This page lists a selection of shorter works (poems, short stories, and miscellaneous pieces) that L.M. Montgomery published in 1906. All items are signed “L.M. Montgomery,” unless stated otherwise.
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Short Stories (1)
The Indecision of Margaret | The Little Fellow’s Photograph
Poems (5)
The Book | The Singer | My Pictures | The Wind in the Poplars | An Old Man’s Grave
Miscellaneous Pieces (1)
What to Teach Your Son (tract)
The Book (poem)
The Designer (New York), January 1906, 79. Scrapbook 6.
First line: “I wrote therein the bitterness.”
A World of Songs: Selected Poems, 1894–1921, 41.
The Singer (poem)
The Ram’s Horn (Chicago), 27 January 1906, 3. Scrapbook 8.
First line: “A song, a song of courage, of fellowship and cheer.”
A World of Songs: Selected Poems, 1894–1921, 31.
What to Teach Your Son (tract)
The Mother’s Magazine (Elgin, IL), ca. 1906.
This tract first appeared as part of Montgomery’s 1901 sketch “Half an Hour with Canadian Mothers,” published in The Ladies Journal (Toronto) and collected in A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917. It was then reprinted in a wide range of U.S. newspapers between 1906 and 1910, sometimes anonymously, sometimes with minor variations, and sometimes under alternate titles: “Mother, Teach Your Son,” “Teach the Boy,” “What to Teach Boys,” “What to Teach the Boy,” and “What to Teach Your Boy.” The version in the Altoona Tribune of Pennsylvania indicates that the piece was taken “from the Mothers Magazine,” which apparently hailed from Elgin, Illinois, but this copy has not yet been located.
Reprinted (as “What to Teach Your Son”)
Harrisburg (PA) Telegraph, 23 March 1906, 10 (unsigned). Altoona (PA) Tribune, 27 March 1906, 8 (“From the Mothers Magazine”). Wilkes-Barre (PA) Times, 26 April 1906, 4. New Oxford (PA) Item, 25 May 1906, 21 (unsigned). Hondo (TX) Anvil Herald, 26 May 1906, 8 (unsigned). Reading (PA) Times, 29 June 1906, 4 (unsigned). Goldsboro (NC) Weekly Argus, 5 July 1906, 4 (unsigned). Cook County Herald (Grand Marais, MN), 9 March 1907, 6. Shelbina (MO) Torchlight, 17 December 1909, 2. Monroe City (MO) Democrat, 14 October 1909, 7 (unsigned). Shelbina (MO) Torchlight, 29 October 1909, 6 (unsigned). Shelby County Herald (Shelbyville, MO), 2 February 1910, 2.
Reprinted (as “Mother, Teach Your Son”)
Kansas City (KS) Gazette, 23 May 1906, 1 (unsigned). Kansas City (KS) Gazette, 26 May 1906, 3 (unsigned). Owosso (MI) Times, 6 July 1906, 2 (unsigned). The Square Deal (Battle Creek, MI/New York), September 1906, 16 (unsigned; from Minneapolis Tribune). Wilkes-Barre (PA) Semi-Weekly Record, 7 September 1906, 4 (unsigned). Danville (PA) Intelligencer, 14 September 1906, 3 (unsigned). Moderator-Topics (Lansing, MI), 15 November 1906, 214 (unsigned). Kansas City (KS) Gazette, 17 October 1907, 5 (unsigned). Davenport (IA) Weekly Democrat and Leader, 5 December 1907, 10 (unsigned).
Reprinted (as “Teach the Boy”)
Galena (KS) Evening Times, 7 April 1906, 2 (unsigned). Wilkes-Barre (PA) Semi-Weekly Record, 13 July 1906, 4 (unsigned). Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 17 July 1906, 8 (unsigned). Ottawa Journal, 24 July 1906, 4 (unsigned). Albany (OR) Democrat, 27 July 1906, 6 (unsigned). Evening Journal (Wilmington, DE), 1 August 1906, 3 (unsigned). Frankfort (KS) Review, 24 August 1906, 4 (unsigned). Adair County News (Columbia, KY), 12 September 1906, 7. Racine (WI) Weekly Journal, 6 November 1906, 5 (unsigned). Crenshaw County News (Luverne, AL), 24 September 1908, 4 (unsigned). Every Other Sunday (Boston), 22 November 1908, 42 (unsigned). Caucasian (Clonton, NC), 30 September 1909, 4 (unsigned). Roanoke Beacon (Plymouth, NC), 10 December 1909, 3 (unsigned). Daily Republican (Monongahela, PA), 18 December 1909, 2 (unsigned). Newton (MI) Record, 30 December 1909, 2 (unsigned).
Reprinted (as “What to Teach Boys”)
Moulton (AL) Advertiser, 10 August 1909, 1 (unsigned). Guntersville (AL) Democrat, 26 August 1909, 1 (unsigned).
Reprinted (as “What to Teach the Boy”)
East Oregonian (Pendleton), 23 April 1906, 4.
Reprinted (as “What to Teach Your Boy”)
Goldsboro (NC) Daily Argus, 2 July 1906, 1 (unsigned).
My Pictures (poem)
The Farm Journal (Philadelphia), May 1906, 160. Scrapbook 8.
First line: “My pictures? Why, yes; I will show them with gladness—”
A World of Songs: Selected Poems, 1894–1921, 65.
The Indecision of Margaret (short story)
Gunter’s Magazine (New York), September 1906, 156–65. Scrapbook 4.
Maclean’s (Toronto), January 1915, 9–11, 90–92. Scrapbook 11.
Twice upon a Time: Selected Stories, 1898–1939, 126–39 (1915 version).
The Little Fellow’s Photograph (short story)
The Classmate (Cincinnati), 8 September 1906, 281–82. Scrapbook 5.
Twice upon a Time: Selected Stories, 1898–1939, 67–75.
The Wind in the Poplars (poem)
Sports Afield (Chicago), October 1906, 318. Scrapbook 8.
First line: “Sad and strange as some weird old rune.”
A World of Songs: Selected Poems, 1894–1921, 66–67.
An Old Man’s Grave (poem)
The Youth’s Companion (Boston), 6 December 1906, 628. Scrapbook 8.
First line: “Make it where the winds may sweep.”
Perry County Democrat (New Bloomfield, PA), 12 December 1906, 1 (unsigned).
Selinsgrove (PA) Times, 2 January 1907, 2.
Pinegrove (PA) Herald, 4 January 1907, 2.
Marion (AL) Democrat, 16 January 1907, 12.
Bristol (VT) Herald, 17 January 1907, 6.
Cullman (AL) Democrat, 17 January 1907, 10.
Birmingham (AL) Times, 18 January 1907, 6.
Greene County Democrat (Eutaw, AL), 18 January 1907, 3.
Daily Republican (Monongahela, PA), 21 January 1907, 2.
Star (Reynoldsville, PA), 23 January 1907, 2.
Thomaston (AL) Post, 24 January 1907, 6.
Marengo Democrat (Linden, AL), 15 February 1907, 1.
Pointe Coupee Banner (Newroads, LA), 23 February 1907, 4.
Canadian Poets, chosen and edited by John W. Garvin (Toronto: McClelland, Goodchild and Stewart, 1916), 357–58 (as “The Old Man’s Grave”).
Canadian Poets and Poetry, chosen and edited by John W. Garvin (New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1916), 357–58 (as “The Old Man’s Grave”).
The Watchman and Other Poems, 156 (as “The Old Man’s Grave”).
Canadian Poets, edited by John W. Garvin (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1926), 233–34.
A World of Songs: Selected Poems, 1894–1921, 81–82.
The full text of this poem also appears in chapter 22 of Anne of Ingleside, as a poem written by Anne as a reluctant obituary for a neighbour.
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“Shorter Works: 1906.” L.M. Montgomery Online,