
The Story Girl

The Story Girl (L.C. Page and Company, 1911)
Cover art for The Story Girl, published by L.C. Page and Company in 1911.

The Story Girl is L.M. Montgomery’s fourth book, first published in May 1911 by Boston publisher L.C. Page and Company. The book focuses on eight merry children who spend an enchanted summer in Carlisle, Prince Edward Island, a group led by Sara Stanley, the title protagonist, who is renowned for her gifts in oral storytelling. It was preceded by Kilmeny of the Orchard (1910) and followed by Chronicles of Avonlea (1912), and the characters return in its sequel, The Golden Road (1913).

This book formed part of the basis for the popular television series Road to Avonlea (1990–1996), as did Chronicles of Avonlea, The Golden Road, and Further Chronicles of Avonlea.


“She was a form of life and light
That seen, became a part of sight,
And rose, where’ver I turn’d mine eye,
The morning-star of Memory!”


my cousin
Frederica E. Campbell
in remembrance of old days, old dreams,
and old laughter


I. The Home of Our Fathers

II. A Queen of Hearts

III. Legends of the Old Orchard

IV. The Wedding Veil of the Proud Princess

V. Peter Goes to Church

VI. The Mystery of Golden Milestone

VII. How Betty Sherman Won a Husband

VIII. A Tragedy of Childhood

IX. Magic Seed

X. A Daughter of Eve

XI. The Story Girl Does Penance

XII. The Blue Chest of Rachel Ward

XIII. An Old Proverb with a New Meaning

XIV. Forbidden Fruit

XV. A Disobedient Brother

XVI. The Ghostly Bell

XVII. The Proof of the Pudding

XVIII. How Kissing Was Discovered

XIX. A Dread Prophecy

XX. The Judgment Sunday

XXI. Dreamers of Dreams

XXII. The Dream Books

XXIII. Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On

XXIV. The Bewitchment of Pat

XXV. A Cup of Failure

XXVI. Peter Makes an Impression

XXVII. The Ordeal of Bitter Apples

XXVIII. The Tale of the Rainbow Bridge

XXIX. The Shadow Feared of Man

XXX. A Compound Letter

XXXI. On the Edge of Light and Dark

XXXII. The Opening of the Blue Chest

The Story Girl (53)

Boston Globe, 27 May 1911, 11 (“Very Engaging Novel”).

Christian Science Monitor (Boston), 29 May 1911, 5.

Sun (New York), 3 June 1911, 7. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 93 (as “[Attractive Children]”).

Boston Evening Transcript, 6 June 1911, 22.

Kansas City (MO) Star, 7 June 1911, 8.

The Bookseller, Newsdealer and Stationer (New York), 15 June 1911, 465. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 93 (as “[An Intuitive Knowledge of Child Nature]”).

The Athenaeum (London), 17 June 1911, 690.

Boston Herald, 17 June 1911, 4. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 94–95 (as “[Romance, Vitality, and Barbarian Instinct]”).

Times-Dispatch (Richmond, VA), 18 June 1911, 12.

Indianapolis Star, 25 June 1911, 12.

Oakland Tribune, 25 June 1911, 10 (Mollie E. Conners).

The Scotsman (Edinburgh), 29 June 1911, 2. Scrapbook of Reviews, 17. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 95 (as “[A Remarkably Vivid Little Personality]”).

Chicago Record-Herald, [June 1911]. Scrapbook of Reviews, 5. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 95–96 (as “[The Far, Fair Land of Youth]”).

New York World, [June 1911]. Scrapbook of Reviews, 6 (“Sara, a Teller of Tales”).

Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph, [June 1911]. Scrapbook of Reviews, 5. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 96 (as “[A Magnetic Personality]”).

The Independent (New York), 6 July 1911, 46.

Globe (Toronto), 8 July 1911, 16. Scrapbook of Reviews, 12. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 97 (as “[The Tender Sweetness of Childhood]”).

The Christian Advocate (New York), 13 July 1911, 945. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 98 (as “[A Far-Off Golden Age]”).

Register (Adelaide, Australia), 15 July 1911, 4 (“Charming Children”). The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 98–99.

Salt Lake Tribune (Salt Lake City), 16 July 1911, 34 (“Visiting the Old Home”).

Montrose Standard (UK), [July 1911]. Scrapbook of Reviews, 29.

The Young Woman (London), August 1911 (“Arcadia”). Scrapbook of Reviews, 29–30. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 99–101.

The Nation (New York), 10 August 1911, 122. Children’s Literature Review, edited by Gerard J. Senick (Detroit: Gale, 1985), 8: 135–36. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 101–2 (as “[A Group of Merry Children]”).

Springfield (MA) Union, 20 August 1911, C5 (“Childhood Days”). Scrapbook of Reviews, 14–15. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 102–3.

ALA Booklist (Chicago), September 1911, 38.

The Bookman (London), September 1911, 264–65.

The Defender (Boston), September 1911, 25–26.

Feilding Star (New Zealand), 2 September 1911, Supplement, 6 (“‘The Story Girl,’ by the Creator of Kilmeny”). The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 103–4 (as “The Story Girl, by the Creator of Kilmeny”).

The Outlook (New York), 2 September 1911, 46–47. Scrapbook of Reviews, 16. Children’s Literature Review, edited by Gerard J. Senick (Detroit: Gale, 1985), 8: 136 (excerpted). The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 104 (as “[Capital Reading]”).

San Francisco Call, 10 September 1911, Book Page.

New York Observer, 21 September 1911, 373.

Montreal Daily Star, [September 1911]. Scrapbook of Reviews, 9. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 104–5 (as “[A Far More Finished and Subtle Art]”).

Westminster Gazette (London), [September 1911]. Scrapbook of Reviews, 8. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 105–6 (as “[The Essence of Girlhood and Boyhood]”).

The Catholic World (New York), October 1911, 116. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 106 (as “[A Story of Children for Grown-Ups]”).

Evansville (IN) Courier, 4 October 1911, 3.

Grand Rapids (MI) Press, 11 October 1911, 7.

Vogue (New York), 15 October 1911, 102. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 106–7 (as “[Simple Realism]”).

The Canadian Magazine (Toronto), November 1911, 92. Scrapbook of Reviews, 5. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 107–8 (as “[An Entertainment for the Young]”).

The Christian Work and the Evangelist (New York), 11 November 1911, 636. Scrapbook of Reviews, 3. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 108 (as “[Simple Life in a Fascinating Land]”).

Dallas Morning News, 11 December 1911, 5. Scrapbook of Reviews, 3. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 108–9 (as “[The Gift of Telling a Story]”).

Lexington (KY) Herald, 24 December 1911, 2. Scrapbook of Reviews, 2. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 109 (as “[Vivid and Real Children]”).

The Publishers’ Weekly (New York), 25 November 1911, 179.

Cedar Rapids (IA) Evening Gazette, 19 December 1911, 8.

Alloa Journal (UK), [1911] (“An Ideal Christmas Gift-Book”). Scrapbook of Reviews, 24.

The Book News Monthly (Philadelphia), [ca. 1911]. Scrapbook of Reviews, 15.

Republic (Boston), [ca. 1911]. Scrapbook of Reviews, 13. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 110–11 (as “[A Dangerous Rival for Anne]”).

Simmons Magazine (New York), [ca. 1911]. Scrapbook of Reviews, 6–7.

Southport Guardian (UK), [ca. 1911]. Scrapbook of Reviews, 15. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 111–12 (as “[An Irresistible Appeal]”).

New York Herald, [ca. 1911]. Scrapbook of Reviews, 15. The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 112–13 (as “[A Story of Simple Sweetness]”).

National Magazine (Boston), January 1912, 711.

Washington (DC) Herald, 21 January 1912, 8.

Christian Register (Boston), 15 February 1912, 159.

Pittsburgh Post, [ca. 1912]. Scrapbook of Reviews, 36.


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