
Book-Length Studies

This page lists book-length studies that add to the critical discussion of L.M. Montgomery’s life, work, and legacy and appeared since 1924.

Total number of items: 78

Book-length studies offer sustained conversations about a group of texts that are linked either by a single author or by shared themes or concerns. While many of the book-length studies listed here focus specifically on Montgomery’s work, other book-length studies place her work in conversation with work that shares points of connection and contrast with hers.

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1924 (2)

MacMechan, Archibald. Head-Waters of Canadian Literature. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1924.

Subsequent edition, as The Headwaters of Canadian Literature: Canadiana House, 1968.

Logan, J.D., and Donald G. French. Highways of Canadian Literature: A Synoptic Introduction to the Literary History of Canada (English) from 1760 to 1924. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1924.

2nd ed.: McClelland and Stewart, 1928.

1926 (2)

Deacon, William Arthur. Poteen: A Pot-Pourri of Canadian Essays. Ottawa: The Graphic Publishers, 1926.

Stevenson, Lionel. Appraisals of Canadian Literature. Toronto: The Macmillan Company of Canada, 1926.

See esp. chapter 2, “The Status of Overseas Literature,” 26–42; chapter 7, “The Outlook for Canadian Fiction,” 124–37; chapter 9, “The Quality of Canadian Humour,” 147–59.

1927 (1)

Pierce, Lorne. An Outline of Canadian Literature (French and English). Montreal: Louis Carrier and Company, 1927.

See esp. chapter 2, “The Novelists,” 15–44; chapter 3, “The Poets,” 45–109.

1930 (1)

Rhodenizer, V.B. A Handbook of Canadian Literature. Ottawa: Graphic Publishers, 1930.

See esp. chapter 12, “Other Novelists, Historical and Regional,” 95–102.

1946 (1)

Thomas, Clara. Canadian Novelists 1920–1945, Volume 1. Toronto: Longmans, Green and Company, 1946.

See esp. “Macdonald, Lucy Maude [sic] Montgomery,” 83–84.

1951 (2)

Palk, Helen. The Book of Canadian Achievement. Toronto: J.M. Dent and Sons, 1951.

See esp. “Anne of Green Gables,” 146–49.

Phelps, Arthur L. Canadian Writers. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1951.

See esp. chapter 11, “L.M. Montgomery,” 85–93.

Subsequent edition: Books for Libraries Press, 1972.

Excerpted in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 8, edited by Gerard J. Senick, 113–14. Detroit: Gale, 1985.

1952 (1)

Pacey, Desmond. Creative Writing in Canada: A Short History of English-Canadian Literature. Toronto: The Ryerson Press, 1952.

See esp. chapter 4, “The Early Twentieth Century: 1897–1920,” 82–99.

Revised edition: The Ryerson Press, 1961 (paperback edition, 1967). See esp. chapter 4, “The Early Twentieth Century 1897–1920,” 82–118.

1965 (1)

Rhodenizer, Vernon Blair. Canadian Literature in English. Montreal: Quality Press, 1965.

See esp. chapter 10, “Juvenile Literature,” 411–46; chapter 15, “Fiction,” 704–817.

1967 (1)

Egoff, Sheila. The Republic of Childhood: A Critical Guide to Canadian Children’s Literature in English. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1967.

See “Early Canadian Children’s Books,” 292–309.

Excerpted in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 8, edited by Gerard J. Senick, 115. Detroit: Gale, 1985.

2nd ed.: Oxford University Press, 1975.

1969 (1)

Pacey, Desmond. Essays in Canadian Criticism 1938–1968. Toronto: The Ryerson Press, 1969.

1971 (1)

Gwyn, Sandra. Women in the Arts in Canada. Ottawa: Information Canada, 1971. Studies of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada.

1972 (1)

Thomas, Clara. Our Nature—Our Voices: A Guidebook to English-Canadian Literature, Volume 1. Toronto: New Press, 1972.

See esp. “Lucy Maude [sic] Montgomery, 1874–1942,” 76–78.

1973 (1)

Waterston, Elizabeth. Survey: A Short History of Canadian Literature. Toronto: Methuen, 1973. Methuen Canadian Literature Series.

1974 (1)

Bolger, Francis W.P. The Years before “Anne.” N.p.: The Prince Edward Island Heritage Foundation, 1974.

Preface, iii. Chapter 1, “The Author’s Background,” 1–24. Chapter 2, “Prelude to a Literary Career—First Successes,” 25–61. Chapter 3, “With the Montgomerys in Prince Albert,” 63–82. Chapter 4, “Letters from Prince Albert,” 83–134. Chapter 5, “Lucy Maud’s College Years,” 135–70. Chapter 6, “International Fame with Anne,” 171–98. Epilogue, 199–223.

Excerpted in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 8, edited by Gerard J. Senick, 115. Detroit: Gale, 1985.

Paperback edition: Nimbus Publishing, 1991.

1975 (1)

Townsend, John Rowe. Written for Children. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1975.

See chapter 6, “Domestic Dramas,” 76–89.

1981 (1)

Jones, Joseph, and Johanna Jones. Canadian Fiction. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1981. Twayne’s World Authors Series 630.

See chapter 3, “Kirby to Leacock,” 33–51.

1984 (1)

Stouck, David. Major Canadian Authors: A Critical Introduction. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984.

See esp. “Appendix A: Guide to Other Writers,” 283–93.

Revised edition: University of Nebraska Press, 1988. See esp. “Appendix A: Guide to Other Writers,” 305–15.

1986 (1)

Cadogan, Mary, and Patricia Craig. You’re a Brick, Angela! The Girls’ Story 1839–1985. London: Victor Gollancz, 1986.

See esp. chapter 6, “Orphans and Golden Girls,” 89–110.

1987 (1)

Saltman, Judith. Modern Canadian Children’s Books. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1987.

1988 (3)

DuVernet, Sylvia. L.M. Montgomery and the Mystique of Muskoka. N.p.: DuVernet, 1988.

DuVernet, Sylvia. Theosophic Thoughts Concerning L.M. Montgomery: Including a “Conference” Concerning The Ladies of Missalonghi and The Blue Castle. N.p.: DuVernet, 1988.

New, enlarged third edition: Minding the Spirit: Theosophic Thoughts Concerning L.M. Montgomery. DuVernet, 1993.

MacLulich, T.D. Between Europe and America: The Canadian Tradition in Fiction. [Toronto]: ECW Press, 1988.

See esp. chapter 3, “From Kailyard to Canada,” 61–86; chapter 4, “The Arrival of Modernism,” 87–116.

1990 (1)

Egoff, Sheila, and Judith Saltman. The New Republic of Childhood: A Critical Guide to Canadian Children’s Literature in English. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1990.

See esp. chapter 1, “Canadian Children’s Literature and How It Grew,” 1–19; chapter 2, “Realistic Fiction,” 20–87; chapter 11, “Canadian Publishing for Children and How It Grew,” 306–14.

1991 (1)

Schwarz-Eisler, Hanna. L.M. Montgomery: A Popular Canadian Writer for Children. Pfaffenweiler, Ger.: Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1991.

1992 (3)

Waterston, Elizabeth. Children’s Literature in Canada. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1992. Twayne’s World Authors Series 823: Children’s Literature.

See esp. chapter 8, “Girls’ Choice,” 110–28.

Wiggins, Genevieve. L.M. Montgomery. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1992. Twayne’s World Authors Series 834: Children’s Literature.

Preface, vi–vii. Chronology, ix–x. Chapter 1, “‘The Round of Life’: L.M. Montgomery,” 1–18. Chapter 2, “‘Born of True Love’: Anne of Green Gables,” 19–42. Chapter 3, “From Avonlea to Four Winds: 1909–1917,” 43–63. Chapter 4, “More about Anne: 1919–1939,” 65–86. Chapter 5, “‘Where Airy Voices Lead’: The Emily Trilogy,” 87–105. Chapter 6, “Other Series Heroines: Sara Stanley and Pat Gardiner,” 107–21. Chapter 7, “Novels without Sequels,” 123–48. Chapter 8, “Short Stories and Poems,” 149–69. Chapter 9, Afterword, 171–73.

Chapter 2, “‘Born of True Love’: Anne of Green Gables,” excerpted in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Volume 140, edited by Janet Witalec, 301–12. Detroit: Gale, 2003.

Epperly, Elizabeth Rollins. The Fragrance of Sweet-Grass: L.M. Montgomery’s Heroines and the Pursuit of Romance. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992.

Introduction, 3–14.

Part 1. Anne. “Romancing the Voice: Anne of Green Gables,” 17–38. “Romance Awry: Anne of Avonlea,” 39–55. “Recognition: Anne of the Island,” 56–74. “‘This Enchanted Shore’: Anne’s House of Dreams,” 75–94. “Heroism’s Childhood: Rainbow Valley,” 95–111. “Womanhood and War: Rilla of Ingleside,” 112–30. “Recapturing the Anne World: Anne of Windy Poplars and Anne of Ingleside,” 131–42.

Part 2. Emily. “The Struggle for Voice: Emily of New Moon,” 149–67. “Testing the Voice: Emily Climbs,” 168–81. “Love and Career: Emily’s Quest,” 182–207.

Part 3. The Other Heroines. “Romancing the Home: Pat of Silver Bush, Mistress Pat, Jane of Lantern Hill,” 211–27. “A Changing Heroism: An Overview of the Other Novels,” 228–48.

Epilogue, 249–50.

Paperback edition: University of Toronto Press, 1993.

New edition, with a new preface: University of Toronto Press, 2014.

1993 (2)

Waterston, Elizabeth. Kindling Spirit: L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables. Toronto: ECW Press, 1993. Canadian Fiction Studies 19.

Chronology, 9–13. “The Importance of the Work,” 15–18. “Critical Reception,” 19–24. “Reading of the Text,” 25–79.

DuVernet, Sylvia. L.M. Montgomery on the Red Road to Reconstruction: A Survey of Her Novels. N.p.: n.p., 1993.

1995 (1)

Foster, Shirley, and Judy Simons. What Katy Read: Feminist Re-readings of “Classic” Stories for Girls. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press; London: Macmillan, 1995.

See esp. “L.M. Montgomery: Anne of Green Gables,” 149–71.

Excerpted in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Volume 140, edited by Janet Witalec, 318–28. Detroit: Gale, 2003.

Also in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 145, edited by Tom Burns, 109–20. Detroit: Gale, 2009.

1996 (1)

Pevere, Geoff, and Greig Dymond. Mondo Canuck: A Canadian Pop Culture Odyssey. Scarborough, ON: Prentice Hall Canada, 1996.

See esp. “Orphan Annie: Green Gables, Inc.,” 12–15.

1997 (1)

Rae, Arlene Perly. Everybody’s Favourites: Canadians Talk about Books That Changed Their Lives. Toronto: Viking, 1997.

See esp. chapter 6, “Emily of New Moon, Emily Climbs, Emily’s Quest,” 91–102.

Paperback edition: Penguin Books, 1998.

1998 (2)

Hutton, Jack, and Linda Jackson-Hutton. Lucy Maud Montgomery and Bala: A Love Story of the North Woods. Bala, ON: Bala’s Museum with Memories of Lucy Maud Montgomery, [1998].

DuVernet, Sylvia. The Meaning of the Men and the Boys in the Anne Books. N.p.: n.p., 1998.

2000 (1)

Karr, Clarence. Authors and Audiences: Popular Canadian Fiction in the Early Twentieth Century. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000.

See esp. chapter 1, “Five Authors in a Modern World,” 3–25; chapter 3, “Apprenticeships, Writing, and Careers,” 41–57; chapter 4, “Authors, Publishers, and Agents,” 58–79; chapter 8, “Lucy Maud Montgomery and Anne,” 124–37; chapter 11, “Books and Movies,” 170–88; chapter 12, “Being Canadian,” 189–204; “Conclusion: Journeys’ End,” 205–20.

2001 (2)

MacEachern, Alan. Natural Selections: National Parks in Atlantic Canada, 1935–1970. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001.

See esp. chapter 4, “The Greening of Green Gables: Establishing Prince Edward Island National Park, ca. 1936,” 73–97, 261–66.

Waterston, Elizabeth. Rapt in Plaid: Canadian Literature and Scottish Tradition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001.

See esp. chapter 7, “Barrie, Montgomery, and the Mists of Sentiment,” 175–91.

2002 (1)

Nikolajeva, Maria. The Rhetoric of Character in Children’s Literature. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press, 2002.

2003 (4)

Holmlund, Mona, and Gail Youngsberg. Inspiring Women: A Celebration of Herstory. Regina: Coteau Books, 2003.

See esp. chapter 6, “Voices and Visions,” 209–50.

Hammill, Faye. Literary Culture and Female Authorship in Canada 1760–2000. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, 2003. Cross/Cultures 63.

See esp. chapter 4, “‘Pure Canadian’: L.M. Montgomery and Her ‘Emily’ Trilogy,” 81–114.

Sheckels, Theodore F. The Island Motif in the Fiction of L.M. Montgomery, Margaret Laurence, Margaret Atwood, and Other Canadian Women Novelists. New York: Peter Lang, 2003. Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature 68.

See esp. chapter 1, “Introduction,” 1–18; chapter 2, “Redemptive Retreats: L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Anne Books’; L.M. Montgomery’s Jane of Lantern Hill; Marian Engel’s Bear,” 19–43; chapter 6, “Trapped in Fantasy: L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Pat Books’; L.M. Montgomery’s Magic for Marigold,” 133–48; chapter 8, “Once More to the Island,” 181–90.

Sabatini, Sandra. Making Babies: Infants in Canadian Fiction. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2003.

See esp. chapter 1, “Early Twentieth-Century Infants,” 31–49.

2005 (4)

Johnstone, Archibald Hynd. Lucy Maud Montgomery Remembered. Tyne Valley, PE: Hear to Serve Publications, 2005.

Egoff, Sheila, with Wendy K. Sutton. Once upon a Time: My Life with Children’s Books. Victoria: Orca Book Publishers, 2005.

Seelye, John. Jane Eyre’s American Daughters: From The Wide, Wide World to Anne of Green Gables; A Study of Marginalized Maidens and What They Mean. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2005.

Mount, Nick. When Canadian Literature Moved to New York. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. Studies in Book and Print Culture.

Paperback edition: University of Toronto Press, 2006.

See esp. chapter 4, “The New Romantics,” 98–136; chapter 5, “Exodus Lost,” 137–63.

2006 (1)

Quaile, Deborah. L.M. Montgomery: The Norval Years, 1926–1935. N.p.: Wordbird Press, 2006.

“Introduction: The Allure of L.M. Montgomery,” 10–11. Kate Macdonald Butler, Foreword, 12–13. Chapter 1, “From Prince Edward Island to the World,” 15–21. Chapter 2, “Norval History,” 23–31. Chapter 3, “Maud’s Home and Gardens,” 33–46. Chapter 4, “Friends and Family,” 47–63. Chapter 5, “Norval and United Presbyterian Churches,” 65–72. Chapter 6, “Local Beauty,” 73–80. Chapter 7, “Life in the Village,” 81–104. Chapter 8, “Devotions and Duties,” 105–27. Chapter 9, “Maud’s Days,” 129–46. Chapter 10, “L.M. Montgomery’s Accomplishments,” 147–74. Chapter 11, “Leaving Norval,” 175–77. Chapter 12, “Remembering Maud: Montgomery in Modern Norval,” 179–85. Epilogue, 187–89.

2007 (3)

Hammill, Faye. Women, Celebrity, and Literary Culture between the Wars. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2007. Literary Modernism Series.

See esp. introduction, 1–26; chapter 4, “‘Astronomers Located Her in the Latitude of Prince Edward Island’: L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables, and Early Hollywood,” 100–23.

York, Lorraine. Literary Celebrity in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.

See esp. chapter 2, “Earlier Literary Stardom in Canada,” 32–98.

Epperly, Elizabeth Rollins. Through Lover’s Lane: L.M. Montgomery’s Photography and Visual Imagination. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.

“Introduction: Seeing Patterns,” 3–10. Chapter 1, “Montgomery’s Visual Imagination,” 11–38. Chapter 2, “Montgomery’s Photography,” 39–62. Chapter 3, “Picturing a Life: Selected Photographs,” 63–85. Chapter 4, “Picturing Home: Image as Threshold,” 86–102. Chapter 5, “Anne’s Green Arches,” 103–24. Chapter 6, “Emily’s ‘Memory Pictures,’” 125–44. Chapter 7, “‘My Castle in Spain’: The Blue Castle and the Architecture of Images,” 145–64. Chapter 8, “Afterimage: Around the ‘Bend in the Road,’” 165–78. “Appendix: ‘Cynthia’s’ 1902 Article on Photography,” 179–82.

2008 (5)

Edwards, Owen Dudley. British Children’s Fiction in the Second World War. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2008.

Gammel, Irene. Looking for Anne: How Lucy Maud Montgomery Dreamed Up a Literary Classic. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 2008.

“Prologue: The Mystery of Anne of Green Gables,” 13–16.

Part 1. The Perfect Storm, Fall 1903–Spring 1905. Chapter 1, “Old Memories and New Ambitions,” 19–30. Chapter 2, “The Model for Anne’s Face,” 31–39. Chapter 3, “Building Castles in Spain,” 40–57. Chapter 4, “The Orphan Girl and the Snow Queen,” 58–73.

Part 2. Writing Anne, Spring 1905–Winter 1907. Chapter 5, “Romantic Orchards, Kindred Spirits, and a Spring Flirtation,” 77–88. Chapter 6, “Maud’s Bosom Friends,” 89–99. Chapter 7, “Pagan Love and Sacred Promises: Anne and Diana,” 100–10. Chapter 8, “Good Enemies and Old Love Letters,” 111–23. Chapter 9, “Wicked Satire in Small-Town Avonlea,” 124–36 Chapter 10, “This Old Place Has a Soul, Green Gables,” 137–68. Chapter 11, “Red Hair, Puffed Sleeves, and the Rituals of Growing Up,” 169–84. Chapter 12, “Farewells and Decisions,” 185–206. Chapter 13, “The Mystery of Anne Revealed,” 207–19.

Part 3. Anne Takes Off, Spring 1907–Fall 1938. Chapter 14, “The Most Popular Summer Girl,” 223–40. Chapter 15, “The Vows Kept for Life,” 241–57.

“Epilogue: Dramatis Personae,” 258–62.

Paperback edition, with a new afterword: Key Porter Books, 2009 [2010].

Also as Looking for Anne of Green Gables: The Story of L.M. Montgomery and Her Literary Classic. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2008. Paperback edition, [2010].

Waterston, Elizabeth. Magic Island: The Fictions of L.M. Montgomery. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2008.

Introduction, 1–8. “Anne of Green Gables,” 9–18. “Anne of Avonlea,” 19–29. “Kilmeny of the Orchard,” 30–38. “The Story Girl,” 39–48. “Chronicles of Avonlea,” 49–58. “The Golden Road,” 59–65. “Anne of the Island,” 66–75. “Anne’s House of Dreams,” 76–84. “Rainbow Valley,” 85–93. “Further Chronicles of Avonlea,” 94–102. “Rilla of Ingleside,” 103–11. “Emily of New Moon,” 112–21. “Emily Climbs,” 122–30. “The Blue Castle,” 131–40. “Emily’s Quest,” 141–50. “Magic for Marigold,” 151–60. “A Tangled Web,” 161–69. “Pat of Silver Bush,” 170–78. “Mistress Pat,” 179–88. “Anne of Windy Poplars,” 189–97. “Jane of Lantern Hill,” 198–206. “Anne of Ingleside,” 207–15. Conclusion, 216–21.

Epperly, Elizabeth Rollins. Imagining Anne: The Island Scrapbooks of L.M. Montgomery. Toronto: Penguin Canada, 2008. 100 Years of Anne.

L.M. Montgomery, “Air Castles,” n.pag. “Timeline of Important Dates for L.M. Montgomery,” n.pag. Adrienne Clarkson, Foreword, n.pag. “L.M. Montgomery and Anne of Green Gables,” 1–2. “The Island Scrapbooks,” 3–4. “Editing the Scrapbooks,” 5–8. “The Blue Scrapbook, 1893 to 1897,” 9–90. “The Red Scrapbook, 1890s to mid-1910,” 91–167. Francis W.P. Bolger, Afterword, 168.

Also as Imagining Anne: L.M. Montgomery’s Island Scrapbooks. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2019.

Galway, Elizabeth A. From Nursery Rhymes to Nationhood: Children’s Literature and the Construction of Canadian Identity. New York: Routledge, 2008. Children’s Literature and Culture.

See esp. chapter 2, “Forest, Prairie, Sea, and Mountain: Canadian Regionalism,” 33–42.

2009 (2)

Beckett, Sandra L. Crossover Fiction: Global and Historical Perspectives. New York: Routledge, 2009. Children’s Literature and Culture.

See esp. chapter 1, “Adult-to-Child Crossover Fiction,” 17–60.

Baker, Deirdre. L.M. Montgomery at Her Finest and Funniest: How Montgomery Has Kept Us Laughing for a Hundred Years. Toronto: Toronto Public Library, 2009. The Helen E. Stubbs Memorial Lectures 21.

2010 (1)

Gerson, Carole. Canadian Women in Print 1750–1918. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2010.

2011 (2)

Sanders, Joe Sutliff. Disciplining Girls: Understanding the Origins of the Classic Orphan Girl Story. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011.

See esp. chapter 6, “Anne of Green Gables and the Return of Affective Discipline,” 89–96; chapter 9, “Emily of New Moon and the Private Girl,” 120–42.

Fisher, Susan R. Boys and Girls in No Man’s Land: English-Canadian Children and the First World War. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011.

See esp. chapter 7, “But What Can a Girl Do?,” 183–216; chapter 8, “A War for Modern Readers,” 217–45.

2012 (1)

Parkes, Christopher. Children’s Literature and Capitalism: Fictions of Social Mobility in Britain, 1850–1914. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. Critical Approaches to Children’s Literature.

See esp. “The Female Life History and the Labour Market: Anne of Green Gables and Anne’s House of Dreams,” 168–86.

2013 (1)

McDonald-Rissanen, Mary. In the Interval of the Wave: Prince Edward Island Women’s Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Life Writing. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013.

2014 (1)

McCabe, Nancy. From Little Houses to Little Women: Revisiting a Literary Childhood. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2014.

See chapter 10, “Prince Edward Island: Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne Books,” 173–200.

2018 (1)

Smith, Michelle J., Kristine Moruzi, and Clare Bradford. From Colonial to Modern: Transnational Girlhood in Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand Children’s Literature, 1840–1940. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018.

See esp. chapter 5, “Environment and the Natural World,” 97–116; chapter 6, “Race and Texts for Girls,” 117–44; chapter 7, “Work and Education,” 147–77; chapter 8, “Girlhood and Coming of Age during the First World War,” 178–200; chapter 9, “Modernity and the Nation,” 201–30; chapter 10, “Conclusion,” 231–40.

2019 (1)

Roy, Wendy. The Next Instalment: Serials, Sequels, and Adaptations of Nellie L. McClung, L.M. Montgomery, and Mazo de la Roche. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2019.

See esp. “Introduction: Serials, Sequels, and Adaptations in Early-Twentieth-Century Canada,” 1–31; part 2, “L.M. Montgomery, Anne, and Other Sequel Heroines,” 105–215.

2020 (4)

Stiles, Anne. Children’s Literature and the Rise of “Mind Cure”: Positive Thinking and Pseudo-Science at the Fin de Siècle. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020.

See esp. introduction, 1–23; chapter 5, “Sunshine and Shadow: New Thought in Anne of Green Gables,” 115–54; “Epilogue: The Cinematic Afterlife of New Thought Fiction,” 187–98.

Clark, Penney, and Alan Sears. The Arts and the Teaching of History: Historical F(r)ictions. Cham, Switz.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.

See esp. chapter 3, “Historical F(r)ictions: Fiction and History Education,” 87–125.

Owen, Gabrielle. A Queer History of Adolescence: Developmental Pasts, Relational Futures. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2020.

See esp. chapter 3: “Perverse Reading and the Adolescent Reader,” 99–135.

Lee, Katja. Limelight: Canadian Women and the Rise of Celebrity Autobiography. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2020.

See esp. chapter 1, “The Changing Faces of Fame in Canada,” 49–117; chapter 2, “Strictly Professional: An Age of Image Control, 1890–1930,” 121–69; chapter 3, “The Rise of the Private Life: When Offstage Moved Onstage, 1930–1980,” 171–223.

2021 (4)

Perkins, Mitali. Steeped in Stories: Timeless Children’s Novels to Refresh Our Tired Souls. Minneapolis: Broadleaf Books, 2021.

See esp. chapter 3, “Rigidity and Love: Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery,” 45–66.

Staines, David. A History of Canadian Fiction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.

See esp. chapter 2, “From Romance towards Realism,” 21–57; chapter 5, “The Second Feminist Wave,” 118–50.

Howey, Ann F. Afterlives of the Lady of Shalott and Elaine of Astolat. Cham, Switz.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. Arthurian and Courtly Cultures.

See esp. chapter 6, “Reading and Resisting: The Lady/Elaine in Young People’s Literature,” 235–74.

Pfeiffer, Julie. Transforming Girls: The Work of Nineteenth-Century Adolescence. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2021. Children’s Literature Association.

See esp. chapter 1, “Defining the Backfisch,” 41–64; chapter 3, “Converting Girls into Women,” 93–116; chapter 5, “The Homesick Heroine,” 141–63.

2022 (1)

MacEachern, Alan, and Edward MacDonald. The Summer Trade: A History of Tourism on Prince Edward Island. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022. La collection Louis J. Robichaud/The Louis J. Robichaud Series.

2023 (1)

Maddicott, Alice. Tender Maps: Travels in Search of the Emotions of Place. [Tewkesbury, UK]: September Publishing, 2023.

See esp. part 1, “Thresholds, Kingdoms and Borderlands,” 1–58.

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