Shorter Works

Shorter Works: 1921

This page lists a selection of shorter works (poems, short stories, and miscellaneous pieces) that L.M. Montgomery published in 1921, the year she published Rilla of Ingleside. All items are signed “L.M. Montgomery,” unless stated otherwise.

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Poems (3)

The Lover’s Catechism | Robin Vespers | Premonitions

Miscellaneous Pieces (3)

How I Became a Writer | Blank Verse? “Very Blank,” Said Father (memoir) | “I Dwell among My Own People” (essay)

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The Lover’s Catechism (poem)

Breezy Stories (New York), March 1921, 92.

First line: “You ask me when I loved you first?”


Boston Globe, 13 February 1921, Sunday Magazine, 15.


A World of Songs: Selected Poems, 1894–1921, 95.


The March 1921 issue of the magazine must have been released earlier than its stated publication date, because the poem was reprinted in the Boston Globe on 13 February and identified Breezy Stories as the source.

Robin Vespers (poem)

The Christian Endeavor World (Boston), 1 September 1921, 935. Scrapbook 5.

First line: “When winds blow soft from far away.”


The Blythes Are Quoted, 90–91.

Premonitions (poem)

The Canadian Magazine (Toronto), November 1921, 72. Scrapbook 5.

First line: “To-day the west wind lightly blew across the harvest grain.”

How I Became a Writer (memoir)

Manitoba Free Press, 3 December 1921, Christmas Book Section, 3.

Blank Verse? “Very Blank,” Said Father (memoir)

Winnipeg Evening Tribune, 3 December 1921, Magazine Section, 3.


In this short memoir, Montgomery traces her growth as a poet and reminisces about the experience of seeing the appearance her first published poem, “On Cape Le Force.”


Unidentified and undated clipping (ca. 1921; as “My Greatest Moment”). Scrapbook of Reviews, 195.


The L.M. Montgomery Reader, Volume 1: A Life in Print, 180–81.

“I Dwell among My Own People” (essay)

Unidentified and undated clipping (ca. 1921). Scrapbook of Reviews, 195.


In this essay on writing, first published in an unidentified periodical around 1921, Montgomery responds to questions she received from readers about her choices as a writer and proclaims her intention to continue writing about ordinary citizens in Prince Edward Island.


Manitoba Free Press (Winnipeg), 7 December 1925, 6 (signed Lucy M. Montgomery).

Victoria (BC) Daily Times, 12 December 1925, 17.


Canadian Novelists and the Novel, edited by Douglas Daymond and Leslie Monkman (Ottawa: Borealis Press, 1981), 116–17.

The L.M. Montgomery Reader, Volume 1: A Life in Print, 182–84.

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