- Anne Innis Dagg
- Hope Dalvay
- Pascale D’Astous
- Frank Davey
- Alison Matthews David
- Lars Davidson
- Cory Bieman Davies
- Marie C. Davis
- Sally Davis
- D.L. Davison
- Barbara Davoll
- Alan Dawe
- Matthew Dawkins
- Catherine Dawson
- Janis Dawson
- Jim Day
- Karen Day
- William Arthur Deacon
- Basil Deakin
- Misao Dean
- Susan Dean
- Natasha Deen
- Debra Childs DeGagné
- Yael de Jong
- James De Jonge
- Margaret DeKeyser
- Rachel Delahaye
- Susan Demeria
- Jennie Colbert Dempsey
- Tess Dempster
- Leigh Denault
- Mary A. Denison
- Peter de Niverville
- Anna Derelkowska-Misiuna
- Rebecca Anne DeSimone
- Karine Deslandes
- Deborah DeSonier
- Lisa DeTora
- Cecily Devereux
- John Bancroft Devins
- Bryn Dewar
- Colleen Dewhurst
- Shelley M. Diaz
- Brenton D.G. Dickieson
- Mary Dickinson
- Peter Dickinson
- Kevin Dickson
- Kate DiGirolomo
- B. Christopher Dinkoff
- Richard Dionne
- Aline Dirkx
- Carole Ditomaso
- Carol Dobson
- Dorothy Dodge
- Rachel Dodge
- Olivia Doering
- Hannah Dolan
- Nathan Haskell Dole
- Elizabeth Dollard
- Diana V. Dominguez
- Christopher M. Doody
- Margaret Anne Doody
- J. Milnor Dorey
- Jane Doucet
- Lisa Doucet
- George Doughart
- Nancy Doughty
- Jennifer Douglas
- Lorraine Douglas
- Deborah Downey
- Susan Drain
- Bernard A. Drew
- Lorna Drew
- Dagmara Drewniak
- Jean Elizabeth Dryden
- Yan Du
- Sharon E. Dube
- Anne Dublin
- Judy Dudar
- Charles Duerden
- Dennis Duffy
- Mo Duffy Cobb
- Willna G. Du Four
- Kristie Dugan
- Vikas Duggal
- Natália Dukátová
- Monique Dull
- Dorothy Dumbrille
- Deborah Dundas
- Lori A. Dunn
- Catherine-Laura Dunnington
- Cori Dusmann
- Jennifer Dussling
- Ann Dutton
- Sylvia DuVernet
- Phoebe Dwight
- Greig Dymond
Anne Innis Dagg
Reference Item (1)
Dagg, Anne Innis. The Feminine Gaze: A Canadian Compendium of Non-fiction Women Authors and Their Books, 1836–1945. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2001.
See “Montgomery, Lucy Maud,” 218–19.
Hope Dalvay
Shorter Extension (1)
Dalvay, Hope. “In Search of Kindred Spirits.” In The ANNEthology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon, compiled by Judith Graves, edited by Robin Sutherland, 31–63. Charlottetown: Acorn Press, 2024.
Pascale D’Astous
Newsletter Item (1)
D’Astous, Pascale. “Summer Pilgrimage.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 2003, 5.
Frank Davey
Book Chapter (1)
Davey, Frank. “The Hard-Won Power of Canadian Womanhood: Reading Anne of Green Gables Today.” In L.M. Montgomery and Canadian Culture, edited by Irene Gammel and Elizabeth Epperly, 163–82. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999.
Excerpted in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Volume 140, edited by Janet Witalec, 336–45. Detroit: Gale, 2003.
Excerpted as “Ambiguity and Anxiety in Anne of Green Gables” in Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Mary Henley Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston, 381–85. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2007. A Norton Critical Edition.
Alison Matthews David
Book Chapter (1)
David, Alison Matthews, and Kimberly Wahl. “‘Matthew Insists on Puffed Sleeves’: Ambivalence Towards Fashion in Anne of Green Gables.” In Anne’s World: A New Century of Anne of Green Gables, edited by Irene Gammel and Benjamin Lefebvre, 35–49. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010. https://doi.org/10.3138/9781442690233-004.
Lars Davidson
Magazine Item (1)
Davidson, Lars. “On the Road to Avonlea . . . the Island Footage.” The Atlantic Advocate (Fredericton), March 1991, 9–10.
Cory Bieman Davies
Journal Article (1)
Ross, Catherine Sheldrick, and Cory Bieman Davies. “An Interview with Margaret Atwood.” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 42 (1986): 9–16. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/1954.
Marie C. Davis
Paratexts (3)
Davis, Marie. “Editorial: Mythologizing Montgomery.” In “L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture.” Special issue, Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 91–92 (Fall–Winter 1998): 4–5. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/4499.
Davis, Marie. “Editorial: Tradition and the Individual Talent.” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 94 (Summer 1999): 4–5. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/4578.
Excerpted in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 91, edited by Scot Peacock, 150. Detroit: Gale, 2004.
Davis, Marie C., and Benjamin Lefebvre. “Editorial: The Lives of Girls and Boys.” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 105–6 (Spring–Summer 2002): 7–8. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/3853.
Sally Davis
Reviews (3)
Davis, Sally. Review of Spirit of Place: Lucy Maud Montgomery and Prince Edward Island, selected and edited by Francis W.P. Bolger. CM: A Reviewing Journal of Canadian Materials for Young People 11, no. 1 (January 1983). https://www.cmreviews.ca/cm/cmarchive/vol11no1/spiritofplace.html.
Davis, Sally. Review of A Child’s Anne, retold by Deirdre Kessler. CM: A Reviewing Journal of Canadian Materials for Young People 12, no. 1 (January 1984). https://www.cmreviews.ca/cm/cmarchive/vol12no1/childsanne.html.
Davis, Sally. Review of Emily of New Moon, by L.M. Montgomery; Emily Climbs, by L.M. Montgomery; Emily’s Quest, by L.M. Montgomery. CM: A Reviewing Journal of Canadian Materials for Young People 12, no. 2 (March 1984). https://www.cmreviews.ca/cm/cmarchive/vol12no2/emily.html.
D.L. Davison
Journal Article (1)
Davison, D.L. “Memory and L.M. Montgomery.” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 53 (1989): 46–47. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/2349.
Barbara Davoll
Abridged Editions (8)
Montgomery, L.M. The King Cousins. Adapted by Barbara Davoll. Grand Rapids, MI: Zonderkidz, 2004. The Story Girl 1.
Montgomery, L.M. Measles, Mischief, and Mishaps. Adapted by Barbara Davoll. Grand Rapids, MI: Zonderkidz, 2004. The Story Girl 2.
Montgomery, L.M. Summer Shenanigans. Adapted by Barbara Davoll. Grand Rapids, MI: Zonderkidz, 2004. The Story Girl 3.
Montgomery, L.M. Dreams, Schemes, and Mysteries. Adapted by Barbara Davoll. Grand Rapids, MI: Zonderkidz, 2004. The Story Girl 4.
Montgomery, L.M. Winter on the Island. Adapted by Barbara Davoll. Grand Rapids, MI: Zonderkidz, 2005. The Story Girl 5.
Montgomery, L.M. Wedding Wishes and Woes. Adapted by Barbara Davoll. Grand Rapids, MI: Zonderkidz, 2005. The Story Girl 6.
Montgomery, L.M. Midnight Madness and Mayhem. Adapted by Barbara Davoll. Grand Rapids, MI: Zonderkidz, 2005. The Story Girl 7.
Montgomery, L.M. The Winds of Change. Adapted by Barbara Davoll. Grand Rapids, MI: Zonderkidz, 2005. The Story Girl 8.
Alan Dawe
Review (1)
Dawe, Alan. “Scrap from the Barrel.” Review of The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career, by L.M. Montgomery. Vancouver Sun, 27 December 1974, 30A.
Matthew Dawkins
Shorter Extension (1)
Dawkins, Matthew. “Anne, from Nowhere in Particular.” In The ANNEthology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon, compiled by Judith Graves, edited by Robin Sutherland, 195–213. Charlottetown: Acorn Press, 2024.
Catherine Dawson
Magazine Items (3)
Dawson, Catherine. “Island Girl.” TV Guide (North York, ON), 3 January 1998, 9–10.
Dawson, Catherine. “Scotchbroth.” TV Guide (North York, ON), 17 October 1998, 15–17.
Dawson, Catherine. “The Story Continues. . . .” TV Guide (North York, ON), 4 March 2000, 14–17.
Janis Dawson
Journal Article (1)
Dawson, Janis. “Literary Relations: Anne Shirley and Her American Cousins.” Children’s Literature in Education 33, no. 1 (March 2002): 29–51. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1014415709167.
Jim Day
Newspaper Item (1)
Day, Jim. “Suicide Took Life of Anne Creator, Expert on Author Not Surprised.” The Guardian (Charlottetown), 23 September 2008, A1–A2.
Karen Day
Journal Article (1)
Day, Karen, and Joyce M. Bainbridge. “Canadian Short Stories for Young Readers: A Historical Perspective.” English Quarterly 36, no. 3 (2004): 2–8.
William Arthur Deacon
Book-Length Study (1)
Deacon, William Arthur. Poteen: A Pot-Pourri of Canadian Essays. Ottawa: The Graphic Publishers, 1926.
Excerpted in Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Mary Henley Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston, 340. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2007. A Norton Critical Edition.
Newspaper Item (1)
Deacon, W.A. “Japanese Girl Loves Lucy.” Globe and Mail (Toronto), 10 November 1962, 26.
Basil Deakin
Newspaper Item (1)
Deakin, Basil. “Anne ‘Quite Irresistible.’” Chronicle-Herald (Halifax), 30 November 1985, 44.
Misao Dean
Review (1)
Dean, Misao. “(Re)inscriptions of Nineteenth-Century Popular Culture.” Review of “Come, Bright Improvement”: The Literary Societies of Nineteenth Century Ontario, by Heather Murray; Making Avonlea: L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture, edited by Irene Gammel; Paddling Her Own Canoe: The Times and Texts of E. Pauline Johnson, by Carole Gerson and Veronica Strong-Boag. Topia: A Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies 10 (Fall 2003): 91–95.
Susan Dean
Journal Article (1)
Dean, Susan. “‘Coping with Growing Up’: The Oral Tradition in Children’s Literature.” Ethnologies 9, no. 1–2 (1987): 7–18. https://doi.org/10.7202/1081433ar.
Natasha Deen
Shorter Extension (1)
Deen, Natasha. “4624463.” In The ANNEthology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon, compiled by Judith Graves, edited by Robin Sutherland, 89–127. Charlottetown: Acorn Press, 2024.
Debra Childs DeGagné
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
DeGagné, Debra Childs. “‘Women Worth Fighting For’: Revaluing Gender and War in Rilla of Ingleside.” MA thesis, Royal Military College of Canada, 2012. https://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/thesescanada/vol2/002/MR93353.pdf.
Yael de Jong
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
de Jong, Yael. “Breaking the Silence: An Examination of the Portrayal of Mothers in the Works of L.M. Montgomery.” MA thesis, Roehampton University (UK), 2005.
James De Jonge
Book Chapter (1)
De Jonge, James. “Through the Eyes of Memory: L.M. Montgomery’s Cavendish.” In Making Avonlea: L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture, edited by Irene Gammel, 252–67. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002.
Margaret DeKeyser
Abridged Edition (1)
Montgomery, L.M. Anne of Green Gables. Condensed and adapted by Margaret DeKeyser. Illustrated by Jerry Dillingham. Franklin, TN: Dalmatian Press, 2004. The Great Classics for Children.
Paperback edition: Dalmatian Press, 2013.
Paperback edition: Bendon Publishing, 2014. Junior Classics for Young Readers.
Rachel Delahaye
Abridged Edition (1)
Montgomery, L.M. Anne of Green Gables. Retold by Rachel Delahaye. Illustrated by Dave Williams. London: Rising Stars UK, 2019.
Susan Demeria
Newsletter Item (1)
Demeria, Susan. “The Tragedy.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2000, 8–9.
Jennie Colbert Dempsey
Review (1)
Dempsey, Jennie Colbert. Review of Jane of Lantern Hill, by L.M. Montgomery. Telegraph (Macon, GA), 4 October 1937. In “Scrapbook of Reviews from Around the World Which L.M. Montgomery’s Clipping Service Sent to Her,” compiled by L.M. Montgomery, loose pages. L.M. Montgomery Collection, Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph archives.
Tess Dempster
Newsletter Item (1)
Dempster, Tess. “Membership.” Cordially Yours, Fall 2015, 8.
Leigh Denault
Newsletter Item (1)
Denault, Leigh. “The Autumn Bringer.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1996, 8.
Mary A. Denison
Review (1)
Denison, Mary A. Review of The Blue Castle, by L.M. Montgomery. The Literary Review (New York), 16 October 1926, 12.
Peter de Niverville
Reviews (2)
de Niverville, Peter. Review of Anne of Ingleside, by L.M. Montgomery; Rainbow Valley, by L.M. Montgomery; Rilla of Ingleside, by L.M. Montgomery. The Atlantic Provinces Book Review 17, no. 3 (September–October 1990): 6.
de Niverville, Peter. “The Other Side of Lucy Maud Montgomery.” Review of Among the Shadows: Tales from the Darker Side, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Rea Wilmshurst. The Atlantic Provinces Book Review 17, no. 4 (November–December 1990): 14.
Anna Derelkowska-Misiuna
Book Chapter (1)
Derelkowska-Misiuna, Anna. “Anne of Green Gables—Towards the Ideal or Mass Production of Translations?” In La retraduction en littérature de jeunesse / Retranslating Children’s Literature, edited by Virginie Douglas and Florence Cabaret, 193–207. Brussels: Peter Lang, 2014. Recherches comparatives sur les livres et le multimédia d’enfance 7.
Rebecca Anne DeSimone
Newsletter Item (1)
DeSimone, Rebecca Anne. “Ode to the Island.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1992, 28.
Karine Deslandes
Newsletter Items (2)
Deslandes, Karine. “Road to Avonlea and Anne.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 26 (Winter 1998–1999): 31.
Deslandes, Karine. “Felicity and Gus.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 28 (Summer 1999): 17.
Deborah DeSonier
Newsletter Item (1)
DeSonier, Deborah, and Joyce Jarrett. “Kindred Companions in P.E.I.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 11 (Spring 1995): 20–22.
Lisa DeTora
Journal Article (1)
DeTora, Lisa. “In After Years: Retrospection and the Great War in the Work of L.M. Montgomery.” 49th Parallel 5 (Spring 2000). https://49thparalleljournal.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/2-detora-in-after-years.pdf.
Cecily Devereux
Critical Edition (1)
Montgomery, L.M. Anne of Green Gables. 1908. Edited by Cecily Devereux. Peterborough: Broadview Editions, 2004.
Book Chapters (4)
Devereux, Cecily. “Anatomy of a ‘National Icon’: Anne of Green Gables and the ‘Bosom Friends’ Affair.” In Making Avonlea: L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture, edited by Irene Gammel, 32–42. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002.
Devereux, Cecily. “‘Not One of Those Dreadful New Women’: Anne Shirley and the Culture of Imperial Motherhood.” In Windows and Words: A Look at Canadian Children’s Literature in English, edited by Aïda Hudson and Susan-Ann Cooper, 119–30. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2003. Reappraisals: Canadian Writers 25.
Excerpted as “The Culture of Imperial Motherhood” in Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Mary Henley Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston, 365–70. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2007. A Norton Critical Edition.
Devereux, Cecily. “‘See My Journal for the Full Story’: Fictions of Truth in Anne of Green Gables and L.M. Montgomery’s Journals.” In The Intimate Life of L.M. Montgomery, edited by Irene Gammel, 241–57. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005.
Devereux, Cecily. “Canadian Feminist Literary Criticism and Theory in the ‘Second Wave.’” In The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Literature, edited by Cynthia Sugars, 845–62. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199941865.013.46.
Journal Articles (3)
Devereux, Cecily. “Writing with a ‘Definite Purpose’: L.M. Montgomery, Nellie L. McClung and the Politics of Imperial Motherhood in Fiction for Children.” In “L.M. Montgomery™ and Popular Culture II.” Special issue, Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 99 (Fall 2000): 6–22. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/3708.
Also in The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 2: 259–76. https://doi.org/10.3138/9781442668607-018.
Devereux, Cecily. “‘Canadian Classic’ and ‘Commodity Export’: The Nationalism of ‘Our’ Anne of Green Gables.” Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’études canadiennes 36, no. 1 (Spring 2001): 11–28. https://doi.org/10.3138/jcs.36.1.11.
See also “Erratum,” Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’études canadiennes 36, no. 4 (Winter 2002): 206. https://doi.org/10.3138/jcs.36.4.206.
Excerpted in Cultural Subjects: A Popular Culture Reader, edited by Allan J. Gedalof, Jonathan Boulter, Joel Faflack, and Cameron McFarlane, 177–88. Toronto: Thomson Nelson, 2005.
Devereux, Cecily. “‘Not a “Usual” Property’: A Hundred Years of Protecting Anne of Green Gables.” Law, Culture and the Humanities 7, no. 1 (February 2011): 121–41. https://doi.org/10.1177/1743872109355557.
Paratexts (5)
Devereux, Cecily. Preface to Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Cecily Devereux, 7–8. Peterborough: Broadview Editions, 2004.
Devereux, Cecily. Introduction to Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Cecily Devereux, 12–38. Peterborough: Broadview Editions, 2004.
Devereux, Cecily. “Lucy Maud Montgomery: A Brief Chronology.” In Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Cecily Devereux, 39–41. Peterborough: Broadview Editions, 2004.
Devereux, Cecily. “A Note on the Text.” In Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Cecily Devereux, 42–50. Peterborough: Broadview Editions, 2004.
Devereux, Cecily. Headnotes to eight items in appendices. In Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Cecily Devereux. Peterborough: Broadview Editions, 2004.
Reference Item (1)
McIntosh, Andrew, and Cecily Devereux. “Lucy Maud Montgomery.” In The Canadian Encyclopedia. Historica Canada, 1 January 2013 (last edited 31 January 2022). https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/montgomery-lucy-maud.
Reviews (4)
Devereux, Cecily. “The ‘Anne’ in ‘Canadianness.’” Review of L.M. Montgomery and Canadian Culture, edited by Irene Gammel and Elizabeth Epperly. Canadian Literature 172 (Spring 2002): 166–67.
Also in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 91, edited by Scot Peacock, 161–62. Detroit: Gale, 2004.
Devereux, Cecily. “The Continuing Story.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 4: 1929–1935, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. Canadian Literature 177 (Summer 2003): 180–81.
Devereux, Cecily. “As True a Picture.” Review of Remembering Lucy Maud Montgomery, by Alexandra Heilbron. Canadian Literature 178 (Autumn 2003): 138–39.
Devereux, Cecily. Review of Editions and Impressions: Collectors and Their Love of the Works of L.M. Montgomery, by Mary McConnell, Cameron Treleaven, and Aritha van Herk. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada / Cahiers de la Société bibliographique du Canada 43, no. 2 (Fall 2005): 101–2. https://doi.org/10.33137/pbsc.v43i2.18445.
John Bancroft Devins
Newspaper Item (1)
Devins, John Bancroft. “Reading for Youthful Minds: Temperament, Not Age, the Test of a Lover of Juvenile Books.” New York Observer, 2 December 1909, 731.
Bryn Dewar
Newsletter Item (1)
Dewar, Bryn. “A Visit to Bala’s Museum.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 14 (Winter 1995–1996): 28.
Colleen Dewhurst
Book-Length Extension (1)
Dewhurst, Colleen, with Tom Viola. Colleen Dewhurst: Her Autobiography. New York: Scribner, 1997. A Lisa Drew Book.
Shelley M. Diaz
Reviews (6)
Diaz, Shelley M. Review of Goodnight, Anne, by Kallie George, illustrated by Geneviève Godbout. School Library Journal (New York), September 2018, 90+.
Diaz, Shelley M. Review of Anne Arrives, by Kallie George, illustrated by Abigail Halpin. School Library Journal (New York), September 2018, 100.
Diaz, Shelley M. Review of Marilla of Green Gables, by Sarah McCoy. School Library Journal (New York), November 2018, 81+.
Diaz, Shelley M. Review of Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, adapted by Crystal S. Chan. School Library Journal (New York), December 2020, 94+.
Diaz, Shelley M. Review of Merry Christmas, Anne, by Kallie George, illustrated by Geneviève Godbout. School Library Journal (New York), November 2021, 48.
Diaz, Shelley M. Review of Anne of West Philly: A Modern Graphic Retelling of Anne of Green Gables, by Ivy Noelle Weir, illustrated by Myisha Haynes. School Library Journal (New York), April 2022, 142.
Brenton D.G. Dickieson
Book Chapter (1)
Dickieson, Brenton D.G. “C.S. Lewis’s Theory of Sehnsucht and L.M. Montgomery’s Flash: Vocation and the Niminous.” In The Faithful Imagination: Papers from the 2018 Frances White Ewbank Colloquium on C.S. Lewis & Friends, Taylor University, edited by Joe Ricke and Ashley Chu, 144–65. Hamden, CT: Winged Lion Press, 2019.
Journal Articles (2)
Dickieson, Brenton D.G. “Rainbow Valley as Embodied Heaven: Initial Explorations into L.M. Montgomery’s Spirituality in Fiction.” In “L.M. Montgomery and Reading,” edited by Emily Woster and Kate Scarth. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 11 May 2020. https://doi.org/10.32393/jlmms/2020.0003.
Also in The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies: L.M. Montgomery and Reading, edited by Kate Scarth and Emily Woster, 79–101. Charlottetown: L.M. Montgomery Institute and Robertson Library, 2022.
Dickieson, Brenton. “Befriending the Darkness: L.M. Montgomery’s Lived Theodicy in Anne’s House of Dreams.” In “L.M. Montgomery and Vision,” edited by Lesley D. Clement and Tara K. Parmiter. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 25 October 2021. https://doi.org/10.32393/jlmms/2021.0012.
Mary Dickinson
Magazine Item (1)
Dickinson, Mary. “Montgomery Journals Continue to Enthrall Readers.” @Guelph, 14 October 1998, 4.
Peter Dickinson
Book Chapter (1)
Dickinson, Peter. “Adaptations for Film and Television.” In History of the Book in Canada, Volume 3: 1918–1980, edited by Carole Gerson and Jacques Michon, 157–60. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.
Paratext (1)
Dickinson, Peter. “Introduction: Reading Movies.” In “Literatures, Cinemas, Cultures,” edited by Peter Dickinson. Special issue, Essays on Canadian Writing 76 (Spring 2002): 1–45.
Kevin Dickson
Magazine Item (1)
Dickson, Kevin. “The Good the Bad, and the Ugly.” TV Guide (North York, ON), 17 June 2000, 14–19.
Kate DiGirolomo
Reviews (2)
DiGirolomo, Kate. Review of L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables, directed by John Kent Harrison. School Library Journal (New York), December 2016, 77.
DiGirolomo, Kate. Review of House of Dreams: The Life of L.M. Montgomery, by Liz Rosenberg. School Library Journal (New York), May 2018, 122+.
B. Christopher Dinkoff
Newsletter Item (1)
Dinkoff, B. Christopher. “Early September.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1995, 7.
Richard Dionne
Book Chapter (1)
Dionne, Richard. “Maud’s Money.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 409–13. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.
Aline Dirkx
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Dirkx, Aline. “L.M. Montgomery et le phénomène d’Anne of Green Gables sous la loupe du féminisme.” MA thesis, Université catholique de Louvain (Bel.), 2021. https://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/thesis:33460.
Carole Ditomaso
Newsletter Items (3)
Ditomaso, Carole. “LMMSO at the Peterborough Garden Show, April 3, 4, 5.” Cordially Yours, Spring 2015, 5.
Ditomaso, Carole. “Gardens of Uxbridge Tour.” Cordially Yours, Spring 2017, 2.
Ditomaso, Carole. “Accessibility Projects: Lift in Historic Leaskdale Church and Pathway to Commemorative Garden.” Cordially Yours, Fall 2018, 2–3.
Carol Dobson
Book Chapter (1)
Dobson, Carol. “Halifax Days.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 155–59. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.
Newspaper Item (1)
Dobson, Carol. “‘The Most Tragical Thing.’” Letter to the editor. The Globe and Mail (Toronto), 12 December 2008, A18.
Dorothy Dodge
Reviews (2)
Dodge, Dorothy. Review of Anne of Windy Poplars, by L.M. Montgomery. CM: A Reviewing Journal of Canadian Materials for Young People (Ottawa), January 1990, 19. https://www.cmreviews.ca/cm/cmarchive/vol18no1/annewindypoplars.html.
Dodge, Dorothy. Review of Rilla of Ingleside, by L.M. Montgomery. CM: A Reviewing Journal of Canadian Materials for Young People (Ottawa), September 1990, 221. https://www.cmreviews.ca/cm/cmarchive/vol18no5/rilla.html.
Rachel Dodge
Book-Length Extension (1)
Dodge, Rachel. The Anne of Green Gables Devotional: A Chapter-by-Chapter Companion for Kindred Spirits. Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Books, 2020.
Olivia Doering
Newsletter Item (1)
Doering, Olivia. “Student Report.” Cordially Yours, 2022, 6.
Hannah Dolan
Abridged Edition (1)
Montgomery, L.M. Anne of Green Gables. Retold by Hannah Dolan. Illustrated by Renia Metallinou. London: Penguin Books, 2021. Penguin Readers.
Nathan Haskell Dole
Paratext (1)
Dole, Nathan Haskell. Introduction to Further Chronicles of Avonlea, by L.M. Montgomery, v–xi. Boston: The Page Company, 1920.
Also in The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 1: 169–73. https://doi.org/10.3138/9781442668560-035.
Elizabeth Dollard
Newsletter Item (1)
Dollard, Elizabeth. “Picture of a Winter Afternoon.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1998–1999, 7.
Diana V. Dominguez
Review (1)
Dominguez, D.V. Review of Anne Around the World: L.M. Montgomery and Her Classic, edited by Jane Ledwell and Jean Mitchell. Choice 41, no. 4 (January 2014): 830. https://doi.org/10.5860/CHOICE.51-2508.
Christopher M. Doody
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Doody, Christopher M. “A Union of the Inkpot: The Canadian Authors Association, 1921–1960.” PhD dissertation, Carleton University, 2016. https://doi.org/10.22215/etd/2016-11733.
See esp. Introduction, 1–51; chapter 1, “Copyright Reform and Canadian Book Week,” 52–100.
Margaret Anne Doody
Critical Edition (1)
Montgomery, L.M. The Annotated Anne of Green Gables. Edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Book Chapters (2)
Doody, Margaret. “L.M. Montgomery: The Darker Side.” In Storm and Dissonance: L.M. Montgomery and Conflict, edited by Jean Mitchell, 25–49. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008.
Doody, Margaret. “L.M. Montgomery and the Significance of ‘Classics,’ Ancient and Modern.” In Anne Around the World: L.M. Montgomery and Her Classic, edited by Jane Ledwell and Jean Mitchell, 83–91. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780773588585-007.
Paratexts (13)
Barry, Wendy E., Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones. Preface to The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, vii. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Barry, Wendy E., Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones. “Chronology of the Life of Lucy Maud Montgomery.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 3–8. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Doody, Margaret Anne. Introduction to The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 9–34. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Barry, Wendy E., Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones. “Variants Between Editions.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 397–98. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Barry, Wendy E., Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones. “Textual Notes.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 399–414. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Doody, Margaret Anne. “Gardens and Plants.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 434–38. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Doody, Margaret Anne. “Homemade Artifacts and Home Life.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 438–43. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Doody, Margaret Anne. “Food Preparation, Cookery, and Home Decoration.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 443–52. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Doody, Margaret Anne, and Wendy E. Barry. “Literary Allusion and Quotation in Anne of Green Gables.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 457–62. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Barry, Wendy E., Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones. “Songs.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 463–66. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Barry, Wendy E., Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones. “Literary Works and Recitation Pieces.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 467–82. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Barry, Wendy E., Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones. “Book Reviews.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 483–89. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Doody, Margaret Anne. “Anne of Green Gables: Introduction.” In Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, vii–xviii. Cambridge, UK: Worth Press, 2010. Worth Literary Classics.
Review (1)
Doody, Margaret Anne. “Lucy Maud Arrives in Hell.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 5: 1935–1942, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. Globe and Mail (Toronto), 16 October 2004, D6–D7.
J. Milnor Dorey
Review (1)
Dorey, J. Milnor. Review of The Golden Road, by L.M. Montgomery. Trenton (NJ) Times-Advertiser, 5 October 1913, part 4, 6.
Jane Doucet
Magazine Item (1)
Doucet, Jane. “New Moon Rising.” Elm Street (Toronto), November–December 1997, 22–24, 26, 28, 30.
Lisa Doucet
Reviews (7)
Doucet, Lisa. Review of Green Gables: Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Favourite Places, by Deirdre Kessler, photography by Martin Caird. CM: Canadian Review of Materials (Winnipeg), 19 October 2001. https://www.cmreviews.ca/cm/vol8/no4/greengables.html.
Doucet, Lisa. Review of Lucy Maud Montgomery: A Writer’s Life, by Elizabeth MacLeod. CM: Canadian Review of Materials, 30 November 2001. https://www.cmreviews.ca/cm/vol8/no7/lmm.html.
Doucet, Lisa. Review of The Bend in the Road: An Invitation to the World and Work of L.M. Montgomery, by Elizabeth Rollins Epperly, Deirdre Kessler, and Anne-Louise Brookes. CM: Canadian Review of Materials (Winnipeg), 6 September 2002. https://www.cmreviews.ca/cm/vol9/no1/thebend.html.
Doucet, Lisa. Review of Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, adapted by M.C. Helldorfer. CM: Canadian Review of Materials (Winnipeg), 30 January 2004. https://www.cmreviews.ca/cm/vol10/no11/anneofgreengables.html.
Doucet, Lisa. Review of The Way to Slumbertown, by L.M. Montgomery, illustrated by Rachel Bédard. CM: Canadian Review of Materials (Winnipeg), 20 January 2006. https://www.cmreviews.ca/cm/vol12/no10/thewaytoslumbertown.html.
Doucet, Lisa, and Jo-Anne Elder. Review of Summer in the Land of Anne, by Elizabeth Rollins Epperly, illustrated by Carolyn M. Epperly. Atlantic Books Today (Halifax), Fall 2018, 37–38.
Doucet, Lisa. Review of Anne of Green Gables: The Original Manuscript, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Carolyn Strom Collins. CM: Canadian Review of Materials (Winnipeg), 7 February 2020. https://www.cmreviews.ca/node/1392.
George Doughart
Newsletter Item (1)
Doughart, George. “He Had the Spark of Nature: Tribute to James (Late) and Ruth Campbell.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2005, 6–8.
Nancy Doughty
Newsletter Items (2)
Doughty, Nancy. “Anne of Green Gables, a Literary Exercise.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 2, no. 1 (Winter 1992): 24.
Doughty, Nancy. “Richard Farnsworth.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2001, 15.
Jennifer Douglas
Book Chapter (1)
Douglas, Jennifer. “Letting Grief Move Me: Thinking Through the Affective Dimensions of Personal Recordkeeping.” In Moving Archives, edited by Linda M. Morra, 147–67. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2020. https://doi.org/10.51644/9781771124041-011.
Journal Articles (3)
Douglas, Jennifer, and Heather MacNeil. “Arranging the Self: Literary and Archival Perspectives on Writers’ Archives.” Archivaria 67 (Spring 2009): 25–39. https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/13206.
Douglas, Jennifer. “The Archiving ‘I’: A Closer Look in the Archives of Writers.” Archivaria 79 (Spring 2015): 53–89. https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/13527.
Douglas, Jennifer. “Toward More Honest Description.” The American Archivist 79, no. 1 (Spring–Summer 2016): 26–55. https://doi.org/10.17723/0360-9081.79.1.26.
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Douglas, Jennifer Lynn. “Archiving Authors: Rethinking the Analysis and Representation of Personal Archives.” PhD dissertation, University of Toronto, 2013. https://hdl.handle.net/1807/35808.
Lorraine Douglas
Review (1)
Douglas, Lorraine. Review of Against the Odds: Tales of Achievement, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Rea Wilmshurst. In Canadian Book Review Annual 1993, edited by Joyce M. Wilson, n.pag. Toronto: CBRA, 1994.
Deborah Downey
Newsletter Item (1)
Downey, Deborah. Untitled poem. Kindred Spirits, Summer 1999, 9.
Susan Drain
Book Chapter (1)
Drain, Susan. “Rea Wilmshurst and L.M. Montgomery.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 492–93. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.
Journal Articles (4)
Drain, Susan. “Community and the Individual in Anne of Green Gables: The Meaning of Belonging.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 11, no. 1 (Spring 1986): 15–19. https://doi.org/10.1353/chq.0.0082.
Also in Such a Simple Little Tale: Critical Responses to L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables, edited by Mavis Reimer, 119–30. N.p.: Children’s Literature Association; Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1992.
Also in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Volume 140, edited by Janet Witalec, 297–301. Detroit: Gale, 2003.
Also in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 91, edited by Scot Peacock, 162–67. Detroit: Gale, 2004.
Drain, Susan. “‘Too Much Love-Making’: Anne of Green Gables on Television.” The Lion and the Unicorn 11, no. 2 (October 1987): 63–72. https://doi.org/10.1353/uni.0.0259.
Drain, Susan. “Feminine Convention and Female Identity: The Persistent Challenge of Anne of Green Gables.” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 65 (1992): 40–47. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/4741.
Drain, Susan. “Telling and Retelling: L.M. Montgomery’s Storied Lives and Living Stories.” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 81 (Spring 1996): 7–18. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/4295.
Bernard A. Drew
Reference Item (1)
Drew, Bernard A. The 100 Most Popular Young Adult Authors: Biographical Sketches and Bibliographies. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1996.
See “Lucy Maud Montgomery,” 324–29.
Lorna Drew
Journal Article (1)
Drew, Lorna. “The Emily Connection: Ann Radcliffe, L.M. Montgomery and ‘the Female Gothic.’” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 77 (Spring 1995): 19–32. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/4663.
Dagmara Drewniak
Book Chapter (1)
Drewniak, Dagmara. “The Great War as a Trigger for Growing Up and Gaining Maturity in Rilla of Ingleside.” In Re-imagining the First World War: New Perspectives in Anglophone Literature and Culture, edited by Anna Branach-Kallas and Nelly Strehlau, 247–56. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.
Jean Elizabeth Dryden
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Dryden, Jean Elizabeth. “Copyright in the Real World: Making Archival Material Available on the Internet.” PhD dissertation, University of Toronto, 2008. https://hdl.handle.net/1807/11198.
Yan Du
Collection of Essays (1)
Du, Yan, and Joe Sutliff Sanders, eds. L.M. Montgomery’s Emily of New Moon: A Children’s Classic at 100. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2024. Children’s Literature Association Series. https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.14170601.
Yan Du and Joe Sutliff Sanders, Introduction, 3–20.
Part 1. Literary Resonances. Kate Lawson, “Warring with Failure: Emily’s Quest and the Victorian Past,” 23–37. Jessica Wen Hui Lim, “Exile and Instrumentality in the Emily Books,” 38–53. Lesley D. Clement, “Emily Byrd Starr Meets Brené Brown: ‘Braving the Wilderness’ and Achieving ‘True Belonging,’” 54–68.
Part 2. Emily’s Things. Allison McBain Hudson, “Everyday Objects: Material Culture in the Emily Trilogy,” 71–86. Lindsey McMaster, “‘Something Incalculably Precious’: Diary Writing in Emily of New Moon,” 87–101.
Part 3. Gender. Yoshiko Akamatsu, “The Japanese Reception of the Emily Trilogy Through Translation,” 105–29. Rita Bode, “Claiming and Reclaiming the Maternal: Mothering and Mothers in the Emily Books,” 130–43. Katharine Slater, “‘A Ghost You Can Feel and Hear but Never See’: Queer Hauntings in Emily of New Moon,” 144–58.
Part 4. Time. E. Holly Pike, “The Romance of History in the Emily Novels,” 161–74. Carol L. Beran, “Encroaching Darkness: L.M. Montgomery’s Books About Emily,” 175–88. Margaret Steffler, “Reading Emily out of Time and Place: Breaking Chronology and Space,” 189–202. Anastasia Ulanowicz, “Emily’s Afterlives: Trauma, Repetition, and (Re)reading in Emily of New Moon and Russian Doll,” 203–18.
Journal Articles (2)
Du, Yan. “Girlhood in Verses: The Role of Poetry in Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Emily of New Moon and Elizabeth Acevedo’s The Poet X.” Barnboken: Journal of Children’s Literature Research 45 (2022). https://doi.org/10.14811/clr.v45.689.
Du, Yan. “Growing Up with Anne: A Chinese Adolescence.” In “International Notes on L.M. Montgomery,” edited by Lesley D. Clement and E. Holly Pike. Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 1 March 2024. https://doi.org/10.32393/jlmms/2024.0004.
Paratext (1)
Du, Yan, and Joe Sutliff Sanders. Introduction to L.M. Montgomery’s Emily of New Moon: A Children’s Classic at 100, edited by Yan Du and Joe Sutliff Sanders, 3–20. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2024. Children’s Literature Association Series. https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.14170601.3.
Review (1)
Du, Yan. “The Never-Ending Dialogue: Reading Through Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Children and Childhoods.” Review of Children and Childhoods in L.M. Montgomery: Continuing Conversations, edited by Rita Bode, Lesley D. Clement, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler. Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures 15, no. 1 (June 2023): 104–9. https://doi.org/10.3138/jeunesse-2022-0034.
Sharon E. Dube
Newsletter Item (1)
Dube, Sharon E. “The Magic of L.M. Montgomery.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 20 (Summer 1997): 18.
Anne Dublin
Book-Length Biography (1)
Dublin, Anne. Lucy Maud Montgomery: A Writer’s Life. Don Mills, ON: Pearson Education Canada, 2005.
Judy Dudar
Review (1)
Dudar, Judy. “Reconsiderations.” Review of Harvesting Thistles: The Textual Garden of L.M. Montgomery; Essays on Her Novels and Journals, edited by Mary Henley Rubio; Sexualizing Power in Naturalism: Theodore Dreiser and Frederick Philip Grove, by Irene Gammel. Canadian Literature 151 (Winter 1996): 133–35.
Charles Duerden
Magazine Item (1)
Duerden, Charles. “The Japanese Connection.” The Atlantic Advocate (Fredericton), November 1989, 20–22.
Dennis Duffy
Magazine Item (1)
Duffy, Dennis. “The Robber Baron of Canadian Literature.” Literary Review of Canada (Toronto), April 2004, 20–22.
Review (1)
Duffy, Dennis. “The Tenuous Talents of Our Hometown Hero.” Review of The Fragrance of Sweet-Grass: L.M. Montgomery’s Heroines and the Pursuit of Romance, by Elizabeth Rollins Epperly. Compass: A Jesuit Journal (Toronto), September–October 1992, 40–42.
Mo Duffy Cobb
Book-Length Extension (1)
Duffy Cobb, Mo. A Is for Anne. Illustrated by Ellie Arscott. Charlottetown: Pownal Street Press, 2023.
Willna G. Du Four
Review (1)
Du Four, Willna G. Review of Jane of Lantern Hill, by L.M. Montgomery. San Jose Mercury Herald, 15 August 1937, 16.
Kristie Dugan
Newsletter Item (1)
Dugan, Kristie. “Subscribe . . . a Poem!” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 2, no. 4 (Summer 1994): 31.
Vikas Duggal
Newsletter Item (1)
Duggal, Vikas. “At the End of the Road: Road to Avonlea’s Final Season.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 15 (Spring 1996): 21.
Natália Dukátová
Newsletter Item (1)
Dukátová, Natália. “Gender Roles in Slovak Children’s Literature Through the Lens of Anne of Green Gables.” The Shining Scroll, 2021, 5–9.
Monique Dull
Book Chapter (1)
Dull, Monique. “Kinship and Nation in Amelia (1848) and Anne of Green Gables (1908).” In The Rhetoric of Canadian Writing, edited by Conny Steenman-Marcusse, 161–78. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004489134_011.
Also in The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 2: 277–90. https://doi.org/10.3138/9781442668607-019.
Dorothy Dumbrille
Reviews (2)
Dumbrille, Dorothy. “Chronicles of Avonlea.” Review of Further Chronicles of Avonlea, by L.M. Montgomery. Globe and Mail (Toronto), 21 November 1953, 10.
Dumbrille, Dorothy. “Early Novelist’s Letters.” Review of The Green Gables Letters from L.M. Montgomery to Ephraim Weber, 1905–1909, edited by Wilfrid Eggleston. Globe and Mail (Toronto), 30 April 1960, 21.
Deborah Dundas
Review (1)
Dundas, Deborah. Review of L.M. Montgomery and Canadian Culture, edited by Irene Gammel and Elizabeth Epperly. Quill and Quire (Toronto), July 1999, 47. https://quillandquire.com/review/lm-montgomery-and-canadian-culture/.
Lori A. Dunn
Review (1)
Dunn, Lori A. Review of My Dear Mr. M: Letters to G.B. MacMillan from L.M. Montgomery, edited by Francis W.P. Bolger and Elizabeth R. Epperly. In Canadian Book Review Annual 1992, edited by Joyce M. Wilson, 64–65. Toronto: CBRA, 1993.
Catherine-Laura Dunnington
Review (1)
Dunnington, Catherine-Laura. A Is for Anne, by Mo Duffy Cobb, illustrated by Ellie Arscott. CM: Canadian Review of Materials, 16 June 2003. https://www.cmreviews.ca/node/3607.
Cori Dusmann
Review (1)
Dusmann, Cori. Review of Looking for Anne: How Lucy Maud Montgomery Dreamed Up a Literary Classic, by Irene Gammel. Quill and Quire (Toronto), April 2008, 38–39. https://quillandquire.com/review/looking-for-anne-how-lucy-maud-montgomery-dreamed-up-a-literary-classic/.
Jennifer Dussling
Abridged Edition (1)
Montgomery, L.M. Anne of Green Gables. Adapted by Jennifer Dussling. Illustrated by Lydia Halverson. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 2001. All Aboard Reading.
Ann Dutton
Book Chapter (1)
Gammel, Irene, and Ann Dutton. “Disciplining Development: L.M. Montgomery and Early Schooling.” In L.M. Montgomery and Canadian Culture, edited by Irene Gammel and Elizabeth Epperly, 106–19. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999.
Sylvia DuVernet
Book-Length Studies (4)
DuVernet, Sylvia. L.M. Montgomery and the Mystique of Muskoka. N.p.: DuVernet, 1988.
DuVernet, Sylvia. Theosophic Thoughts Concerning L.M. Montgomery: Including a “Conference” Concerning The Ladies of Missalonghi and The Blue Castle. N.p.: DuVernet, 1988.
New, enlarged third edition: Minding the Spirit: Theosophic Thoughts Concerning L.M. Montgomery. DuVernet, 1993.
DuVernet, Sylvia. L.M. Montgomery on the Red Road to Reconstruction: A Survey of Her Novels. N.p.: n.p., 1993.
DuVernet, Sylvia. The Meaning of the Men and the Boys in the Anne Books. N.p.: n.p., 1998.
Newsletter Item (1)
DuVernet, Sylvia. “Anne in Poland.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 2, no. 4 (Summer 1994): 27–28.
Phoebe Dwight
Newspaper Item (1)
Dwight, Phoebe. “Want to Know How to Write Book [sic]? Well Here’s a Real Recipe.” Boston Traveler, 14 November 1910, 5.
Also in Red Scrapbook 1, in “Scrapbooks of Clippings, Programs and Other Memorabilia, compiled by L.M. Montgomery, ca. 1910–1936,” 11–12. L.M. Montgomery Collection, Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph archives.
Also as “Want to Know How to Write a Book? Well Here’s a Real Recipe” in Kindred Spirits, Winter 1997–1998, 22–23.
Also as “Want to Know How to Write Books? Well Here’s a Real Recipe” in The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 1: 53–56. https://doi.org/10.3138/9781442668560-013.
Greig Dymond
Book-Length Study (1)
Pevere, Geoff, and Greig Dymond. Mondo Canuck: A Canadian Pop Culture Odyssey. Scarborough, ON: Prentice Hall Canada, 1996.
See esp. “Orphan Annie: Green Gables, Inc.,” 12–15.