This page lists a selection of shorter works (poems, short stories, and miscellaneous pieces) that L.M. Montgomery published in 1901. All items are signed “L.M. Montgomery,” unless stated otherwise.
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- Summary
- Too Late (poem)
- Three Days (poem)
- A Half-Hour in an Old Cemetery (sketch)
- Over the Tea Cups [1] (column)
- Around the Table [2] (column)
- Around the Table [3] (column)
- I Have Buried My Dead (poem)
- Around the Table [4] (column)
- Around the Table [5] (column)
- Half an Hour with Canadian Mothers (sketch)
- Around the Table [6] (column)
- Around the Table [7] (column)
- Around the Table [8] (column)
- Around the Table [9] (column)
- Around the Table [10] (column)
- Around the Table [11] (column)
- Christmas Shopping in Halifax Stores (advertisements)
- Around the Table [12] (column)
- Around the Table [13] (column)
- Around the Table [14] (column)
Poems (3)
Too Late | Three Days | I Have Buried My Dead
Miscellaneous Pieces (17)
A Half-Hour in an Old Cemetery (sketch) | Over the Tea Cups [1] (column) | Around the Table [2] (column) | Around the Table [3] (column) | Around the Table [4] (column) | Around the Table [5] (column) | Half an Hour with Canadian Mothers (sketch) | Around the Table [6] (column) | Around the Table [7] (column) | Around the Table [8] (column) | Around the Table [9] (column) | Around the Table [10] (column) | Around the Table [11] (column) | Christmas Shopping in Halifax Stores (advertisements) | Around the Table [12] (column) | Around the Table [13] (column) | Around the Table [14] (column)
Too Late (poem)
The Ram’s Horn (Chicago), 31 August 1901, 6. Scrapbook 6.
First line: “When she was dead.”
A World of Songs: Selected Poems, 1894–1921, 75–76.
Three Days (poem)
National Magazine (Boston/Buffalo), September 1901, 688–89. Scrapbook 1.
First line: “Three days have I in my heart upsealed.”
A World of Songs: Selected Poems, 1894–1921, 25.
A Half-Hour in an Old Cemetery (sketch)
By M.M. Halifax Daily Echo, 26 September 1901, 1. Scrapbook 3.
This sketch, signed “M.M.,” is the first of Montgomery’s pieces published in the Halifax Daily Echo and reprinted in its sister newspaper, the Morning Chronicle. It describes a “ramble” in the cemetery of St. Paul’s Anglican Church in downtown Halifax that Montgomery would later weave into her novel Anne of the Island.
Morning Chronicle (Halifax), 27 September 1901, 3.
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 71–73.
Over the Tea Cups [1] (column)
By Cynthia. Halifax Daily Echo, 28 September 1901, 10. Scrapbook 3.
The first of thirty-five instalments of a newspaper column (known hereafter as “Around the Table”) that Montgomery referred to in her journal as “fun, fashions, fads, fancies” and published, under the pseudonym “Cynthia,” in the Halifax Daily Echo; twenty-three of these instalments were then republished in the Halifax Morning Chronicle. In this first instalment, Cynthia shares advice about the latest trends in hats, ruminates on the delights of old-fashioned gardens, warns against overreacting about temporary symptoms of physical illness, and tells the story of a suitor who was too intentional in planning ahead.
Characters: Cynthia, Polly
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 76–80.
Around the Table [2] (column)
By Cynthia. Halifax Daily Echo, 5 October 1901, 3. Scrapbook 3.
In this second instalment, Cynthia discusses the latest neckwear styles, warns against the risk of love letters being published after the writer’s death, mourns the lost art of letter writing, and recounts Polly’s story of getting the better of a friend of theirs who has a reputation for being a delightful conversationalist.
Characters: Cynthia, Polly
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 80–82 (as “[Letters, Books, and Neckwear]”).
Around the Table [3] (column)
By Cynthia. Halifax Daily Echo, 12 October 1901, 1. Scrapbook 3.
Morning Chronicle (Halifax), 14 October 1901, 7.
“Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Table Talk,” by Kevin McCabe, in The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron (Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999), 160–67 (excerpts, as “Polly and the Poor’s Asylum”).
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 82–86 (as “[Charitable Fits and Desperate Measures]”).
I Have Buried My Dead (poem)
The New York Family Story Paper, 12 October 1901, 6. Scrapbook 1.
First line: “I have buried my dead.”
A World of Songs: Selected Poems, 1894–1921, 77–78.
Around the Table [4] (column)
By Synthia [sic]. Halifax Daily Echo, 19 October 1901, 4. Scrapbook 3.
Morning Chronicle (Halifax), 21 October 1901, 2 (signed Cynthia).
“Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Table Talk,” by Kevin McCabe, in The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron (Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999), 160–67 (excerpted, as “Polly’s Postscripts”).
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 86–89 (as “[Collisions and Crossed Wires]”).
Around the Table [5] (column)
By Cynthia. Halifax Daily Echo, 26 October 1901, 1, 12. Scrapbook 3.
Morning Chronicle (Halifax), 28 October 1901, 3.
The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron (Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999), 160–67 (excerpted as “A Hallowe’en Charm” in “Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Table Talk,” by Kevin McCabe).
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 89–93 (as “[‘After the Ball’]”).
Half an Hour with Canadian Mothers (sketch)
The Ladies’ Journal (Toronto), November 1901, 20–22. Scrapbook 6.
This sketch consists of a blend of poetry (“Mother’s Mending Basket”), vignettes (“The Children’s Garden,” “One Mother’s Opinions,” “Bright Sayings”), and child-rearing advice (“What to Teach Your Son,” “What to Teach Your Daughter”), and some of its components were republished separately (see “One Mother’s Opinion” and “What to Teach Your Son”).
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 192–202.
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Around the Table [6] (column)
By Cynthia. Halifax Daily Echo, 2 November 1901, 1. Scrapbook 3.
Morning Chronicle (Halifax), 4 November 1901, 7.
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 93–96 (as “[Dismal November]”).
Around the Table [7] (column)
By Synthia [sic]. Halifax Daily Echo, 11 November 1901, 1. Scrapbook 3.
Morning Chronicle (Halifax), 12 November 1901, 6.
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 96–100 (as “[Wedding Bells]”).
Around the Table [8] (column)
By Cynthia. Halifax Daily Echo, 16 November 1901, 3. Scrapbook 3.
Morning Chronicle (Halifax), 18 November 1901, 3.
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 100–103 (as “[Bad Luck and Bad Advice]”).
Around the Table [9] (column)
By Cynthia. Halifax Daily Echo, 23 November 1901, 1. Scrapbook 3.
Morning Chronicle (Halifax), 25 November 1901, 7.
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 103–6 (as “[A Walk in the Park]”).
Around the Table [10] (column)
By Cynthia. Halifax Daily Echo, 2 December 1901, 1. Scrapbook 3.
Morning Chronicle (Halifax), 3 December 1901, 3.
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 107–10 (as “[Cakes and Dresses]” ).
Around the Table [11] (column)
By Cynthia. Halifax Daily Echo, 7 December 1901, 1. Scrapbook 3.
Morning Chronicle (Halifax), 9 December 1901, 3.
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 110–13 (as “[Presents and Secrets]”).
Christmas Shopping in Halifax Stores (advertisements)
Unsigned. Halifax Daily Echo, 9 December 1901, 1; 10 December 1901, 1; 11 December 1901, 6; 12 December 1901, 1; 13 December 1901, 1; 16 December 1901, 8; 17 December 1901, 8; 18 December 1901, 10; 19 December 1901, 10.
Montgomery wrote this set of advertisements for the Halifax Daily Echo; many of them were reprinted in the Morning Chronicle.
Morning Chronicle (Halifax), 10 December 1901, 6; 11 December 1901, 6; 13 December 1901, 3; 14 December 1901, 8; 19 December 1901, 6 (in substantially abridged form).
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 203–13 (excerpts).
Around the Table [12] (column)
By Cynthia. Halifax Daily Echo, 14 December 1901, 1. Scrapbook 3.
Morning Chronicle (Halifax), 16 December 1901, 7.
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 113–17 (as “[Preachments on Christmastide]”).
Around the Table [13] (column)
By Cynthia. Halifax Daily Echo, 23 December 1901, 1, 12. Scrapbook 3.
Morning Chronicle (Halifax), 26 December 1901, 5.
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 117–20 (as “[Illusions of Christmas]”).
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Around the Table [14] (column)
By Cynthia. Halifax Daily Echo, 30 December 1901, 7. Scrapbook 3.
Morning Chronicle (Halifax), 31 December 1901, 7.
A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, 120–23 (as “[Retrospection and Resolutions]”).
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“Shorter Works: 1901.” L.M. Montgomery Online,