
Authors: J

This page lists written materials pertaining to L.M. Montgomery’s life, work, and legacy by authors whose surnames begin with J.

Authors: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

Christine Trimingham Jack

Journal Article (1)

Jack, Christine Trimingham. “Education and Ambition in Anne of Avonlea.” History of Education Review 38, no. 2 (2009): 109–20.

Patricia Jackson

Newsletter Item (1)

Jackson, Patricia. “The Author Receives Her First Book.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1999, 14.

Susan Jackson

Journal Article (1)

Kornfeld, Eve, and Susan Jackson. “The Female Bildungsroman in Nineteenth-Century America: Parameters of a Vision.” The Journal of American Culture 10, no. 4 (Winter 1987): 69–75.

Also in Such a Simple Little Tale: Critical Responses to L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables, edited by Mavis Reimer, 139–52. N.p.: Children’s Literature Association; Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1992.

Linda Jackson-Hutton

Book-Length Study (1)

Hutton, Jack, and Linda Jackson-Hutton. Lucy Maud Montgomery and Bala: A Love Story of the North Woods. Bala, ON: Bala’s Museum with Memories of Lucy Maud Montgomery, [1998].

Foreword, 4–5. “The Day That Lucy Maud Montgomery Came to Bala,” 6–17. “How Many People in Bala Recognized Maud as a World-Famous Author? Very Few,” 18–20. “Lady Jane Grey: The Name of Maud’s Car Recalled a Sad Moment in Royal Family History,” 21–23. “This Is Our Story,” 24–30. “And Now a Train Drama!,” 31–33. “The Evening That Mary Rubio Took Two Friends on a Lake Muskoka Cruise,” 34–35. “A Blue Castle Poem by Jean Little,” 36–37. “Doing the Impossible,” 38–45. “John Mustard: A Closer Look at the First Man to Ask Maud to Marry Him,” 46–53. “Did Lucy Maud Montgomery Attend This Tiny Muskoka Church During Her 1922 Holiday?,” 54–57. “The Guessing Game: Where Were Deerwood and Chidley Corners?,” 58–61. “You Are Looking at a Page Right Out of Maud’s Manuscript for The Blue Castle!,” 62–63. “The Mystery: Why Did Maud Choose Such Uncommon Names as Miranda and Valancy?,” 64–67. “We Find Miranda!,” 68–69. “‘The Shock of Joy,”” 70–71. “Will We Ever See a Blue Castle Movie?,” 72–73. “Gems!,” 75. “We Become Innkeepers!,” 76–79, “The Last Word: My Assessment of The Blue Castle,” 80–83. “A Blue Castle Glossary,” 84–85.

Book Chapter (1)

Hutton, Jack, and Linda Jackson-Hutton. “Images of Anne Throughout the Years.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 200–205. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.

Newsletter Items (8)

Jackson-Hutton, Linda. “An Evening with Veronica Tennant as Lucy Maud Montgomery.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1993–1994, 30–31.

Jackson-Hutton, Linda. “Bala’s Museum Hosts Anne of Green Gables Look-Alike Contest.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 9 (Fall 1994): 12.

Hutton, Jack, and Linda Jackson-Hutton. “Some Muskoka Surprises in Our Book.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1998, 8.

Jackson-Hutton, Linda. “Monday’s Child.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1999–2000, 5.

Hutton, Jack, and Linda Jackson-Hutton. “Happy Anniversary from Bala’s Museum.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2000, 12.

Jackson-Hutton, Linda. “Around the Kitchen Table: Maud’s Cranberry Connection.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2000–2001, 23.

Hutton, Jack, and Linda Jackson-Hutton. “Bala Museum’s New Display of Foreign Language LMM Books.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2001, 10–11.

Lockerby, Earle, Jack Hutton, Linda Jackson-Hutton, Nina Elliot, Jennifer Carroll, and Melanie Whitfield. “Remembering Luella.” Cordially Yours, Spring 2018, 5–7.

Donna Jacobs

Newspaper Items (2)

Jacobs, Donna. “Creator of the Indomitable Anne Was Burdened by Personal, Family Problems.” Ottawa Citizen, 19 September 2005, A2.

Jacobs, Donna. “Pets Brought Comfort and Solace to History’s Famous and Powerful.” Ottawa Citizen, 24 October 2005, A2.

Martine Jacquot

Review (1)

Jacquot, Martine. “Anne of Green Gables in Translation.” Review of Anne . . . La maison aux pignons verts, by Lucy Maud Montgomery, translated by Henri-Dominique Paratte. The Atlantic Provinces Book Review 14, no. 1 (February–March 1987): 13.

Adam-Michael James

Book-Length Extension (1)

Marchildon, Leo, and Adam-Michael James. The Nine Lives of L.M. Montgomery. Unpublished play, 2008.

Cathie James

Newspaper Item (1)

James, Cathie. “Three from the Road.” Toronto Star, 26 August 1990, C1.

Helen Foster James

Review (1)

James, Helen Foster. Review of Lucy Maud Montgomery: The Author of Anne of Green Gables, by Alexandra Wallner. School Library Journal (New York), December 2006, 130.

Wanda James

Newsletter Item (1)

James, Wanda. “Reaching Back.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2003, 5.

Daniela Janes

Journal Articles (2)

Janes, Daniela. “‘The Clock Is Dead’: Temporality and Trauma in Rilla of Ingleside.” Canadian Literature 244 (2021): 125–43.

Janes, Daniela. “A Cat of One’s Own: The Woman Writer and the Feline Companion in Emily of New Moon.” In “L.M. Montgomery and Vision,” edited by Lesley D. Clement and Tara K. Parmiter. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 22 March 2024.

Ben E. Jansen

Book Chapters (2)

Jansen, Ben E. “The Sets of Avonlea.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 355–62. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.

Jansen, Ben. “An Avonlea Symphony.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 366–69. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.

Carmelite Janvier

Review (1)

Janvier, Carmelite. Review of Anne’s House of Dreams, by L.M. Montgomery. Times-Picayune (New Orleans), 2 September 1917, C4.

Also as “[All the Elements of ‘Sixteen-ness’]” in The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 184–85.

Joyce Jarrett

Newsletter Items (2)

DeSonier, Deborah, and Joyce Jarrett. “Kindred Companions in P.E.I.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 11 (Spring 1995): 20–22.

Bruce, Deborah J., and Joyce Jarrett. “Kindred Companions: The 1998 PEI Tour.”The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 26 (Winter 1998–1999): 14–15.

Sandra A. Jay

Abridged Edition (1)

Jay, Sandra A., adapted by. Anne’s Arrival. Illustrated by Grace Curtis. Kensington, PE: Kindred Spirits Publishing of PEI, 2020. Inspired by Anne of Green Gables.

Hanna Jelin

Dissertation/Thesis (1)

Jelin, Hanna. “Souls of Good Violets: The Significance of Fragrances for Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables as Related Through Embodied Descriptions.” MA thesis, University of Helsinki (Fin.), 2022.

Dave Jenkinson

Reviews (4)

Jenkinson, Dave. Review of Among the Shadows: Tales from the Darker Side, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Rea Wilmshurst. CM: A Reviewing Journal of Canadian Materials for Young People (Ottawa), September 1990, 226–27.

Jenkinson, Dave. Review of Anne’s Colors, by Kelly Hill; Anne’s Numbers, by Kelly Hill. CM: Canadian Review of Materials (Winnipeg), 27 April 2018.

Jenkinson, Dave. Review of Anne’s Alphabet, by Kelly Hill. CM: Canadian Review of Materials (Winnipeg), 19 April 2019.

Jenkinson, Dave. Review of Anne’s Feelings, by Kelly Hill. CM: Canadian Review of Materials (Winnipeg), 19 April 2019.

Sue Ellen Jensen

Newsletter Item (1)

Jensen, Sue Ellen. “Spring Pilgrimage.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2001, 7.

Hanseul Jeong

Dissertation/Thesis (1)

Jeong, Hanseul. “Mediated Film Tourists’ Experiences: Navigating Anne with an E-Inspired Travelogues on Social Media.” MA thesis, University of Calgary, 2022.

Agnes Jewell

Newspaper Items (2)

Jewell, Agnes. “Books and People.” Daily Telegram (Adrian, MI), 13 December 1919, 4.

Jewell, Agnes. “Books and People.” Daily Telegram (Adrian, MI), 15 May 1942, 4.

Qin Jiaqi

Journal Article (1)

Jiaqi, Qin. “A Healing Journey of Anne from Trauma in Anne of Green Gables.” Academic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7, no. 5 (2024): 58–64.

Ng Yu Jin

Journal Article (1)

Chong, Seng Tong, Ng Yu Jin, J Karthikeyan, Zalina Mohd Kasim, and Lee Su Yee. “Educating Effervescent Women Scientists Through Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables.” Journal of Techno-Social 13, no. 1 (2021): 37–43.

Charles Johanningsmeier

Review (1)

Johanningsmeier, C. Review of The Next Instalment: Serials, Sequels, and Adaptations of Nellie L. McClung, L.M. Montgomery, and Mazo de la Roche, by Wendy Roy. Choice 58, no. 8 (April 2021).

Lisa John-Mackenzie

Newsletter Item (1)

John-Mackenzie, Lisa. “Lucy Maud Montgomery Trail.” Cordially Yours, Fall 2021, 7.

Ann Johnson

Newsletter Items (2)

O’Brien, Joan, Ann Johnson, Mary Beth Cavert, Carolyn Collins, Sarah Riedel, and Christy Woster. “Collecting L.M. Montgomery.” The Shining Scroll, 2006, 2–9.

Johnson, Ann. “International Anne.” The Shining Scroll, December 2008, 3.

Anna Rose Johnson

Shorter Extension (1)

Johnson, Anna Rose. “Winter at Twin Chimneys: A Creative Continuation of the Pat Series.” In “L.M. Montgomery and Reading,” edited by Emily Woster and Kate Scarth. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 5 October 2020.

Also in The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies: L.M. Montgomery and Reading, edited by Kate Scarth and Emily Woster, 410–15. Charlottetown: L.M. Montgomery Institute and Robertson Library, 2022.

Brian D. Johnson

Magazine Item (1)

Johnson, Brian D. “Anne of Green Gables Grows Up.” Maclean’s (Toronto), 7 December 1987, 46–50.

Ida Johnson

Review (1)

Johnson, Ida. “Anne Appears in New Story.” Review of Anne of Windy Poplars, by L.M. Montgomery. Deseret News (Salt Lake City), 25 July 1936, Society section, 5.

Jennifer Johnson

Review (1)

Johnson, Jennifer. Review of Dreamer of Dreams, by Heather Conkie; It’s Just a Stage, by Amy Jo Cooper; Misfits and Miracles, by Linda Zwicker. CM: A Reviewing Journal of Canadian Materials for Young People (Ottawa), September 1993, 135–36.

Meredith Johnson

Newsletter Item (1)

Johnson, Meredith. “Summer Student Report.” Cordially Yours, Fall 2021, 8.

Morgan Brie Johnson

Journal Article (1)

Johnson, Morgan Brie. “Settler Colonial Structures of Domestication: British Home Children in Canada.” In “Critical Settler Family History,” edited by Avril Bell. Special issue, Genealogy 5, no. 3 (2021), Article 78.

Jean Johnston

Review (1)

Johnston, Jean. Review of My Dear Mr. M: Letters to G.B. MacMillan from L.M. Montgomery, edited by Francis W.P. Bolger and Elizabeth R. Epperly. Quill and Quire (Toronto), January 1981, 27.

Rosemary Ross Johnston

Journal Articles (3)

Johnston, Rosemary Ross. “‘Reaching Beyond the Word’: Religious Themes as ‘Deep Structure’ in the ‘Anne’ Books of L.M. Montgomery.” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 88 (Winter 1997): 7–18.

Also in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 91, edited by Scot Peacock, 136–43. Detroit: Gale, 2004.

Johnston, Rosemary Ross. “Landscape as Palimpsest, Pentimento, Epiphany: Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Interiorisation of the Exterior, Exteriorisation of the Interior.” In “L.M. Montgomery’s Interior and Exterior Landscapes.” Special issue, CREArTA 5 (2005): 13–31.

Excerpted as “L.M. Montgomery’s Interior/Exterior Landscapes” in Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Mary Henley Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston, 409–13. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2007. A Norton Critical Edition.

Johnston, Rosemary Ross, and Lissa Paul. “Approaching War: Australian and Canadian Children’s Culture and the First World War.” Childhood in the Past 7, no. 1 (May 2014): 3–13.

Paratext (1)

Johnston, Rosemary Ross. Introduction to “L.M. Montgomery’s Interior and Exterior Landscapes.” Special issue, CREArTA 5 (2005): 10–11.

Wayne Johnston

Journal Article (1)

Bruce, Lorne, Wayne Johnston, and Helen Salmon. “The L.M. Montgomery Collection at the University of Guelph.” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 34, no. 2 (Fall 2008): 124–29.

Archibald Hynd Johnstone

Book-Length Study (1)

Johnstone, Archibald Hynd. Lucy Maud Montgomery Remembered. Tyne Valley, PE: Hear to Serve Publications, 2005.

Corey Johnston-Flanagan

Newsletter Item (1)

Johnston-Flanagan, Corey. “Giving Back to My Community.” Cordially Yours, Fall 2018, 5–6.

Amber L. Jones

Dissertation/Thesis (1)

Jones, Amber L. “The Natural Progression of an Orphan: L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables.” MA thesis, Tennessee Technological University, 2009.

Caroline E. Jones

Book Chapters (4)

Jones, Caroline E. “‘Nice Folks’: L.M. Montgomery’s Classic and Subversive Inscriptions and Transgressions of Class.” In Anne Around the World: L.M. Montgomery and Her Classic, edited by Jane Ledwell and Jean Mitchell, 133–46. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013.

Jones, Caroline E. “The New Mother at Home: Montgomery’s Literary Explorations of Motherhood.” In L.M. Montgomery’s Rainbow Valleys: The Ontario Years, 1911–1942, edited by Rita Bode and Lesley D. Clement, 91–109, 287–89. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.

Jones, Caroline E. “The Shadows of War: Interstitial Grief in L.M. Montgomery’s Final Novels.” In L.M. Montgomery and War, edited by Andrea McKenzie and Jane Ledwell, 167–83. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.

Jones, Caroline E. “Idylls of Play: L.M. Montgomery’s Child-Worlds.” In Children’s Play in Literature: Investigating the Strengths and the Subversions of the Playing Child, edited by Joyce E. Kelley, 105–23. New York: Routledge, 2019. Studies in Childhood, 1700 to the Present.

Journal Article (1)

Jones, Caroline E. “Read What You Know: Nostalgia and the Discovery of Self Through L.M. Montgomery’s Emily of New Moon.” In “L.M. Montgomery and Re-vision,” edited by Lesley D. Clement and Alan MacEachern. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 27 September 2023.

Paratext (1)

Jones, Caroline. “Introduction to L.M. Montgomery Special Issue.” The Looking Glass: New Perspectives on Children’s Literature 18, no. 2 (2015).

Reference Items (2)

Jones, Caroline E. “Emily of New Moon.” In The Cambridge Guide to Children’s Books in English, edited by Victor Watson, 235–36. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Jones, Caroline E. “Montgomery, L(ucy) M(aud) 1874–1942.” In The Cambridge Guide to Children’s Books in English, edited by Victor Watson, 486–87. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Eliza Jones

Newsletter Item (1)

Jones, Eliza. “The Ghost in the Orchard.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 26 (Winter 1998–1999): 11–12.

Heather Jones

Magazine Items (2)

Jones, Heather. “Presbyterianism Through the Eyes of Lucy Maud Montgomery.” The Presbyterian Record (Toronto), July–August 1996, 21–22.

Also in Kindred Spirits, Spring 1998, 8–9.

Jones, Heather. “A Song and a Hope and a Prayer: The Theology of Lucy Maud Montgomery.” The Presbyterian Record (Toronto), October 1996, 27–28.

Also in Kindred Spirits, Spring 1997, 10–11.

Johanna Jones

Book-Length Study (1)

Jones, Joseph, and Johanna Jones. Canadian Fiction. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1981. Twayne’s World Authors Series 630.

See chapter 3, “Kirby to Leacock,” 33–51.

Joseph Jones

Book-Length Study (1)

Jones, Joseph, and Johanna Jones. Canadian Fiction. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1981. Twayne’s World Authors Series 630.

See chapter 3, “Kirby to Leacock,” 33–51.

L. Taliaferro Jones

Newsletter Item (1)

Jones, L. Taliaferro. “Bedtime.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1997, 7.

Marianne Jones

Book-Length Extension (1)

Jones, Marianne. Maud and Me. St. Marys, ON: Crossfield Publishing, 2021.

Mary E. Doody Jones

Critical Edition (1)

Montgomery, L.M. The Annotated Anne of Green Gables. Edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Book Chapter (1)

Jones, Mary E. Doody. “Anne of Green Gables: A Sign of the Times.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 487–91. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.

Paratexts (10)

Barry, Wendy E., Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones. Preface to The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, vii. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Barry, Wendy E., Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones. “Chronology of the Life of Lucy Maud Montgomery.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 3–8. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Barry, Wendy E., Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones. “Variants Between Editions.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 397–98. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Barry, Wendy E., Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones. “Textual Notes.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 399–414. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Jones, Mary E. Doody. “The Exceptional Orphan Anne: Child Care, Orphan Asylums, Farming Out, Indenturing, and Adoption.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 422–29. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Also in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Volume 140, edited by Janet Witalec, 320–36. Detroit: Gale, 2003.

Jones, Mary E. Doody. “Education on P.E.I.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 430–34. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Jones, Mary E. Doody. “Breaking the Silence: Music and Elocution.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 452–57. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Barry, Wendy E., Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones. “Songs.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 463–66. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Barry, Wendy E., Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones. “Literary Works and Recitation Pieces.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 467–82. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Barry, Wendy E., Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones. “Book Reviews.” In The Annotated Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Wendy E. Barry, Margaret Anne Doody, and Mary E. Doody Jones, 483–89. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Pat Jones

Newsletter Item (1)

Jones, Pat. “Under the Shadow: In Memory of Pauline Joyce Jones.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 2000, 18.

Raymond E. Jones

Reference Item (1)

Stott, Jon C., and Raymond E. Jones. Canadian Books for Children: A Guide to Authors and Illustrators. Toronto: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Canada, 1988.

See “Montgomery, Lucy Maud (1874–1942),” 124–28.

Reviews (4)

Jones, R.E. Review of Such a Simple Little Tale: Critical Responses to L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables, edited by Mavis Reimer. Choice 30, no. 3 (November 1992).

Jones, Raymond E. Review of L.M. Montgomery and Canadian Culture, edited by Irene Gammel and Elizabeth Epperly. Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 26, no. 1 (Winter 2001): 53–54.

Jones, Raymond E. Review of The Intimate Life of L.M. Montgomery, edited by Irene Gammel. Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 30, no. 4 (Winter 2005): 437–40.

Jones, R.E. Review of Looking for Anne of Green Gables: The Story of L.M. Montgomery and Her Literary Classic, by Irene Gammel. Choice 46, no. 6 (February 2009): 1096.

Susan Elizabeth Jones

Dissertation/Thesis (1)

Jones, Susan Elizabeth. “Recurring Patterns in the Novels of L.M. Montgomery.” MA thesis, University of Windsor, 1977.

Brooke Jorden

Abridged Edition (1)

Montgomery, Lucy Maud. Anne of Green Gables. Text adaptation by Brooke Jorden. Illustrated by Olga Skomorokhova. Sanger, CA: Familius, 2020. Lit for Little Hands.

Amy Joyce

Dissertation/Thesis (1)

Joyce, Amy. “Who Says It’s a Man’s World: Women’s Post-secondary Education in the Maritime Provinces to 1930.” MA thesis, McGill University, 2022.

See esp. chapter 3, “Home Away from Home: Life in Residence,” 44–60.

Mere Joyce

Shorter Extension (1)

Joyce, Mere. “Where the Dark Goes.” In The ANNEthology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon, compiled by Judith Graves, edited by Robin Sutherland, 214–39. Charlottetown: Acorn Press, 2024.

Susannah Joyce-Jones

Review (1)

Joyce-Jones, Susannah. Review of My Dear Mr. M: Letters to G.B. MacMillan from L.M. Montgomery, edited by Francis W.P. Bolger and Elizabeth R. Epperly. Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal / Journal d’études sur la femme 7, no. 1 (Fall 1981): 144–46.

Olaf Jubin

Book Chapter (1)

Jubin, Olaf. “Global Musical Hits Beyond American Shores.” In Milestones in Musical Theatre, edited by Mary Jo Lodge, 118–35. London: Routledge, 2023.

Myra Junyk

Review (1)

Junyk, Myra. Review of Lucy Maud Montgomery, by Elizabeth MacLeod; The Wright Brothers, by Elizabeth MacLeod. CM: Canadian Review of Materials (Winnipeg), 30 May 2008.


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