A Tangled Web, L.M. Montgomery’s eighteenth book, was published in October 1931 by McClelland & Stewart and Frederick A. Stokes Company. It appeared in the UK as Aunt Becky Began It.
« Magic for Marigold (1929) | Pat of Silver Bush (1933) »
Related page: Reviews of Books by L.M. Montgomery: 1923–1939
About A Tangled Web

A Tangled Web begins when Aunt Becky Dark, matriarch of the extended Dark-Penhallow clan, gathers her numerous family members together before her death to announce her plans for the inheritance of an ugly but much coveted jug; after her death, a number of characters make abrupt changes in their lives and their habits in the hopes of being chosen as the jug’s new owner.
my good friends
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Wright
in memory of
a certain week of laughter
I. Aunt Becky’s Levee
II. Wheels within Wheels
III. Midsummer Madness
IV. The Moving Finger
V. Blindly Wise
VI. Finally, Brethren