- Greta Sabaliauskaitė
- Sandra Sabatini
- Oana Sabo
- Nancy Sadek
- Karen E. Sadowski
- Eric W. Sager
- Bella Sagi
- Zareen Sahar
- Nur Saktiningrum
- Kazuko Sakuma
- Christiana R. Salah
- Julie Salamon
- Aina Sallent Fortes
- Helen Salmon
- Judith Saltman
- Gholamreza Samigorganroodi
- Daniel Samson
- María Isabel Sánchez Vegara
- Byrne Hope Sanders
- Joe Sutliff Sanders
- Thelma Paynter Sanderson
- Catriona Sandilands
- Dorothy E. Sangster
- Patricia Kelly Santelmann
- Riyadi Santosa
- Dawn Sardella-Ayres
- Stan Sauerwein
- John Ralston Saul
- David Saunders
- Don Saunders
- Janet Saunders
- Sean M. Saunders
- Tom Saunders
- Leslie Goddard Scanlon
- Kate Scarth
- Susan Schade
- David Schatzky
- Rupert Schieder
- Nancy A. Schiefer
- Emily Schmidt
- Tiffany Schmidt
- Deborah Schnitzer
- Dorothy M. Schreiber
- Elena Schuck
- Bill Schulte
- June M. Schulte
- Herbert Schwaab
- Evelyn Khoo Schwartz
- Holly Schwartz
- Hanna Schwarz-Eisler
- Ian Sclanders
- Ila D. Scott
- Jennifer Scott
- Laura Scott
- Maylin Scott
- Barbara Scotto
- Michael V. Scrimenti
- Alan Sears
- Amber Sears
- Yvonne Sears
- Mary Sebag-Montefiore
- Manal Sebti
- John Seelye
- Martina Seifert
- John Selby
- Robert Selkowitz
- Julie A. Sellers
- Jane Sellwood
- Andre Sennwald
- Maja Senum
- Ramin Setoodeh
- Jessica Seymour
- Tom Shales
- Ellen S. Shapiro
- Amy J. Shaw
- Ted Shaw
- Martha Shea
- Theodore F. Sheckels
- Sarah J. Sheets
- Philippa Sheppard
- Faith Shergold
- Rebecca Sheridan
- Summer Sheridan
- Margaret Sherwood
- Tetiana Shestakevych
- Carol Shields
- Rob Shields
- Wendy Shilton
- Betty Shirley
- Anne Showalter
- Carolyn Shute
- Julia Shyyka
- LaurenBeth Signore
- Brenda Silsbe
- Anita Silvey
- Kathleen Simonetta
- Judy Simons
- Sarah Simonson
- Donald B. Sinclair
- Gordon Sinclair
- Sarah E.S. Sinwell
- Helen Siourbas
- Wayne Skene
- Andrea Slane
- Faith Slater
- Katharine Slater
- Michele Slung
- Joy L. Small
- M. Sarah Smedman
- Bill Smiley
- Ann Moynes Smith
- Courtney Smith
- Edith Katherine Smith
- Karen Smith
- Mary Ainslie Smith
- Mary Evelyn Smith
- Michelle J. Smith
- Robert V. Smith
- Sara Paige Smith
- Will Smith
- Faith Smithson
- Mitchell Smyth
- Krystyna Sobkowska
- Marilyn Solt
- Emily Aoife Somers
- Sean Somers
- J. Christine Somerville
- John Robert Sorfleet
- Sarah Soudry
- Anna South
- Jane Spence Southron
- Juanita Preston Sparks
- Tom Spears
- Jeanne Kaye Speight
- Ruth M. Sponberg
- Regina Spralding
- Erin Spring
- Shelagh J. Squire
- Margot Alison Stafford
- David Staines
- Jackie E. Stallcup
- Susan Stanfield
- Brina Starler
- Robert J.C. Stead
- Apollonia Steele
- Fiona Ruth Steele
- Pat Steenbergen
- Margaret Steffler
- Logan Steiner
- Caroline Stellings
- Laura Alice Stevenson
- Lionel Stevenson
- Fenner Scott Stewart
- Katie Stewart
- Klaus Peter Stich
- Tara Stieglitz
- Anne Stiles
- Hank Stinson
- Elizabeth St Jacques
- Chris Stockard
- Judy Stoffman
- Emily Stokes-Rees
- Phoebe Stone
- Peter Stoneley
- Norah Story
- Jon C. Stott
- David Stouck
- Theresa L. Stowell
- Alex Strachan
- Susie Strachan
- Daniel C. Strack
- Jean Stringam
- Betsy Struthers
- Lesley Strutt
- Brian J. Stuart
- Jed Stuart
- Cynthia Sugars
- Raja Rozina Raja Suleiman
- J. Courtney Sullivan
- Kevin Sullivan
- Nike Sulway
- Rosemary Sutcliff
- Kate Sutherland
- Neil Sutherland
- Robin Sutherland
- Wendy K. Sutton
- Hiroe Suzuki
- Anette Svensson
- Eleanor Swainson
- Cheryl Swanson
- L.A. Swart
- Catherine S. Sweet
- Judith A. Sykes
- Melanie Szucs
- Izabela Szymańska
Greta Sabaliauskaitė
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Sabaliauskaitė, Greta. “Anne Adapted: A (Con)textual Analysis of L.M. Montgomery’s Novel Anne of Green Gables and Anne with an E.” MA thesis, Vilnius University (Lith.), 2022. https://epublications.vu.lt/object/elaba:143534259/.
Sandra Sabatini
Book-Length Study (1)
Sabatini, Sandra. Making Babies: Infants in Canadian Fiction. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2003. https://doi.org/10.51644/9780889206212.
See esp. chapter 1, “Early Twentieth-Century Infants,” 31–49.
Oana Sabo
Journal Article (1)
Sabo, Oana. “Translingualism 2.0.” Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 28, no. 2 (2024): 302–16. https://doi.org/10.1080/17409292.2024.2311539.
Nancy Sadek
Journal Article (1)
Sadek, Nancy, with Sarah Funston. “At Guelph: A Long Established Collection.” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 38 (1985): 29–34. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/1852.
Karen E. Sadowski
Review (1)
Sadowski, Karen E. Review of The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron; The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 4: 1929–1935, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. Library Journal (New York), 1 May 1999, 78.
Excerpted in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 91, edited by Scot Peacock, 194. Detroit: Gale, 2004.
Eric W. Sager
Journal Article (1)
Sager, Eric W. “Women Teachers in Canada, 1881–1901: Revisiting the ‘Feminization’ of an Occupation.” The Canadian Historical Review 88, no. 2 (June 2007): 201–36. https://doi.org/10.1353/can.2007.0051.
Bella Sagi
Journal Article (1)
Sagi, Bella. “Self-Bibliotherapy: Writing and Identity Consolidation Processes in ‘Emily of New Moon’ by Lucy Maud Montgomery.” Journal of Poetry Therapy 37, no. 3 (September 2024): 163–72. https://doi.org/10.1080/08893675.2023.2237197.
Zareen Sahar
Journal Article (1)
Khan, Farkhanda Shahid, Saeeda Nazir, and Zareen Sahar. “A Critical Study of Topographies and Thematic Concerns in Alcott’s Little Women and Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables.” Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review 7, no. 3 (July–September 2023): 975–82. https://ojs.plhr.org.pk/journal/article/view/804.
Nur Saktiningrum
Journal Article (1)
Az-Zahra, Fatimah Salsabila, and Nur Saktiningrum. “Anne Shirley’s Character Development and Its Causes as Seen in Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery.” Lexicon 6, no. 2 (2019): 119–32. https://doi.org/10.22146/lexicon.v6i2.53146.
Kazuko Sakuma
Book Chapters (2)
Sakuma, Kazuko. “Higher Education of Women and the Lasting Popularity of Anne of Green Gables in Japan.” In Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables: Kindred Spirits, edited by Jessica Carniel and Nike Sulway, 94–104. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021.
Sakuma, Kazuko. “The White Feather: Gender and War in L.M. Montgomery’s Rilla of Ingleside.” In L.M. Montgomery and Gender, edited by E. Holly Pike and Laura M. Robinson, 19–43. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780228010166-006.
Journal Article (1)
Sakuma, Kazuko. “Reading L.M. Montgomery’s Pat Books Out of Order: Japanese Readers, Loss, and the Possibility of New Life.” In “L.M. Montgomery and Reading,” edited by Emily Woster and Kate Scarth. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 16 August 2021. https://journaloflmmontgomerystudies.ca/reading/Sakuma/Reading-LMMontgomerys-Pat-Books-Out-of-Order.
Also in The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies: L.M. Montgomery and Reading, edited by Kate Scarth and Emily Woster, 225–53. Charlottetown: L.M. Montgomery Institute and Robertson Library, 2022.
Christiana R. Salah
Book Chapter (1)
Salah, Christiana R. “A Ministry of Plum Puffs: Cooking as a Path to Spiritual Maturity in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne Books.” In 100 Years of Anne with an “e”: The Centennial Study of Anne of Green Gables, edited by Holly Blackford, 193–209. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2009. https://doi.org/10.1515/9781552384886-012.
Journal Article (1)
Salah, Christiana. “Girls in Bonds: Prehensile Place and the Domestic Gothic in L.M. Montgomery’s Short Fiction.” Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 32, no. 1 (Spring 2013): 99–117. https://www.jstor.org/stable/43653366.
Julie Salamon
Newspaper Item (1)
Salamon, Julie. “Anne Faces a Messy World Far from Green Gables.” New York Times, 22 July 2000, B7, B15.
Aina Sallent Fortes
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Sallent Fortes, Aina. “‘Imagining Better than Remembering’: How Netflix’s Anne with an E Rewrote Montgomery’s Classic for Modern Audiences.” BA thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Sp.), 2023. https://ddd.uab.cat/record/292049.
Helen Salmon
Journal Article (1)
Bruce, Lorne, Wayne Johnston, and Helen Salmon. “The L.M. Montgomery Collection at the University of Guelph.” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 34, no. 2 (Fall 2008): 124–29. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/4926.
Judith Saltman
Book-Length Studies (2)
Saltman, Judith. Modern Canadian Children’s Books. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1987.
Egoff, Sheila, and Judith Saltman. The New Republic of Childhood: A Critical Guide to Canadian Children’s Literature in English. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1990.
See esp. chapter 1, “Canadian Children’s Literature and How It Grew,” 1–19; chapter 2, “Realistic Fiction,” 20–87; chapter 11, “Canadian Publishing for Children and How It Grew,” 306–14.
Book Chapter (1)
Saltman, Judith. “Canadian Children’s Literature at the Millennium.” In Windows and Words: A Look at Canadian Children’s Literature in English, edited by Aïda Hudson and Susan-Ann Cooper, 23–34. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2003. Reappraisals: Canadian Writers 25.
Journal Article (1)
Saltman, Judith. “The Jewish Experience in Canadian Children’s Literature.” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 115–16 (Fall–Winter 2004): 105–43. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/4006.
Gholamreza Samigorganroodi
Book Chapter (1)
Samigorganroodi, Gholamreza. “Teaching and Reading Anne of Green Gables in Iran, the Land of Omar Khayyam.” In Anne Around the World: L.M. Montgomery and Her Classic, edited by Jane Ledwell and Jean Mitchell, 181–91. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780773588585-014.
Daniel Samson
Book-Length Study (1)
Samson, Daniel. The Spirit of Industry and Improvement: Liberal Government and Rural-Industrial Society, Nova Scotia, 1790–1862. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008.
See esp. “Introduction: Industry and Improvement,” 3–18.
María Isabel Sánchez Vegara
Book-Length Biography (1)
Sánchez Vegara, María Isabel. L.M. Montgomery. Illustrated by Anuska Allepuz. Minneapolis: Lincoln Children’s Books, 2018. Little People, Big Dreams.
Also as Lucy Maud Montgomery. Translated by Françoise Major. Montreal: La Courte Échelle, 2019. De petite à grande.
Revised version, with simplified text, as Lucy Maud: My First L.M. Montgomery. Minneapolis: Frances Lincoln Children’s Books, 2019. Little People, Big Dreams.
Byrne Hope Sanders
Paratext (1)
Sanders, Byrne Hope. Editorial to The Chatelaine (Toronto), October 1931, 84.
Joe Sutliff Sanders
Book-Length Study (1)
Sanders, Joe Sutliff. Disciplining Girls: Understanding the Origins of the Classic Orphan Girl Story. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011. https://doi.org/10.1353/book.10553.
See esp. chapter 6, “Anne of Green Gables and the Return of Affective Discipline,” 89–96; chapter 9, “Emily of New Moon and the Private Girl,” 120–42.
Collection of Essays (1)
Du, Yan, and Joe Sutliff Sanders, eds. L.M. Montgomery’s Emily of New Moon: A Children’s Classic at 100. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2024. Children’s Literature Association Series. https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.14170601.
Yan Du and Joe Sutliff Sanders, Introduction, 3–20.
Part 1. Literary Resonances. Kate Lawson, “Warring with Failure: Emily’s Quest and the Victorian Past,” 23–37. Jessica Wen Hui Lim, “Exile and Instrumentality in the Emily Books,” 38–53. Lesley D. Clement, “Emily Byrd Starr Meets Brené Brown: ‘Braving the Wilderness’ and Achieving ‘True Belonging,’” 54–68.
Part 2. Emily’s Things. Allison McBain Hudson, “Everyday Objects: Material Culture in the Emily Trilogy,” 71–86. Lindsey McMaster, “‘Something Incalculably Precious’: Diary Writing in Emily of New Moon,” 87–101.
Part 3. Gender. Yoshiko Akamatsu, “The Japanese Reception of the Emily Trilogy Through Translation,” 105–29. Rita Bode, “Claiming and Reclaiming the Maternal: Mothering and Mothers in the Emily Books,” 130–43. Katharine Slater, “‘A Ghost You Can Feel and Hear but Never See’: Queer Hauntings in Emily of New Moon,” 144–58.
Part 4. Time. E. Holly Pike, “The Romance of History in the Emily Novels,” 161–74. Carol L. Beran, “Encroaching Darkness: L.M. Montgomery’s Books About Emily,” 175–88. Margaret Steffler, “Reading Emily out of Time and Place: Breaking Chronology and Space,” 189–202. Anastasia Ulanowicz, “Emily’s Afterlives: Trauma, Repetition, and (Re)reading in Emily of New Moon and Russian Doll,” 203–18.
Journal Article (1)
Sanders, Joe Sutliff. “Spinning Sympathy: Orphan Girl Novels and the Sentimental Tradition.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 33, no. 1 (Spring 2008): 41–61. https://doi.org/10.1353/chq.2008.0005.
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Sanders, Joseph Charles. “What Can I Do with a Girl? Discipline and Privilege at the Turn of the Century.” PhD dissertation, University of Kentucky, 2005.
Paratext (1)
Du, Yan, and Joe Sutliff Sanders. Introduction to L.M. Montgomery’s Emily of New Moon: A Children’s Classic at 100, edited by Yan Du and Joe Sutliff Sanders, 3–20. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2024. Children’s Literature Association Series. https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.14170601.3.
Thelma Paynter Sanderson
Newsletter Items (2)
Sanderson, Thelma Paynter. “Solitude.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2002, 8.
Sanderson, Thelma Paynter. “Island Fields.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2002, 24.
Catriona Sandilands
Book Chapter (1)
Sandilands, Catriona. “Fire, Fantasy, and Futurity: Queer Ecology Visits Silver Bush.” In L.M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s), edited by Rita Bode and Jean Mitchell, 27–41, 216–21. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780773553996-005.
Dorothy E. Sangster
Newspaper Item (1)
Sangster, Dorothy E. “In Search of Anne Shirley.” Guardian (Charlottetown), 3 August 1936, 10.
Also in Kindred Spirits, Spring 1997, 29–30.
Newsletter Item (1)
Sangster, Dorothy E. “Autumn Day: Lake of Shining Waters.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1993, 10.
Patricia Kelly Santelmann
Book Chapter (1)
Santelmann, Patricia Kelly. “Written as Women Write: Anne of Green Gables Within the Female Literary Tradition.” In Harvesting Thistles: The Textual Garden of L.M. Montgomery; Essays on Her Novels and Journals, edited by Mary Henley Rubio, 64–73. Guelph: Canadian Children’s Press, 1994.
Also in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Volume 140, edited by Janet Witalec, 312–18. Detroit: Gale, 2003.
Riyadi Santosa
Journal Article (1)
Poyungi, Yurike Suhertian, M.R. Nababan, and Riyadi Santosa. “Translation Techniques of Modality Metaphor in Novel Anne of Green Gables.” Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya 11, no. 1 (January–June 2021): 68–79. https://doi.org/10.26714/lensa.11.1.2021.68-79.
Dawn Sardella-Ayres
Journal Articles (2)
Sardella-Ayres, Dawn. “Under the Umbrella: The Author-Heroine’s Love Triangle.” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 105–6 (Spring–Summer 2002): 100–13. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/3849.
Sardella-Ayres, Dawn, and Ashley N. Reese. “Where to from Here? Emerging Conversations on Girls’ Literature and Girlhood.” Girlhood Studies 13, no. 1 (March 2020): 33–49. https://doi.org/10.3167/ghs.2020.130104.
Stan Sauerwein
Book-Length Biography (1)
Sauerwein, Stan. Lucy Maud Montgomery: The Incredible Life of the Creator of Anne of Green Gables. Canmore, AB: Altitude Publishing Canada, 2004. Amazing Stories.
Also, in revised form, as Lucy Maud Montgomery: Canada’s Literary Treasure. Halifax: Formac Publishing Company, 2019.
John Ralston Saul
Paratext (1)
Saul, John Ralston. Introduction to L.M. Montgomery, by Jane Urquhart, ix–xiii. Toronto: Penguin Canada, 2009. Extraordinary Canadians.
David Saunders
Journal Article (1)
Saunders, David. “Double Trouble, Part Two: The Work and Its Double: Literary Resemblances and the Law.” Meanjin 48, no. 2 (Winter 1989): 276–83.
Don Saunders
Newspaper Item (1)
Saunders, Don, and Gayle MacDonald. “Anne’s Scary Stepparents.” Globe and Mail (Toronto), 16 October 1999, C1+.
Janet Saunders
Reviews (2)
Saunders, Janet. “Once More to Her Island.” Review of The Road to Yesterday, by L.M. Montgomery. Winnipeg Free Press, 16 March 1974, 21.
Saunders, Janet. “Green Gables Creator Tells All to Her Diary.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 1: 1889–1910, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. Winnipeg Free Press, 22 February 1986, 72.
Sean M. Saunders
Saunders, Sean M. “Anne Shirley’s New Reach.” Review of Anne’s World: A New Century of Anne of Green Gables, edited by Irene Gammel and Benjamin Lefebvre. Canadian Literature 209 (Summer 2011): 157–59. https://canlit.ca/article/anne-shirleys-new-reach/.
Tom Saunders
Newspaper Items (2)
Saunders, Tom. “Writers and Books.” Winnipeg Free Press, 30 June 1973, 20.
Saunders, Tom. “Anne’s Author.” Winnipeg Free Press, 30 November 1974, 25.
Review (1)
Saunders, Tom. “No Passport to Fairyland.” Review of The Wheel of Things: A Biography of L.M. Montgomery, by Mollie Gillen. Winnipeg Free Press, 27 December 1975, 17.
Leslie Goddard Scanlon
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Scanlon, Leslie Goddard. “Alternatives: The Search for a Heroine in the Novels of Lucy Maud Montgomery.” MA thesis, Carleton University, 1977.
Kate Scarth
Special Journal Collection (1)
Woster, Emily, and Kate Scarth, eds. “L.M. Montgomery and Reading.” Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 2019–2021. https://journaloflmmontgomerystudies.ca/lmm-reading.
Also as The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies: L.M. Montgomery and Reading, edited by Kate Scarth and Emily Woster. Charlottetown: L.M. Montgomery Institute and Robertson Library, 2022.
Book Chapters (2)
Scarth, Kate. “Emily of New Moon and Fanny of Mansfield Park: Childhood at Home in Jane Austen and L.M. Montgomery.” In Children and Childhoods in L.M. Montgomery: Continuing Conversations, edited by Rita Bode, Lesley D. Clement, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler, 27–46. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780228014836-004.
Scarth, Kate. “John Thelwall and L.M. Montgomery Write the Green City.” In Eighteenth-Century Environmental Humanities, edited by Jeremy Chow, 205–21. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2023. Transits: Literature, Thought and Culture, 1650–1850. https://doi.org/10.36019/9781684484324-012.
Journal Article (1)
Scarth, Kate. “From Anne of Green Gables to Anne of the Suburbs: Lucy Maud Montgomery Reimagines Home in Anne of the Island.” Women’s Writing 27, no. 2 (April 2020): 150–64. https://doi.org/10.1080/09699082.2017.1403068.
Paratexts (2)
Woster, Emily, and Kate Scarth. “Welcome to the Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies.” Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 5 June 2019. https://doi.org/10.32393/jlmms/2019.0001.
Scarth, Kate. “Preface to L.M. Montgomery and Reading: June 2021.” In The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies: L.M. Montgomery and Reading, edited by Kate Scarth and Emily Woster, 1–3. Charlottetown: L.M. Montgomery Institute and Robertson Library, 2022.
Magazine Item (1)
Scarth, Kate. “Born for City Life? L.M. Montgomery’s Urban Prince Edward Island.” The Island Magazine 86 (Fall–Winter 2020): 50–60.
Susan Schade
Book-Length Extension (1)
Schade, Susan, and Jon Buller. Anne of Green Bagels. New York: Papercutz, 2016.
David Schatzky
Newspaper Item (1)
Schatzky, David. “CBC Treats Young Viewers Shoddily.” Letter to the editor. Toronto Star, 7 March 1990, A26.
Rupert Schieder
Book Chapter (1)
Roper, Gordon, S. Ross Beharriell, and Rupert Schieder. “Writers of Fiction 1880–1920.” In Literary History of Canada: Canadian Literature in English, edited by Carl F. Klinck, 313–39. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1965.
Nancy A. Schiefer
Reviews (5)
Schiefer, Nancy A. “A Writer Even More Enchanting than Her Heroines.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 1: 1889–1910, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. London (ON) Free Press, 13 December 1985, A15.
Schiefer, Nancy A. “Montgomery Journals Provided an Escape.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 2: 1910–1921, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. London (ON) Free Press, 19 December 1987, B7.
Schiefer, Nancy A. “Montgomery’s Volume IV a Delight.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 4: 1929–1935, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. London (ON) Free Press, 7 November 1998, C15.
Schiefer, Nancy. “A Last Cry of Despair.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 5: 1935–1942, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. London (ON) Free Press, 30 October 2004, D8.
Schiefer, Nancy. “Journals Bursting with Life.” Review of The Complete Journals of L.M. Montgomery: The PEI Years, 1889–1900, edited by Mary Henley Rubio and Elizabeth Hillman Waterston. London (ON) Free Press, 13 October 2012, F2.
Emily Schmidt
Newsletter Item (1)
Schmitt, Emily. “‘Who Said That?’ A Quotations Quiz—Match the Quote to Its Speaker.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 13 (Fall 1995): 7, 31.
Tiffany Schmidt
Book-Length Extension (1)
Schmidt, Tiffany. Bookish Boyfriends: Talk Nerdy to Me. New York: Amulet Books, 2020.
Deborah Schnitzer
Book Chapter (1)
Schnitzer, Deborah. “Windows as Homing Devices in Canadian Picture Books.” In Home Words: Discourses of Children’s Literature in Canada, edited by Mavis Reimer, 145–76. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2008. Studies in Childhood and Family in Canada.
Dorothy M. Schreiber
Newsletter Item (1)
Schreiber, Dorothy M. “My Blue Castle.” Kindred Spirits, Fall 2003, 4.
Elena Schuck
Review (1)
Schuck, Elena. Review of Anne’s Tragical Tea Party, by Kallie George, illustrated by Abigail Halpin. School Library Journal (New York), January 2022, 67.
Bill Schulte
Newsletter Items (2)
Schulte, Bill. “Kindred Spirits (of the United States of America).” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Winter 1990–1991, 13.
Schulte, Bill. “Anne’s Brook.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1992, 14.
June M. Schulte
Newsletter Item (1)
Schulte, June M. “Dawn and Dusk Reflections.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1994, 36–37.
Herbert Schwaab
Book Chapter (1)
Schwaab, Herbert. “Limited Animation, Unlimited Seriality: The Configurations of the Serial in the Anime Series Haha o Tazunete Sanzenri, Akage no An and Tanoshî Mûmin Ikka.” In Television Studies and Research on Series: Theory, History and Present of (Post-)televisual Seriality, edited by Denis Newiak, Dominik Maeder, and Herbert Schwaab, 289–311. Wiesbaden, Ger.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-42915-7_13.
Evelyn Khoo Schwartz
Review (1)
Schwartz, Evelyn Khoo. Review of Anne Dares, by Kallie George, illustrated by Abigail Halpin. School Library Journal 69, no. 10 (October 2023): 74.
Holly Schwartz
Newsletter Item (1)
Schwartz, Holly. “Wild Rose of Avonlea.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 9 (Fall 1994): 9.
Hanna Schwarz-Eisler
Book-Length Study (1)
Schwarz-Eisler, Hanna. L.M. Montgomery: A Popular Canadian Writer for Children. Pfaffenweiler, Ger.: Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1991.
Ian Sclanders
Magazine Item (1)
Sclanders, Ian. “Lucy of Green Gables.” Maclean’s Magazine (Toronto), 15 December 1951, 12–13, 33–36.
Also in Maclean’s Canada: Portrait of a Country, edited by Leslie F. Hannon, 188-92. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1960.
Ila D. Scott
Review (1)
Scott, Ila D. Review of Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, abridgement by Barbara Greenwood. CM: A Reviewing Journal of Canadian Materials for Young People (Ottawa), May 1992, 153. https://www.cmreviews.ca/cm/cmarchive/vol20no3/anne.html.
Jennifer Scott
Reviews (2)
Scott, Jennifer. “Persistent and Challenging Enigmas.” Review of Roughing It in the Bush, by Susanna Moodie, edited by Michael Peterman; Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Mary Henley Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. Canadian Literature 197 (Summer 2008): 167–69.
Scott, Jennifer. Review of A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Benjamin Lefebvre. Victorian Periodicals Review 52, no. 3 (Fall 2019): 646–48. https://doi.org/10.1353/vpr.2019.0045.
Laura Scott
Review (1)
Scott, Laura. Review of Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, retold by Kathleen Olmstead. School Library Journal (New York), July 2005, 80.
Maylin Scott
Review (1)
Scott, Maylin. “Lives of Girls and Women.” Review of Women’s Lives: The View from the Threshold, by Carolyn G. Heilbrun; L.M. Montgomery and Canadian Culture, edited by Irene Gammel and Elizabeth Epperly. University of Toronto Bookstore Review 13, no. 1 (1999): 17–18.
Barbara Scotto
Review (1)
Scotto, Barbara. Review of The Fragrance of Sweet-Grass: L.M. Montgomery’s Heroines and the Pursuit of Romance, by Elizabeth Rollins Epperly. Wilson Library Bulletin (Bronx, NY), October 1992, 100–101.
Michael V. Scrimenti
Newsletter Item (1)
Scrimenti, Michael V. “Felix and Blackie.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 21 (Autumn 1997): 30.
Alan Sears
Book-Length Study (1)
Clark, Penney, and Alan Sears. The Arts and the Teaching of History: Historical F(r)ictions. Cham, Switz.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-51513-3.
See esp. chapter 3, “Historical F(r)ictions: Fiction and History Education,” 87–125.
Amber Sears
Newsletter Items (2)
Sears, Amber. “Victorian Dreams.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 9 (Fall 1994): 31.
Sears, Amber A. “Meeting L.M. Montgomery.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 19 (Spring 1997): 23.
Yvonne Sears
Newsletter Items (2)
Sears, Yvonne. “Winter Magic.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1997–1998, 7.
Sears, Yvonne. “Hallowe’en of Yesteryear.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 25 (Autumn 1998): 9.
Mary Sebag-Montefiore
Abridged Editions (2)
Montgomery, L.M. Anne of Green Gables. Adapted by Mary Sebag-Montefiore. Illustrated by Alan Marks. London: Usborne Publishing, 2014. Usborne Young Reading.
Montgomery, L.M. Anne of Green Gables. Retold by Mary Sebag-Montefiore. Illustrated by Alan Marks. London: Usborne Publishing, 2016. Usborne Picture Books.
Manal Sebti
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Sebti, Manal. “The Conflict Between Imagination and Societal Expectations in Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables.” MA thesis, Université de Biskra (Alg.), 2023. http://archives.univ-biskra.dz/handle/123456789/26815.
John Seelye
Book-Length Study (1)
Seelye, John. Jane Eyre’s American Daughters: From The Wide, Wide World to Anne of Green Gables; A Study of Marginalized Maidens and What They Mean. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2005.
Martina Seifert
Book Chapters (2)
Seifert, Martina. “Selecting Canadiana for the Young: The German Translation of English Canadian Children’s Literature.” In Translating Canada, edited by Luise von Flotow and Reingard M. Nischik, 219–42. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2007.
Seifert, Martina. “Conflicting Images: Anne of Green Gables in Germany.” In Storm and Dissonance: L.M. Montgomery and Conflict, edited by Jean Mitchell, 328–43. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008.
John Selby
Review (1)
Selby, John. “Scanning New Books.” Review of Anne of Windy Poplars, by L.M. Montgomery. Denton (TX) Record-Chronicle, 15 August 1936, 2.
Robert Selkowitz
Newsletter Items (3)
Selkowitz, Robert. “An Artist’s View of L.M. Montgomery.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1992–1993, 28–29.
Selkowitz, Robert. “Anne of Green Gables Meets The House of the Seven Gables.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1993, 12–13.
Selkowitz, Robert. “The Seance: L.M. Montgomery Plays with the Spirits.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1993–1994, 13–14.
Julie A. Sellers
Book-Length Extensions (2)
Sellers, Julie A. Kindred Verse: Poems Inspired by Anne of Green Gables. Wichita, KS: Blue Cedar Press, 2021.
Sellers, Julie A. Ann of Sunflower Lane. Emporia, KS: Meadowlark Press, 2022.
Book Chapter (1)
Sellers, Julie A. “‘Just as If I Was a Heroine in a Book’: Quixotic Identification in and with Anne of Green Gables.” In Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables: Kindred Spirits, edited by Jessica Carniel and Nike Sulway, 105–20. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021.
Journal Article (2)
Sellers, Julie A. “‘A Good Imagination Gone Wrong’: Reading Anne of Green Gables as a Quixotic Novel.” In “L.M. Montgomery and Reading,” edited by Emily Woster and Kate Scarth. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 5 June 2019. https://doi.org/10.32393/jlmms/2019.0003.
Also in The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies: L.M. Montgomery and Reading, edited by Kate Scarth and Emily Woster, 53–77. Charlottetown: L.M. Montgomery Institute and Robertson Library, 2022.
Sellers, Julie A. “Threads of Dreams.” In “Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery,” edited by Liz Rosenberg and Kate Scarth. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 9 October 2024. https://doi.org/10.32393/jlmms/2024.0018.
Shorter Extensions (2)
Sellers, Julie A. “Windows.” Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 1 June 2020. https://doi.org/10.32393/jlmms/2020.0005.
Sellers, Julie A. “Reflections.” In “L.M. Montgomery and Re-vision,” edited by Lesley D. Clement and Alan MacEachern. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 27 September 2023. https://doi.org/10.32393/jlmms/2023.0009.
Jane Sellwood
Review (1)
Sellwood, Jane. Review of Making Avonlea: L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture, edited by Irene Gammel. Australian Canadian Studies 22, no. 2 (2004): 337–43.
Also as “The ‘Niceness’ of Belonging,” Studies in Culture 26–27 (March 2004): 173–81.
Andre Sennwald
Newspaper Item (1)
Sennwald, Andre. “Anne Shirley and ‘Anne of Green Gables,’ at the Roxy—‘Here Is My Heart,’ at the Paramount.” New York Times, 22 December 1934, 21.
Maja Senum
Newsletter Items (7)
Senum, Maja. “Midnight Walk in the Haunted Wood.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1999, 7.
Senum, Maja. “The Waltz.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2002, 6.
Senum, Maja. “Sweetened Dreams for Little Girls.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2002, 19.
Senum, Maja. “The Garden’s Secret Delight.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2004, 4.
Senum, Maja. “Spring Wanders Down the Lane.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2005, 4.
Senum, Maja. “Autumn Twirls Among the Trees.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2005, 14.
Senum, Maja. “Winter Pays a Call.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2005, 9.
Ramin Setoodeh
Magazine Item (1)
Setoodeh, Ramin. “It’s Still Not Easy Being Green: ‘Anne of Green Gables’ Turns 100 This Year, but She’s the Most Modern Girl in the Bookstore.” Newsweek (New York), 28 July 2008, 49–50.
Jessica Seymour
Book Chapter (1)
Seymour, Jessica. “Writing Across Platforms: Adapting Classics Through Social Media.” In Minding the Gap: Writing Across Thresholds and Fault Lines, edited by Thom Conroy and Gail Pittaway, 105–15. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.
Tom Shales
Newspaper Items (2)
Shales, Tom. “The Poorest of ‘Choices.’” Washington Post, 17 February 1986, C1.
Shales, Tom. “‘Avonlea’: More from the Able ‘Gables’ Group.” Washington Post, 19 May 1987, C3.
Ellen S. Shapiro
Paratexts (5)
Shapiro, Ellen S. Introduction to Anne of Green Gables: Three Volumes in One [Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, Anne’s House of Dreams], by Lucy Maud Montgomery, xi–xvi. New York: Gramercy Books, 1985.
Shapiro, Ellen S. Foreword to Anne of Green Gables, by Lucy Maud Montgomery, illustrated by Troy Howell, xiii–xvi. New York: Children’s Classics, 1988.
Also in Anne of Green Gables, by Lucy Maud Montgomery, ix–xii. New York: Children’s Classics, 1998.
Also in Anne of Green Gables, by Lucy Maud Montgomery, illustrated by Troy Howell, xiii–xvi. New York: Gramercy Books, 2002. The Illustrated Children’s Library.
Shapiro, Ellen S. Introduction to Days of Dreams and Laughter: The Story Girl and Other Tales [The Story Girl, The Golden Road, Kilmeny of the Orchard], by Lucy Maud Montgomery, vii–xvi. New York: Gramercy Books, 1990.
Shapiro, Ellen S. Introduction to Anne of the Island and Tales of Avonlea [Anne of the Island, Chronicles of Avonlea, Further Chronicles of Avonlea], by Lucy Maud Montgomery, vii–xii. New York: Gramercy Books, 1991.
Shapiro, Ellen S. Afterword to Anne’s House of Dreams, by Lucy Maud Montgomery, 189–93. New York: Gramercy Books, 1996.
Amy J. Shaw
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Shaw, Amy J. “These Strange, Ridiculous and Contradictory Creatures: Conscientious Objection in Canada During the First World War.” PhD dissertation, University of Western Ontario, 2005.
Ted Shaw
Newspaper Items (3)
Shaw, Ted. “Inside Canada.” Daily Sitka (AK) Sentinel, 14 July 1989, 4A.
Shaw, Ted. “Another Gem from Sullivan.” TV Times, 29 December 1990, n.pag.
Shaw, Ted. “Return to Avonlea.” Gazette (Montreal), 9 January 1994, F1.
Martha Shea
Newsletter Item (1)
Shea, Martha. “Anne of Green Gables.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2004, 18.
Theodore F. Sheckels
Book-Length Study (1)
Sheckels, Theodore F. The Island Motif in the Fiction of L.M. Montgomery, Margaret Laurence, Margaret Atwood, and Other Canadian Women Novelists. New York: Peter Lang, 2003. Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature 68.
See esp. chapter 1, “Introduction,” 1–18; chapter 2, “Redemptive Retreats: L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Anne Books’; L.M. Montgomery’s Jane of Lantern Hill; Marian Engel’s Bear,” 19–43; chapter 6, “Trapped in Fantasy: L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Pat Books’; L.M. Montgomery’s Magic for Marigold,” 133–48; chapter 8, “Once More to the Island,” 181–90.
Book Chapters (2)
Sheckels, Theodore F. “Anne in Hollywood: The Americanization of a Canadian Icon.” In L.M. Montgomery and Canadian Culture, edited by Irene Gammel and Elizabeth Epperly, 183–91. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999.
Sheckels, Theodore. “Anne of Green Gables as Intertext in Post-1960 Canadian Women’s Fiction.” In 100 Years of Anne with an “e”: The Centennial Study of Anne of Green Gables, edited by Holly Blackford, 143–63. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2009. https://doi.org/10.1515/9781552384886-010.
Journal Article (1)
Sheckels, Theodore F., Jr. “In Search of Structures for the Stories of Girls and Women: L.M. Montgomery’s Life-Long Struggle.” American Review of Canadian Studies 23, no. 4 (Winter 1993): 523–38. https://doi.org/10.1080/02722019309481843.
Sarah J. Sheets
Newsletter Item (1)
Sheets, Sarah J. “The Dreamers of Dreams.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 11 (Spring 1995): 26.
Philippa Sheppard
Review (1)
Sheppard, Philippa. Review of Emily of New Moon, by L.M. Montgomery, adapted by Priscilla Galloway; Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, adapted by Shelley Tanaka. Quill and Quire (Toronto), March 1998, 74. https://quillandquire.com/review/emily-of-new-moon/.
Faith Shergold
Newsletter Items (4)
Shergold, Faith. “Stay in Touch!” Cordially Yours, Spring 2013, 5–6.
Shergold, Faith. “2014 Calendar of Events.” Cordially Yours, Fall 2013, 6.
Shergold, Faith. “Lucy Maud Montgomery Society at the Aurora Farmers’ Market.” Cordially Yours, Spring 2014, 2.
Shergold, Faith. “Lucy Maud Montgomery Day 2014.” Cordially Yours, Fall 2014, 2–3.
Rebecca Sheridan
Book Chapter (1)
Sheridan, Rebecca. “‘A Graveyard Full of Buried Hopes’: Rethinking Realism and Romance in Anne of Green Gables and Rilla of Ingleside.” In Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables: Kindred Spirits, edited by Jessica Carniel and Nike Sulway, 121–29. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021.
Summer Sheridan
Newsletter Item (1)
Sheridan, Summer. “A Student’s Report.” Cordially Yours, Fall 2019, 6.
Margaret Sherwood
Magazine Item (1)
Sherwood, Margaret. “Lying like Truth.” The Atlantic Monthly (Boston), December 1910, 806–17.
Tetiana Shestakevych
Book Chapter (1)
Hrytsiv, Nataliia, Tetiana Shestakevych, and Julia Shyyka. “Quantitative Parameters of Lucy Montgomery’s Literary Style.” In Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on COLINS 2021, edited by Natalia Sharonova et al., 1: 670–684. N.p.: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2870/paper50.pdf.
Carol Shields
Book Chapter (1)
Shields, Carol. “‘Thinking Back Through Our Mothers’: Tradition in Canadian Women’s Writing.” In Re(dis)covering Our Foremothers: Nineteenth-Century Canadian Women Writers, edited by Lorraine McMullen, 9–13. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1990. Reappraisals: Canadian Writers 15.
Excerpted as “Exuberant Vision” in Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Mary Henley Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston, 428. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2007. A Norton Critical Edition.
Newspaper Item (1)
Shields, Carol. “Unmask, Embrace, Sympathize, Love . . . Behold: The Writer.” Boston Globe, 21 May 1995, 80.
Review (1)
Shields, Carol. “Loving Lucy.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 4: 1929–1935, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. Globe and Mail (Toronto), 3 October 1998, D18.
Also, untitled, in The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 407–8. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.
Rob Shields
Journal Article (1)
Shields, Rob. “Lifelong Sorrow: Settler Affect, State and Trauma at Anne of Green Gables.” Settler Colonial Studies 8, no. 4 (2018): 518–36. https://doi.org/10.1080/2201473X.2017.1388467.
Wendy Shilton
Book Chapter (1)
Shilton, Wendy. “Anne of Green Gables as Centre and Circumference.” In Anne Around the World: L.M. Montgomery and Her Classic, edited by Jane Ledwell and Jean Mitchell, 120–30. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780773588585-010.
Betty Shirley
Newsletter Item (1)
Shirley, Betty. “A Memorable Reunion.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 2, no. 1 (Winter 1992): 31.
Anne Showalter
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Showalter, Anne. “Touring Avonlea.” MA thesis, Carleton University, 2001. https://doi.org/10.22215/etd/2001-04914.
Carolyn Shute
Review (1)
Shute, Carolyn. Review of Christmas with Anne and Other Holiday Stories, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Rea Wilmshurst. The Horn Book Guide 8, no. 1 (Spring 1997): 71.
Also in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 91, edited by Scot Peacock, 195. Detroit: Gale, 2004.
Julia Shyyka
Book Chapter (1)
Hrytsiv, Nataliia, Tetiana Shestakevych, and Julia Shyyka. “Quantitative Parameters of Lucy Montgomery’s Literary Style.” In Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on COLINS 2021, edited by Natalia Sharonova et al., 1: 670–684. N.p.: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2870/paper50.pdf.
LaurenBeth Signore
Journal Article (1)
Signore, LaurenBeth. “Anne of Green Gables: The Transformation from Bildungsroman to Romantic Comedy.” The Looking Glass: New Perspectives on Children’s Literature 11, no. 2 (2007). https://ojs.latrobe.edu.au/ojs/index.php/tlg/article/view/17.
Brenda Silsbe
Newsletter Items (5)
Silsbe, Brenda. “In Soil.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 2004, 4.
Silsbe, Brenda. “A Simple Garden.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 2004, 4.
Silsbe, Brenda. “Autumn Pilgrimage.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2004, 8.
Silsbe, Brenda. “Young Dancer.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2005, 4.
Silsbe, Brenda. “Slide in Time.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2005, 4.
Anita Silvey
Reference Item (1)
Silvey, Anita. 100 Best Books for Children. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. A Frances Tenenbaum Book.
See “Anne of Green Gables,” 111–13.
Kathleen Simonetta
Review (1)
Simonetta, Kathleen. Review of Lucy Maud Montgomery: A Writer’s Life, by Elizabeth Macleod. School Library Journal (New York), April 2001, 164.
Judy Simons
Book-Length Study (1)
Foster, Shirley, and Judy Simons. What Katy Read: Feminist Re-readings of “Classic” Stories for Girls. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press; London: Macmillan, 1995.
See esp. “L.M. Montgomery: Anne of Green Gables,” 149–71.
Excerpted in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Volume 140, edited by Janet Witalec, 318–28. Detroit: Gale, 2003.
Also in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 145, edited by Tom Burns, 109–20. Detroit: Gale, 2009.
Sarah Simonson
Newsletter Item (1)
Simonson, Sarah. “LMM’s Life: A Crossword Puzzle.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 14 (Winter 1995–1996): 7, 17.
Donald B. Sinclair
Magazine Item (1)
Sinclair, Donald B. “A Trio of Women Writers.” The Canadian Courier (Toronto), 27 November 1909, 14.
Excerpted in The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 1: 44–47. https://doi.org/10.3138/9781442668560-010.
Gordon Sinclair
Newspaper Items (3)
Sinclair, Gordon. “Next Week’s Highlights on TV.” Toronto Daily Star, 3 March 1956, 30.
Sinclair, Gordon. “Radio and Television.” Toronto Daily Star, 6 March 1956, 22.
Sinclair, Gordon. “10 Sets, 14 Big Numbers Plus Ballet.” Toronto Daily Star, 18 November 1958, 30.
Sarah E.S. Sinwell
Journal Article (1)
Sinwell, Sarah E.S. “Bosom Friends and Kindred Spirits: Reimagining Girlhood, Bisexuality and Queerness in Anne with an E.” In “Representing Queerness: Modes, Manners and Methods.” Special issue, Queer Studies in Media and Popular Culture 8, no. 3 (September 2023): 351–67. https://doi.org/10.1386/qsmpc_00110_1.
Helen Siourbas
Book Chapter (1)
Siourbas, Helen. “L.M. Montgomery: Canon or Cultural Capital?” In Windows and Words: A Look at Canadian Children’s Literature in English, edited by Aïda Hudson and Susan-Ann Cooper, 131–41. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2003. Reappraisals: Canadian Writers 25.
Wayne Skene
Book-Length Study (1)
Skene, Wayne. Fade to Black: A Requiem for the CBC. Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre, 1993.
See esp. chapter 8, “Anne Murray in Disney World,” 142–67.
Andrea Slane
Journal Article (1)
Slane, Andrea. “Guarding a Cultural Icon: Concurrent Intellectual Property Regimes and the Perpetual Protection of Anne of Green Gables in Canada.” McGill Law Journal / Revue de droit de McGill 56, no. 4 (June 2011): 1011–55. https://doi.org/10.7202/1005851ar.
Faith Slater
Newsletter Item (1)
Slater, Faith. “The Clover Field.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 2004, 6.
Katharine Slater
Book Chapter (1)
Slater, Katharine. “‘A Ghost You Can Feel and Hear but Never See’: Queer Hauntings in Emily of New Moon.” In L.M. Montgomery’s Emily of New Moon: A Children’s Classic at 100, edited by Yan Du and Joe Sutliff Sanders, 144–58. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2024. Children’s Literature Association Series. https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.14170601.11.
Journal Article (1)
Slater, Katharine. “‘The Other Was Whole’: Anne of Green Gables, Trauma and Mirroring.” The Lion and the Unicorn 34, no. 2 (April 2010): 167–87. https://doi.org/10.1353/uni.0.0501.
Michele Slung
Newspaper Item (1)
Slung, Michele. “75 Years of Anne of Green Gables.” The Washington (DC) Post, 31 July 1983, Book World, 15.
Joy L. Small
Newsletter Item (1)
Small, Joy L. “How to Have an Anne Themed Slumber Party.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 18 (Winter 1996–1997): 8–9.
M. Sarah Smedman
Journal Article (1)
Smedman, M. Sarah. “Not Always Gladly Does She Teach, nor Gladly Learn: Teachers in Künstlerinroman for Young Readers.” Children’s Literature in Education 20, no. 3 (September 1989): 131–49. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01126456.
Bill Smiley
Book Chapter (1)
Smiley, Bill. “Lucy Maud Montgomery in Prince Albert, August 20, 1890 to August 27, 1891.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 86–91. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.
Ann Moynes Smith
Review (1)
Smith, Ann Moynes. Review of It’s Just a Stage, by Amy Jo Cooper; Misfits and Miracles, by Linda Zwicker. In Canadian Book Review Annual 1993, edited by Joyce M. Wilson, n.pag. Toronto: CBRA, 1994.
Courtney Smith
Newsletter Item (1)
Smith, Courtney. “Road to Avonlea: A Fan’s Perspective.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 20 (Summer 1997): 30.
Edith Katherine Smith
Book Chapters (2)
Smith, Edith Katherine. “Lucy Maud Montgomery: Passionate Puritan.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 3–7. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.
Smith, Edith Katherine. “Hon. Donald Montgomery Homestead.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 31–35. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.
Newsletter Items (27)
Smith, Edith K. “A Dark Enchantment.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Summer 1991, 12.
Smith, Edith K. “Discovering the Pulpit Stone.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 11 (Spring 1995): 4–5.
Smith, Edith. “That Other Diarist, That ‘Other Anne.’” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 12 (Summer 1995): 8–9.
Smith, Edith Katherine. “Clan Montgomery Unveils Commemorative Plaque: Park Corner, Prince Edward Island—June 23, 1995.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 14 (Winter 1995–1996): 22–23.
Smith, Edith Katherine. “Commemorative Plaque Unveiled at Lucy Maud Montgomery Heritage Museum.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1995–1996, 18–19.
Smith, Edith K. “The Road to Leaskdale.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 2 (June 1996): 6–7.
Smith, Edith Katherine. “Portraits as Personae: Three Portraits Witness a Love Affair.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 16 (Summer 1996): 13–16.
Smith, Edith K. “Adoption in Shades of Black and Red: The Taming of Topsy and Adoption of Anne.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1996, 20–21.
Smith, Edith K. “‘Father’s God, Not Ellen Greene’s God.’” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 3 (December 1996): 6–7.
Smith, Edith Katherine. “Country Diaries, Edwardian Ladies.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 19 (Spring 1997): 6–8.
Smith, Edith K. “Beautiful Boy: The Boys in L.M. Montgomery’s Life and Literature.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 4 (June 1997): 1, 12.
Smith, Edith Katherine. “Birth Day Girl.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 5 (December 1997): 4.
Smith, Edith Katherine. “Childhood’s Closeness to the Kingdom of Heaven.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 5 (December 1997): 10–11.
Smith, Edith K. “Maud, Mercy and Sophia: Girls, Politics, and Diaries.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 22 (Winter 1997–1998): 20–22.
Smith, Edith Katherine. “Charlotte Brontë and L.M. Montgomery as Literary Heroines.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 23 (Spring 1998): 6–9.
Smith, Edith K. “A Tale of Two Senators.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 6 (June 1998): 8–9.
Smith, Edith Katherine. “The Path to Park Corner.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 7 (December 1998): 8–9.
Smith, Edith Katherine. “Her Royal Island.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 26 (Winter 1998–1999): 8–10.
Smith, Edith Katherine. “LMM and the Tower of London.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 8 (June 1999): 4–5.
Smith, Edith Katherine. “‘Well over Sixty’: The Old Maids in L.M. Montgomery’s Fiction.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 28 (Summer 1999): 6–9.
Smith, Edith K. “‘Everyday’s Most Quiet Need.’” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 9 (December 1999): 1, 12.
Smith, Edith Katherine. “Eye of the Beholder.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 10 (June 2000): 4–5.
Smith, Edith Katherine. “L.M. Montgomery: Powerful Professional Woman and Wit.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 11 (December 2000): 6–8.
Smith, Edith K. “The Townsends and Montgomerys of Park Corner, P.E.I.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 12 (June 2001): 10–12.
Smith, Edith K. “The Road to Uxbridge.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 13 (December 2001): 10–11.
Smith, Edith K. “Sisters Under Their Skin.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 14 (June 2002): 8–9.
Smith, Edith K. “M & M: Montgomery Versus McCullough: Rewriting the Script.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 16 (June 2003): 10–13.
Karen Smith
Review (1)
Smith, Karen. Review of Lucy Maud Montgomery: A Preliminary Bibliography, by Ruth Weber Russell, D.W. Russell, and Rea Wilmshurst. The Dalhousie Review 67, no. 1 (Spring 1987): 143–45.
Mary Ainslie Smith
Reviews (2)
Smith, Mary Ainslie. “New Tales for the Maud Squad.” Review of The Doctor’s Sweetheart and Other Stories, by L.M. Montgomery, selected by Catherine McLay. Books in Canada (Toronto), May 1979, 22.
Smith, Mary Ainslie. “Coming of Age in Cavendish.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 1: 1889–1910, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. Books in Canada (Toronto), March 1986, 17–19.
Mary Evelyn Smith
Book Chapter (1)
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “The ‘Kindred Spirits’ E-mail Newsletter.” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 447–50. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.
Newsletter Items (18)
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “Kindred Spirits E-mail List.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 2 (June 1996): 3.
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “Conference Memories.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 3 (December 1996): 10.
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “An Idyllic Day at Pearsie.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 3 (December 1996): 11.
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “A Dream Comes True.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 19 (Spring 1997): 30–31.
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “Motherhood.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 4 (June 1997): 3.
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “My Heart-Daughter, Zoie.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 5 (December 1997): 5.
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “Fires in L.M. Montgomery’s Books.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 5 (December 1997): 15.
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “The Kindest Kindredest Gift.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 6 (June 1998): 4–5.
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “Remembrances of War and Walter.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 7 (December 1998): 1, 12.
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “The War Years of Rilla and Elizabeth.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 8 (June 1999): 3, 12.
Smith, Mary Evelyn, with Rebecca “Zoie” Irby. “LMM’s Beloved Cats.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 28 (Summer 1999): 24–25.
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “A Storytelling Evening in Cavendish United Church.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 9 (December 1999): 7.
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “Bernard Freeman Trotter = Walter Blythe?” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 11 (December 2000): 4–5.
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “Splendid Indeed.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 12 (June 2001): 1.
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “Emily Reaches Flapperhood? L.M. Montgomery’s Visit to Hamilton.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 13 (December 2001): 6.
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “Searching for Maud in Prince Albert.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 14 (June 2002): 6–7.
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “Gone with the Wind’s Margaret Mitchell.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 15 (December 2002): 6–8.
Smith, Mary Evelyn. “The Recovery of the Marco Polo.” The Road to L.M. Montgomery 16 (June 2003): 6–7.
Michelle J. Smith
Book-Length Study (1)
Smith, Michelle J., Kristine Moruzi, and Clare Bradford. From Colonial to Modern: Transnational Girlhood in Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand Children’s Literature, 1840–1940. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018. https://doi.org/10.3138/9781487517052.
See esp. chapter 5, “Environment and the Natural World,” 97–116; chapter 6, “Race and Texts for Girls,” 117–44; chapter 7, “Work and Education,” 147–77; chapter 8, “Girlhood and Coming of Age During the First World War,” 178–200; chapter 9, “Modernity and the Nation,” 201–30; chapter 10, “Conclusion,” 231–40.
Book Chapter (1)
Hammill, Faye, and Michelle Smith. “Mainstream Magazines: Home and Mobility.” In The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Literature, edited by Cynthia Sugars, 352–68. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199941865.013.20.
Journal Article (1)
Smith, Michelle. “Fiction and the Nation: The Construction of Canadian Identity in Chatelaine and Canadian Home Journal During the 1930s and 1940s.” British Journal of Canadian Studies 27, no. 1 (2014): 37–53. https://doi.org/10.3828/bjcs.2014.3.
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Smith, Michelle Denise. “Model Nation: Identity and Citizenship in Canadian Women’s Mass-Market Magazines, 1928–45.” PhD dissertation, University of Alberta, 2008. https://doi.org/10.7939/r3-pxrp-3×72.
See esp. chapter 1, “Producing Magazines, Producing Canada, 25–118; chapter 3, “Fiction and the Nation: Constructing Canadian Identity in Chatelaine and the Canadian Home Journal,” 173–208.
Robert V. Smith
Book-Length Extension (1)
Smith, Robert V. Modern Messages from Green Gables on Loving, Living and Learning: The Anne Stories. Illustrated by Dusty Higgins. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021.
Sara Paige Smith
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Smith, Sara Paige. “Anne of Green Gables: A Television Series.” MA thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1980.
Will Smith
Journal Article (1)
Smith, Will. “‘You Might Understand Toronto’: Tracing the Histories of Writing on Toronto Writing.” British Journal of Canadian Studies 29, no. 2 (2016): 153–73. https://doi.org/10.3828/bjcs.2016.8.
Faith Smithson
Review (1)
Smithson, Faith. Review of The Blue Castle, by L.M. Montgomery. The Canadian Churchman (Toronto), 4 November 1926, 733.
Also in “Scrapbook of Reviews from Around the World Which L.M. Montgomery’s Clipping Service Sent to Her,” compiled by L.M. Montgomery, 271. L.M. Montgomery Collection, Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph archives.
Also as “[Essentially a Woman’s Book]” in The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 281–83.
Mitchell Smyth
Newspaper Item (1)
Smyth, Mitchell. “Author of Anne Books Found Bala ‘A Dear Spot.’” Toronto Star, 4 September 1993, G7.
Krystyna Sobkowska
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Sobkowska, Krystyna. “The Reception of the ‘Anne of Green Gables’ Series by Lucy Maud Montgomery in Poland.” MA thesis, University of Lodz, 1983.
Marilyn Solt
Journal Article (1)
Solt, Marilyn. “The Uses of Setting in Anne of Green Gables.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 9, no. 4 (Winter 1984–1985): 179–80, 198. https://doi.org/10.1353/chq.0.0650.
Also in Such a Simple Little Tale: Critical Responses to L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables, edited by Mavis Reimer, 57–63. N.p.: Children’s Literature Association; Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1992.
Also in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 145, edited by Tom Burns, 96–99. Detroit: Gale, 2009.
Review (1)
Solt, M.L. Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 1: 1889–1910, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston; The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 2: 1910–1921, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. Choice 26, no. 1 (September 1988). https://doi.org/10.5860/CHOICE.26-0150.
Emily Aoife Somers
Sean Somers
J. Christine Somerville
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Somerville, J. Christine. “Stories and Storytelling in Alice Munro’s Fiction.” MA thesis, University of British Columbia, 1985. https://doi.org/10.14288/1.0096514.
See esp. chapter 5, “Life as a Recurring Story,” 126–63.
John Robert Sorfleet
Collection of Essays (1)
Sorfleet, John Robert, ed. L.M. Montgomery: An Assessment. Guelph: Canadian Children’s Press, 1976.
John R. Sorfleet, “Introduction: L.M. Montgomery: Canadian Authoress,” 4–7. Elizabeth Waterston, “Lucy Maud Montgomery 1874–1942,” 9–26. Mary Rubio, “Satire, Realism, and Imagination in Anne of Green Gables,” 27–36. Gillian Thomas, “The Decline of Anne: Matron vs. Child,” 37–41. Ann S. Cowan, “Canadian Writers: Lucy Maud and Emily Byrd,” 42–49. Muriel A. Whitaker, “‘Queer Children’: L.M. Montgomery’s Heroines,” 50–59. Jane Cowan Fredeman, “The Land of Lost Content: The Use of Fantasy in L.M. Montgomery’s Novels,” 60–70. Jean Little, “But What About Jane?,” 71–81.
Book Chapters (2)
Sorfleet, John R. “From Pagan to Christian: The Symbolic Journey of Anne of Green Gables.” In Windows and Words: A Look at Canadian Children’s Literature in English, edited by Aïda Hudson and Susan-Ann Cooper, 175–83. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2003. Reappraisals: Canadian Writers 25.
Sorfleet, John R. “The Nature of Canadian Children’s Literature: A Commentary.” In Windows and Words: A Look at Canadian Children’s Literature in English, edited by Aïda Hudson and Susan-Ann Cooper, 219–25. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2003. Reappraisals: Canadian Writers 25.
Paratext (1)
Sorfleet, John R. “L.M. Montgomery: Canadian Authoress.” Introduction to “L.M. Montgomery Issue.” Special issue, Canadian Children’s Literature 1, no. 3 (Autumn 1975): 4–7. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/1220.
Also in L.M. Montgomery: An Assessment, edited by John Robert Sorfleet, 4–7. Guelph: Canadian Children’s Press, 1976.
Reference Item (1)
Sorfleet, John Robert. “Montgomery, L(ucy) M(aud).” In Twentieth-Century Children’s Writers, edited by D.L. Kirkpatrick, 905–8. New York: St. Martin’s Press; London: The Macmillan Press, 1978.
Also in Twentieth-Century Children’s Writers, 2nd ed., edited by D.L. Kirkpatrick, 553–55. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1983.
Also in St. James Guide to Children’s Literature, edited by Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast, 758–60. Detroit: St. James Press, 1999.
Sarah Soudry
Newsletter Item (1)
Soudry, Sarah. “Dear Diary. . . .” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 1, no. 4 (Summer 1992): 21.
Anna South
Paratext (1)
South, Anna. Afterword to Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, 383–91. London: Collector’s Library, 2014.
Jane Spence Southron
Review (1)
Southron, Jane Spence. “After Green Gables.” Review of Anne of Ingleside, by L.M. Montgomery. New York Times Book Review, 30 July 1939, 7.
Excerpted in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 8, edited by Gerard J. Senick, 139–40. Detroit: Gale, 1985.
Juanita Preston Sparks
Newsletter Item (1)
Sparks, Juanita Preston. “Springtime Blossoms.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2003, 6.
Tom Spears
Newspaper Items (2)
Spears, Tom. “‘Outrageously Sexual’: Anne Was a Lesbian, Scholar Insists.” Ottawa Citizen, 25 May 2000, A3.
Also, as “Green Gables a Hotbed of Lesbian Sex? Prof Has New Take on Anne, Island Pals,” in Gazette (Montreal), 26 May 2000, A14.
Spears, Tom. “Anne a Lesbian? ‘Poppycock!’” Ottawa Citizen, 27 May 2000, A7.
Jeanne Kaye Speight
Newsletter Items (4)
Speight, Jeanne Kaye. Untitled article. Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1992, 22.
Speight, Jeanne Kaye. “Mrs. Rachel Lynde: Finally, the Spoken Thought.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 1995, 19–20.
Speight, Jeanne Kaye. “Women in Maritime Literature: The Strength of the Region.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1995, 24.
Speight, Jeanne Kaye. “The Minister’s Wife: A Woman Alone.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 1998, 20–22.
Ruth M. Sponberg
Review (1)
Sponberg, Ruth M. “A Child Poet Well Presented.” Review of Emily of New Moon, by L.M. Montgomery. The Chicago Evening Post Literary Review, 7 September 1923, 8.
Also in “Scrapbook of Reviews from Around the World Which L.M. Montgomery’s Clipping Service Sent to Her,” compiled by L.M. Montgomery, 209. L.M. Montgomery Collection, Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph archives.
Also in The L.M. Montgomery Reader, 3: 242–43.
Regina Spralding
Newsletter Item (1)
Spralding, Regina. “Life Lessons from the Brook.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 1998–1999, 21.
Erin Spring
Book Chapter (1)
Ladd, Heather, and Erin Spring. “Feminizing Thomson’s The Seasons: Identity, Gender, and Seasonal Aesthetics in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables.” In L.M. Montgomery and Gender, edited by E. Holly Pike and Laura M. Robinson, 284–303. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780228010166-021.
Journal Articles (2)
Reese, Ashley N., and Erin Spring. “‘I’ve Never Belonged to Anybody—Not Really’: Space, Place, and the Bildungsroman in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables (1908).” Barnelitterært forskningstidsskrift 13, no. 1 (December 2022). https://doi.org/10.18261/blft.13.1.5.
Spring, Erin, and Ashley Reese. “Tending to Place: Home and Relationships in Jane of Lantern Hill.” Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 15 November 2024. https://journaloflmmontgomerystudies.ca/Vistas/Tending-Place-Home-and-Relationships-Jane-Lantern-Hill.
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Spring, Erin. “A Map of Anne: Space, Place, and Identity Construction in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne Series.” MPhil thesis, University of Cambridge (UK), 2010.
Shelagh J. Squire
Book Chapter (1)
Squire, Shelagh J. “Ways of Seeing, Ways of Being: Literature, Place, and Tourism in L.M. Montgomery’s Prince Edward Island.” In A Few Acres of Snow: Literary and Artistic Images of Canada, edited by Paul Simpson-Housley and Glen Norcliffe, 137–47. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1992.
Journal Article (1)
Squire, Shelagh J. “Literary Tourism and Sustainable Tourism: Promoting ‘Anne of Green Gables’ in Prince Edward Island.” In “Canadian Special Issue,” edited by Richard Butler. Special issue, Journal of Sustainable Tourism 4, no. 3 (October 1996): 119–34. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669589608667263.
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Squire, Shelagh J. “L.M. Montgomery’s Prince Edward Island: A Study of Literary Landscapes and Tourist Development.” MA thesis, Carleton University, 1988. https://doi.org/10.22215/etd/1988-01470.
Margot Alison Stafford
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Stafford, Margot Alison. “The Child and the Book: Imagining Childhood Reading in Anglo-America, 1899–1936.” PhD dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 2012. https://d-scholarship.pitt.edu/11857/.
See esp. chapter 4, “L.M. Montgomery’s Book Friendship for Girl Readers,” 109–53.
David Staines
Book-Length Study (1)
Staines, David. A History of Canadian Fiction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108284554.
See esp. chapter 2, “From Romance Towards Realism,” 21–57; chapter 5, “The Second Feminist Wave,” 118–50.
Review (1)
Staines, David. “Diaries Reveal Shimmer, Shadows of Anne Author.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 1: 1889–1910, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston. Gazette (Montreal), 11 January 1986, C2.
Jackie E. Stallcup
Journal Article (1)
Stallcup, Jackie E. “‘She Knew She Wanted to Kiss Him’: Expert Advice and Women’s Authority in L.M. Montgomery’s Works.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 26, no. 3 (Fall 2001): 121–32. https://doi.org/10.1353/chq.0.1618.
Susan Stanfield
Journal Article (1)
Goulden, Nancy Rost, and Susan Stanfield. “Leaving Elsie Dinsmore Behind: ‘Plucky Girls’ as an Alternative Role Model in Classic Girls Literature.” Women’s Studies 32, no. 2 (2003): 183–208. https://doi.org/10.1080/00497870310064.
Brina Starler
Book-Length Extension (1)
Starler, Brina. Anne of Manhattan: A Novel. New York: William Morrow, 2021.
Robert J.C. Stead
Newspaper Item (1)
Stead, Robert J.C. “Canada’s National Parks Are Tourist Attraction.” Ottawa Journal, 22 June 1940, 22.
Apollonia Steele
Reference Item (1)
Steele, Apollonia, comp. Theses on English-Canadian Literature: A Bibliography of Research Produced in Canada and Elsewhere from 1903 Forward. Calgary, 1988.
See “Montgomery, Lucy Maud, 1874–1942,” 305.
Fiona Ruth Steele
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Steele, Fiona Ruth. “When Stories Lead to Sustainable Tourism: The Role Podcasting Plays in the Development of Sustainable Tourism on Islands.” MA thesis, University of Prince Edward Island, 2023. https://islandscholar.ca/islandora/object/ir:25325/.
See esp. “Findings—Overview,” 45–86.
Pat Steenbergen
Review (1)
Steenbergen, Pat. Review of The Materializing of Duncan McTavish, by Heather Conkie; Conversions, by Gail Hamilton; Quarantine at Alexander Abraham’s, by Fiona McHugh. CM: A Reviewing Journal of Canadian Materials for Young People (Ottawa), November 1991, 358. https://www.cmreviews.ca/cm/cmarchive/vol19no6/duncanmctavish.html.
Margaret Steffler
Collection of Essays (1)
Bode, Rita, Lesley D. Clement, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler, eds. Children and Childhoods in L.M. Montgomery: Continuing Conversations. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780228014836.
Lesley D. Clement, with assistance from Rita Bode, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler, Introduction, 3–23.
Part 1. Conversing with the Past: Vulnerability, Resistance, and Resilience. Kate Scarth, “Emily of New Moon and Fanny of Mansfield Park: Childhood at Home in Jane Austen and L.M. Montgomery,” 27–46. Lesley D. Clement, “L.M. Montgomery’s Precocious Children: Resisting Adult Narratives of Death, Dying, and the Afterlife,” 47–67. Rita Bode, “Vulnerable Situations: Boys and Boyhood in the Emily Books,” 68–90.
Part 2. Conversing with the Present: Fantasy, the Ideal, and the Real. Margaret Steffler, “The Performance of the Beautiful Dream Boy in Novels by L.M. Montgomery and Frances Hodgson Burnett,” 93–113. Bonnie J. Tulloch, “Lost Boys and Lost Girls: The Kindred Offspring of J.M. Barrie and L.M. Montgomery,” 114–35. E. Holly Pike, “Magic for Marigold, Childhood, and Fiction,” 136–55.
Part 3. Continuing Literary Conversations: Transformative Relationships and Spaces. Åsa Warnqvist, “Loving, Larking, and Lying: Free-Spirited Children and Disciplinary Adults in the Works of L.M. Montgomery and Astrid Lindgren,” 159–81. Heidi A. Lawrence, “Absent Fathers: Conversations Between L.M. Montgomery and Madeleine L’Engle,” 182–200. William V. Thompson, “Transformative Girlhood and Twenty-First-Century Girldom in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables,” 201–20.
Part 4. Continuing Transmediated Conversations: Anime, Fanfiction, and Television Adaptations. Yoshiko Akamatsu, “The Problems and Possibilities Inherent in Adaptation: Emily of New Moon and Emily, Girl of the Wind,” 223–41. Balaka Basu, “Continuing Stories: L.M. Montgomery and Fanfiction in the Digital Era,” 242–56. Laura M. Robinson, “Anne with an Edge: CBC-Netflix’s Rereading of Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables,” 257–73.
Afterwords. Lesley D. Clement and Margaret Steffler, “Preface to the Afterwords,” 277–83. Vappu Kannas, “Emily Kent—The Afterlife of Emily of New Moon,” 284–89. Holly Cinnamon, “Anne’s Nature,” 290–94. Rosalee Peppard Lockyer, “My Maud by Katie Maurice,” 295–98. Kit Pearson, “Dear Maud,” 299–301.
Book Chapters (7)
Steffler, Margaret. “‘This Has Been a Day in Hell’: Montgomery, Popular Literature, Life Writing.” In Making Avonlea: L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture, edited by Irene Gammel, 72–83. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002.
Steffler, Margaret. “Brian O’Connal and Emily Byrd Starr: The Inheritors of Wordsworth’s ‘Gentle Breeze.’” In Windows and Words: A Look at Canadian Children’s Literature in English, edited by Aïda Hudson and Susan-Ann Cooper, 87–96. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2003. Reappraisals: Canadian Writers 25.
Steffler, Margaret. “Performing Motherhood: L.M. Montgomery’s Display of Maternal Dissonance.” In Storm and Dissonance: L.M. Montgomery and Conflict, edited by Jean Mitchell, 178–93. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008.
Steffler, Margaret. “Anne in a ‘Globalized’ World: Nation, Nostalgia, and Postcolonial Perspectives of Home.” In Anne’s World: A New Century of Anne of Green Gables, edited by Irene Gammel and Benjamin Lefebvre, 150–65. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010. https://doi.org/10.3138/9781442690233-011.
Steffler, Margaret. “‘Being a Christian’ and a Presbyterian in Leaskdale.” In L.M. Montgomery’s Rainbow Valleys: The Ontario Years, 1911–1942, edited by Rita Bode and Lesley D. Clement, 54–73, 284–86. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780773597389-006.
Steffler, Margaret. “The Performance of the Beautiful Dream Boy in Novels by L.M. Montgomery and Frances Hodgson Burnett.” In Children and Childhoods in L.M. Montgomery: Continuing Conversations, edited by Rita Bode, Lesley D. Clement, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler, 93–113. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780228014836-007.
Steffler, Margaret. “Reading Emily out of Time and Place: Breaking Chronology and Space.” In L.M. Montgomery’s Emily of New Moon: A Children’s Classic at 100, edited by Yan Du and Joe Sutliff Sanders, 189–202. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2024. Children’s Literature Association Series. https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.14170601.14.
Journal Articles (3)
Steffler, Margaret. “The Canadian Romantic Child: Travelling in the Border Country, Exploring the ‘Edge.’” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 89 (Spring 1998): 5–17. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/4023.
Steffler, Margaret. “Barriers and Portals: Writing Through the Doors, Windows and Walls of the Leaskdale Manse.” In “L.M. Montgomery’s Interior and Exterior Landscapes.” Special issue, CREArTA 5 (2005): 63–75.
Steffler, Margaret. “Thebes Troutman as Traveling Tween: Revisiting the Family Story.” In “Locating Tween Girls,” edited by Natalie Coulter and Melanie Kennedy. Special issue, Girlhood Studies 11, no. 1 (Spring 2018): 126–40. https://doi.org/10.3167/ghs.2018.110110.
Paratexts (2)
Clement, Lesley D., with assistance from Rita Bode, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler. Introduction to Children and Childhoods in L.M. Montgomery: Continuing Conversations, edited by Rita Bode, Lesley D. Clement, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler, 3–23. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780228014836-003.
Clement, Lesley D., and Margaret Steffler. “Preface to the Afterwords.” In Children and Childhoods in L.M. Montgomery: Continuing Conversations, edited by Rita Bode, Lesley D. Clement, E. Holly Pike, and Margaret Steffler, 277–83. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780228014836-016.
Newsletter Item (1)
Steffler, Margaret. “2008 Celebrations!” Cordially Yours, Autumn 2007, 1–2.
Logan Steiner
Book-Length Extension (1)
Steiner, Logan. After Anne: A Novel of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Life. New York: William Morrow, 2023.
Journal Article (1)
Steiner, Logan. “What Memory Keeps: Telling the Story of L.M. Montgomery’s Life.” In “Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery,” edited by Liz Rosenberg and Kate Scarth. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 30 September 2024. https://doi.org/10.32393/jlmms/2024.0015.
Caroline Stellings
Book-Length Extension (1)
Stellings, Caroline. The Contest. Toronto: Second Story Press, 2009. A Gutsy Girl Book.
Journal Articles (2)
Stellings, Caroline. “The Old Home Calls: Maud’s Places Through the Seasons.” In “L.M. Montgomery and Vision,” edited by Lesley D. Clement and Tara K. Parmiter. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 30 November 2022. https://doi.org/10.32393/jlmms/2022.0008.
Stellings, Caroline. “Fancies.” In “Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery,” edited by Liz Rosenberg and Kate Scarth. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 5 November 2024. https://journaloflmmontgomerystudies.ca/Writers-and-Artists/Stellings/Fancies.
Laura Alice Stevenson
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Stevenson, Laura Alice. “The Image of Canada in Canadian Children’s Literature.” MA thesis, University of Western Ontario, 1967.
Lionel Stevenson
Book-Length Study (1)
Stevenson, Lionel. Appraisals of Canadian Literature. Toronto: The Macmillan Company of Canada, 1926.
See esp. chapter 2, “The Status of Overseas Literature,” 26–42; chapter 7, “The Outlook for Canadian Fiction,” 124–37; chapter 9, “The Quality of Canadian Humour,” 147–59.
Magazine Item (1)
Stevenson, Lionel. “Overseas Literature: From a Canadian Point of View.” English Review, December 1924, 876–86.
Fenner Scott Stewart
Newsletter Items (2)
Stewart, Fenner Scott. “Highlights of My Supervising Years at Green Gables.” Kindred Spirits of P.E.I., Spring 1991, 6–7.
Stewart, Scott. “L.M. Montgomery Land Trust.” Kindred Spirits, Summer 1995, 13.
Katie Stewart
Critical Edition (1)
Montgomery, L.M. L.M. Montgomery’s “Anne of Green Gables”: Annotated for Teen and Middle Grade Readers. Edited by Katie Stewart. Cross Plains, WI: Owl’s Nest Publishers, 2021.
Paratexts (7)
Stewart, Katie. “Note to the Reader.” In L.M. Montgomery’s “Anne of Green Gables”: Annotated for Teen and Middle Grade Readers, edited by Katie Stewart, i. Cross Plains, WI: Owl’s Nest Publishers, 2021. Owl’s Nest Classics Edition.
Stewart, Katie. Introduction to L.M. Montgomery’s “Anne of Green Gables”: Annotated for Teen and Middle Grade Readers, edited by Katie Stewart, ii–xxv. Cross Plains, WI: Owl’s Nest Publishers, 2021. Owl’s Nest Classics Edition.
Stewart, Katie. “Part 1 Questions.” In L.M. Montgomery’s “Anne of Green Gables”: Annotated for Teen and Middle Grade Readers, edited by Katie Stewart, 72–73. Cross Plains, WI: Owl’s Nest Publishers, 2021. Owl’s Nest Classics Edition.
Stewart, Katie. “Part 2 Questions.” In L.M. Montgomery’s “Anne of Green Gables”: Annotated for Teen and Middle Grade Readers, edited by Katie Stewart, 184–85. Cross Plains, WI: Owl’s Nest Publishers, 2021. Owl’s Nest Classics Edition.
Stewart, Katie. “Part 3 Questions.” In L.M. Montgomery’s “Anne of Green Gables”: Annotated for Teen and Middle Grade Readers, edited by Katie Stewart, 284–85. Cross Plains, WI: Owl’s Nest Publishers, 2021. Owl’s Nest Classics Edition.
Stewart, Katie. “Part 4 Questions.” In L.M. Montgomery’s “Anne of Green Gables”: Annotated for Teen and Middle Grade Readers, edited by Katie Stewart, 351–52. Cross Plains, WI: Owl’s Nest Publishers, 2021. Owl’s Nest Classics Edition.
Stewart, Katie. Afterward [sic] to L.M. Montgomery’s “Anne of Green Gables”: Annotated for Teen and Middle Grade Readers, edited by Katie Stewart, 353–56. Cross Plains, WI: Owl’s Nest Publishers, 2021. Owl’s Nest Classics Edition.
Klaus Peter Stich
Review (1)
Stich, Klaus Peter. “Published Private Lives.” Review of The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume 3: 1921–1929, edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterston; Fresh Lettuce and New Faces, by Elfrieda Read. Canadian Literature 144 (Spring 1995): 195–97.
Tara Stieglitz
Review (1)
Stieglitz, Tara. Review of Anne: An Adaptation of Anne of Green Gables (Sort Of), by Kathleen Gros. CM: Canadian Review of Materials (Winnipeg), 9 December 2022. https://www.cmreviews.ca/node/3287.
Anne Stiles
Book-Length Study (1)
Stiles, Anne. Children’s Literature and the Rise of “Mind Cure”: Positive Thinking and Pseudo-Science at the Fin de Siècle. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108914604.
See esp. introduction, 1–23; chapter 5, “Sunshine and Shadow: New Thought in Anne of Green Gables,” 115–54; “Epilogue: The Cinematic Afterlife of New Thought Fiction,” 187–98.
Hank Stinson
Book-Length Extensions (3)
Stinson, Hank. Lucy Maud Montgomery’s The Blue Castle: A Love Story with Music. Unpublished play, 1997.
Stinson, Hank. Emily of New Moon: A Children’s Musical. Unpublished play, 1998.
Stinson, Hank. Rainbow Valley. Unpublished play, 1999.
Newsletter Item (1)
Stinson, Hank. “The Musical Stage Version of The Blue Castle.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 10 (Winter 1995): 12–13.
Elizabeth St Jacques
Review (1)
St Jacques, Elizabeth. Review of At the Altar: Matrimonial Tales, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Rea Wilmshurst. In Canadian Book Review Annual 1994, edited by Joyce M. Wilson, 493. Toronto: CBRA, 1995.
Chris Stockard
Newsletter Item (1)
Stockard, Chris. “Anne by the Numbers.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 10 (Winter 1995): 9.
Judy Stoffman
Journal Article (1)
Stoffman, Judy. “Anne in Japanese Popular Culture.” In “L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture.” Special issue, Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 91–92 (Fall–Winter 1998): 53–63. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/4493.
Also in Children’s Literature Review, Volume 91, edited by Scot Peacock, 144–48. Detroit: Gale, 2004.
Emily Stokes-Rees
Journal Article (1)
Stokes-Rees, Emily. “Re-thinking Anne: Representing Japanese Culture at a Quintessentially Canadian Site.” Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 17, no. 2 (2019): 222–38. https://doi.org/10.1080/14766825.2018.1448833.
Phoebe Stone
Journal Article (1)
Stone, Phoebe. “Anne!” In “Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery,” edited by Liz Rosenberg and Kate Scarth. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 5 November 2024. https://journaloflmmontgomerystudies.ca/Writers-and-Artists/Stone/Anne.
Peter Stoneley
Journal Article (1)
Stoneley, Peter. “The Leisurely Consumption of Girls.” Women’s Studies 41, no. 1 (2012): 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/00497878.2012.628613.
Norah Story
Reference Item (1)
Story, Norah. The Oxford Companion to Canadian History and Literature. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1967.
See “Montgomery, L.M.,” 534.
Jon C. Stott
Reference Items (3)
Moss, Anita, and Jon C. Stott. The Family of Stories: An Anthology of Children’s Literature. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1986.
See “Appendix B: The Children’s Novel,” 620–58.
Stott, Jon C. “L.M. Montgomery (1874–1942).” In Writers for Children: Critical Studies of Major Authors Since the Seventeenth Century, edited by Jane M. Bingham, 415–22. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1988.
Stott, Jon C., and Raymond E. Jones. Canadian Books for Children: A Guide to Authors and Illustrators. Toronto: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Canada, 1988.
See “Montgomery, Lucy Maud (1874–1942),” 124–28.
David Stouck
Book-Length Study (1)
Stouck, David. Major Canadian Authors: A Critical Introduction. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984.
See esp. “Appendix A: Guide to Other Writers,” 283–93.
Revised edition: University of Nebraska Press, 1988. See esp. “Appendix A: Guide to Other Writers,” 305–15.
Theresa L. Stowell
Review (1)
Stowell, T.L. Review of 100 Years of Anne with an “E”: The Centennial Study of Anne of Green Gables, edited by Holly Blackford. Choice 47, no. 2 (October 2009). https://doi.org/10.5860/CHOICE.47-0107.
Alex Strachan
Newspaper Item (1)
Strachan, Alex. “CBC Pulls Plug on Popular Children’s Drama.” Vancouver Sun, 13 January 1996, B11.
Susie Strachan
Review (1)
Strachan, Susie. “Stories for Montgomery Fans.” Review of At the Altar: Matrimonial Tales, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Rea Wilmshurst. Winnipeg Free Press, 17 July 1994, D10.
Daniel C. Strack
Journal Article (1)
Strack, Daniel C. “Pinnacles in Long-Form Literary Texts: Cross-Textual Evidence for the Pervasiveness of Megametaphorical Expression.” Nordic Journal of English Studies 19, no. 2 (2020): 143–65. https://doi.org/10.35360/njes.563.
Jean Stringam
Journal Article (1)
Stringam, Jean. “Child Heroes of the Working Class: Working-Class Tales for Youth in Nineteenth-Century Canada.” Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 115–16 (Fall–Winter 2004): 61–80. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/4004.
Review (1)
Stringam, Jean. “Each Time Has to be the First Time.” Review of The Materializing of Duncan McTavish, by Heather Conkie; Quarantine at Alexander Abraham’s, by Fiona McHugh; Conversions, by Gail Hamilton; Aunt Abigail’s Beau, by Amy Jo Cooper; Malcolm and the Baby, by Heather Conkie; Felicity’s Challenge, by Gail Hamilton. Canadian Children’s Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse 73 (Spring 1994): 61–63. https://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/2949.
Betsy Struthers
Review (1)
Struthers, Betsy. Review of The Poetry of Lucy Maude [sic] Montgomery, selected by John Ferns and Kevin McCabe. In Canadian Book Review Annual 1987, edited by Dean Tudor, 167. Toronto: Simon and Pierre, 1988.
Lesley Strutt
Review (1)
Strutt, Lesley. Review of The Blue Castle, by L.M. Montgomery. Canadian Woman Studies / Les cahiers de la femme 34, no. 1–2 (2020): 185–86. https://cws.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/cws/article/view/37843.
Brian J. Stuart
Abridged Edition (1)
Montgomery, L.M. Anne of Green Gables. Retold by Brian J. Stuart. Illustrated by An Ji Yeon. Hackensack, NJ: WS Education, 2023. Pop! Lit for Kids.
Jed Stuart
Newspaper Item (1)
Stuart, Jed. “‘Nearer to God in Lover’s Lane.’” Winnipeg Free Press, 6 September 1975, 44.
Cynthia Sugars
Book Chapter (1)
Sugars, Cynthia. “‘Matthew’s School of Critics’: Learning to Read Anne of Green Gables.” In Anne Around the World: L.M. Montgomery and Her Classic, edited by Jane Ledwell and Jean Mitchell, 106–19. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780773588585-009.
Raja Rozina Raja Suleiman
Journal Articles (2)
Abbas, Nawal F., Raja Rozina Raja Suleiman, and Shakila Abdul-Manan. “A Conversation Analysis of Some Excerpts from Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables.” Language, Society and Culture 31 (2010): 52–61. https://aaref.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/31-7.pdf.
Abbas, Nawal Fadhil, and Raja Rozina Raja Suleiman. “Politeness: Characterization and Literary Discourse.” Language in India 11 (November 2011): 569–85. http://www.languageinindia.com/nov2011/nawalpolitenesspaid.pdf.
J. Courtney Sullivan
Paratext (1)
Sullivan, J. Courtney. Foreword to Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, xi–xv. New York: Penguin Books, 2017. Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition.
Kevin Sullivan
Book-Length Extensions (6)
Sullivan, Kevin. Beyond Green Gables: Kevin Sullivan’s Designscapes. Toronto: Davenport Press, 2005.
Sullivan, Kevin, adapted by. Anne of Green Gables: The Official Film Companion. Based on the Kevin Sullivan film of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s classic novel. Toronto: Davenport Press, 2008.
Sullivan, Kevin. Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning. Adapted from his screenplay. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 2008.
Paperback edition: Davenport Press, 2009.
Sullivan, Kevin, and Leslie Goldman. Anne’s Red Hair. Adapted from Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series. Toronto: Davenport Press, 2010.
Sullivan, Kevin, and Elizabeth Morgan. Anne’s New Home. Adapted from Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series. Toronto: Davenport Press, 2010.
Sullivan, Kevin. Tales: Photographs in Magic Realism. Toronto: Davenport Press, 2015.
Paratexts (3)
Sullivan, Kevin. “Foreword: Centennial Edition.” In Anne of Avonlea, by L.M. Montgomery, 8–10. Toronto: Davenport Press, 2008.
Sullivan, Kevin. “Foreword: Centennial Edition.” In Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, 6–9. Toronto: Davenport Press, 2008.
Sullivan, Kevin. “Foreword: Centennial Edition.” In Anne of the Island, by L.M. Montgomery, 8–11. Toronto: Davenport Press, 2008.
Nike Sulway
Collection of Essays (1)
Carniel, Jessica, and Nike Sulway, eds. Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables: Kindred Spirits. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021.
Jessica Carniel and Nike Sulway, “Kindred Spirits: Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables,” 1–6. Lisa Bennett and Kylie Cardell, “‘There Is So Much More Scope for the Imagination’: Reading Anne as 1980s Children in Canada and Australia,” 7–18. Christina Collins, “In Search of a Bosom Friend: Remembering My Kindred Spirits Pen Pal,” 19–26. Hiroe Suzuki, “Anne Shirley and Hanako Muraoka: The Relationship Between the Character and Her Translator in Japan,” 27–41. Anne Betz, “From One Anne to An(ne)other: The True-Life Account of Two Annes,” 42–51. Sabrina Mark, “Picturing Anne’s Puffed-Sleeve Dress: Colour, Belonging, and Wish Fulfilment in Anne of Green Gables,” 52–63. Monique Mulligan, “Anne Through the Looking Glass,” 64–71. Megan Mooney Taylor, “‘It’s a Million Times Nicer to Be Anne of Green Gables than Anne of Nowhere in Particular, Isn’t It?’: Reading Anne by the Brown, Dusty Banks of the Murray River,” 72–82. Emily L. Newman, “‘My Red Hair Is a Curse’: Growing Up Red-Headed with Anne of Green Gables,” 83–93. Kazuko Sakuma, “Higher Education of Women and the Lasting Popularity of Anne of Green Gables in Japan,” 94–104. Julie A. Sellers, “‘Just as If I Was a Heroine in a Book’: Quixotic Identification in and with Anne of Green Gables,” 105–20. Rebecca Sheridan, “‘A Graveyard Full of Buried Hopes’: Rethinking Realism and Romance in Anne of Green Gables and Rilla of Ingleside,” 121–29. Jessica Friedmann, “Owen, Leslie, Anne, Maud: Writing the Self in Four Winds Harbour,” 130–39. Meghna Christina Mudaliar, “Reading Anne of Green Gables in the Twenty-First Century: Anne with an E and Queer Ecofeminist Fanfiction,” 140–48. Emily Mohabir, “Re(ad)-writing Anne: Participatory Internet Fan Activities as Textual Negotiation,” 149–58. Dallas John Baker, “Anne as Pagan, Anne as Queer,” 159–70. Jessica Carniel, “Anne with a Me: Adapting to New Adaptations of Anne as She Adapts to Us,” 171–88.
Book Chapter (1)
Carniel, Jessica, and Nike Sulway. “Kindred Spirits: Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables.” In Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables: Kindred Spirits, edited by Jessica Carniel and Nike Sulway, 1–6. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021.
Rosemary Sutcliff
Book-Length Extension (1)
Sutcliff, Rosemary. Blue Remembered Hills: A Recollection. London: The Bodley Head, 1983.
Kate Sutherland
Book Chapters (3)
Sutherland, Kate. “‘Even a Successful Lawsuit Will Be a Worry’: Law and Community Relations in L.M. Montgomery’s Life and Work.” In Storm and Dissonance: L.M. Montgomery and Conflict, edited by Jean Mitchell, 295–307. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008.
Sutherland, Kate. “Advocating for Authors and Battling Critics in Toronto: Montgomery and the Canadian Authors Association.” In L.M. Montgomery’s Rainbow Valleys: The Ontario Years, 1911–1942, edited by Rita Bode and Lesley D. Clement, 223–37, 297–99. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780773597389-016.
Sutherland, Kate. “The Education of Emily: Tempering a Force of Nature Through Lessons in Law.” In L.M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s), edited by Rita Bode and Jean Mitchell, 128–40, 234–37. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780773553996-011.
Neil Sutherland
Book-Length Study (1)
Comacchio, Cynthia R., and Neil Sutherland. Ring Around the Maple: A Sociocultural History of Children and Childhoods in Canada, 19th and 20th Centuries. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2024. Studies in Childhood and Family in Canada.
See esp. chapter 7, “‘Play Is the Real Work of Children’: How Children Had Fun,” 247–94, 552–60.
Robin Sutherland
Book-Length Extension (1)
Graves, Judith, comp. The ANNEthology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon. Edited by Robin Sutherland. Charlottetown: Acorn Press, 2024.
Paratext (1)
Graves, Judith, and Robin Sutherland. Introduction to The ANNEthology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon, compiled by Judith Graves, edited by Robin Sutherland, 1–3. Charlottetown: Acorn Press, 2024.
Wendy K. Sutton
Book-Length Study (1)
Egoff, Sheila, with Wendy K. Sutton. Once upon a Time: My Life with Children’s Books. Victoria: Orca Book Publishers, 2005.
Hiroe Suzuki
Book Chapter (1)
Suzuki, Hiroe. “Anne Shirley and Hanako Muraoka: The Relationship Between the Character and Her Translator in Japan.” In Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables: Kindred Spirits, edited by Jessica Carniel and Nike Sulway, 27–41. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021.
Anette Svensson
Journal Article (1)
Svensson, Anette. “Re-creating (Hi)stories: Social and Cultural Empowerment.” In “Culture on the Move,” edited by Ylva Lindberg, Anna Wärnsby, Anna Nordenstam, and Magnus Persson. Special issue, Educare 1 (2024): 163–91. https://doi.org/10.24834/educare.2024.1.863.
Eleanor Swainson
Review (1)
Swainson, Eleanor. “A Disappointing Group of Stories.” Review of The Road to Yesterday, by L.M. Montgomery. Whig-Standard (Kingston, ON), 16 September 1974, 7.
Cheryl Swanson
Newsletter Item (1)
Swanson, Cheryl. “Anne’s Children, a Quiz.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 2, no. 3 (Winter 1993): 9, 31.
L.A. Swart
Book-Length Extension (1)
Swart, L.A. Anne of Green Gremlins: Pixie Slayer. N.p.: n.p., 2010.
Catherine S. Sweet
Dissertation/Thesis (1)
Sweet, Catherine S. “Secular Pilgrimages: Vacation as Pilgrimage to Prince Edward Island.” MA thesis, McMaster University, 2005. https://hdl.handle.net/11375/10623.
Judith A. Sykes
Review (1)
Sykes, Judith A. Review of Lucy Maud and Me, by Mary Frances Coady. Resource Links (Punch Cove, NL), October 1999, 10–11.
Melanie Szucs
Newsletter Item (1)
Szucs, Melanie. “Empty House.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 23 (Spring 1998): 32.
Izabela Szymańska
Book Chapter (1)
Szymańska, Izabela. “Ever-Green Gables: On Modernized Retranslations of Children’s Classics.” In Old Masters in New Interpretations: Readings in Literature and Visual Culture, edited by Ann Kwiatkowska, 113–31. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016.