Shorter Works

Shorter Works: 1915

This page lists a selection of shorter works (poems, short stories, and miscellaneous pieces) that L.M. Montgomery published in 1915, the year she published Anne of the Island. All items are signed “L.M. Montgomery,” unless stated otherwise.

« 1913 | 1914 | 1915 | 1916 | 1917 »


Short Stories (1)

Aunt Philippa and the Men

Miscellaneous Pieces (3)

What Twelve Canadian Women Hope to See as the Outcome of the War (round table) | The Way to Make a Book (article) | How I Began (memoir)

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Aunt Philippa and the Men (short story)

The Red Book Magazine (Chicago), January 1915, 518–24. Scrapbook 4.


At the Altar: Matrimonial Tales, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Rea Wilmshurst (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1994), 1–16.

Twice upon a Time: Selected Stories, 1898–1939, 140–51.

What Twelve Canadian Women Hope to See as the Outcome of the War (round table)

Everywoman’s World (Toronto), April 1915, 6–7, 33–34. Scrapbook of Reviews, 89 (Montgomery’s response only).


This round table features contributions by a number of prominent Canadian women, including Emily Murphy (1868–1933), Zoé Lafontaine (1842–1921), Marshall Saunders (1861–1947), Flora MacDonald Denison (1867–1921), Katherine Hale (1878–1956), and Nellie L. McClung (1873–1951). It was published in the April 1915 issue of Everywoman’s World, which also included Montgomery’s article “The Way to Make a Book” (see below).


The L.M. Montgomery Reader, Volume 1: A Life in Print, 134–36 (excerpts).

The Way to Make a Book (article)

Everywoman’s World (Toronto), April 1915, 24, 26–27. Scrapbook of Reviews, 86–87.


This article on writing appeared in the same issue of Everywoman’s World as the round table “What Twelve Canadian Women Hope to See as the Outcome of the War,” to which Montgomery contributed (see above).


Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Cecily Devereux (Peterborough: Broadview Editions, 2004), 365–70.

The L.M. Montgomery Reader, Volume 1: A Life in Print, 137–43.

How I Began (memoir)

The Canadian Bookman (Toronto), 1 April 1915, 6–7. Scrapbook of Reviews, 70–72.


Montgomery published this memoir on writing in the April 1915 issue of The Canadian Bookman.


The L.M. Montgomery Reader, Volume 1: A Life in Print, 144–47.

Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery (New York: Penguin Books, 2017), 325–27.

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