
Cordially Yours

Cordially Yours is the newsletter of the Lucy Maud Montgomery Society of Ontario, headquartered in Leaskdale, Ontario, where L.M. Montgomery lived with her family between 1911 and 1926. An initial issue of Cordially Yours, dated June 1998, was edited by April Watson and Pat McMillan, and a new series of semi-annual issues has been published since autumn 2005.

Total number of items: 185

June 1998 (11)

Welcome message. 1.

Watson, April. “Manse News.” 1.

McMillan, Pat. “Highlights of 1997.” 2.

McMillan, Pat. “LMM in 1998.” 2–3.

Evans, Luanne. “I Remember.” 3.

Also as “‘I Remember!’” in Cordially Yours, Autumn 2005, 2.

“Restoration Update.” 3–4.

Watson, April. “Future of Leaskdale Village.” 4.

Wade, Ruth. “Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Years with the Hypatia Club.” 4.

“Membership to Date.” 5.

Millner, Pat, and Anne Millner. “Notes from Maud’s Garden.” 6.

“Floor Plans for the Leaskdale Manse.” 6.

Autumn 2005 (9)

Giffin, Maisie. Welcome message. 1.

Elliot, Nina. “Message from the Chair.” 2.

“Newsflash! Newsflash!” 3.

“Maud’s Corner.” 3.

“Coming Events!” 3.

“Current Members of the Lucy Maud Society of Ontario.” 4.

“Manse News.” 4–5.

“The Gala in Leaskdale.” 5.

McGillivray, Allan. “When Maud Came to Leaskdale.” 6.

Autumn 2007 (6)

Steffler, Margaret. “2008 Celebrations!” 1–2.

Wasylenky, Kathy. “Message from the President.” 2.

McGillivray, Allan. “Ewan Brings Home a Bride.” 2–3.

Whitfield, Melanie. “News from the Manse.” 3.

Pratt, Barb. “Raising Awareness and Funds.” 3–5.

Elliot, Nina. “Treasurer’s Report and Fundraising Awareness.” 6.

Spring 2008 (6)

“One Hundred Years of Anne.” 1.

Wasylenky, Kathy. “Message from the President.” 2.

Whitfield, Melanie. “News from the Manse.” 2–3.

Pratt, Barb. “Raising Financial Support for the Leaskdale Historic Sites.” 3.

Elliot, Nina. “Treasurer’s Report.” 3–4.

Lockerby, Earle. “P.E.I. Is Anne-imated for 2008!” 4.

Autumn 2008 (9)

Wasylenky, Kathy. “Another Year Is Almost Over!” 1.

Whitfield, Melanie. “News from the Manse.” 2.

“‘100 Years of Anne’ Display at the CNE in Toronto.” 2–3.

“Fundraising.” 4.

“Our New Logo.” 4.

Pratt, Barb. “The Society Board Heads to Charlottetown.” 4.

Elliot, Nina. “Treasurer’s Report.” 4–5.

Lockerby, Earle. “Visit to Prince Edward Island.” 5–6.

“An Interview with Irene Gammel.” 6–7.

Spring 2009 (5)

Wasylenky, Kathy. “New Beginnings!” 1–2.

Whitfield, Melanie. “News from the Manse.” 2.

Pratt, Barb. “Fundraising.” 3–4.

Woster, Christy. “Greetings from the L.M. Montgomery Literary Society of Minnesota!” 4–6.

“2009 Events.” 6.

Autumn 2009 (6)

Wasylenky, Kathy. “Cordially Yours for 2009!” 1.

Whitfield, Melanie. “News from the Manse.” 2.

Pratt, Barb. “A Flurry of Fundraising Efforts (Most Successful, Some Not So Much).” 2–4.

Melcher, Graeme. “A Report from Our Summer Student!” 4.

“Treasurer’s Report: Fall 2009.” 5.

“2009 Remaining Events.” 6.

Spring 2010 (6)

Wasylenky, Kathy. “You’re Invited—2010!” 1.

Whitfield, Melanie. “News from the Manse.” 2.

Pratt, Barb. “The Leaskdale Manse—Restoration Begins!” 2–4.

Wilson, Katie. “From Anne’s Eyes.” 5–6.

Lockerby, Earle. “Lucy Maud Montgomery at Home in Leaskdale: A Centennial Celebration.” 6.

“Event Calendar.” 7–8.

Winter 2010 (6)

Wasylenky, Kathy. “Looking Back on 2010.” 1.

Whitfield, Melanie. “News from the Manse.” 2.

Pratt, Barb. “Our Finances: Grants, Donations, and In Kind Help.” 2–3.

Layton, Gwen. “Lucy Maud Montgomery at Home in Leaskdale: A Centennial Celebration.” 3–4.

Munn, Natalie. “My Summer at the Manse.” 4–5.

Nygard, Paul, and Mary Nygard. “A Daring Adventure with the Lucy Maud Montgomery Society of Ontario.” 5–6.

Spring 2011 (6)

Wasylenky, Kathy. “2011 Is Here and We Are Ready to Celebrate!” 1–2.

Whitfield, Melanie. “News from the Manse.” 2–3.

“We Will Burn That Mortgage!” 3.

Lockerby, Earle. “LMM at Home in Leaskdale: A Centennial Celebration.” 4.

Taylor, Diane. “What’s in a Word?” 4–5.

“2011 Events.” 6.

Autumn 2011 (5)

Wasylenky, Kathy. “President’s Message: Wasn’t That a Celebration!” 1–2.

Whitfield, Melanie. “News from the Manse.” 2–3.

Pratt, Barb. “Buying the Church . . . Then Burning the Mortgage!” 3.

Orr, Lindsay. “LMMSO Final Report.” 4.

Lockerby, Earle. “A Centennial Celebration to Remember!” 5–6.

Spring 2012 (4)

Wasylenky, Kathy. “President’s Message: ‘Success Is a Journey, Not a Destination.’” 1–2.

Whitfield, Melanie. “News from the Manse.” 2.

Pratt, Barb. “Another Full Season of Events—Not to Be Missed.” 3.

Boyce, Conrad. “Creating ‘Maud of Leaskdale.’” Cordially Yours, Spring 2012, 3–4.

Fall 2012 (4)

Wasylenky, Kathy. “President’s Report.” 1–2.

Layton, Gwen. “Tour Tracking 2012.” 2–3.

Carroll, Jennifer. “A Summer with Maud.” 3–4.

Pratt, Barb. “We Celebrated 60 Years.” 4–5.

Spring 2013 (4)

“President’s Message.” 1–2.

Rubio, Mary Henley. “Celebrating Montgomery and Her Journals.” 3–4.

Whitfield, Melanie. “News from the Manse.” 5.

Shergold, Faith. “Stay in Touch!” 5–6.

Fall 2013 (5)

Wasylenky, Kathy. “President’s Message.” 1–2.

Whitfield, Melanie. “News from the Manse.” 3.

Pratt, Barbara. “Lucy Maud Montgomery Day and the Cat’s Meow Gala.” 4.

“Alice Munro Talks About Emily.” 4–5.

Ioannou, Victoria. “Summer Student Report.” 5–6.

Shergold, Faith. “2014 Calendar of Events.” 6.

Spring 2014 (4)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–2.

Shergold, Faith. “Lucy Maud Montgomery Society at the Aurora Farmers’ Market.” 2.

Pratt, Barb. “Special Events for 2014.” 3–4.

Robinson, Laura M. “The Canadian Home Front: L.M. Montgomery’s Reflections on the First World War.” 5.

Fall 2014 (6)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–2.

Shergold, Faith. “Lucy Maud Montgomery Day 2014.” 2–3.

Wasylenky, Kathy. “Maud Is (Almost) in the Garden and Everyone Is Invited!” 3–4.

Whitfield, Melanie. “News from the Manse.” 4–5.

Lockerby, Earle. “Maud Returns to P.E.I.” 5–6.

Finlayson, Maggie. “Summer Student’s Report.” 6.

Spring 2015 (7)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–2.

Walters, Wynn. “Maud’s Homecoming.” 3.

Wasylenky, Kathy. “Ponderings About the Importance of ‘Maud in the Garden.’” 4.

Pratt, Barb. “News from the Manse.” 5.

Pratt, Barb. “The Church Windows.” 5.

Ditomaso, Carole. “LMMSO at the Peterborough Garden Show, April 3, 4, 5.” 5.

Wasylenky, Kathy. “LMMSO Events, 2015.” 6.

Fall 2015 (7)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–2.

Pratt, Barb, and Melanie Whitfield. “Maud in the Garden.” 2–4.

Carroll, Jennifer. “Maud of Leaskdale on the Road.” 4–5.

Layton, Gwen. “An LMM Day to Remember (October 24).” 5–6.

Pratt, Barb. “Other Events and Developments.” 7.

Corcoran, Jill. “Summer Student Report.” 7–8.

Dempster, Tess. “Membership.” 8.

Spring 2016 (5)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–2.

Wasylenky, Kathy. “Through the Stained Glass Window—Charity, Fun and Progress.” 2–3.

Clulow, Kathy. “LMM Connections and Serendipity.” 3–4.

Baldwin, Pat, with assistance from Barb Pratt. “Nature, Science and L.M. Montgomery.” 4–5.

“Coming LMMSO Events.” 6.

Fall 2016 (5)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–2.

Pratt, Barb. “A Home of Her Own—Our New Book.” 2–3.

Lockerby, Earle. “LMM Day.” 3–5.

Lockerby, Earle, with assistance from Carolyn Strom Collins. “A Treasured Gift.” 5–6.

Munn, Courtney. “Summer Student’s Report.” 6.

Spring 2017 (7)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–2.

Ditomaso, Carole. “Gardens of Uxbridge Tour.” 2.

Fishbane, Melanie J. “On Creating Maud.” 3.

Layton, Gwen. “Speaking Volumes About Volunteerism.” 4.

Wasylenky, Kathy. “‘The Spirit of Canada’—A Celebration of Our Canadian Literary Heritage.” 4–5.

Lockerby, Earle. “LMMSO Five-Year Plan.” 5–6.

“Coming Events.” 6.

Fall 2017 (6)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–2.

Lockerby, Earle. “Spirit of Canada: A Literary Celebration.” 3–6.

Peppard, Rosalee. “Creating the Song Portrait, L.M. Montgomery.” 6–8.

Pratt, Barb. “Our New Brochures.” 8.

Layton, Gwen. “‘Our Faith.’” 9.

Emer, Tyler. “Report of Summer Student.” 9–10.

Spring 2018 (5)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–2.

Lockerby, Earle. “Montgomery House in Princetown, PEI, Moved.” 2–4.

Lockerby, Earle. “The Filming of a Heritage Minute About LMM—Some Personal Connections.” 4–5.

Lockerby, Earle, Jack Hutton, Linda Jackson-Hutton, Nina Elliot, Jennifer Carroll, and Melanie Whitfield. “Remembering Luella.” 5–7.

“Coming Events.” 8.

Fall 2018 (6)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–2.

Ditomaso, Carole. “Accessibility Projects: Lift in Historic Leaskdale Church and Pathway to Commemorative Garden.” 2–3.

Lockerby, Earle. “LMM Day 2018.” 3–4.

“Our Summer Students and Their Experiences at Leaskdale.” 4–5.

Menard, Chris. “A Summer Well Spent.” 5.

Johnston-Flanagan, Corey. “Giving Back to My Community.” 5–6.

Spring 2019 (5)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–3.

Wasylenky, Kathy. “Enrichment of Site Exhibits and Interpretation.” 3–4.

Clement, Lesley. “Meet LMMI’s Incoming Visiting Scholar: Lesley Clement.” 4–6.

Lockerby, Earle. “Wilda Clark’s Scrapbooks.” 6–7.

“Coming Events.” 8.

Fall 2019 (5)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–2.

Lockerby, Earle. “LMM Day 2019.” 2–4.

Layton, Gwen. “Japanese Visitation Is on an Upswing.” 4–5.

Fisher, Lyn. “A Newbie’s First Year with the LMMSO.” 5–6.

Sheridan, Summer. “A Student’s Report.” 6.

Spring 2020 (7)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–2.

Lockerby, Earle. “Old-Fashioned Christmas Concert.” 2.

Eccles, Jane. “Documenting LMM’s Wedding Dress.” 3–4.

Lockerby, Earle. “Maud’s Music Returns to the Leaskdale Manse, Courtesy of Paul Dodington.” 4–5.

“Update of LMMSO Events for 2020.” 5–6.

Pratt, Barb. “Depending on Donations.” 6.

“Endowments.” 6.

Fall 2020 (5)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–3.

Carroll, Jennifer. “Maud of Leaskdale: The Plein Air Version.” 3–4.

Andrews, Philip. “Beyond Green Gables.” 4–5.

Green, Rachel. “Student Report: Showcasing Maud During a Pandemic.” 6.

“LMMSO Is Surprised, Humbled and Honored.” 6.

Spring 2021 (5)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–2.

Pratt, Barb. “Our Twenty-Fifth Garden Tour.” 2–3.

Layton, Gwen. “L.M. Montgomery’s Pandemic.” 3–4.

Elliott, Jessica. “Anne Comes Alive at Pickering Museum Village.” 4–5.

“LMMSO Events Scheduled for 2021.” 5.

Fall 2021 (5)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–3.

Lockerby, Earle. “LMM Day 2021.” 4–5.

Whitfield, Melanie. “Restoration of the Back Porch of the Manse.” Fall 2021, 6.

John-Mackenzie, Lisa. “Lucy Maud Montgomery Trail.” 7.

Johnson, Meredith. “Summer Student Report.” 8.

2022 (6)

Whitfield, Melanie. “President’s Message.” 1–3.

Whitfield, Melanie. “Remembering: A Tribute with Gratitude.” 3.

Boyce, Conrad. “Rainbow Valley, the Musical: An Interesting Challenge in Adaptation.” 4–5.

Doering, Olivia. “Student Report.” 6.

Pratt, Barb. Review of Maud and Me, by Marianne Jones. 7.

“Donors 2022.” 8.


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