Shorter Works

Shorter Works: 1917

This page lists a selection of shorter works (poems, short stories, and miscellaneous pieces) that L.M. Montgomery published in 1917, the year she published Anne’s House of Dreams. All items are signed “L.M. Montgomery,” unless stated otherwise.

« 1915 | 1916 | 1917 | 1918 | 1919 »


Short Stories (3)

Abel and His Great Adventure | The Schoolmaster’s Bride | The Cats of Tansy Patch

Miscellaneous Pieces (2)

The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career (memoir) | My Favorite Bookshelf (essay)

Abel and His Great Adventure (short story)

The Canadian Magazine (Toronto), February 1917, 355–63. Scrapbook 4.


The Doctor’s Sweetheart and Other Stories, selected by Catherine McLay (Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1979), 124–39.

Twice upon a Time: Selected Stories, 1898–1939, 159–72.

The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career (memoir)

Everywoman’s World (Toronto), June 1917, 5, 38–39, 41; July 1917, 16, 32–33, 35; August 1917, 16, 32–33; September 1917, 8, 49; October 1917, 8, 58; November 1917, 25, 38, 40.


This 25,000-word celebrity memoir, which L.M. Montgomery published in six instalments in the Toronto magazine Everywoman’s World between June and November 1917, is by far the longest autobiographical essay she published within her lifetime. She narrates her childhood, her ancestry, and her literary ambitions, ending not with marriage but with a travelogue of her 1911 honeymoon in England and Scotland. This magazine edition also included twenty photographs and captions.

The memoir was first reissued in book form in 1974, the centenary of Montgomery’s birth, by Fitzhenry and Whiteside; this version, broken up into chapters, retained with a few exceptions the full text of the 1917 edition but omitted the photographs and the captions; a Green Gables Edition, sold exclusively at Green Gables House in Cavendish, Prince Edward Island, appeared in 2005 and followed the 1974 Fitzhenry and Whiteside text. A restored and annotated version of this text, including the photographs and the captions, appears in A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917.


The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career (N.p.: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, n.d. [1974]).

A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 231–311.

The Schoolmaster’s Bride (short story)

Everywoman’s World (Toronto), July 1917, 5, 43.


This short story, narrated in slightly different form by Captain Jim in chapter 7 of Anne’s House of Dreams, appeared in the July 1917 issue of Everywoman’s World, which also included the second instalment of her celebrity memoir, “The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career.”


Twice upon a Time: Selected Stories, 1898–1939, 173–81.

The Cats of Tansy Patch (short story)

Canadian Home Journal (Toronto), October 1917, 13, 56.

My Favorite Bookshelf (essay)

Unidentified periodical, ca. 1917. Scrapbook of Reviews, 95.


The Island Crusader (Charlottetown), December 1937, 7.


The L.M. Montgomery Reader, Volume 1: A Life in Print, 154–56 (1917 version).

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