, “‘Nice Folks’: L.M. Montgomery’s Classic and Subversive Inscriptions and Transgressions of Class,” 133–46. Jean Mitchell, “Civilizing Anne: Missionaries of the South Seas, Cavendish Evangelicalism, and the Crafting of Anne of Green Gables,” 147–63. Brooke Collins-Gearing, “Narrating the ‘Classic’ on Stolen Ground: Anne of Green Gables,” 164–78.

Anne and After: The Local and Global Circulation of the Classic Text. Gholamreza Samigorganroodi, “Teaching and Reading Anne of Green Gables in Iran, the Land of Omar Khayyam,” 181–91. Doreley Carolina Coll, “Reading Anne of Green Gables in Montevideo,” 192–99. Tanfer Emin Tunc, “Teaching Anne and Antonia in Turkey: Feminist Girlhood in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables and Willa Cather’s My Antonia,” 200–15. Yoshiko Akamatsu, “The Continuous Popularity of Red-Haired Anne in Japan: An Interview with Yoshiko Akamatsu,” 216–27. Åsa Warnqvist, “‘I Experienced a Light That Became a Part of Me’: Reading Anne of Green Gables in Sweden,” 228–42.

Paratext and Aftertexts: Further Words on Anne. Jennie MacDonald, “‘I Just Love Pretty Clothes’: Considering the Sartorial in Anne of Green Gables,” 245–61. Susan Meyer, “Writing After Anne: L.M. Montgomery’s Influence on Canadian Children’s Literature,” 262–80. Budge Wilson, “Writing Before Green Gables,” 281–88.

2015 (1)

Bode, Rita, and Lesley D. Clement, eds. L.M. Montgomery’s Rainbow Valleys: The Ontario Years, 1911–1942. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.

Rita Bode and Lesley D. Clement, Introduction, 3–17.

Prologue. Elizabeth Waterston, “Leaskdale: L.M. Montgomery’s Rainbow Valley,” 21–32.

A New Home in Leaskdale: War and Religion. Mary Beth Cavert, “‘To the Memory of’: Leaskdale and Loss in the Great War,” 35–53. Margaret Steffler, “‘Being a Christian’ and a Presbyterian in Leaskdale,” 54–73.

The Changing World of Women: Mother, Daughter, Friend. Laura M. Robinson, “‘A Gift for Friendship’: Revolutionary Friendship in Anne of the Island and The Blue Castle,” 77–90. Caroline E. Jones, “The New Mother at Home: Montgomery’s Literary Explorations of Motherhood,” 91–109.

Shadows in Rainbow Valley: Loss and Grief. William V. Thompson, “The Shadow on the House of Dreams: Montgomery’s Re-visioning of Anne,” 113–30. Melanie J. Fishbane, “‘My Pen Shall Heal, Not Hurt’: Writing as Therapy in Rilla of Ingleside and The Blythes Are Quoted,” 131–44.

Interlude. Katherine Cameron, “L.M.M.,” 147.

A Sense of Place: Reading and Writing. Emily Woster, “Old Years and Old Books: Montgomery’s Ontario Reading and Self-Fashioning,” 151–65. Natalie Forest, “(Re)locating Montgomery: Prince Edward Island Romance to Southern Ontario Gothic,” 166–83.

Travels to Muskoka: Commodification and Tourism. E. Holly Pike, “Propriety and the Proprietary: The Commodification of Health and Nature in The Blue Castle,” 187–202. Linda Rodenburg, “Bala and The Blue Castle: The ‘Spirit of Muskoka’ and the Tourist Gaze,” 203–20.

Life in Toronto: Professional and Cultural Links. Kate Sutherland, “Advocating for Authors and Battling Critics in Toronto: Montgomery and the Canadian Authors Association,” 223–37. Lesley D. Clement, “Toronto’s Cultural Scene: Tonic or Toxin for a Sagged Soul?,” 238–60.

Epilogue. Kate Macdonald Butler, “Dear Grandmother Maud on the Road to Heaven,” 263–72.

Appendix. Rita Bode and Lesley D. Clement with the assistance of Kristina Eldridge and Chloe Verner, “Montgomery’s Ontario Legacies: A Community Presence in the Twenty-First Century,” 275–80.

2017 (1)

McKenzie, Andrea, and Jane Ledwell, eds. L.M. Montgomery and War. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.

Andrea McKenzie and Jane Ledwell, Introduction, 3–37.

Part 1. The Canons of War. Jonathan F. Vance, “‘Some Great Crisis of Storm and Stress’: L.M. Montgomery, Canadian Literature, and the Great War,” 41–55. Irene Gammel, “Mapping Patriotic Memory: L.M. Montgomery, Mary Riter Hamilton, and the Great War,” 56–77. E. Holly Pike, “Education for War: Anne of Green Gables and Rilla of Ingleside,” 78–93. Susan Fisher, “‘Watchman, What of the Night?’: L.M. Montgomery’s Poems of War,” 94–109.

Part 2. Gendering War. Laura M. Robinson, “L.M. Montgomery’s Great War: The Home as Battleground in Rilla of Ingleside,” 113–27. Sarah Glassford, “‘I Must Do Something to Help at Home’: Rilla of Ingleside in the Context of Real Women’s War Work,” 128–45. Maureen O. Gallagher, “Across Enemy Lines: Gender and Nationalism in Else Ury’s and L.M. Montgomery’s Great War Novels,” 146–64.

Part 3. Healing or Hurt? The Aftermath. Caroline E. Jones, “The Shadows of War: Interstitial Grief in L.M. Montgomery’s Final Novels,” 167–83. Andrea McKenzie, “Women at War? One Hundred Years of Visualizing Rilla,” 184–213. Elizabeth Epperly, “Emily’s Quest: L.M. Montgomery’s Green Alternative to Despair and War?,” 214–33.

2018 (1)

Bode, Rita, and Jean Mitchell, eds. L.M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s). Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018.

Rita Bode and Jean Mitchell, “Introduction: L.M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s),” 3–23.

Part 1. Nature’s Places. Catriona Sandilands, “Fire, Fantasy, and Futurity: Queer Ecology Visits Silver Bush,” 27–41. Jennifer H. Litster, “The Scotsman, the Scribe, and the Spyglass: Going Back with L.M. Montgomery to Prince Edward Island,” 42–57. Nancy Holmes, “Romantic Novelist as Naturalist: John Foster and the Bird Woman,” 58–73. Rita Bode, “L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Indoors and Out’: Imagining an Organic Architecture,” 74–86.

Part 2. Nature’s Embodiments. Elizabeth Rollins Epperly, “Natural Bridge: L.M. Montgomery and the Architecture of Imaginative Landscapes,” 89–111. Jean Mitchell, “L.M. Montgomery’s Neurasthenia: Embodied Nature and the Matter of Nerves,” 112–27. Kate Sutherland, “The Education of Emily: Tempering a Force of Nature Through Lessons in Law,” 128–40. Tara K. Parmiter, “The Spirit of Inquiry: Nature Study and the Sense of Wonder in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne Books,” 141–54.

Part 3. Nature’s Otherness. Paul Keen, “‘No London Street Arabs for Me’: The Unnatural Orphan in Anne of Green Gables,” 157–70. Laura M. Robinson, “Kindred Spirits: Kinship and the Nature of Nature in Anne’s House of Dreams and The Blue Castle,” 171–83. Lesley D. Clement, “The Empathic Poetic Sensibility: Discerning and Embodying Nature’s Secrets,” 184–97. Idette Noomé, “The Nature of the Beast: Pets and People in L.M. Montgomery’s Fiction,” 198–211.

2021 (2)

Carniel, Jessica, and Nike Sulway, eds. Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables: Kindred Spirits. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021.

Jessica Carniel and Nike Sulway, “Kindred Spirits: Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables,” 1–6. Lisa Bennett and Kylie Cardell, “‘There Is So Much More Scope for the Imagination’: Reading Anne as 1980s Children in Canada and Australia,” 7–18. Christina Collins, “In Search of a Bosom Friend: Remembering My Kindred Spirits Pen Pal,” 19–26. Hiroe Suzuki, “Anne Shirley and Hanako Muraoka: The Relationship Between the Character and Her Translator in Japan,” 27–41. Anne Betz, “From One Anne to An(ne)other: The True-Life Account of Two Annes,” 42–51. Sabrina Mark, “Picturing Anne’s Puffed-Sleeve Dress: Colour, Belonging, and Wish Fulfilment in Anne of Green Gables,” 52–63. Monique Mulligan, “Anne Through the Looking Glass,” 64–71. Megan Mooney Taylor, “‘It’s a Million Times Nicer to Be Anne of Green Gables than Anne of Nowhere in Particular, Isn’t It?’: Reading Anne by the Brown, Dusty Banks of the Murray River,” 72–82. Emily L. Newman, “‘My Red Hair Is a Curse’: Growing Up Red-Headed with Anne of Green Gables,” 83–93. Kazuko Sakuma, “Higher Education of Women and the Lasting Popularity of Anne of Green Gables in Japan,” 94–104. Julie A. Sellers, “‘Just as If I Was a Heroine in a Book’: Quixotic Identification in and with Anne of Green Gables,” 105–20. Rebecca Sheridan, “‘A Graveyard Full of Buried Hopes’: Rethinking Realism and Romance in Anne of Green Gables and Rilla of Ingleside,” 121–29. Jessica Friedmann, “Owen, Leslie, Anne, Maud: Writing the Self in Four Winds Harbour,” 130–39. Meghna Christina Mudaliar, “Reading Anne of Green Gables in the Twenty-First Century: Anne with an E and Queer Ecofeminist Fanfiction,” 140–48. Emily Mohabir, “Re(ad)-writing Anne: Participatory Internet Fan Activities as Textual Negotiation,” 149–58. Dallas John Baker, “Anne as Pagan, Anne as Queer,” 159–70. Jessica Carniel, “Anne with a Me: Adapting to New Adaptations of Anne as She Adapts to Us,” 171–88.

Pike, E. Holly, and Laura M. Robinson, eds. L.M. Montgomery and Gender. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021.

Introduction. E. Holly Pike and Laura M. Robinson, “‘You Don’t Want Me Because I’m Not a Boy’: L.M. Montgomery and Gender,” 1–15.

Masculinities and Femininities. Kazuko Sakuma, “The White Feather: Gender and War in L.M. Montgomery’s Rilla of Ingleside,” 19–43. Lesley D. Clement, “From ‘Uncanny Beauty’ to ‘Uncanny Disease’: Destabilizing Gender Through the Deaths of Ruby Gillis and Walter Blythe and the Life of Anne Shirley,” 44–67. Ashley N. Reese, “Barney of the Island: Nature and Gender in Montgomery’s The Blue Castle,” 68–86.

Domestic Space. Bonnie J. Tulloch, “The Robinsonade Versus the Annescapade: Exploring the ‘Adventure’ in Anne of Green Gables,” 89–118. Mavis Reimer, “Soliciting Home: The Cultural Function of Orphans in Early-Twentieth-Century Canada,” 119–51. Rebecca J. Thompson, “‘That House Belongs to Me’: The Appropriation of Patriarchal Space in L.M. Montgomery’s Emily Trilogy,” 152–72.

Humour. E. Holly Pike, “Cross-Dressing: Twins, Language, and Gender in L.M. Montgomery’s Short Fiction,” 175–94. Wanda Campbell, “‘I’m Noted for That’: Comic Subversion and Gender in L.M. Montgomery’s ‘The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham’s’ and ‘Aunt Philippa and the Men,’” 195–210. Vappu Kannas, “‘Nora and I Got Through the Evening’: Gender Roles and Romance in the Diary of L.M. Montgomery and Nora Lefurgey,” 211–28.

Intertexts. Catherine Clark, “The Blue Castle: Sex and the Revisionist Fairy Tale,” 233–48. Carole Gerson, “L.M. Montgomery, E. Pauline Johnson, and the Figure of the ‘Half-Breed Girl,’” 249–65. Christina Hitchcock and Kiera Ball, “Orgies of Lovemaking: L.M. Montgomery’s Feminine Version of the Augustinian Community,” 266–83. Heather Ladd and Erin Spring, “Feminizing Thomson’s The Seasons: Identity, Gender, and Seasonal Aesthetics in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables,” 284–303.

Being in Time. Jane Urquhart, “Her Reader,” 309–15. Tara K. Parmiter, “Like a Childless Mother: L.M. Montgomery and the Anguish of Mother’s Loss,” 316–30. Elizabeth Rollins Epperly, “Magic for Marigold: Engendering Questions About What Lasts,” 331–49.

2022 (2)

Scarth, Kate, and Emily Woster, eds. The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies: L.M. Montgomery and Reading. Charlottetown: L.M. Montgomery Institute and Robertson Library, 2022.

Kate Scarth, “Preface to L.M. Montgomery and Reading: June 2021,” 1–3. Emily Woster, “Reading Montgomery: Past, Preset, and Future,” 5–32.

Reading L.M. Montgomery Across Genres. Elizabeth Rollins Epperly, “Reading Time: L.M. Montgomery and the ‘Alembic of Fiction,’” 35–51. Julie A. Sellers, “‘A Good Imagination Gone Wrong’: Reading Anne of Green Gables as a Quixotic Novel,” 53–77. Brenton D.G. Dickieson, “Rainbow Valley as Embodied Heaven: Initial Explorations into L.M. Montgomery’s Spirituality in Fiction,” 79–101. E. Holly Pike, “Reading the Book as Object and Thing in the Emily Series,” 103–20. Heather Thomson, “On Reading L.M. Montgomery’s Essays,” 121–61. Carolyn Strom Collins, “Cutting and Pasting: What L.M. Montgomery’s Island Scrapbooks Reveal About Her Reading,” 163–72. Mary Beth Cavert, “L.M. Montgomery’s Letters to Scotland: Reading Between the Lines,” 173–202.

Readers Reading L.M. Montgomery. Margaret Mackey, “Reading in and Out of Order: Living in and Around an Extended Fiction,” 205–23. Kazuko Sakuma, “Reading L.M. Montgomery’s Pat Books Out of Order: Japanese Readers, Loss, and the Possibility of New Life,” 225–53. Trinna S. Frever, “Seeing Female Readers, Reading Female Readers, Making Meta-Readers: Montgomery as Depictor and Creator of Scholars,” 255–70. Melanie J. Fishbane, “Two Annes, Many Annes: A Writer’s Reflection on Reading Anne of Green Gables and The Diary of Anne Frank,” 271–97. Catherine Sheldrick Ross and Åsa Warnqvist, “Reading L.M. Montgomery: What Adult Swedish and Canadian Readers Told Us,” 299–338.

L.M. Montgomery’s Reading Legacies. Bonnie J. Tulloch, “Canadian ‘Anne-Girl[s]’: Literary Descendants of Montgomery’s Red-Headed Heroine,” 341–78. Laura Leden, “Reading Lost in Translation: Omission of Intertextuality in the Swedish Translation of the Emily Trilogy,” 379–409. Anna Rose Johnson, “Winter at Twin Chimneys: A Creative Continuation of the Pat Series,” 410–15.

Bode, Rita, Lesley D. Clement, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler, eds. Children and Childhoods in L.M. Montgomery: Continuing Conversations. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022.

Lesley D. Clement, with assistance from Rita Bode, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler, Introduction, 3–23.

Part 1. Conversing with the Past: Vulnerability, Resistance, and Resilience. Kate Scarth, “Emily of New Moon and Fanny of Mansfield Park: Childhood at Home in Jane Austen and L.M. Montgomery,” 27–46. Lesley D. Clement, “L.M. Montgomery’s Precocious Children: Resisting Adult Narratives of Death, Dying, and the Afterlife,” 47–67. Rita Bode, “Vulnerable Situations: Boys and Boyhood in the Emily Books,” 68–90.

Part 2. Conversing with the Present: Fantasy, the Ideal, and the Real. Margaret Steffler, “The Performance of the Beautiful Dream Boy in Novels by L.M. Montgomery and Frances Hodgson Burnett,” 93–113. Bonnie J. Tulloch, “Lost Boys and Lost Girls: The Kindred Offspring of J.M. Barrie and L.M. Montgomery,” 114–35. E. Holly Pike, “Magic for Marigold, Childhood, and Fiction,” 136–55.

Part 3. Continuing Literary Conversations: Transformative Relationships and Spaces. Åsa Warnqvist, “Loving, Larking, and Lying: Free-Spirited Children and Disciplinary Adults in the Works of L.M. Montgomery and Astrid Lindgren,” 159–81. Heidi A. Lawrence, “Absent Fathers: Conversations Between L.M. Montgomery and Madeleine L’Engle,” 182–200. William V. Thompson, “Transformative Girlhood and Twenty-First-Century Girldom in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables,” 201–20.

Part 4. Continuing Transmediated Conversations: Anime, Fanfiction, and Television Adaptations. Yoshiko Akamatsu, “The Problems and Possibilities Inherent in Adaptation: Emily of New Moon and Emily, Girl of the Wind,” 223–41. Balaka Basu, “Continuing Stories: L.M. Montgomery and Fanfiction in the Digital Era,” 242–56. Laura M. Robinson, “Anne with an Edge: CBC-Netflix’s Rereading of Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables,” 257–73.

Afterwords. Lesley D. Clement and Margaret Steffler, “Preface to the Afterwords,” 277–83. Vappu Kannas, “Emily Kent—The Afterlife of Emily of New Moon,” 284–89. Holly Cinnamon, “Anne’s Nature,” 290–94. Rosalee Peppard Lockyer, “My Maud by Katie Maurice,” 295–98. Kit Pearson, “Dear Maud,” 299–301.

2024 (1)

Du, Yan, and Joe Sutliff Sanders, eds. L.M. Montgomery’s Emily of New Moon: A Children’s Classic at 100. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2024. Children’s Literature Association Series.

Yan Du and Joe Sutliff Sanders, Introduction, 3–20.

Part 1. Literary Resonances. Kate Lawson, “Warring with Failure: Emily’s Quest and the Victorian Past,” 23–37. Jessica Wen Hui Lim, “Exile and Instrumentality in the Emily Books,” 38–53. Lesley D. Clement, “Emily Byrd Starr Meets Brené Brown: ‘Braving the Wilderness’ and Achieving ‘True Belonging,’” 54–68.

Part 2. Emily’s Things. Allison McBain Hudson, “Everyday Objects: Material Culture in the Emily Trilogy,” 71–86. Lindsey McMaster, “‘Something Incalculably Precious’: Diary Writing in Emily of New Moon,” 87–101.

Part 3. Gender. Yoshiko Akamatsu, “The Japanese Reception of the Emily Trilogy Through Translation,” 105–29. Rita Bode, “Claiming and Reclaiming the Maternal: Mothering and Mothers in the Emily Books,” 130–43. Katharine Slater, “‘A Ghost You Can Feel and Hear but Never See’: Queer Hauntings in Emily of New Moon,” 144–58.

Part 4. Time. E. Holly Pike, “The Romance of History in the Emily Novels,” 161–74. Carol L. Beran, “Encroaching Darkness: L.M. Montgomery’s Books About Emily,” 175–88. Margaret Steffler, “Reading Emily out of Time and Place: Breaking Chronology and Space,” 189–202. Anastasia Ulanowicz, “Emily’s Afterlives: Trauma, Repetition, and (Re)reading in Emily of New Moon and Russian Doll,” 203–18.


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