This page lists written materials pertaining to L.M. Montgomery’s life, work, and legacy by authors whose surnames begin with C.
Authors: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
- Andrew Cadell
- Mary Cadogan
- Sherry Cairns
- Leah Caldwell
- W.P. Callaghan
- Jo Calvert
- Micheline Cambron
- Elspeth Cameron
- Katherine Cameron
- Claire E. Campbell
- Donna J. Campbell
- George Campbell
- Jim Campbell
- Julia Campbell
- Marie Campbell
- Mary Campbell
- Nicholas Campbell
- Norman Campbell
- Rebecca Campbell
- Wanda Campbell
- Monique Canniere
- Gregory Canning
- Kylie Cardell
- Virginia A.S. Careless
- Jeanette Carlisle [James Reach]
- Jessica Carniel
- Humphrey Carpenter
- Jennifer Lee Carrell
- Ken Carriere
- Barbara Carritte
- Jane Suzanne Carroll
- Jennifer Carroll
- Deanna Carruthers
- Frances Carruthers
- Susan Carruthers
- Jo Carson
- Michael Cart
- Jaclyn Carter
- Esmeralda V. Castilleja
- Richard Cavell
- Elizabeth Cavert
- Mary Beth Cavert
- Willie Cavert
- Doug Caves, Sr.
- Ruth Cawker
- Lynn A. Cecil
- Daniella Louisa Cellucci
- Gabrielle Ceraldi
- Alice Chadwicke [Wilbur Braun]
- Debbie (Nash) Chambers
- Crystal S. Chan
- Abby Chandler
- Ethel M. Chapman
- Katie Chapman
- Lauren Charles
- Robin Chase
- Sameera Chawla
- Lauren Child
- Anna Chilewska
- Sally Chivers
- Diana Arlene Chlebek
- Seng Tong Chong
- Daniel Chouinard
- Bree Christie
- Madeline Christophaides
- Holly Cinnamon
- Kerry Clare
- Bernice Clark
- Catherine Clark
- Penney Clark
- Wilda Clark
- Adrienne Clarkson
- Stephanie Clarkson
- Constance Classen
- Lyndell Classon
- Rudolf A. Clemens
- Lesley D. Clement
- Marie Cloutier
- Kathy Clulow
- Mary Frances Coady
- Donna Coates
- Karen Coats
- Kenicia Rahn Coats
- Paul Coccia
- Joyce-Ione Harrington Coldwell
- Sally Cole
- Stephen Cole
- Molly Colin
- Doreley Carolina Coll
- Kristi Collemacine
- Anne Collins
- Carolyn Strom Collins
- Christina Collins
- Brooke Collins-Gearing
- John Robert Colombo
- Amy E. Colson
- Cynthia R. Comacchio
- Nebahat Akgün Çomak
- Anne Compton
- Valerie Compton
- Frankie Condon
- John Congram
- Heather Conkie
- Ray Conlogue
- Jane Leslie Conly
- Mollie E. Conners
- Margaret Conrad
- Christy Conte
- Krista Cooke
- Philip Coons
- Amy Jo Cooper
- Carole Corbeil
- Jill Corcoran
- Rae Corelli
- Richard Corliss
- Patricia Cormack
- Emily Cardinali Cormier
- Charis Cotter
- Lindsay Couch
- Natalie Coulter
- Loralee Cousins
- Jane Coutts
- Ludvik Coutu
- Ann S. Cowan
- C.L. Cowan
- Ashley Cowger
- Amy Elizabeth Cox
- Karen Cox
- Kevin Cox
- Patricia Craig
- Elizabeth Ann Crain
- Lorilee Craker
- Elisabeth Crann
- Artis Duffy Crawford
- Elaine Crawford
- Kelly Crawford
- Robert Crawford
- David Creelman
- Millie Creighton
- Yvonne Crittenden
- Beverly Crockett
- John Haslett Cuff
- Maria A. Cuffaro
- Suzanne Curley
- Rod Currie
- Wayne Curtis
- Thomas D. Curzon
- Mary W. Cushing
- Val Czerny
Andrew Cadell
Newspaper Item (1)
Cadell, Andrew. “Lake of Shining Waters Is a Long Way from Green Gables.” The Gazette (Montreal), 7 May 1994, H3.
Mary Cadogan
Book-Length Study (1)
Cadogan, Mary, and Patricia Craig. You’re a Brick, Angela! The Girls’ Story 1839–1985. London: Victor Gollancz, 1986.
See esp. chapter 6, “Orphans and Golden Girls,” 89–110.
Reference Item (1)
Cadogan, Mary. “Montgomery, L(ucy) M(aud).” In Twentieth-Century Romance and Gothic Writers, edited by James Vinson, 503–5. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1982.
Also in Twentieth-Century Romance and Historical Writers, 2nd ed., edited by Lesley Henderson, 469–70. Chicago: St. James Press, 1990.
Also in Twentieth-Century Romance and Historical Writers, 3rd ed., edited by Aruna Vasudevan, 469–70. Detroit: St. James Press, 1994.
Sherry Cairns
Newsletter Item (1)
Cairns, Sherry. “Yesterday.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 1997, 7.
Leah Caldwell
Newsletter Item (1)
Caldwell, Leah. “Bala’s Museum Anniversary Draws Scholars and Fans.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 21 (Autumn 1997): 10.
W.P. Callaghan
Newsletter Item (1)
Callaghan, W.P. “Crossing at the Capes.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1996–1997, 14–16.
Jo Calvert
Review (1)
Calvert, Jo. Review of The Anne of Green Gables Christmas Treasury, by Carolyn Strom Collins and Christina Wyss Eriksson; Living with Herbs: A Treasury of Useful Plants for the Home and Garden, by Jo Ann Gardner; Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Flower Arranging, by Judith Blacklock; The Country Store: Traditional Food, Country Crafts, Natural Decorations, by Stephanie Donaldson. Quill and Quire (Toronto), August 1997.
Micheline Cambron
Book Chapter (1)
Cambron, Micheline, and Carole Gerson. “Literary Authorship.” In History of the Book in Canada, Volume 2: 1840–1918, edited by Yvan Lamonde, Patricia Lockhart Fleming, and Fiona A. Black, 119–34. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005.
Elspeth Cameron
Magazine Item (1)
Cameron, Elspeth. “Split Personality.” Saturday Night (Toronto), November 1985, 73–74, 76.
Katherine Cameron
Shorter Extension (1)
Cameron, Katherine. “L.M.M.” Literary Review of Canada (Toronto), September 2014, 16.
Also in Strange Labyrinth, by Kat Cameron, 43. Fernie, BC: Oolichan Books, 2014.
Also in L.M. Montgomery’s Rainbow Valleys: The Ontario Years, 1911–1942, edited by Rita Bode and Lesley D. Clement, 149. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.
Claire E. Campbell
Book Chapter (1)
Campbell, Claire E. “‘A Window Looking Seaward’: Finding Environmental History in the Writing of L.M. Montgomery.” In The Greater Gulf: Essays on the Environmental History of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, edited by Claire E. Campbell, Edward MacDonald, and Brian Payne, 283–318. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019.
Journal Article (1)
Campbell, Claire. “Hardened Water: The Remaking of a Coastal City.” Coastal Studies and Society 2, no. 1 (March 2023): 122–36.
Paratext (1)
Campbell, Claire. “Epilogue: Lessons of Time, Place, and an Island.” In Time and a Place: An Environmental History of Prince Edward Island, edited by Edward MacDonald, Joshua MacFadyen, and Irené Novaczek, 288–99, 367. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press; Charlottetown: Island Studies Press, 2016.
Reviews (2)
Campbell, Claire. Review of The Complete Journals of L.M. Montgomery: The PEI Years, 1889–1900, edited by Mary Henley Rubio and Elizabeth Hillman Waterston. The Dalhousie Review 93, no. 2 (Summer 2013): 316–19.
Campbell, Claire. Review of L.M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s), edited by Rita Bode and Jean Mitchell. American Review of Canadian Studies 49, no. 3 (July 2019): 466–68.
Donna J. Campbell
Posthumous Book by L.M. Montgomery (1)
Montgomery, L.M. Una of the Garden. Edited by Donna J. Campbell and Simon Lloyd. [Charlottetown]: L.M. Montgomery Institute, 2010.
Paratexts (2)
Campbell, Donna J., and Simon Lloyd. Untitled prefatory material. In Una of the Garden, edited by Donna J. Campbell and Simon Lloyd, n.pag. [Charlottetown]: L.M. Montgomery Institute, 2010.
Campbell, Donna J., and Simon Lloyd. “The Transformation of Una of the Garden into Kilmeny of the Orchard.” In Una of the Garden, edited by Donna J. Campbell and Simon Lloyd, n.pag. [Charlottetown]: L.M. Montgomery Institute, 2010.
Newsletter Items (7)
Campbell, Donna. “The Cavendish Home of Lucy Maud Montgomery: A Re-creation Project.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 16 (June 2003): 8–9.
Campbell, Donna. “Leaskdale Manse Scaled Model.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2001, 22.
Campbell, Donna. “Leaskdale Manse Scaled Model: Unveiling Ceremony.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2001, 18–19.
Campbell, Donna. “Cavendish Macneill Homestead: Home of L.M. Montgomery.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 2003, 11.
Campbell, Donna. “Preserving the Memory of L.M. Montgomery: The Macneill Homestead in Cavendish, PE.” Kindred Spirits, Fall 2003, 20.
Campbell, Donna, and Jean Butcher. “Anne of Green Gables Stamp: Martha Shea Revisited/Updated.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 2005, 8.
Lloyd, Simon, Donna Campbell, and Carolyn Strom Collins. “Honouring Our Donors: L.M. Montgomery Collections at the University of Prince Edward Island, 28 June 2014.” The Shining Scroll, 2014, Part 1, 26–29.
George Campbell
Newsletter Items (73)
Campbell, George. “Dear Readers.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Spring 1990, 3.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Summer 1990, 3.
Campbell, George, and Louise Polland. “Under the Shadow of Change: Leta Andrews Keeps Alive the Memories.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Summer 1990, 4–5.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Autumn 1990, 3.
Campbell, George. “Around the Kitchen Table.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Autumn 1990, 13.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Winter 1990–1991, 3.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Spring 1991, 3.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Summer 1991, 3.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Autumn 1991, 3.
Campbell, George. “Around the Kitchen Table.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Autumn 1991, 14.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Winter 1991–1992, 3.
Campbell, George. “The Spare Room.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Winter 1991–1992, 10–11.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Spring 1992, 3.
Campbell, George. Untitled note. Kindred Spirits, Summer 1992, 2.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1992, 2.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1992–1993, 2–4.
Campbell, George, and Sandy Wagner. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 1993, 4.
Campbell, George, and Sandy Wagner. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1993, 4.
Campbell, George, and Sandy Wagner. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1993, 4.
Campbell, George, and Sandy Wagner. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1993–1994, 4.
Campbell, George, and Sandy Wagner. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 1994, 4–5.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1994, 4–5.
Campbell, George, and Sandy Wagner. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1994, 4.
Campbell, George, and Sandy Wagner. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1994, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 1995, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1995, 4–5.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1995, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1995–1996, 4.
Campbell, George. “In Memory of Mary Ella Montgomery (1902–1996).” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1995–1996, 26.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 1996, 4.
Campbell, George. “Under the Shadow.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 1996, 25.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1996, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1996, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1996–1997, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 1997, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1997, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1997, 4–5.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1997–1998, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 1998, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1998, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1998, 4–5.
Campbell, George. “Kindred Spirits Days Writers’ Workshop.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1998, 15.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1998–1999, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 1999, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1999, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1999, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1999–2000, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2000, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 2000, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2000, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2000–2001, 4.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2001, 2.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 2001, 2.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2001, 2.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2001, 2.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2002, 2.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 2002, 2.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2002, 2.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2002, 2.
Campbell, George. “From the Editor’s Desk.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2002, 8.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2003, 2.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 2003, 2.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Fall 2003, 2.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2003, 2.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2004, 2.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 2004, 2.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2004, 2–3.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2004, 2.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2005, 2.
Campbell, George. “A Writer’s Garden.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2005, 5.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 2005, 2.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2005, 2.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2005, 2.
Jim Campbell
Newsletter Item (1)
Campbell, Jim. “Farming for a Vocation.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2005, 9.
Julia Campbell
Newsletter Item (1)
Campbell, Julia. “Flowers.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Summer 1990, 17.
Marie Campbell
Book Chapter (1)
Campbell, Marie. “Wedding Bells and Death Knells: The Writer as Bride in the Emily Trilogy.” In Harvesting Thistles: The Textual Garden of L.M. Montgomery; Essays on Her Novels and Journals, edited by Mary Henley Rubio, 137–45. Guelph: Canadian Children’s Press, 1994.
Reference Item (1)
Campbell, Marie C. “Montgomery, Lucy Maud.” In Children’s Books and Their Creators, edited by Anita Silvey, 465–66. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1995.
Also as “Montgomery, L.M.” in The Essential Guide to Children’s Books and Their Creators, edited by Anita Silvey, 309–10. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002.
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Campbell, Marie. “Wordbound: Women and Language in L.M. Montgomery’s Emily of New Moon Trilogy.” MA thesis, University of Guelph, 1993.
Magazine Item (1)
Campbell, Marie. “The Language of Lucy Maud.” Quill and Quire (Toronto), July 1993, 54.
Reviews (2)
Campbell, Marie. Review of Maud: The Life of L.M. Montgomery, by Harry Bruce. Quill and Quire (Toronto), November 1992, 34.
Campbell, Marie. “Against the Odds.” Review of Against the Odds: Tales of Achievement, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Rea Wilmshurst. Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 81 (Spring 1996): 62–63.
Also in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 91, edited by Scot Peacock, 194–95. Detroit: Gale, 2004.
Mary Campbell
Newsletter Item (1)
Campbell, Mary. “Maud, the Memory and Me.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 1993, 13.
Nicholas Campbell
Book-Length Extension (1)
Campbell, Nicholas. Jilly the Cat. Illustrated by Grace Curtis. Kensington, PE: Kindred Spirits Publishing, 2022.
Norman Campbell
Book Chapter (1)
Campbell, Norman, and Don Harron. “Anne of Green Gables the Musical.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 336–44. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.
Rebecca Campbell
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Campbell, Rebecca. “We Gave Our Glorious Laddies: Canadian Women’s War Poetry, 1915–1920.” MA thesis, University of British Columbia, 2007.
See esp. “Prologue: The Girl Behind the Man Behind the Gun,” 1–13; chapter 2, “Our Homeric Age,” 26–40.
Wanda Campbell
Book Chapter (1)
Campbell, Wanda. “‘I’m Noted for That’: Comic Subversion and Gender in L.M. Montgomery’s ‘The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham’s’ and ‘Aunt Philippa and the Men.’” In L.M. Montgomery and Gender, edited by E. Holly Pike and Laura M. Robinson, 195–210. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021.
Monique Canniere
Newsletter Item (1)
Canniere, Monique. “October.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1997, 7.
Gregory Canning
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Canning, Gregory. “‘A Good Show in a Good House to a Good Audience’: Early Film Exhibition in the Maritime Provinces, 1896–1919.” PhD dissertation, Dalhousie University, 2015.
Kylie Cardell
Book Chapter (1)
Bennett, Lisa, and Kylie Cardell. “‘There Is So Much More Scope for the Imagination’: Reading Anne as 1980s Children in Canada and Australia.” In Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables: Kindred Spirits, edited by Jessica Carniel and Nike Sulway, 7–18. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021.
Virginia A.S. Careless
Book Chapter (1)
Careless, Virginia A.S. “L.M. Montgomery and Everybody Else: A Look at the Books.” In Windows and Words: A Look at Canadian Children’s Literature in English, edited by Aïda Hudson and Susan-Ann Cooper, 143–74. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2003. Reappraisals: Canadian Writers 25.
Excerpted as “L.M. Montgomery and Everybody Else” in Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Mary Henley Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston, 395–402. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2007. A Norton Critical Edition.
Journal Article (1)
Careless, Virginia. “The Hijacking of ‘Anne.’” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 67 (1992): 48–55.
Jeanette Carlisle [James Reach]
Book-Length Extension (1)
Carlisle, Jeanette [James Reach]. Anne of Avonlea: A Comedy in Three Acts; Dramatized from L.M. Montgomery’s Novel of the Same Name. New York: Samuel French, 1940.
Jessica Carniel
Collection of Essays (1)
Carniel, Jessica, and Nike Sulway, eds. Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables: Kindred Spirits. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021.
Jessica Carniel and Nike Sulway, “Kindred Spirits: Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables,” 1–6. Lisa Bennett and Kylie Cardell, “‘There Is So Much More Scope for the Imagination’: Reading Anne as 1980s Children in Canada and Australia,” 7–18. Christina Collins, “In Search of a Bosom Friend: Remembering My Kindred Spirits Pen Pal,” 19–26. Hiroe Suzuki, “Anne Shirley and Hanako Muraoka: The Relationship Between the Character and Her Translator in Japan,” 27–41. Anne Betz, “From One Anne to An(ne)other: The True-Life Account of Two Annes,” 42–51. Sabrina Mark, “Picturing Anne’s Puffed-Sleeve Dress: Colour, Belonging, and Wish Fulfilment in Anne of Green Gables,” 52–63. Monique Mulligan, “Anne Through the Looking Glass,” 64–71. Megan Mooney Taylor, “‘It’s a Million Times Nicer to Be Anne of Green Gables than Anne of Nowhere in Particular, Isn’t It?’: Reading Anne by the Brown, Dusty Banks of the Murray River,” 72–82. Emily L. Newman, “‘My Red Hair Is a Curse’: Growing Up Red-Headed with Anne of Green Gables,” 83–93. Kazuko Sakuma, “Higher Education of Women and the Lasting Popularity of Anne of Green Gables in Japan,” 94–104. Julie A. Sellers, “‘Just as If I Was a Heroine in a Book’: Quixotic Identification in and with Anne of Green Gables,” 105–20. Rebecca Sheridan, “‘A Graveyard Full of Buried Hopes’: Rethinking Realism and Romance in Anne of Green Gables and Rilla of Ingleside,” 121–29. Jessica Friedmann, “Owen, Leslie, Anne, Maud: Writing the Self in Four Winds Harbour,” 130–39. Meghna Christina Mudaliar, “Reading Anne of Green Gables in the Twenty-First Century: Anne with an E and Queer Ecofeminist Fanfiction,” 140–48. Emily Mohabir, “Re(ad)-writing Anne: Participatory Internet Fan Activities as Textual Negotiation,” 149–58. Dallas John Baker, “Anne as Pagan, Anne as Queer,” 159–70. Jessica Carniel, “Anne with a Me: Adapting to New Adaptations of Anne as She Adapts to Us,” 171–88.
Book Chapters (2)
Carniel, Jessica, and Nike Sulway. “Kindred Spirits: Reflections on Our Relationship with Anne of Green Gables.” In Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables: Kindred Spirits, edited by Jessica Carniel and Nike Sulway, 1–6. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021.
Carniel, Jessica. “Anne with a Me: Adapting to New Adaptations of Anne as She Adapts to Us.” In Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables: Kindred Spirits, edited by Jessica Carniel and Nike Sulway, 171–88. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021.
Humphrey Carpenter
Reference Item (1)
Carpenter, Humphrey, and Mari Prichard. The Oxford Companion to Children’s Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984.
See “Anne of Green Gables,” 25–26; “Montgomery, L(ucy) M(aud),” 356.
Jennifer Lee Carrell
Paratext (1)
Carrell, Jennifer Lee. Afterword to Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, 307–15. New York: New American Library, 2003. A Signet Classic.
Ken Carriere
Magazine Item (1)
Carriere, Ken. “At the Movies.” TV Guide (North York, ON), 12 December 1998, 13.
Barbara Carritte
Review (1)
Carritte, Barbara. “Anne Scores Again.” Review of Anne of Ingleside, by L.M. Montgomery. The Windsor (ON) Daily Star, 26 August 1939, 2nd section, 3.
Jane Suzanne Carroll
Book Chapter (1)
Carroll, Jane Suzanne. “Girlhood and Space in Nineteenth-Century Orphan Literature.” In Rereading Orphanhood: Texts, Inheritance, Kin, edited by Diane Warren and Laura Peters, 186–205. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020. Edinburgh Critical Studies in Victorian Culture.
Jennifer Carroll
Newsletter Items (4)
Carroll, Jennifer. “A Summer with Maud.” Cordially Yours, Fall 2012, 3–4.
Carroll, Jennifer. “Maud of Leaskdale on the Road.” Cordially Yours, Fall 2015, 4–5.
Lockerby, Earle, Jack Hutton, Linda Jackson-Hutton, Nina Elliot, Jennifer Carroll, and Melanie Whitfield. “Remembering Luella.” Cordially Yours, Spring 2018, 5–7.
Carroll, Jennifer. “Maud of Leaskdale: The Plein Air Version.” Cordially Yours, Fall 2020, 3–4.
Deanna Carruthers
Newsletter Item (1)
Carruthers, Deanna. “A Journey Through the Past.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 23 (Spring 1998): 20–22.
Frances Carruthers
Review (1)
Carruthers, Frances. “Islander’s Diaries Compiled in Edition.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 2: 1910–1921, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. The Guardian (Charlottetown), 27 January 1988.
Susan Carruthers
Newsletter Item (1)
Carruthers, Susan. “Around the Kitchen Table: Home Made Ice Cream.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Summer 1991, 17.
Jo Carson
Newspaper Item (1)
Carson, Jo. “Million Words in 10-Volume Diary Tell Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Own Tale.” The Globe and Mail (Toronto), 3 October 1974, W4.
Michael Cart
Review (1)
Cart, Michael. Review of Looking for Anne of Green Gables: The Life and Times of L.M. Montgomery, by Irene Gammel. Booklist (Chicago), 15 May 2008, 16.
Jaclyn Carter
Review (1)
Carter, Jaclyn. Review of L.M. Montgomery and War, edited by Andrea McKenzie and Jane Ledwell. University of Toronto Quarterly 88, no. 3 (Summer 2019): 179–81.
Esmeralda V. Castilleja
Newsletter Item (1)
Castilleja, Esmeralda V. “Yesteryear.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 16 (Summer 1996): 16.
Richard Cavell
Paratext (1)
Cavell, Richard. “Afterword: Mediating Anne.” In Anne’s World: A New Century of Anne of Green Gables, edited by Irene Gammel and Benjamin Lefebvre, 212–16. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010.
Elizabeth Cavert
Newsletter Item (1)
Cavert, Elizabeth. “Anneland.” The Shining Scroll, 1996, 8.
Mary Beth Cavert
Book Chapters (4)
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery and Friendship.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 281–85. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery’s Book Dedications.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 468–70. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Nora, Maud, and Isabel: Summoning Voices in Diaries and Memories.” In The Intimate Life of L.M. Montgomery, edited by Irene Gammel, 106–25. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “‘To the Memory of’: Leaskdale and Loss in the Great War.” In L.M. Montgomery’s Rainbow Valleys: The Ontario Years, 1911–1942, edited by Rita Bode and Lesley D. Clement, 35–53, 283–84. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.
Journal Articles (2)
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery’s Picture Postcards to George Boyd MacMillan 1904–1941.” Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 14 December 2020.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery’s Letters to Scotland: Reading Between the Lines.” In “L.M. Montgomery and Reading,” edited by Emily Woster and Kate Scarth. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 15 December 2020.
Also in The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies: L.M. Montgomery and Reading, edited by Kate Scarth and Emily Woster, 173–202. Charlottetown: L.M. Montgomery Institute and Robertson Library, 2022.
Reference Item (1)
Cavert, Beth. “Montgomery, L.M. (Lucy Maud).” In The Continuum Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature, edited by Bernice E. Cullinan and Diane G. Person, 553–55. New York: Continuum, 2001.
Newsletter Items (100)
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Finding Lucy Maud Montgomery in Ontario: A Visit to Guelph, Uxbridge, Leaskdale, Toronto and Norval.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 2, no. 3 (Winter 1993): 5–9.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery in Ontario.” The Shining Scroll, Special L.M. Montgomery in Ontario edition, January 1994, 1–10.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Back to School: Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Dedicated Teacher.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1994, 13–15.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Muskoka Dream.” The Shining Scroll, Summer 1995, 6–7.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “LMM’s Muskoka Dream.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 13 (Fall 1995): 24–26.
Cavert, Beth. “Rea Wilmshurst (1941–1996).” The Shining Scroll, 1996, 3.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “To the Friends of Anne.” The Shining Scroll, 1996, 4.
Cavert, Beth. “Fred Wright.” The Shining Scroll, 1996, 4–5.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “LMM’s Book Dedications.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 17 (Fall 1996): 20–22.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Nora Lefurgey Campbell.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1996, 24–26.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “LMM’s Book Dedications.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 18 (Winter 1996–1997): 18–20.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Emily’s Quest—1927: To Stella Campbell Keller of the Tribe of Joseph” (part 1). Kindred Spirits, Spring 1997, 18–21.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Emily’s Quest—1927: To Stella Campbell Keller of the Tribe of Joseph” (part 2). Kindred Spirits, Summer 1997, 16–18.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Kilmeny of the Orchard—1910: To My Cousin Beatrice A. McIntyre This Book Is Affectionately Dedicated.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1998, 16–19.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Woolners.” The Shining Scroll, Summer 1998, 5–6.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Anne of Green Gables—1908: To the Memory of My Father and Mother; Clara Macneill.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1998–1999, 8–10.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Anne of Green Gables—1908: To the Memory of My Father and Mother; Hugh John Montgomery” (part 1). Kindred Spirits, Spring 1999, 8–10.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Anne of Green Gables—1908: ‘To the Memory of My Father and Mother’; Hugh John Montgomery” (part 2). Kindred Spirits, Summer 1999, 10–13.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Prince Edward Island: Alec and May Macneill, and Pat of Silver Bush.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2000, 17.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Prince Edward Island: Ernest and Myrtle Webb, and Mistress Pat.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 2000, 8–9.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Secret Field.” The Shining Scroll, Summer 2000, 5.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Remembering a Friend of Anne.” The Shining Scroll, November 2001, 1–2.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Arthur John Lockhart: Pastor Felix.” The Shining Scroll, 2002, 8–9.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Rilla of Ingleside—1921” (part 1). Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2002, 9–11.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Good Fairy.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2002, 8.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Rilla of Ingleside—1921” (part 2). Kindred Spirits, Winter 2002, 9–11.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “2002–03 LMM Literary Society Meetings.” The Shining Scroll, Autumn 2003, n.pag.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Frede: More than Friend and Cousin.” The Shining Scroll, Autumn 2003, n.pag.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Elsie Davidson: February 7, 1904–May 8, 2003.” The Shining Scroll, Autumn 2003, n.pag.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “What Happened to Nate Lockhart?” The Shining Scroll, 2004, 7–8.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Who Is Isabel Anderson?” The Shining Scroll, 2004, 9–14.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Forest Primeval: The Shared Landscapes of L.M. Montgomery and Arthur John Lockhart (Pastor Felix)” (abridged). Kindred Spirits, Winter 2004, 10–13.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Bertie McIntyre.” The Shining Scroll, 2005, 6–11.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Whatever Happened to Nate Lockhart?” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2005, 12–13.
O’Brien, Joan, Ann Johnson, Mary Beth Cavert, Carolyn Collins, Sarah Riedel, and Christy Woster. “Collecting L.M. Montgomery.” The Shining Scroll, 2006, 2–9.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “‘Lest We Forget’: Rainbow Valley.” The Shining Scroll, 2007, 14–15.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, and Sir Andrew Macphail.” The Shining Scroll, October 2008, 14–23.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “A Note About Books.” The Shining Scroll, December 2008, 3–4.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery’s Book Dedications: Robert Brooks, 116th Battalion, C.E.F.” The Shining Scroll, December 2008, 14–19.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Harriet Gordon Smith and L.M. Montgomery: The Careful Ways of Duty.” The Shining Scroll, September 2009, 5–17.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery and World War I in Leaskdale, Ontario: A Book Dedication to Golden D. Lapp.” The Shining Scroll, December 2009, 2–11.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Montgomery’s Other Soldiers.” The Shining Scroll, December 2009, 12–15.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Collecting L.M. Montgomery.” The Shining Scroll, December 2010, Part 1, 1–4.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “The L.M. Montgomery Institute’s Ninth Biennial International Conference.” The Shining Scroll, December 2010, Part 2, 2–7.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Margaret Leask.” The Shining Scroll, December 2010, Part 3, 11–13.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Manse Museum.” The Shining Scroll, December 2011, Part 1, 2–4.
Collins, Carolyn, Christy Woster, and Beth Cavert. “Lucy Maud Montgomery at Home in Leaskdale.” The Shining Scroll, December 2011, Part 1, 5–12.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Very Soul of the Universe Must Ache with Anguish: L.M. Montgomery, Leaskdale, and Loss in the Great War.” The Shining Scroll, December 2011, Part 1, 14–26.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Anita Webb and Aunt Maud: December 13, 1911–March 4, 1996.” The Shining Scroll, December 2011, Part 2, 17–19.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Chronicles of Avonlea: Published One Hundred Years Ago, June 1912.” The Shining Scroll, 2012, Part 1, 2–3.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery and Cultural Memory: The Value of Paratext in Montgomery Books.” The Shining Scroll, 2012, Part 1, 22–27.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery’s 1911 Honeymoon in Scotland.” The Shining Scroll, 2012, Part 2, 14–17.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Friend of the L.M. Montgomery Institute: Rev. Dr. Francis William Pius Bolger.” The Shining Scroll, 2012, Part 2, 20–22.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Centennial of L.M. Montgomery’s The Golden Road (1913).” The Shining Scroll, 2013, 2–4.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “‘If Our Women Fail in Courage, Will Our Men Be Fearless Still.’” The Shining Scroll, 2014, Part 1, 2–12.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery’s Last Visit to Prince Edward Island in 1939.” The Shining Scroll, 2014, Part 1, 29–32.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery Collectibles.” The Shining Scroll, 2014, Part 2, 7–14.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Identifying Dust Jackets of 1908 and 1909 Editions of Anne of Green Gables.” The Shining Scroll, 2014, Part 2, 14–18.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Some Final Words About the L.M. Montgomery Institute.” The Shining Scroll, 2014, Part 2, 30.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “A Birthday Quote in Honor of L.M. Montgomery’s 140th Birthday in 2014.” The Shining Scroll, 2014, Part 2, 39.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery and the Movies.” The Shining Scroll, 2015, 1–3.
Cavert, Mary Beth, Carolyn Strom Collins, and Linda Boutilier. “On L.M. Montgomery’s Prince Edward Island.” The Shining Scroll, 2015, 15–21.
Cavert, Mary Beth, and Carolyn Collins. “Leaskdale L.M. Montgomery Days.” The Shining Scroll, 2015, 23–24.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Readying Rilla.” The Shining Scroll, 2015, 26–27.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Recommended Companion Reading for Rilla of Ingleside.” The Shining Scroll, 2015, 27–28.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Lucy Maud Montgomery Garden of the Senses.” The Shining Scroll, 2015, 29–30.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “After Many Years: A Life Remembered.” The Shining Scroll, 2016, 2–6.
Cavert, Mary Beth, and Carolyn Strom Collins. “The L.M. Montgomery Heritage Society.” The Shining Scroll, 2016, 25–27.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Maud: A Novel Inspired by the Life of L.M. Montgomery by Melanie Fishbane.” The Shining Scroll, 2016, 34–35.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Centennial of Anne’s House of Dreams.” The Shining Scroll, 2017, 1–3.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “In Memoriam.” The Shining Scroll, 2017, 4–10.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery and Natural Friendship: ‘The Chords of Our Natures Are Perfectly Attuned.’” The Shining Scroll, 2017, 21–25.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Instead of a Boy: The Origin of the Orphan Girl Motif in Anne of Green Gables.” The Shining Scroll, 2017, 26–27.
Cavert, Mary Beth, and Carolyn Strom Collins. “2018 Montgomery Conference.” The Shining Scroll, 2018, 7–9.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Anne’s Face, Evelyn Nesbit, and Memories in a Scrapbook.” The Shining Scroll, 2018, 11–17.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Green Gables Heritage Place Visitor Centre.” The Shining Scroll, 2019, 3.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Envisioning Green Gables: L.M. Montgomery’s Landmark After 188 Years.” The Shining Scroll, 2019, 4–11.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “New Park Addition to L.M. Montgomery Sites on Prince Edward Island.” The Shining Scroll, 2019, 12–13.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “‘Birthplace’ of Anne of Green Gables: The Macneill Kitchen.” The Shining Scroll, 2019, 13–14.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Hurricane Damage to Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Cavendish Home.” The Shining Scroll, 2019, 14.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Oliver! The Last Man to Propose to L.M. Montgomery.” The Shining Scroll, 2019, 16–22.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “North Rustico, Prince Edward Island: Landmarks and Home of L.M. Montgomery’s Woolner Family.” The Shining Scroll, 2019, 23–29.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Centennial of Rainbow Valley.” The Shining Scroll, 2019, 31.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Shining Scroll and a Review of L.M. Montgomery ‘Newsletters.’” The Shining Scroll, 2019, 34–36.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery’s Newly Discovered Correspondence with George Boyd MacMillan: ‘From the Land of the Maple.’” The Shining Scroll, 2020, 1–3.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery and Vision Conference/Forum 2020.” The Shining Scroll, 2020, 3.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Exploring a National Treasure: L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables Manuscript.” The Shining Scroll, 2020, 5.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “To My Mother: Clara Woolner Macneill Montgomery.” The Shining Scroll, 2020, 6–12, 28.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery’s Last Visit to Her Childhood Home: Anne’s House and Remarkable Anne Fans.” The Shining Scroll, 2021, 1–4.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Centennial of Rilla of Ingleside.” The Shining Scroll, 2021, 10–12.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Another Centennial!” The Shining Scroll, 2021, 12–13.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Celebrating Lives.” The Shining Scroll, 2021, 14.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “What to Believe About L.M. Montgomery.” The Shining Scroll, 2022, 11–18.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Blue Castle: How to Identify Early and Later Printings.” The Shining Scroll, 2022, 18–21.
Cavert, Mary Beth, with Rosemary Osterhus. “Frederica Campbell and N.C. McFarlane.” The Shining Scroll, 2022, 27–34.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Mag Laird and Peg Bowen.” The Shining Scroll, 2022, 35–37.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Emily.” The Shining Scroll, 2022, 39–40.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Mysteries of Maud.” The Shining Scroll, 2023, 1.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Ew*n M*donald: Ewen with an E, Macdonald with an A.” The Shining Scroll, 2023, 2–12.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Emily of New Moon Centennial and Scotland.” The Shining Scroll, 2023, 20–21.
Willie Cavert
Newsletter Item (1)
Cavert, Willie, and Joel Felkey. “The L.M. Montgomery Literary Society: ‘Sippin’ and Shootin’.’” The Shining Scroll, Summer 1994, 6.
Doug Caves, Sr.
Journal Article (1)
Caves, Doug, Sr. “Maud Montgomery Imagines Anne Shirley.” In “Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery,” edited by Liz Rosenberg and Kate Scarth. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 12 August 2024.
Ruth Cawker
Reference Item (1)
Fee, Margery, and Ruth Cawker. Canadian Fiction: An Annotated Bibliography. Toronto: Peter Martin Associates, 1976.
See “Montgomery, Lucy Maud,” 79–81.
Lynn A. Cecil
Journal Article (1)
Geissler, Shawna, and Lynn A. Cecil. “Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anglocentric Island: (I) Anne as Colonizer (II) Commodification and False Memories.” In “L.M. Montgomery’s Interior and Exterior Landscapes.” Special issue, CREArTA 5 (2005): 196–208.
Daniella Louisa Cellucci
Newsletter Item (1)
Cellucci, Daniella Louisa. “Anne’s Blanket of Snow.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2001, 5.
Gabrielle Ceraldi
Book Chapters (2)
Ceraldi, Gabrielle. “L.M. Montgomery and the Great War.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 231–37. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.
Ceraldi, Gabrielle. “Utopia Awry: L.M. Montgomery’s Emily Series and the Aftermath of the Great War.” In Message in a Bottle: The Literature of Small Islands, edited by Laurie Brinklow, Frank Ledwell, and Jane Ledwell, 247–63. Charlottetown: Institute of Island Studies, 2000.
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Ceraldi, Gabrielle. “Gendered Economies: Humour and Sentimentality in Sunshine Sketches and Rilla of Ingleside.” MA thesis, University of Manitoba, 1995.
Newsletter Item (1)
Ceraldi, Gabrielle. “L.M. Montgomery—The Rebel.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 27 (Spring 1999): 20–22.
Alice Chadwicke [Wilbur Braun]
Book-Length Extension (1)
Chadwicke, Alice [Wilbur Braun]. Anne of Green Gables: A Modern Dramatization of L.M. Montgomery’s Most Popular Novel in Three Acts. New York: Samuel French, 1937.
Debbie (Nash) Chambers
Magazine Item (1)
Chambers, Debbie (Nash). “Kids’ Stuff.” Guelph Alumnus 13, no. 4 (Fall 1980): 28–29.
Crystal S. Chan
Book-Length Extension (1)
Montgomery, L.M. Anne of Green Gables. Story adaptation by Crystal S. Chan. Art by Kuma Chan. Richmond Hill, ON: Manga Classics, 2020.
Abby Chandler
Newsletter Items (3)
Chandler, Abby. “L.M. Montgomery: Writing in Retribution.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 2, no. 3 (Winter 1993): 18–19.
Chandler, Abby. “Maud.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 21 (Autumn 1997): 23.
Chandler, Abby. “The Other Emily: Maud Hart Lovelace’s Emily of Deep Valley.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 25 (Autumn 1998): 20–21.
Ethel M. Chapman
Magazine Item (1)
Chapman, Ethel M. “The Author of Anne.” MacLean’s Magazine (Toronto), October 1919, 102, 104, 106.
Also in Scrapbook of Reviews, 170–72.
Also in Remembering Lucy Maud Montgomery, by Alexandra Heilbron, 195–99. Toronto: The Dundurn Group, 2001.
Also in The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 1: 157–62.
Katie Chapman
Newsletter Item (1)
Chapman, Katie, and Michele Rebant. “Tea Time, Anne-Style.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 29 (Autumn 1999): 29.
Lauren Charles
Newsletter Items (2)
Charles, Lauren. “Kindred Spirits Word Scramble.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 12 (Summer 1995): 21.
Charles, Lauren. “Prince Edward’s Isle.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 14 (Winter 1995–1996): 11.
Robin Chase
Newspaper Item (1)
Chase, Robin. “Gan Author Willed Copyright for Hilda Ridley’s Last Book.” Whig-Standard (Kingston, ON), 17 August 1973, 8.
Sameera Chawla
Shorter Extension (1)
Chawla, Sameera. “The Other Sara: A Creative Intervention in The Story Girl and The Golden Road.” In “L.M. Montgomery and Mental Health,” edited by Lesley D. Clement. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 8 September 2022.
Lauren Child
Paratext (1)
Child, Lauren. Introduction to Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, vii–ix. London: Puffin Books, 2008. Puffin Classics.
Anna Chilewska
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Chilewska, Anna. “The Translated Child: Children’s Literature in Translation in Communist and Post-Communist Poland.” PhD dissertation, University of Alberta, 2009.
Sally Chivers
Book Chapter (1)
Chivers, Sally. “Survival of the Fittest: CanLit and Disability.” In The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Literature, edited by Cynthia Sugars, 877–91. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Diana Arlene Chlebek
Book Chapter (1)
Chlebek, Diana Arlene. “The Canadian Family and Female Adolescent Development During the 1930s: Jane of Lantern Hill.” In L.M. Montgomery and Canadian Culture, edited by Irene Gammel and Elizabeth Epperly, 145–52. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999.
Seng Tong Chong
Journal Article (1)
Chong, Seng Tong, Ng Yu Jin, J Karthikeyan, Zalina Mohd Kasim, and Lee Su Yee. “Educating Effervescent Women Scientists Through Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables.” Journal of Techno-Social 13, no. 1 (2021): 37–43.
Daniel Chouinard
Paratexts (4)
Chouinard, Daniel. “Présentation : L.M. Montgomery : Mythologie et culture populaire.” In “L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture.” Special issue, Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 91–92 (Fall–Winter 1998): 6.
Rubio, Mary Henley, and Daniel Chouinard. “Editorial: From Lucy Maud Montgomery to Gabrielle Roy.” In “L.M. Montgomery™ and Popular Culture II.” Special issue, Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 99 (Fall 2000): 4.
Rubio, Mary Henley, and Daniel Chouinard. “Présentation : De Lucy Maud Montgomery à Gabrielle Roy.” In “L.M. Montgomery™ and Popular Culture II.” Special issue, Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 99 (Fall 2000): 5.
Chouinard, Daniel. “Présentation : Scènes de la vie des garçons et des jeunes filles.” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 105–6 (Spring–Summer 2002): 9–10.
Bree Christie
Newsletter Item (1)
Christie, Bree. “Anne’s Island.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 23 (Spring 1998): 31.
Madeline Christophaides
Newsletter Item (1)
Christophaides, Madeline. “Anne.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 1, no. 4 (Summer 1992): 11.
Holly Cinnamon
Paratext (1)
Cinnamon, Holly. “Anne’s Nature.” Afterword to Children and Childhoods in L.M. Montgomery: Continuing Conversations, edited by Rita Bode, Lesley D. Clement, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler, 290–94. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022.
Kerry Clare
Reviews (2)
Clare, Kerry. Review of The Blythes Are Quoted, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Benjamin Lefebvre; L.M. Montgomery, by Jane Urquhart. Quill and Quire (Toronto), December 2009, 23–24.
Clare, Kerry. Review of Maud: A Novel Inspired by the Life of L.M. Montgomery, by Melanie J. Fishbane. Quill and Quire (Toronto), April 2017.
Bernice Clark
Review (1)
Clark, Bernice. Review of The Blue Castle, by L.M. Montgomery. The Border Cities Star (Windsor, ON), 4 October 1926, 12.
Catherine Clark
Book Chapter (1)
Clark, Catherine. “The Blue Castle: Sex and the Revisionist Fairy Tale.” In L.M. Montgomery and Gender, edited by E. Holly Pike and Laura M. Robinson, 233–48. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021.
Journal Article (1)
Clark, Catherine. “Creative Vision, Grief, and Memory in L.M. Montgomery’s The Blythes Are Quoted and Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse.” In “L.M. Montgomery and Vision,” edited by Lesley D. Clement and Tara K. Parmiter. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 2 December 2024.
Penney Clark
Book-Length Study (1)
Clark, Penney, and Alan Sears. The Arts and the Teaching of History: Historical F(r)ictions. Cham, Switz.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
See esp. chapter 3, “Historical F(r)ictions: Fiction and History Education,” 87–125.
Wilda Clark
Newsletter Item (1)
Clark, Wilda. “Author’s Home Is Sold.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 2, no. 2 (Summer 1993): 21.
Adrienne Clarkson
Paratexts (2)
Clarkson, Adrienne. Foreword to L.M. Montgomery and Canadian Culture, edited by Irene Gammel and Elizabeth Epperly, ix–xii. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999.
Clarkson, Adrienne. Foreword to Imagining Anne: The Island Scrapbooks of L.M. Montgomery, by Elizabeth Rollins Epperly, n.pag. Toronto: Penguin Canada, 2008. 100 Years of Anne.
Also in Imagining Anne: L.M. Montgomery’s Island Scrapbooks, by Elizabeth Rollins Epperly, v–vi. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2019.
Stephanie Clarkson
Abridged Edition (1)
Montgomery, L.M. Anne of Green Gables: A BabyLit Storybook. Retold by Stephanie Clarkson. Illustrated by Annabel Tempest. Layton, UT: Gibbs Smith, 2018.
Constance Classen
Journal Article (1)
Classen, Constance. “Is ‘Anne of Green Gables’ an American Import?” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 55 (1989): 42–50.
Also in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 91, edited by Scot Peacock, 167–73. Detroit: Gale, 2004.
Lyndell Classon
Newsletter Items (4)
Classon, Lyndell. “‘Thank You Glenda for the Past Twenty Years.’” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1992, 4–5.
Classon, Lyndell. Untitled profile of Ben Stahl. Kindred Spirits, Summer 1992, 13.
Classon, Lyndell. “Summerside High School.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1992, 15.
Classon, Lyndell, and Sandy Wagner. “Kindred Spirits Quilt Guild.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1993, 18–19.
Rudolf A. Clemens
Magazine Item (1)
Clemens, Rudolf A. “Sweet Singers of Canada.” The Methodist Review (New York), July 1920, 610–21.
Lesley D. Clement
Collections of Essays (2)
Bode, Rita, and Lesley D. Clement, eds. L.M. Montgomery’s Rainbow Valleys: The Ontario Years, 1911–1942. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.
Rita Bode and Lesley D. Clement, Introduction, 3–17.
Prologue. Elizabeth Waterston, “Leaskdale: L.M. Montgomery’s Rainbow Valley,” 21–32.
A New Home in Leaskdale: War and Religion. Mary Beth Cavert, “‘To the Memory of’: Leaskdale and Loss in the Great War,” 35–53. Margaret Steffler, “‘Being a Christian’ and a Presbyterian in Leaskdale,” 54–73.
The Changing World of Women: Mother, Daughter, Friend. Laura M. Robinson, “‘A Gift for Friendship’: Revolutionary Friendship in Anne of the Island and The Blue Castle,” 77–90. Caroline E. Jones, “The New Mother at Home: Montgomery’s Literary Explorations of Motherhood,” 91–109.
Shadows in Rainbow Valley: Loss and Grief. William V. Thompson, “The Shadow on the House of Dreams: Montgomery’s Re-visioning of Anne,” 113–30. Melanie J. Fishbane, “‘My Pen Shall Heal, Not Hurt’: Writing as Therapy in Rilla of Ingleside and The Blythes Are Quoted,” 131–44.
Interlude. Katherine Cameron, “L.M.M.,” 147.
A Sense of Place: Reading and Writing. Emily Woster, “Old Years and Old Books: Montgomery’s Ontario Reading and Self-Fashioning,” 151–65. Natalie Forest, “(Re)locating Montgomery: Prince Edward Island Romance to Southern Ontario Gothic,” 166–83.
Travels to Muskoka: Commodification and Tourism. E. Holly Pike, “Propriety and the Proprietary: The Commodification of Health and Nature in The Blue Castle,” 187–202. Linda Rodenburg, “Bala and The Blue Castle: The ‘Spirit of Muskoka’ and the Tourist Gaze,” 203–20.
Life in Toronto: Professional and Cultural Links. Kate Sutherland, “Advocating for Authors and Battling Critics in Toronto: Montgomery and the Canadian Authors Association,” 223–37. Lesley D. Clement, “Toronto’s Cultural Scene: Tonic or Toxin for a Sagged Soul?,” 238–60.
Epilogue. Kate Macdonald Butler, “Dear Grandmother Maud on the Road to Heaven,” 263–72.
Appendix. Rita Bode and Lesley D. Clement with the assistance of Kristina Eldridge and Chloe Verner, “Montgomery’s Ontario Legacies: A Community Presence in the Twenty-First Century,” 275–80.
Bode, Rita, Lesley D. Clement, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler, eds. Children and Childhoods in L.M. Montgomery: Continuing Conversations. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022.
Lesley D. Clement, with assistance from Rita Bode, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler, Introduction, 3–23.
Part 1. Conversing with the Past: Vulnerability, Resistance, and Resilience. Kate Scarth, “Emily of New Moon and Fanny of Mansfield Park: Childhood at Home in Jane Austen and L.M. Montgomery,” 27–46. Lesley D. Clement, “L.M. Montgomery’s Precocious Children: Resisting Adult Narratives of Death, Dying, and the Afterlife,” 47–67. Rita Bode, “Vulnerable Situations: Boys and Boyhood in the Emily Books,” 68–90.
Part 2. Conversing with the Present: Fantasy, the Ideal, and the Real. Margaret Steffler, “The Performance of the Beautiful Dream Boy in Novels by L.M. Montgomery and Frances Hodgson Burnett,” 93–113. Bonnie J. Tulloch, “Lost Boys and Lost Girls: The Kindred Offspring of J.M. Barrie and L.M. Montgomery,” 114–35. E. Holly Pike, “Magic for Marigold, Childhood, and Fiction,” 136–55.
Part 3. Continuing Literary Conversations: Transformative Relationships and Spaces. Åsa Warnqvist, “Loving, Larking, and Lying: Free-Spirited Children and Disciplinary Adults in the Works of L.M. Montgomery and Astrid Lindgren,” 159–81. Heidi A. Lawrence, “Absent Fathers: Conversations Between L.M. Montgomery and Madeleine L’Engle,” 182–200. William V. Thompson, “Transformative Girlhood and Twenty-First-Century Girldom in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables,” 201–20.
Part 4. Continuing Transmediated Conversations: Anime, Fanfiction, and Television Adaptations. Yoshiko Akamatsu, “The Problems and Possibilities Inherent in Adaptation: Emily of New Moon and Emily, Girl of the Wind,” 223–41. Balaka Basu, “Continuing Stories: L.M. Montgomery and Fanfiction in the Digital Era,” 242–56. Laura M. Robinson, “Anne with an Edge: CBC-Netflix’s Rereading of Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables,” 257–73.
Afterwords. Lesley D. Clement and Margaret Steffler, “Preface to the Afterwords,” 277–83. Vappu Kannas, “Emily Kent—The Afterlife of Emily of New Moon,” 284–89. Holly Cinnamon, “Anne’s Nature,” 290–94. Rosalee Peppard Lockyer, “My Maud by Katie Maurice,” 295–98. Kit Pearson, “Dear Maud,” 299–301.
Special Journal Collections (4)
Clement, Lesley D., and Tara K. Parmiter, eds. “L.M. Montgomery and Vision.” Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 2021–.
Clement, Lesley D., ed. “L.M. Montgomery and Mental Health.” Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 2022–.
Clement, Lesley D., and E. Holly Pike, eds. “International Notes on L.M. Montgomery.” Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 2022–.
Clement, Lesley D., and Alan MacEachern, eds. “L.M. Montgomery and Re-vision.” Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 2023–.
Book Chapters (5)
Clement, Lesley D. “Toronto’s Cultural Scene: Tonic or Toxin for a Sagged Soul?” In L.M. Montgomery’s Rainbow Valleys: The Ontario Years, 1911–1942, edited by Rita Bode and Lesley D. Clement, 238–60, 300–303. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.
Clement, Lesley D. “The Empathic Poetic Sensibility: Discerning and Embodying Nature’s Secrets.” In L.M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s), edited by Rita Bode and Jean Mitchell, 184–97, 241–45. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018.
Clement, Lesley D. “From ‘Uncanny Beauty’ to ‘Uncanny Disease’: Destabilizing Gender Through the Deaths of Ruby Gillis and Walter Blythe and the Life of Anne Shirley.” In L.M. Montgomery and Gender, edited by E. Holly Pike and Laura M. Robinson, 44–67. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021.
Clement, Lesley D. “L.M. Montgomery’s Precocious Children: Resisting Adult Narratives of Death, Dying, and the Afterlife.” In Children and Childhoods in L.M. Montgomery: Continuing Conversations, edited by Rita Bode, Lesley D. Clement, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler, 47–67. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022.
Clement, Lesley D. “Emily Byrd Starr Meets Brené Brown: ‘Braving the Wilderness’ and Achieving ‘True Belonging.’” In L.M. Montgomery’s “Emily of New Moon”: A Children’s Classic at 100, edited by Yan Du and Joe Sutliff Sanders, 54–68. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2024. Children’s Literature Association Series.
Journal Article (1)
Clement, Lesley. “Mobilizing the Power of the Unseen: Imagining Self/Imagining Others in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables.” In “Adolescence in Canadian Literature,” edited by Heather Snell, Heidi Butler, John Clement Ball, and Jennifer Andrews. Special section, Studies in Canadian Literature / Études en littérature canadienne 36, no. 1 (2011): 51–68.
Paratexts (4)
Bode, Rita, and Lesley D. Clement. Introduction to L.M. Montgomery’s Rainbow Valleys: The Ontario Years, 1911–1942, edited by Rita Bode and Lesley D. Clement, 3–17, 281–82. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.
Bode, Rita, and Lesley D. Clement with the assistance of Kristina Eldridge and Chloe Verner. “Montgomery’s Ontario Legacies: A Community Presence in the Twenty-First Century.” In L.M. Montgomery’s Rainbow Valleys: The Ontario Years, 1911–1942, edited by Rita Bode and Lesley D. Clement, 275–80. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.
Clement, Lesley D., with assistance from Rita Bode, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler. Introduction to Children and Childhoods in L.M. Montgomery: Continuing Conversations, edited by Rita Bode, Lesley D. Clement, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler, 3–23. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022.
Clement, Lesley D., and Margaret Steffler. “Preface to the Afterwords.” In Children and Childhoods in L.M. Montgomery: Continuing Conversations, edited by Rita Bode, Lesley D. Clement, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler, 277–83. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022.
Newsletter Item (1)
Clement, Lesley. “Meet LMMI’s Incoming Visiting Scholar: Lesley Clement.” Cordially Yours, Spring 2019, 4–6.
Review (1)
Clement, Lesley D. Review of Anne’s World: A New Century of Anne of Green Gables, edited by Irene Gammel and Benjamin Lefebvre. English Studies in Canada 36, no. 2–3 (June–September 2010): 216–21.
Marie Cloutier
Newsletter Item (1)
Cloutier, Marie. “Potato Man.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2001, 16.
Kathy Clulow
Newsletter Item (1)
Clulow, Kathy. “LMM Connections and Serendipity.” Cordially Yours, Spring 2016, 3–4.
Mary Frances Coady
Book-Length Extension (1)
Coady, Mary Frances. Lucy Maud and Me. Vancouver: Beach Holme Publishing, 1999. A Sandcastle Book.
Donna Coates
Book Chapter (1)
Coates, Donna. “Myrmidons to Insubordinates: Australian, New Zealand and Canadian Women’s Fictional Responses to the Great War.” In The Literature of the Great War Reconsidered: Beyond Modern Memory, edited by Patrick J. Quinn and Steven Trout, 113–42. Houndmills, UK: Palgrave, 2001.
Journal Article (1)
Coates, Donna. “The Best Soldiers of All: Unsung Heroines in Canadian Women’s Great War Fictions.” Canadian Literature 151 (Winter 1996): 66–99.
Karen Coats
Reviews (2)
Coats, Karen. Review of Lucy Maud Montgomery: The Author of Anne of Green Gables, by Alexandra Wallner. Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books (Chicago), November 2006, 148.
Coats, Karen. Review of House of Dreams: The Life of L.M. Montgomery, by Liz Rosenberg. Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books (Chicago), June 2018, 444.
Kenicia Rahn Coats
Newsletter Items (2)
Coats, Kenicia. “Trip o’ Dreams.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 17 (Fall 1996): 30–31.
Coats, Kenicia Rahn. “Striking Similarities: Prince Edward Island and Missouri.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 27 (Spring 1999): 24–25.
Paul Coccia
Shorter Extension (1)
Coccia, Paul. “Carpetbaggers.” In The ANNEthology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon, compiled by Judith Graves, edited by Robin Sutherland, 64–88. Charlottetown: Acorn Press, 2024.
Joyce-Ione Harrington Coldwell
Book Chapter (1)
Coldwell, Joyce-Ione Harrington. “Folklore as Fiction: The Writings of L.M. Montgomery.” In Folklore Studies in Honour of Herbert Halpert: A Festschrift, edited by Kenneth S. Goldstein and Neil V. Rosenberg, 125–36. St. John’s: Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1980.
Sally Cole
Newspaper Item (1)
Cole, Sally. “Immersed in Montgomery.” The Guardian (Charlottetown), 9 June 2014, B5–B6.
Newsletter Item (1)
Cole, Sally. “Ready to Play Anne.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1998, 14–15.
Stephen Cole
Book-Length Study (1)
Cole, Stephen. Here’s Looking at Us: Celebrating Fifty Years of CBC-TV. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 2002.
See esp. “Live, Tonight,” 34–35; “Following Anne,” 190–91; “Girl Guides,” 235–36.
Newspaper Item (1)
Cole, Stephen. “Another Helping of Green Gables.” National Post (Toronto), 2 March 2000, B4.
Molly Colin
Magazine Item (1)
Colin, Molly. “It All Began with Anne.” Publishers Weekly (New York), 19 October 1992, 27–28.
Doreley Carolina Coll
Book Chapter (1)
Coll, Doreley Carolina. “Reading Anne of Green Gables in Montevideo.” In Anne Around the World: L.M. Montgomery and Her Classic, edited by Jane Ledwell and Jean Mitchell, 192–99. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013.
Kristi Collemacine
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Collemacine, Kristi. “Call Me Cordelia: Naming and Identity Formation of Young Girls in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Literature.” MA thesis, Rutgers University, 2020.
See esp. introduction, 1–3; “The Molding of a World: Jane Eyre and Anne of Green Gables,” 4–24; conclusion, 41–42.
Anne Collins
Abridged Edition (1)
Montgomery, L.M. Anne of Green Gables. Retold by Anne Collins. Essex, UK: Pearson Education, 2002. Penguin Readers.
Expanded edition with CD-ROM: Pearson Education, 2007. Penguin Active Reading.
Carolyn Strom Collins
Posthumous Book by L.M. Montgomery (1)
Montgomery, L.M. After Many Years: Twenty-One “Long-Lost” Stories. Selected and edited by Carolyn Strom Collins and Christy Woster. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2017.
Book-Length Extensions (3)
Collins, Carolyn Strom, and Christina Wyss Eriksson. The Anne of Green Gables Treasury. Toronto: Viking, 1991.
Paperback edition: Penguin Books, 1997.
Special edition: Ingleside Impressions, 2008.
Collins, Carolyn Strom, and Christina Wyss Eriksson. The Anne of Green Gables Treasury of Days. Toronto: Viking, 1994.
Collins, Carolyn Strom, and Christina Wyss Eriksson. The Anne of Green Gables Christmas Treasury. Toronto: Viking, 1997.
Critical Editions (2)
Montgomery, L.M. Anne of Green Gables: The Original Manuscript. Edited by Carolyn Strom Collins. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2019.
Montgomery, L.M. The Blue Castle: The Original Manuscript. Edited by Carolyn Strom Collins. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2024.
Book Chapters (3)
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Green Gables.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 40–43. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “The Scrapbooks.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 112–17. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “‘Bound for Quebec’ or ‘Journey’s End’? Conflicting Stories About the Montgomery Family’s Arrival in Prince Edward Island.” In Storm and Dissonance: L.M. Montgomery and Conflict, edited by Jean Mitchell, 363–72. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008.
Journal Article (1)
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Cutting and Pasting: What L.M. Montgomery’s Island Scrapbooks Reveal About Her Reading.” In “L.M. Montgomery and Reading,” edited by Emily Woster and Kate Scarth. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 5 April 2021.
Also in The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies: L.M. Montgomery and Reading, edited by Kate Scarth and Emily Woster, 163–72. Charlottetown: L.M. Montgomery Institute and Robertson Library, 2022.
Paratexts (4)
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “The Friends of the L.M. Montgomery Institute.” The Looking Glass: New Perspectives on Children’s Literature 18, no. 2 (2015).
Collins, Carolyn Strom, and Christy Woster. Preface to After Many Years: Twenty-One “Long-Lost” Stories, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Carolyn Strom Collins and Christy Woster, vii–xii. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2017.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. Introduction to Anne of Green Gables: The Original Manuscript, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Carolyn Strom Collins, 1–16. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2019.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. Introduction to The Blue Castle: The Original Manuscript, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Carolyn Strom Collins, 1–12. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2024.
Reference Items (2)
Collins, Carolyn Strom, comp. and ed. An Annotated Bibliography of L.M. Montgomery’s Stories and Poems. Charlottetown: L.M. Montgomery Institute, 2016.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. A Guide to L.M. Montgomery’s Story and Poem Scrapbooks 1890–1940: Stories and Poems Published in Periodicals and Preserved by L.M. Montgomery in Twelve Scrapbooks. Charlottetown: L.M. Montgomery Institute, 2016.
Newsletter Items (47)
Collins, Carolyn. “Literary Societies at the 1996 Symposium.” The Shining Scroll, 1996, 1.
Collins, Carolyn. “A Japanese Wedding at Silver Bush.” The Shining Scroll, 1996, 2.
Collins, Carolyn. “To Remember and Be Remembered.” The Shining Scroll, 1996, 6.
Collins, Carolyn. “Montgomery Anniversary Summer on Prince Edward Island.” The Shining Scroll, Summer 1999, 3.
Collins, Carolyn. “More Popular—or Not So Popular—Culture!” The Shining Scroll, Summer 2000, 6.
Collins, Carolyn. “Bideford Parsonage Opens.” The Shining Scroll, Summer 2000, 7.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Tea with Luella.” The Shining Scroll, November 2001, 4.
Collins, Carolyn. “Official Launch of the Virtual Museum.” The Shining Scroll, 2002, 2.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “L.M. Montgomery as Illustrator of Her Journals, Letters and Stories.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2002, 16–17.
Collins, Carolyn. “Shifting Landscapes of LMM.” The Shining Scroll, Autumn 2003, n.pag.
Collins, Carolyn. “The Woolner Jug: Centrepiece of ‘A Tangled Web.’” The Shining Scroll, 2004, 4–6.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “From Everywoman’s World, Toronto, April 1915: On War and Writing.” The Shining Scroll, 2004, 15–19.
Collins, Carolyn. “News from PEI 2005.” The Shining Scroll, 2005, 12–13.
O’Brien, Joan, Ann Johnson, Mary Beth Cavert, Carolyn Collins, Sarah Riedel, and Christy Woster. “Collecting L.M. Montgomery.” The Shining Scroll, 2006, 2–9.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Following in Anne’s Footsteps: An ‘Anne’ Itinerary for Prince Edward Island.” The Shining Scroll, 2007, 7–11.
Collins, Carolyn. “PEI Summer Happenings.” The Shining Scroll, December 2009, 31.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “A Visit to ‘Four Winds Lighthouse.’” The Shining Scroll, December 2010, Part 3, 2–6.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Notes from PEI—2010.” The Shining Scroll, December 2010, Part 3, 6–8.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Little Booklet of Verse.’” The Shining Scroll, December 2010, Part 3, 14–21.
Collins, Carolyn, Christy Woster, and Beth Cavert. “Lucy Maud Montgomery at Home in Leaskdale.” The Shining Scroll, December 2011, Part 1, 5–12.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “100th Wedding Anniversary of L.M. Montgomery and Ewan Macdonald Commemorated.” The Shining Scroll, December 2011, Part 2, 2.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Introduction to Montgomery’s Expanding Bibliography.” The Shining Scroll, December 2011, Part 2, 20–21.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “L.M. Montgomery, Accidental Historian: Discovering Fragments of Island History in Montgomery’s Stories.” The Shining Scroll, 2012, Part 1, 27–31.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “L.M. Montgomery’s Honeymoon Trousseau.” The Shining Scroll, 2012, Part 2, 13.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “‘An Occasional Story or Bit of Verse’: A Brief Analysis of L.M. Montgomery’s Stories and Poems Published During the Great War.” The Shining Scroll, 2014, Part 1, 13–21.
Also in The Shining Scroll, 2020, 21–24, 31–35.
Lloyd, Simon, Donna Campbell, and Carolyn Strom Collins. “Honouring Our Donors: L.M. Montgomery Collections at the University of Prince Edward Island, 28 June 2014.” The Shining Scroll, 2014, Part 1, 26–29.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “The Friends of the LMMI.” The Shining Scroll, 2014, Part 2, 20–21.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “L.M. Montgomery’s Norval, Ontario.” The Shining Scroll, 2014, Part 2, 31–32.
Cavert, Mary Beth, Carolyn Strom Collins, and Linda Boutilier. “On L.M. Montgomery’s Prince Edward Island.” The Shining Scroll, 2015, 15–21.
Collins, Carolyn. “The Significance of ‘Ingleside’ in Park Corner, PEI.” The Shining Scroll, 2015, 21–22.
Cavert, Mary Beth, and Carolyn Collins. “Leaskdale L.M. Montgomery Days.” The Shining Scroll, 2015, 23–24.
Lockerby, Earle, with assistance from Carolyn Strom Collins. “A Treasured Gift.” Cordially Yours, Fall 2016, 5–6.
Cavert, Mary Beth, and Carolyn Strom Collins. “The L.M. Montgomery Heritage Society.” The Shining Scroll, 2016, 25–27.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Friends of LMMI.” The Shining Scroll, 2016, 31–32.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of The Watchman and Other Poems.” The Shining Scroll, 2016, 37–38.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “The ‘Marco Polo’ Sails Again.” The Shining Scroll, 2017, 14.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “L.M. Montgomery Poem Reference Found.” The Shining Scroll, 2017, 19.
Cavert, Mary Beth, and Carolyn Strom Collins. “2018 Montgomery Conference.” The Shining Scroll, 2018, 7–9.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Memorial Program for Father Francis W.P. Bolger.” The Shining Scroll, 2018, 10.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Centennial of 1919 Anne of Green Gables Movie.” The Shining Scroll, 2019, 31–32.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “‘Pure as Pearls of Dew’: Searching for the Ideal Woman in the Poetry of L.M. Montgomery.” The Shining Scroll, 2020, 13–18, 29–31.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Two LMM Letters Found in Toronto Public Library Collection.” The Shining Scroll, 2020, 19–21.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Notes from Prince Edward Island—2021.” The Shining Scroll, 2021, 24–25.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Introduction to ‘The Cats of the Tansy Patch.’” The Shining Scroll, 2022, 4.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Revisioning ‘Anne’ on Film: Comparing Anne of Green Gables, the Novel, with the 1919 and 1934 Movie Versions.” The Shining Scroll, 2022, 22–26.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “A Visit to Bala and a Day with The Blue Castle Friends, Linda and Jack Hutton.” The Shining Scroll, 2023, 18.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “L.M. Montgomery’s Home in Norval Update.” The Shining Scroll, 2023, 19.
Christina Collins
Book Chapter (1)
Collins, Christina. “In Search of a Bosom Friend: Remembering My Kindred Spirits Pen Pal.” In Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables: Kindred Spirits, edited by Jessica Carniel and Nike Sulway, 19–26. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021.
Newsletter Item (1)
Collins, Christina Elaine. “A Visit to a Dream.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2002, 4.
Brooke Collins-Gearing
Book Chapter (1)
Collins-Gearing, Brooke. “Narrating the ‘Classic’ on Stolen Ground: Anne of Green Gables.” In Anne Around the World: L.M. Montgomery and Her Classic, edited by Jane Ledwell and Jean Mitchell, 164–78. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013.
John Robert Colombo
Reference Items (2)
Colombo, John Robert, ed. Colombo’s Canadian Quotations. Edmonton: Hurtig Publishers, 1974.
See “Montgomery, L.M.,” 427–28.
Colombo, John Robert. Colombo’s Canadian References. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1976.
Amy E. Colson
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Colson, Amy E. “Characterization in the Novels of L.M. Montgomery.” MA thesis, Mount Allison University, 1986.
Cynthia R. Comacchio
Book-Length Study (1)
Comacchio, Cynthia R., and Neil Sutherland. Ring Around the Maple: A Sociocultural History of Children and Childhoods in Canada, 19th and 20th Centuries. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2024. Studies in Childhood and Family in Canada.
See esp. chapter 7, “‘Play Is the Real Work of Children’: How Children Had Fun,” 247–94, 552–60.
Review (1)
Comacchio, Cynthia. Review of Lucy Maud Montgomery: The Gift of Wings, by Mary Henley Rubio. Ontario History 101, no. 2 (Autumn 2009): 261–62.
Nebahat Akgün Çomak
Journal Article (1)
Pembecioğlu, Nilüfer, and Nebahat Akgün Çomak. “Questioning If the Literary Narrative and Real-Life Stories Overlap with Today’s Realities: The Example of ‘Anne with an E’ TV Serial.” European Journal of Social Sciences Studies 9, no. 1 (2023): 181–215.
Anne Compton
Shorter Extension (1)
Compton, Anne. “Suite for Lucy Maud Montgomery.” The Dalhousie Review 64, no. 4 (Winter 1984–1985): 784–89.
“Meeting” (784), “Island” (785), “The Cat” (786), “her husband” (787), “First Letters to Mr. MacMillan” (788), and “last days: L.M.” (789).
Valerie Compton
Review (1)
Compton, Valerie. “Lucy Maud’s Letters Dance Past Painful Aspects of Life.” Review of My Dear Mr. M: Letters to G.B. MacMillan from L.M. Montgomery, edited by Francis W.P. Bolger and Elizabeth R. Epperly. The Edmonton Journal, 5 April 1992, D7.
Frankie Condon
Journal Article (1)
Condon, Frankie. “The Languages We May Be: Affiliative Relations and the Work of the Canadian Writing Centre.” Canadian Journal for Studies in Discourse and Writing / Rédactologie 28 (2018): 196–211.
John Congram
Magazine Item (1)
Congram, John. “Remembering Lucy Maud.” The Presbyterian Record (Toronto), 10 November 2000, 19–20.
Also in Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2001, 15.
Heather Conkie
Book-Length Extensions (8)
Conkie, Heather. The Materializing of Duncan McTavish. Toronto: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991. New York: Bantam Skylark, 1992. Road to Avonlea 4.
Conkie, Heather. Malcolm and the Baby. Toronto: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991. New York: Bantam Skylark, 1992. Road to Avonlea 8.
Conkie, Heather. Sara’s Homecoming. Toronto: HarperCollins Publishers, 1992. New York: Bantam Skylark, 1993. Road to Avonlea 12.
Conkie, Heather. Old Quarrels, Old Love. Toronto: HarperCollins Publishers, 1992. New York: Bantam Skylark, 1993. Road to Avonlea 15.
Conkie, Heather. Dreamer of Dreams. Toronto: HarperCollins Publishers, 1992. New York: Bantam Skylark, 1993. Road to Avonlea 18.
Conkie, Heather. The Ties That Bind. Toronto: HarperCollins Publishers, 1994. New York: Bantam Skylark, 1994. Road to Avonlea 21.
Conkie, Heather. Felix and Blackie. Toronto: HarperCollins Publishers, 1994. New York: Bantam Skylark, 1994. Road to Avonlea 22.
Conkie, Heather. Friends and Relations. Toronto: HarperCollins Publishers, 1995. New York: Bantam Skylark, 1995. Road to Avonlea 26.
Ray Conlogue
Newspaper Item (1)
Conlogue, Ray. “Anne of the Silver Screen.” The Globe and Mail (Toronto), 27 July 1985, E1.
Jane Leslie Conly
Paratext (1)
Conly, Jane Leslie. Foreword to Anne of Avonlea, by L.M. Montgomery, ix–xvii. New York: Aladdin Classics, 2005.
Mollie E. Conners
Review (1)
Conners, Mollie E. Review of The Story Girl, by L.M. Montgomery. The Oakland Tribune, 25 June 1911, 10.
Margaret Conrad
Reviews (2)
Conrad, Margaret. Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 1: 1889–1910, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. The Canadian Historical Review 67, no. 3 (September 1986): 437–38.
Conrad, Margaret. “Words of One’s Own: Women’s Studies, Diaries and Letters Offer Fresh Perspectives on Herstory.” Review of “I Wish to Keep a Record”: Nineteenth-Century New Brunswick Women Diarists and Their World, by Gail G. Campbell; Jane Austen’s Transatlantic Sister: The Life and Letters of Fanny Palmer Austen, by Sheila Johnson Kindred; L.M. Montgomery and War, edited by Andrea McKenzie and Jane Ledwell. Atlantic Books Today (Halifax), Winter 2017–2018, 33–36.
Christy Conte
Review (1)
Conte, Christy. Review of Among the Shadows: Tales from the Darker Side, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Rea Wilmshurst. In Canadian Book Review Annual 1990, edited by Joyce M. Wilson, 198. Toronto: Simon and Pierre, 1991.
Krista Cooke
Book-Length Study (1)
Barker, Stacey J., Krista Cooke, and Molly McCullough. Material Traces of War: Stories of Canadian Women and Conflict, 1914–1945. Gatineau: Canadian Museum of History; Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2021. Mercury Series: History Paper 62.
See esp. chapter 2, “Selfless Service: Women and Volunteering in Wartime,” 81–134.
Philip Coons
Review (1)
Coons, Philip. Review of Lucy Maud Montgomery: The Gift of Wings, by Mary Henley Rubio. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation 12, no. 5 (2011): 585–87.
Amy Jo Cooper
Book-Length Extensions (2)
Cooper, Amy Jo. Aunt Abigail’s Beau. Toronto: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991. New York: Bantam Skylark, 1992. Road to Avonlea 7.
Cooper, Amy Jo. It’s Just a Stage. Toronto: HarperCollins Publishers, 1992. New York: Bantam Skylark, 1993. Road to Avonlea 19.
Carole Corbeil
Newspaper Item (1)
Corbeil, Carole. “Anne Still a Musical Charmer.” The Globe and Mail (Toronto), 7 April 1981, 23.
Jill Corcoran
Newsletter Item (1)
Corcoran, Jill. “Summer Student Report.” Cordially Yours, Fall 2015, 7–8.
Rae Corelli
Magazine Item (1)
Corelli, Rae. “Anger on the Island.” Maclean’s (Toronto), 10 July 1989, 40.
Richard Corliss
Magazine Item (1)
Corliss, Richard. “Emily and Her Family.” Time (New York), 12 January 1998, 58.
Patricia Cormack
Book Chapter (1)
Cormack, Patricia, and Clare Fawcett. “Cultural Gatekeepers in the L.M. Montgomery Tourist Industry.” In Literature and Tourism, edited by Mike Robinson and Hans Christian Andersen, 171–90. London: Continuum, 2002.
Journal Article (1)
Fawcett, Clare, and Patricia Cormack. “Guarding Authenticity at Literary Tourism Sites.” Annals of Tourism Research 28, no. 3 (2001): 686–704.
Also in The Political Nature of Cultural Heritage and Tourism: Critical Essays, Volume 3, edited by Dallen J. Timothy, 181–99. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2007.
Emily Cardinali Cormier
Journal Article (1)
Cormier, Emily Cardinali. “‘Have All of Our Women the Vagrant Heart?’: Anne of Green Gables and Rural Womanhood in Flux.” The Lion and the Unicorn 34, no. 2 (April 2010): 200–13.
Charis Cotter
Book-Length Biography (1)
Cotter, Charis. Born to Write: The Remarkable Lives of Six Famous Authors. Toronto: Annick Press, 2008.
See esp. “The Thin Veil: Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874–1942),” 8–37.
Lindsay Couch
Newsletter Item (1)
Couch, Lindsay. “No Mistakes—Yet!” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 19 (Spring 1997): 15.
Natalie Coulter
Journal Article (1)
Coulter, Natalie. “‘Missed Opportunity’: The Oversight of Canadian Children’s Media.” Canadian Journal of Communication 41, no. 1 (February 2016): 95–113.
Loralee Cousins
Newsletter Item (1)
Cousins, Loralee. “Moving to the Isle of Anne.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1994, 10–12.
Jane Coutts
Review (1)
Coutts, Jane. “Montgomery Fled Deprived Life in Diary’s Pages.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 2: 1910–1921, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. The Hamilton Spectator, 23 January 1988, D4.
Ludvik Coutu
Newsletter Item (1)
Coutu, Ludvik. “Avonlea Wordfind Puzzle.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 11 (Spring 1995): 14–15, 31.
Ann S. Cowan
Journal Article (1)
Cowan, Ann S. “Canadian Writers: Lucy Maud and Emily Byrd.” In “L.M. Montgomery Issue.” Special issue, Canadian Children’s Literature 1, no. 3 (Autumn 1975): 42–49.
Also in L.M. Montgomery: An Assessment, edited by John Robert Sorfleet, 42–49. Guelph: Canadian Children’s Press, 1976.
Excerpted in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 8, edited by Gerard J. Senick, 118–20. Detroit: Gale, 1985.
Reviews (2)
Cowan, Ann S. Review of The Wheel of Things: A Biography of L.M. Montgomery, by Mollie Gillen. The Canadian Historical Review 58, no. 4 (December 1977): 512–13.
Cowan, Ann S. Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 1: 1889–1910, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. The Reader 5, no. 2 (1986): 15–16.
C.L. Cowan
Newspaper Item (1)
Cowan, C.L. “Minister’s Wife and Authoress.” The Toronto Star Weekly, 29 December 1928, 28.
Also in “Scrapbook of Reviews from Around the World Which L.M. Montgomery’s Clipping Service Sent to Her,” compiled by L.M. Montgomery, 320–22. L.M. Montgomery Collection, Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph archives.
Also in The Calgary Daily Herald, 29 June 1929, 2.
Also in Remembering Lucy Maud Montgomery, by Alexandra Heilbron, 231–35. Toronto: The Dundurn Group, 2001.
Also in The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 1: 249–53.
Ashley Cowger
Journal Article (1)
Cowger, Ashley. “From ‘Pretty Nearly Perfectly Happy’ to ‘the Depths of Despair’: Mania and Depression in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne Series.” The Lion and the Unicorn 34, no. 2 (April 2010): 188–99.
Amy Elizabeth Cox
Newsletter Items (2)
Cox, Amy Elizabeth. “Friend with Friend: Our Remembered Dream.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1999, 16–17.
Cox, Amy Elizabeth. “A Sweet Legacy.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2001, 12–14.
Karen Cox
Newsletter Item (1)
Cox, Karen. “Autumn Pilgrimage—October on PEI.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2000, 10–11.
Kevin Cox
Newspaper Items (2)
Cox, Kevin. “The Island Finally Gets to Play Itself.” The Globe and Mail (Toronto), 8 December 1997, A2.
Cox, Kevin. “The Dark Side of the Moon.” The Globe and Mail (Toronto), 27 December 1997, Broadcast Week supplement, 8, 17.
Patricia Craig
Book-Length Study (1)
Cadogan, Mary, and Patricia Craig. You’re a Brick, Angela! The Girls’ Story 1839–1985. London: Victor Gollancz, 1986.
See esp. chapter 6, “Orphans and Golden Girls,” 89–110.
Elizabeth Ann Crain
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Crain, Elizabeth Ann. “The Power of the Other: A Character Analysis of the Orphan Figure in Children’s Literature.” PhD dissertation, University of Memphis, 2016.
See esp. chapter 4, “‘The Enchanting Realm Beyond’: Pagan Spiritualism in the Orphan Girl Novels of L.M. Montgomery,” 75–103.
Lorilee Craker
Book-Length Extension (1)
Craker, Lorilee. Anne of Green Gables, My Daughter and Me: What My Favorite Book Taught Me About Grace, Belonging and the Orphan in Us All. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale Momentum, 2015.
Elisabeth Crann
Review (1)
Crann, Elisabeth. Review of Anne . . . La maison aux pignons verts, by Lucy Maud Montgomery, translated by Henri-Dominique Paratte. Arts Atlantic (Charlottetown), Spring 1988, 70.
Artis Duffy Crawford
Newsletter Item (1)
Crawford, Artis Duffy. “Finding a Kindred Spirit.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 20 (Summer 1997): 22–23.
Elaine Crawford
Book-Length Extension (1)
Crawford, Elaine, and Kelly Crawford. Aunt Maud’s Recipe Book: From the Kitchen of L.M. Montgomery. Norval, ON: Crawford’s, 1996.
Kelly Crawford
Book-Length Extension (1)
Crawford, Elaine, and Kelly Crawford. Aunt Maud’s Recipe Book: From the Kitchen of L.M. Montgomery. Norval, ON: Crawford’s, 1996.
Book Chapter (1)
Crawford, Kelly. “Living in Norval.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 269–74. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.
Robert Crawford
Shorter Extension (1)
Crawford, Robert. Talkies. London: Chatto and Windus, 1992.
See “Anne of Green Gables,” 59.
David Creelman
Book Chapter (1)
Creelman, David. “Representing the Environment in Victorian, Modern, and Postcolonial Fictions: Three Maritime Canadian Novels.” In Green Matters: Ecocultural Functions of Literature, edited by Maria Löschnigg and Melanie Braunecker, 77–89. Leiden, Neth.: Brill, 2020.
Millie Creighton
Book Chapter (1)
Creighton, Millie. “Japanese Journeys in Search of a Fictive Foreign Friend: Assuming, Consuming and Subsuming Canada Through Anne of Green Gables Tourism.” In The Globetrotting Shopaholic: Consumer Spaces, Products, and Their Cultural Places, edited by Tanfer Emin Tunc and Annessa Ann Babic, 31–39. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008.
Yvonne Crittenden
Reviews (2)
Crittenden, Yvonne. “Journals Reveal a Lot of Anne in Her Creator.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 1: 1889–1910, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. Toronto Sun, 26 January 1986.
Crittenden, Yvonne. “Mercurial Montgomery’s Bittersweet Chronicles.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 2: 1910–1921, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. Toronto Sun, 3 April 1988.
Beverly Crockett
Book Chapter (1)
Crockett, Beverly. “Outlaws, Outcasts, and Orphans: The Historical Imagination and Anne of Green Gables.” In Imagining Adoption: Essays on Literature and Culture, edited by Marianne Novy, 57–81. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2001.
John Haslett Cuff
Newspaper Item (1)
Cuff, John Haslett. “Slick Anne Sequel Takes No Chances with Success.” The Globe and Mail (Toronto), 5 December 1987, C5.
Maria A. Cuffaro
Journal Article (1)
Cuffaro, Maria A., and Richard B. Bates. “Journal Writing as a Coping Mechanism: A Case Study of a Gifted Young Woman—Lucy Maud Montgomery.” Gifted and Talented International 22, no. 2 (December 2007): 54–61.
Suzanne Curley
Newspaper Item (1)
Curley, Suzanne. “‘Anne’ Persists as Favorite Tale of Young Readers.” Messenger-Inquirer (Owensboro, KY), 28 February 1988, 7D.
Also as “‘Anne of Green Gables’ Persists as a Classic” in Olympian (Olympia, WA), 27 March 1988, 8C.
Rod Currie
Newspaper Item (1)
Currie, Rod. “Third Lively Volume of L.M. Montgomery Journals Published.” North Bay (ON) Nugget, 3 April 1993, B6.
Also as “Green Gables Creator Endured Split Life” in Red Deer Advocate, 17 April 1993, C4.
Also as “Lucy Maud Montgomery: Third Volume of Her Lively Journals Reveals Dual Image” in The Windsor (ON) Star, 1 May 1993, 59.
Reviews (3)
Currie, Rod. “Anne of Green Gables Author Bares Soul.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 1: 1889–1910, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. Times Colonist (Victoria, BC), 27 April 1986, M5.
Also as “Sunny Anne of Green Gables Written” in Alberni Valley (BC) Times, 27 March 1986, Spectrum section, 8.
Also as “Lucy Maud Montgomery: Her Tragic, Lonely Life” in Red Deer Advocate, 29 March 1986, 1B.
Also as “Journals Show Author Lived Lonely, Tragic Life” in The Vancouver Sun, 29 March 1986, D12.
Currie, Rod. “Lucy Maud Told Almost All in Letters to Pen-Pal.” Review of My Dear Mr. M: Letters to G.B. MacMillan from L.M. Montgomery, edited by Francis W.P. Bolger and Elizabeth R. Epperly. Chronicle-Herald (Halifax), 27 March 1992, B3.
Also in The Guardian (Charlottetown), 3 April 1992.
Also as “L.M. Montgomery Through Her Letters” in The Ottawa Citizen, 2 May 1992, B6.
Currie, Rod. “Montgomery Led Sort of a Double Life.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 3: 1921–1929, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. Province Showcase (Vancouver), 28 March 1993, B25.
Also as “Splitting a Personality” in Chronicle-Herald (Halifax), 30 April 1993, B3.
Wayne Curtis
Magazine Item (1)
Curtis, Wayne. “Land of Green Gables.” The Atlantic (Washington, DC), October 2008, 119–21.
Thomas D. Curzon
Newspaper Item (1)
Curzon, Thomas D. “Falling Ad Sales Detoured Avonlea.” Letter to the editor. The Toronto Star, 20 April 1990, A28.
Mary W. Cushing
Abridged Edition (1)
Montgomery, L.M. Anne of Green Gables. Condensed and abridged by Mary W. Cushing and D.C. Williams. Illustrated by Robert Patterson. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1961.
Val Czerny
Journal Article (1)
Czerny, Val. “A Return to the Wild or, Long-Lasting, Mystical ‘Lunacy’ in Anne of Green Gables.” The Lion and the Unicorn 34, no. 2 (April 2010): 148–66.
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Czerny, Val. “Let Them Run Wild: Childhood, the Nineteenth-Century Storyteller, and the Ascent of the Moon.” PhD dissertation, Florida Atlantic University, 2009.
See esp. chapter 3, “The Silent ‘E’s Speak: Anne, Entwine, Fate, Woodbine,” 239–303.