Citation Guide

Provided here are suggestions on how to cite the content of L.M. Montgomery Online using the most common citation guides. In this case, “date of publication” consists of the date a page was last modified (if stated) or the date a blog post was published. In the case of a blog post that was contributed by a guest blogger, the guest blogger’s name should appear as the author.

Questions about citations? Please contact me.


The Chicago Manual of Style, seventeenth edition (2017), recommends including the following information for a non-periodical website in a footnote or endnote, rather than in a bibliography:

First name + last name (if author listed), “Title of Page,” name of overall site, publisher, date (if available) or access date, URL.


Melanie Fishbane, “The ‘Buxom Blonde’ Controversy of 2013,” L.M. Montgomery Online, 23 February 2013,

Benjamin Lefebvre, “24 April 1942,” L.M. Montgomery Online, 24 April 2014,

L.M. Montgomery Online, 2007–2021,

Benjamin Lefebvre, “Rilla of Ingleside: Literary Allusions,” L.M. Montgomery Online, n.d.,

Benjamin Lefebvre, “Screen,” L.M. Montgomery Online, n.d.,


MLA Handbook, eighth edition (2016), recommends including the following information for a non-periodical website in the list of works cited:

Last name, First name (if author listed). “Title of Page.” Name of site, date of publication (or “n.d.” if not provided), URL.


Fishbane, Melanie. “The ‘Buxom Blonde’ Controversy of 2013.” L.M. Montgomery Online, 23 February 2013,

Lefebvre, Benjamin. “24 April 1942.” L.M. Montgomery Online, 24 April 2014,

L.M. Montgomery Online. L.M. Montgomery Research Group, 2007–2021,

Lefebvre, Benjamin. “Rilla of Ingleside: Literary Allusions.” L.M. Montgomery Online, n.d.,

Lefebvre, Benjamin. “Screen.” L.M. Montgomery Online, n.d.,


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