Shorter Works

Shorter Works: 1896

This page lists a selection of shorter works (poems, short stories, and miscellaneous pieces) that L.M. Montgomery published in 1896. All items are signed “L.M. Montgomery,” unless stated otherwise.

« 1894 | 1895 | 1896 | 1897 | 1898 »


Poems (1)

“Which Has the Most Patience under the Ordinary Cares and Trials of Life—Man or Woman?”

Miscellaneous Pieces (5)

“Which Has the Most Patience under the Ordinary Cares and Trials of Life—Man or Woman?” (essay) | Crooked Answers (sketch) | The Bad Boy of Blanktown School (sketch) | James Henry, Truant (sketch) | A Girl’s Place at Dalhousie College (essay)

“Which Has the Most Patience under the Ordinary Cares and Trials of Life—Man or Woman?” (poem and essay)

By Belinda Bluegrass/Enid. “The Prize Awarded,” Evening Mail (Halifax), [February 1896]. Scrapbook 7 (“Written January 1896 / Published February 1896 / In ‘Halifax Evening Mail’”).

First line: “As my letter must be brief.”


“Which Has the Most Patience under the Ordinary Cares and Trials of Life—Man or Woman?” was a writing contest sponsored by the Halifax Evening Mail in early 1896 to which Montgomery won first prize (for a poem signed Belinda Bluegrass) and honourable mention (for an essay signed Enid). The contest judge, Archibald MacMechan, was coincidentally Montgomery’s English literature professor at Dalhousie University.


The Years before “Anne,” by Francis W.P. Bolger (n.p.: The Prince Edward Island Heritage Foundation, 1974), 159 (poem signed Belinda Bluegrass).

The Poetry of Lucy Maud Montgomery, selected by John Ferns and Kevin McCabe (Markham, ON: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1987), 120–21 (poem signed Belinda Bluegrass, as “Which Has More Patience—Man or Woman?”).

A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 44–46.

Crooked Answers (sketch)

By L.M.M. The Prince of Wales College Observer (Charlottetown), [March 1896]. Scrapbook 7 (“Written February 1896 / Published March 1896 / In ‘College Observer’”).


This sketch about teaching, which includes several student witticisms that would eventually be reworked for Anne of Avonlea and Kilmeny of the Orchard, was published in a second short-lived Prince of Wales College student periodical almost two years after her graduation from that institution.


A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 47–49.

The Bad Boy of Blanktown School (sketch)

By L.M.M. The Dalhousie Gazette (Halifax), 4 March 1896, 220–23. Scrapbook 7 (“Written February 1896 / Published March 1896 / In ‘Dalhousie Gazette’”).


A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 50–53.

James Henry, Truant (sketch)

By L. The Prince of Wales College Observer (Charlottetown), [April 1896]. Scrapbook 7 (“Written March 1896 / Published April 1896 / In ‘College Observer’”).


A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 54–57.

A Girl’s Place at Dalhousie College (essay)

By Lucy M. Montgomery. Halifax Herald, 29 April 1896, 12. Scrapbook 7 (“Written April 1896 / Published April 1896 / In ‘Halifax Herald’”).


Montgomery published this essay on the importance of higher education for women in the Halifax Herald in late April 1896, as part of that newspaper’s multi-page coverage of “The Thirty Sweet Girl Graduates of Dalhousie University.”


The Years before “Anne,” by Francis W.P. Bolger (n.p.: The Prince Edward Island Heritage Foundation, 1974), 161–68.

Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal / Journal d’études sur la femme 5 (Fall 1979): 146–53.

Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Cecily Devereux (Peterborough: Broadview Editions, 2004), 371–79 (as “The Thirty Sweet Girl Graduates of Dalhousie University”).

Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Mary Henley Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston (W.W. Norton and Company, 2007), 272–75 (excerpts).

A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 58–67.

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