
The Shining Scroll

The Shining Scroll is the annual online newsletter of the L.M. Montgomery Literary Society of Minnesota, which was founded in 1992. Now edited by Mary Beth Cavert and Carolyn Strom Collins, it includes reports on events and findings as well as articles about all aspects of Montgomery’s life, work, and legacy.

Total number of items: 391

Related website: The Shining Scroll

March 1992 (6)

“January 10, 1992 Meeting.” 1.

“Next Meeting.” 1.

“Volunteer Help.” 1.

“Future Meetings.” 1.

“The Tour.” 1.

“Reader Response.” 1.

Summer 1993 (5)

News About the L.M. Montgomery Institute. 1.

News About the L.M. Montgomery Literary Society. 1–2, 3–4.

“LMM Celebration at Uxbridge, Ontario.” 2.

“LMMLS Members Conduct Programs.” 3.

“News from Members.” 4.

Summer 1994 (10)

Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery in Ontario.” Special Montgomery in Ontario edition, January 1–10.

“L.M. Montgomery and Her Works: An International Symposium.” 1–2.

“Exploring the Art of L.M. Montgomery.” 2.

News of Members. 2.

“The Macneill Kitchen.” 3.

“Literary Society Member Wins National Poetry Award.” 4.

“Magog the Elder Is to the Manor Born.” 5.

Cavert, Willie, and Joel Felkey. “The L.M. Montgomery Literary Society: ‘Sippin’ and Shootin’.’” 6.

“Review of 1993–94 Literary Society Activities.” 7.

The Anne of Green Gables Treasury of Days.” 8.

Summer 1995 (9)

Lavanger, Jaimie. “Society Members Visit ‘Maud-Land.’” 1–3.

“New Books Alert!” 3.

“Betty Heath’s ‘Kindred Spirit’ Reading List.” 3.

Ghulam, Lance Erickson. “‘Anne’ Not Just for Girls.” 4.

“Lucy Maud Montgomery Is On-Line.” 5.

“Next Symposium.” 5.

“The Bala Museum.” 5.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Muskoka Dream.” 6–7.

“LMMLS Meetings.” 8.

1996 (15)

Mold, Virginia. “L.M. Montgomery International Conference.” 1.

Collins, Carolyn. “Literary Societies at the 1996 Symposium.” 1.

Collins, Carolyn. “A Japanese Wedding at Silver Bush.” 2.

“1996 Meetings.” 2–3.

Cavert, Beth. “Rea Wilmshurst (1941–1996).” 3.

“This Year’s Meetings.” 4.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “To the Friends of Anne.” 4.

Cavert, Beth. “Fred Wright.” 4–5.

“Next Meeting.” 5.

Collins, Carolyn. “To Remember and Be Remembered.” 6.

“Montgomery Scrapbooks.” 7.

“Future Programs.” 7.

“New Books.” 8.

Cavert, Elizabeth. “Anneland.” 8.

McCabe, Kevin. “A Pilgrimage to Bala in Muskoka, Ontario.” Special Bala edition, 1–5.

Summer 1997 (8)

“LMM’s Home in Leaskdale, Ontario Is Declared a Canadian Historical Site and Opened as a Museum.” 1.

“Fire at Green Gables.” 2.

“News from PEI Friends.” 3.

“L.M. Montgomery International Symposium—1998.” 3.

“Bala, Ontario, Celebration of Macdonald Family Features Mollie Gillen.” 4–5.

“‘Emily of New Moon’ Being Filmed on PEI.” 6.

“1996–97 LMMLS Meetings.” 6.

“1997–1998 Meetings.” 6.

Summer 1998 (11)

“In Memoriam, Carol Gaboury.” 1.

Hutton, Jack. “Tribute to Wilda Clark.” 2–3.

“New Books.” 3.

Anne Is Not Just for Girls!” 4.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Woolners.” 5–6.

McCabe, Kevin. “The Dilemma of Being Maud.” 7–12.

“Anne ‘Day-Camp.’” 13.

“Gog and Magog Replicas.” 13.

“Thinks Modern Flapper Will Be Strict Mother.” 14.

“1997 Meetings.” 15.

“1998 Meetings.” 15.

Summer 1999 (10)

“125th Anniversary of LMM.” 1.

“LMM Anniversary Memorial Donation: Carol Gaboury Collection.” 1–2.

Collins, Carolyn. “Montgomery Anniversary Summer on Prince Edward Island.” 3.

“L.M. Montgomery Ecumenical Memorial Service.” 4.

“Afternoon Tea at Dalvay by the Sea.” 4.

“Avonlea Village Opens in Cavendish.” 4.

“Stanley Bridge History Is Published.” 5.

“Benefit Concert for LMM Land Trust Is Held.” 5.

“New Anne Movie for TV.” 6.

“From Ingleside Impressions.” 6.

Summer 2000 (9)

“L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture.” 1–2.

“LMM Stories Re-discovered.” 2–4.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Secret Field.” 5.

Collins, Carolyn. “More Popular—or Not So Popular—Culture!” 6.

“Bedeque Blueberry Social.” 6.

Collins, Carolyn. “Bideford Parsonage Opens.” 7.

“Anne’s Tea Party.” 7.

“L.M. Montgomery Literary Society Meetings in 2000.” 8.

“New Books About Old Favourites.” 9.

November 2001 (6)

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Remembering a Friend of Anne.” 1–2.

Riedel, Sarah. “A Visit to L.M. Montgomery’s Ontario.” 3.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Tea with Luella.” 4.

Item on L.M. Montgomery and Life Writing. 4.

“New Books.” 5.

“LMMLS Meetings 2000–2001.” 5.

2002 (6)

“Montgomery Conference.” 1.

Collins, Carolyn. “Official Launch of the Virtual Museum.” 2.

“New Books.” 2.

“2001–2002 Meetings.” 3.

Gaboury, Jim. “From Manse to Museum: A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony in Leaskdale, Ontario on October 19, 2002.” 4–7.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Arthur John Lockhart: Pastor Felix.” 8–9.

Autumn 2003 (9)

Collins, Carolyn. “Shifting Landscapes of LMM.” n.pag.

“Dr. Elizabeth Epperly Gives Address at LMM Memorial Service.” n.pag.

“Bideford Parsonage Lecture Series Inaugurated.” n.pag.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “2002–03 LMM Literary Society Meetings.” n.pag.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Frede: More than Friend and Cousin.” n.pag.

“A Visit to the Guelph Archives.” n.pag.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Elsie Davidson: February 7, 1904–May 8, 2003.” n.pag.

“Ten-Year Anniversaries Celebrated.” n.pag.

“2004 Symposium.” n.pag.

2004 (8)

“L.M. Montgomery’s Interior/Exterior Landscapes.” 1–2.

Woster, Emily. “The Readings of a Writer.” 2.

“New Books.” 2–3.

“2004 Meetings.” 3.

Collins, Carolyn. “The Woolner Jug: Centrepiece of ‘A Tangled Web.’” 4–6.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “What Happened to Nate Lockhart?” 7–8.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Who Is Isabel Anderson?” 9–14.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “From Everywoman’s World, Toronto, April 1915: On War and Writing.” 15–19.

2005 (8)

Woster, Christy. “L.M. Montgomery and the Railway King of Canada.” 1–4.

Woster, Emily. “Lucy Maud Montgomery and the Ronald McNair Program.” 5.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Bertie McIntyre.” 6–11.

Collins, Carolyn. “News from PEI 2005.” 12–13.

“2004–05 Meetings of the L.M. Montgomery Literary Society.” 13–14.

“Storm and Dissonance L.M. Montgomery and Conflict.” 14.

“New Books Related to Montgomery.” 14.

“L.M. Montgomery’s Cavendish National Historic Site of Canada.” 14.

2006 (8)

“Storm and Dissonance: L.M. Montgomery and Conflict.” 1–2.

O’Brien, Joan, Ann Johnson, Mary Beth Cavert, Carolyn Collins, Sarah Riedel, and Christy Woster. “Collecting L.M. Montgomery.” 2–9.

“Historic Recognition for Old Montgomery Home: The L.M. Montgomery’s Cavendish National Historic Site of Canada Is a Place of National Historic Significance to Canada.” 9–10.

“2005–2006 Meetings of the L.M. Montgomery Literary Society.” 10.

“News from PEI 2006.” 11.

“LMMLS Founder Gives Invited Address at LMM Festival.” 11.

“New Books and Publications.” 11–12.

Woster, Christy. “Plagiarism or Deadly Parallel?” 12–14.

2007 (8)

Anne of Green Gables 1908 and 2008.” 1.

Woster, Christy. “The Artists of Anne of Green Gables: A Hundred Year Mystery.” 1–5.

Riedel, Sarah. “Marilla’s Amethyst Brooch: Unlocking the Secrets of Antique Jewelry.” 5–6.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Following in Anne’s Footsteps: An ‘Anne’ Itinerary for Prince Edward Island.” 7–11.

“L.M. Montgomery Literary Society Meetings 2006–7.” 12.

“LMM’s Montgomery Ancestors Arrive.” 12.

“L.M. Montgomery News.” 13.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “‘Lest We Forget’: Rainbow Valley.” 14–15.

2008 (16)

“Welcome to a Special Edition of The Shining Scroll.” October, 1.

Woster, Emily. “In Search of a Princess and Her Prince: How I Inadvertently Found Herman Leard.” October, 2–3.

“Re-introducing Herman Leard: L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Love of My Life.’” October, 4–5.

Woster, Christy. “Clippings and Cuttings: Sources of Some of the Images and Poetry in L.M. Montgomery’s Island Scrapbooks.” October, 6–13.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, and Sir Andrew Macphail.” October, 14–23.

Woster, Christy. “‘L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables and the Idea of Classic.’” December, 2–3.

Johnson, Ann. “International Anne.” December, 3.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “A Note About Books.” December, 3–4.

“New Edition of The Anne of Green Gables Treasury Published.” December, 4.

The Nine Lives of L.M. Montgomery Musical Debuts on PEI.” December, 4.

Woster, Christy. “From Canada to the World: The Cultural Influence of L.M. Montgomery.” December, 5–6.

Quaile, Deborah. “First L.M. Montgomery Conference at University of Guelph.” December, 7–8.

“L.M. Montgomery Literary Society Meetings and Anne 100 Events.” December, 8–10.

Woster, Christy. “A Writer Forgotten: The Story of Edith Russell.” December, 10–13.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery’s Book Dedications: Robert Brooks, 116th Battalion, C.E.F.” December, 14–19.

Brown, Vanessa. “The Open Fellowship of Kindred Spirits: Impressions of Montgomery Scholarship.” December, 20–22.

2009 (22)

Woster, Christy. “Happy 100th Birthday Anne of Avonlea: 1909–2009.” September, 1–3.

Woster, Christy. “The Author of Anne of Avonlea: ‘A Nice Little Tale with a Nice Little Heroine and a Nice Little Moral.” September, 3–4.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Harriet Gordon Smith and L.M. Montgomery: The Careful Ways of Duty.” September, 5–17.

Hutton, Jack. “Bideford Parsonage.” September, 17.

“Dr. Mollie Gillen, L.M. Montgomery Biographer: November 1, 1908–January 3, 2009.” September, 18.

The Blythes Are Quoted.” September, 19–20.

Woster, Christy. “More About Edith Russell.” September, 21–22.

Eriksson, Christina Wyss. “Book Ends.” September, 22–23.

“Collectors’ Corner.” September, 24–26.

“The Dedication in L.M. Montgomery’s Rainbow Valley 1919.” December, 1.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery and World War I in Leaskdale, Ontario: A Book Dedication to Golden D. Lapp.” December, 2–11.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Montgomery’s Other Soldiers.” December, 12–15.

Kajihara, Yuka. “The Untold Story of L.M. Montgomery’s Japanese Kimono.” December, 16–21.

“International Anne.” December, 21–22.

Hutton, Jack. “Bala, Ontario.” December, 22–23.

“New Books.” December, 23.

Hancock, Pamela. “The Symbolism of Needlework and Textile Arts in the Anne Series.” December, 24–30.

“Anne in Space.” December, 30.

Collins, Carolyn. “PEI Summer Happenings.” December, 31.

“Literary Society Events in 2009.” December, 31–32.

“Collectors’ Corner: A Mecca for the Book Wise.” December, 32–33.

“Clippings and Cuttings.” December, 33–34.

December 2010 (20)

Welcome message. Part 1, 1.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Collecting L.M. Montgomery.” Part 1, 1–4.

Wood, Joanne Lebold. “Anne of Australia: An Exploration into the Australian Editions of L.M. Montgomery’s Works.” Part 1, 5–11.

Welcome message. Part 2, 1.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “The L.M. Montgomery Institute’s Ninth Biennial International Conference.” Part 2, 2–7.

Montgomery, L.M. “To a Desired Friend.” Part 2, 8.

Woster, Christy. “A Bad Boy’s Diary: The Inspiration for L.M. Montgomery’s Lifetime of Journaling.” Part 2, 9–13.

Woster, Christy. “Anne Dress.” Part 2, 14–15.

Woster, Emily. “Laurapalooza: A Celebration of Laura Ingalls Wilder.” Part 2, 15–16.

Credits. Part 2, 17.

Welcome message. Part 3, 1.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “A Visit to ‘Four Winds Lighthouse.’” Part 3, 2–6.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Notes from PEI—2010.” Part 3, 6–8.

“Passages.” Part 3, 8–9.

“Changes.” Part 3, 9.

“Additional Notes.” Part 3, 9–10.

“New Montgomery Books and Films.” Part 3, 10.

“Lucy Maud Montgomery at Home in Leaskdale: A Centennial Celebration 13–15 October 2011.” Part 3, 11.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Margaret Leask.” Part 3, 11–13.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Little Booklet of Verse.’” Part 3, 14–21.

December 2011 (17)

Welcome message. Part 1, 1.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Manse Museum.” Part 1, 2–4.

Collins, Carolyn, Christy Woster, and Beth Cavert. “Lucy Maud Montgomery at Home in Leaskdale.” Part 1, 5–12.

Whitfield, Elgin. “Lesson: A Life Examined.” Part 1, 12–13.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Very Soul of the Universe Must Ache with Anguish: L.M. Montgomery, Leaskdale, and Loss in the Great War.” Part 1, 14–26.

Welcome message. Part 2, 1.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “100th Wedding Anniversary of L.M. Montgomery and Ewan Macdonald Commemorated.” Part 2, 2.

Lange, Sue. “L.M. Montgomery’s Halifax: The Real Life Inspiration for Anne of the Island.” Part 2, 3–9.

Woster, Christy. “The Dalhousie Girls.” Part 2, 9–12.

Lange, Sue. “More on Lottie Shatford.” Part 2, 12–14.

Fishbane, Melanie. “Grace Lin: A Kindred Spirit.” Part 2, 14–16.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Anita Webb and Aunt Maud: December 13, 1911–March 4, 1996.” Part 2, 17–19.

Wood, Joanne Lebold. “A ‘Sampling’ of Anne’s House of Dreams.” Part 2, 20.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Introduction to Montgomery’s Expanding Bibliography.” Part 2, 20–21.

Woster, Christy. “From Tennessee to Trinidad: The Ever-Expanding L.M. Montgomery Bibliography.” Part 2, 21–35.

“Happenings.” Part 2, 35–37.

“Literary Society Meetings.” Part 2, 37–38.

2012 (25)

Welcome message. Part 1, 1.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Chronicles of Avonlea: Published One Hundred Years Ago, June 1912.” Part 1, 2–3.

“2012 Literary Society Meetings.” Part 1, 4.

“Calling All Kindreds!” Part 1, 5–6.

“Silent Auction Raises Funds for the Institute.” Part 1, 7–8.

“North Shore Sunset Lighthouse Tour.” Part 1, 8–10.

“Epperly Plaza Dedicated in June.” Part 1, 10–11.

“L.M. Montgomery and Cultural Memory.” Part 1, 11–13.

“Threads from a Quilt: Conference Selections.” Part 1, 13–16.

“Social Events.” Part 1, 16.

Woster, Christy. “Road Trip: In Search of L.M. Montgomery in the Early 1970s.” Part 1, 17–21.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery and Cultural Memory: The Value of Paratext in Montgomery Books.” Part 1, 22–27.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “L.M. Montgomery, Accidental Historian: Discovering Fragments of Island History in Montgomery’s Stories.” Part 1, 27–31.

Welcome message. Part 2, 1.

Wagner, Sandy. “Behind the Glass Doors.” Part 2, 2–5.

Lange, Sue. “Hooked on Montgomery.” Part 2, 5–13.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “L.M. Montgomery’s Honeymoon Trousseau.” Part 2, 13.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery’s 1911 Honeymoon in Scotland.” Part 2, 14–17.

Woster, Christy. “Lucy Maud Montgomery Day and Diamond Jubilee Celebration in Leaskdale, Ontario.” Part 2, 18–19.

Wagner, Sandy. “The Secret of Patty’s Place.” Part 2, 19–20.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Friend of the L.M. Montgomery Institute: Rev. Dr. Francis William Pius Bolger.” Part 2, 20–22.

“L.M. Montgomery Heritage Museum for Sale.” Part 2, 22.

“Books.” Part 2, 23–24.

“Attention Collectors!” Part 2, 25.

“New Anne of Green Gables Television Series Is in Development.” Part 2, 25.

2013 (19)

“L.M. Montgomery Institute Celebrates 20th Year.” 1.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Centennial of L.M. Montgomery’s The Golden Road (1913).” 2–4.

Wagner, Sandy. “The Golden Road and the Yankee Gale.” 5–7.

“Canadian Artifact Stolen from Macneill Homestead Bookshop.” 8–9.

“Dr. Lewis Benjamin Woolner Celebrates 100th Birthday.” 9–10.

“Selected Family Tree of Woolners and Macneills.” 11.

Wagner, Sandy. “Samplers, Mottoes and Stitches.” 12–15.

Woster, Christy. “Some of L.M. Montgomery’s Favorite Books.” 15–16.

“News and Books.” 16–18.

Woster, Emily. “‘He Had an Elegance About Him’: Remembering Dr. Stuart McDonald.” 18–20.

“Congratulations to One of Our Literary Society Members.” 21.

“Friends of the LMMI.” 21–22.

Woster, Christy. “‘Anne of Green Gables—the Musical’ Turns 50.” 23–26.

Woster, Christy. “Anne of Avonlea Presented in Minnesota.” 27–28.

“Our Regional Literary Society Friends Met in 2013.” 28.

Quaile, Deborah. “The Barraclough House.” 28–31.

“Coming Up on PEI, January 2014.” 31.

“L.M. Montgomery and War.” 32–33.

“Image Credits.” 34.

2014 (22)

Welcome message. Part 1, 1–2.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “‘If Our Women Fail in Courage, Will Our Men Be Fearless Still.’” Part 1, 2–12.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “‘An Occasional Story or Bit of Verse’: A Brief Analysis of L.M. Montgomery’s Stories and Poems Published During the Great War.” Part 1, 13–21.

Also in The Shining Scroll, 2020, 21–24, 31–35.

“2014 Conference Program.” Part 1, 21–24.

“Conference Special Events.” Part 1, 24–25.

Lloyd, Simon, Donna Campbell, and Carolyn Strom Collins. “Honouring Our Donors: L.M. Montgomery Collections at the University of Prince Edward Island, 28 June 2014.” Part 1, 26–29.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery’s Last Visit to Prince Edward Island in 1939.” Part 1, 29–32.

Welcome message. Part 2, 1.

Woster, Christy. “It’s a War Out There: Collecting and Competition in the World of Montgomery.” Part 2, 2–7.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery Collectibles.” Part 2, 7–14.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Identifying Dust Jackets of 1908 and 1909 Editions of Anne of Green Gables.” Part 2, 14–18.

“January 30th, 2015: Happy 100th Birthday to Ruth Macdonald!” Part 2, 18.

Woster, Christy. “Friends of the Montgomery Institute Fund Raising Auction.” Part 2, 19.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “The Friends of the LMMI.” Part 2, 20–21.

Wagner, Sandy. “Comfort in Conflict.” Part 2, 21–29.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Some Final Words About the L.M. Montgomery Institute.” Part 2, 30.

“New Publications.” Part 2, 31.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “L.M. Montgomery’s Norval, Ontario.” Part 2, 31–32.

Hayden, Bev. “The Enigma That Was the House of Barraclough.” Part 2, 32–36.

Woster, Christy. “L.M. Montgomery Day and Uxbridge Storytelling Fun Fest.” Part 2, 37–38.

“Notes from Our Social Media.” Part 2, 38.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “A Birthday Quote in Honor of L.M. Montgomery’s 140th Birthday in 2014.” Part 2, 39.

2015 (12)

Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery and the Movies.” 1–3.

Woster, Christy. “Frances Marion: Screenwriter for Anne of Green Gables—1919.” 4–13.

Anne of the Island.” 14.

“Jonathan Crombie.” 14.

Cavert, Mary Beth, Carolyn Strom Collins, and Linda Boutilier. “On L.M. Montgomery’s Prince Edward Island.” 15–21.

Collins, Carolyn. “The Significance of ‘Ingleside’ in Park Corner, PEI.” 21–22.

Cavert, Mary Beth, and Carolyn Collins. “Leaskdale L.M. Montgomery Days.” 23–24.

Layton, Gwen. “Excerpts from Maud in the Garden.” 24–26.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Readying Rilla.” 26–27.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Recommended Companion Reading for Rilla of Ingleside.” 27–28.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Lucy Maud Montgomery Garden of the Senses.” 29–30.

Untitled news. 30–31.

2016 (20)

Cavert, Mary Beth. “After Many Years: A Life Remembered.” 2–6.

“25th Anniversary of the LMMLS.” 7.

“In the Home of Her Mother.” 8–14.

“I Dwell Among My People: L.M. Montgomery’s Kindred Spirits.” 15–22.

“Ruth Macdonald.” 23.

“The Leard House.” 24.

“The L.M. Montgomery Society of Ontario.” 24–25.

Cavert, Mary Beth, and Carolyn Strom Collins. “The L.M. Montgomery Heritage Society.” 25–27.

“Bala’s Museum, 25 Years of Memories of L.M. Montgomery.” 27–28.

“Welcome to the New Chair of the L.M. Montgomery Institute, Dr. Philip Smith.” 28.

“The L.M. Montgomery Institute’s 12th Biennial Conference.” 29.

“The L.M. Montgomery Institute’s 13th Biennial Conference.” 29–30.

“Emily Woster Named Resident Scholar for the LMMI.” 30–31.

“Launch of Research Site ‘Kindredspaces.’” 31.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Friends of LMMI.” 31–32.

Waltz, Vanessa. “‘What Did You Think of When You Were a Little Girl . . . like Me?’ The Prosy Day Pleasures of the Anne of Green Gables and Emily of New Moon Series.” 32–33.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Maud: A Novel Inspired by the Life of L.M. Montgomery by Melanie Fishbane.” 34–35.

“New Books.” 35–37.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of The Watchman and Other Poems.” 37–38.

“A Broader Local, National, and International Role for the L.M. Montgomery Institute.” 39.

2017 (11)

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Centennial of Anne’s House of Dreams.” 1–3.

“Coming Soon! L.M. Montgomery and Reading.” 4.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “In Memoriam.” 4–10.

“Literary Tourism: L.M. Montgomery Places and People.” 11.

Lockerby, Earle. “‘Spirit of Canada’ Celebration.” 12–13.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “The ‘Marco Polo’ Sails Again.” 14.

Lockerby, Earle. “Montgomery House in Princetown Moved.” 15–18.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “L.M. Montgomery Poem Reference Found.” 19.

“Books!” 20.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery and Natural Friendship: ‘The Chords of Our Natures Are Perfectly Attuned.’” 21–25.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Instead of a Boy: The Origin of the Orphan Girl Motif in Anne of Green Gables.” 26–27.

2018 (8)

Wagner, Sandra. “Christmas Through the Eyes of a Child.” 1–7.

Cavert, Mary Beth, and Carolyn Strom Collins. “2018 Montgomery Conference.” 7–9.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Memorial Program for Father Francis W.P. Bolger.” 10.

Anne of Green Gables Original Manuscript to Be Published.” 10–11.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Anne’s Face, Evelyn Nesbit, and Memories in a Scrapbook.” 11–17.

“Notes of Interest.” 18–19.

“Why Is The Blue Castle About a Castle (and Why Is It Blue?).” 20–25.

“Books!” 26.

2019 (15)

Anne of Green Gables: The Original Manuscript.” 1–2.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Green Gables Heritage Place Visitor Centre.” 3.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Envisioning Green Gables: L.M. Montgomery’s Landmark After 188 Years.” 4–11.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “New Park Addition to L.M. Montgomery Sites on Prince Edward Island.” 12–13.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “‘Birthplace’ of Anne of Green Gables: The Macneill Kitchen.” 13–14.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Hurricane Damage to Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Cavendish Home.” 14.

“L.M. Montgomery Institute.” 15.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Oliver! The Last Man to Propose to L.M. Montgomery.” 16–22.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “North Rustico, Prince Edward Island: Landmarks and Home of L.M. Montgomery’s Woolner Family.” 23–29.

“Sites.” 30.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Centennial of Rainbow Valley.” 31.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Centennial of 1919 Anne of Green Gables Movie.” 31–32.

“Books.” 33.

“Conferences.” 33–34.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Shining Scroll and a Review of L.M. Montgomery ‘Newsletters.’” 34–36.

2020 (10)

Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery’s Newly Discovered Correspondence with George Boyd MacMillan: ‘From the Land of the Maple.’” 1–3.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery and Vision Conference/Forum 2020.” 3.

“L.M. Montgomery Prince Edward Island Tour.” 4.

“2020 L.M. Montgomery Institute Legacy Awards.” 4.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Exploring a National Treasure: L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables Manuscript.” 5.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “To My Mother: Clara Woolner Macneill Montgomery.” 6–12, 28.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “‘Pure as Pearls of Dew’: Searching for the Ideal Woman in the Poetry of L.M. Montgomery.” 13–18, 29–31.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Two LMM Letters Found in Toronto Public Library Collection.” 19–21.

“Sites.” 24–28.

“Our Most Popular Social Media Posts for This Year.” 36.

2021 (11)

Cavert, Mary Beth. “L.M. Montgomery’s Last Visit to Her Childhood Home: Anne’s House and Remarkable Anne Fans.” 1–4.

Dukátová, Natália. “Gender Roles in Slovak Children’s Literature Through the Lens of Anne of Green Gables.” 5–9.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Centennial of Rilla of Ingleside.” 10–12.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Another Centennial!” 12–13.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Celebrating Lives.” 14.

Bracefield, Hilary. “Seeing the Flash: L.M. Montgomery’s Nature and 1940s New Zealand.” 15–20.

“Books!” 21–22.

“Recommended Listening!” 22–23.

“Coming in 2022.” 23.

“L.M. Montgomery Society of Ontario.” 24.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Notes from Prince Edward Island—2021.” 24–25.

2022 (16)

“Centennial and Birthday Celebrations.” 1–2.

“Re-vision.” 2–3.

“L.M. Montgomery Institute Projects.” 3–4.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Introduction to ‘The Cats of the Tansy Patch.’” 4.

Montgomery, L.M. “The Cats of the Tansy Patch.” 5–9.

“Montgomery Places.” 9–11.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “What to Believe About L.M. Montgomery.” 11–18.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Blue Castle: How to Identify Early and Later Printings.” 18–21.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “Revisioning ‘Anne’ on Film: Comparing Anne of Green Gables, the Novel, with the 1919 and 1934 Movie Versions.” 22–26.

Cavert, Mary Beth, with Rosemary Osterhus. “Frederica Campbell and N.C. McFarlane.” 27–34.

“Readathon.” 35.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Mag Laird and Peg Bowen.” 37.

“The Profession of Nursing During the Time of the Anne Books.” 37.

McKenzie, Andrea. “Nursing in the 1900s.” 37–38.

“Books.” 39.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Emily.” 39–40.

2023 (11)

Welcome message. 1.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Mysteries of Maud.” 1.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Ew*n M*donald: Ewen with an E, Macdonald with an A.” 2–12.

Hayden, Beverley. “Minute by Minute: The Cavendish Literary Society 1886–1924.” 12–17.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “A Visit to Bala and a Day with The Blue Castle Friends, Linda and Jack Hutton.” 18.

Collins, Carolyn Strom. “L.M. Montgomery’s Home in Norval Update.” 19.

Cavert, Mary Beth. “Emily of New Moon Centennial and Scotland.” 20–21.

“L.M. Montgomery Institute.” 21–22.

“Launch of Digital Anne Manuscript.” 22.

Quaile, Deborah. “Yours Sincerely, Lucy Maud Montgomery: How Anne’s Manuscript Travelled Through the Mail.” 23–25.

“New Books.” 25.


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