
Authors by Surname: V

This page lists written materials pertaining to L.M. Montgomery’s life, work, and legacy by authors whose surnames begin with V.

Authors by surname: A | B | C |  D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

Steve Valliere

Journal Article (1)

Valliere, Steve. “We Can Be.” In “Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery,” edited by Liz Rosenberg and Kate Scarth. Special collection, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, 21 August 2024.

Marcel Valois

Newspaper Item (1)

Valois, Marcel. Review of Anne de Green Gables, directed by Jacques Gauthier. La Presse (Montreal), 14 September 1957, 50–51.

Jonathan F. Vance

Book Chapter (1)

Vance, Jonathan F. “‘Some Great Crisis of Storm and Stress’: L.M. Montgomery, Canadian Literature, and the Great War.” In L.M. Montgomery and War, edited by Andrea McKenzie and Jane Ledwell, 41–55. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.

Paratext (1)

Vance, Jonathan F. Preface to L.M. Montgomery’s Complete Journals: The Ontario Years, 1911–1917, edited by Jen Rubio, v–vii. [Oakville, ON]: Rock’s Mills Press, 2016.

Cheryl van Daalen-Smith

Review (1)

van Daalen-Smith, Cheryl. Review of The Complete Journals of L.M. Montgomery: The PEI Years, 1889–1900, edited by Mary Henley Rubio and Elizabeth Hillman Waterston. Canadian Woman Studies / Les Cahiers de la femme 30, no. 1 (2013): 146–47.

Alice van der Klei

Book Chapter (1)

van der Klei, Alice. “Avonlea in Cyberspace, or an Invitation to a Hyperreal Tea Party.” In Making Avonlea: L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture, edited by Irene Gammel, 310–16. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002.

Dissertation/Thesis (1)

van der Klei, Alice. “The Practice of Memory in Hypertext Wor(l)ds.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 2003.

Jami van Haaften

Reviews (2)

van Haaften, Jami. Review of Along the Shore: Tales by the Sea, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Rea Wilmshurst. In Canadian Book Review Annual 1990, edited by Joyce M. Wilson, 198. Toronto: Simon and Pierre, 1991.

van Haaften, Jami. Review of Dreamer of Dreams, by Heather Conkie; Old Quarrels, Old Love, by Heather Conkie. In Canadian Book Review Annual 1993, edited by Joyce M. Wilson, n.pag. Toronto: CBRA, 1994.

Jeanne-Marie van Heerden

Dissertation/Thesis (1)

van Heerden, Jeanne-Marie. “‘Little Houses Lovable’: The Portrayal of Houses and Homes in Selected Novels by L.M. Montgomery.” MA thesis, University of Pretoria, 2017.

Aritha van Herk

Journal Article (1)

van Herk, Aritha. “An (Other) Third World: Girls in Children’s Literature.” Komparatistische Hefte 12 (1985): 33–37.

Reference Item (1)

Treleaven, Cameron, Aritha van Herk, and Mary McConnell. Editions and Impressions: Collectors and Their Love of the Works of L.M. Montgomery; An Exhibition in the Nickle Arts Museum, 15 June–29 July, 2005. Calgary: University of Calgary Information Resources, 2005.

Review (1)

van Herk, Aritha. “Blythe Spirits.” Review of The Blythes Are Quoted, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Benjamin Lefebvre. Globe and Mail (Toronto), 14 November 2009, F12.

Nicole Leigh Van Hook

Newsletter Item (1)

Van Hook, Nicole Leigh. “A Friendship Rekindled.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2000–2001, 16.

Julia van Lill

Book Chapter (1)

van Lill, Julia. “Setting the Scene: L.M. Montgomery’s Imaginative Island Landscapes.” In Placing America: American Culture and Its Spaces, edited by Michael Fuchs and Maria-Theresia Holub, 57–73. Bielefeld, Ger.: Transcript, 2013.

Lynne Van Luven

Review (1)

Van Luven, Lynne. “World’s Bookworms Read On, Undaunted.” Review of Along the Shore: Tales by the Sea, by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Rea Wilmshurst. Edmonton Journal, 13 May 1989, B7.

Nicolaas van Rijn

Newspaper Item (1)

van Rijn, Nicolaas. “Rea Wilmshurst Found Author’s Scrapbooks.” Toronto Star, 24 March 1996, A5.

Also unsigned and as “Rea Wilmshurst Was Expert on Montgomery” in Hamilton Spectator, 26 March 1996, D3.

Ellen Vanstone

Newspaper Item (1)

Vanstone, Ellen. “Quirky and Complex—Don’t Mess with Emily.” Globe and Mail (Toronto), 1 January 1998, C1.

Aniko Varpalotai

Review (1)

Varpalotai, Aniko. Review of L.M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s), edited by Rita Bode and Jean Mitchell. Canadian Woman Studies / Les cahiers de la femme 34, no. 1–2 (2020): 186–87.

Luella Veijalainen

Book Chapter (1)

Veijalainen, Luella. “My Grandmother ‘Donny.’” In The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, compiled by Kevin McCabe, edited by Alexandra Heilbron, 306–7. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1999.

Leslie Vermeer

Review (1)

Vermeer, Leslie. Review of After Many Years: Twenty-One “Long-Lost” Stories, by L.M. Montgomery, selected and edited by Carolyn Strom Collins and Christy Woster. Resource Links (Punch Cove, NL), October 2017, 42–43.

Chloe Verner

Paratext (1)

Bode, Rita, and Lesley D. Clement with the assistance of Kristina Eldridge and Chloe Verner. “Montgomery’s Ontario Legacies: A Community Presence in the Twenty-First Century.” In L.M. Montgomery’s Rainbow Valleys: The Ontario Years, 1911–1942, edited by Rita Bode and Lesley D. Clement, 275–80. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.

Patricia Vervoort

Reviews (3)

Vervoort, Patricia. Review of Jane of Lantern Hill, by Lucy Maud Montgomery. In Canadian Book Review Annual 1977, edited by Dean Tudor, Nancy Tudor, and Linda Biesenthal, 210. Toronto: PMA Books, 1978.

Vervoort, Patricia. Review of Magic for Marigold, by Lucy Maud Montgomery. In Canadian Book Review Annual 1977, edited by Dean Tudor, Nancy Tudor, and Linda Biesenthal, 219–20. Toronto: PMA Books, 1978.

Vervoort, P. Review of Spirit of Place: Lucy Maud Montgomery and Prince Edward Island, selected and edited by Francis W.P. Bolger. In Canadian Book Review Annual 1982, edited by Dean Tudor and Ann Tudor, 86. Toronto: Simon and Pierre, 1983.

Dusty Vineberg

Newspaper Item (1)

Vineberg, Dusty. “School Desegregation Critic Guest on ‘Fighting Words.‘” Montreal Star, 3 March 1956, 22+.

Tom Viola

Book-Length Extension (1)

Dewhurst, Colleen, with Tom Viola. Colleen Dewhurst: Her Autobiography. New York: Scribner, 1997. A Lisa Drew Book.

Mary Vipond

Journal Articles (2)

Vipond, Mary. “Best Sellers in English Canada, 1899–1918: An Overview.” Journal of Canadian Fiction 24 (1979): 96–119.

Vipond, Mary. “Best Sellers in English Canada: 1919–1928.” Journal of Canadian Fiction 35–36 (1986): 73–105.

Maria Virokannas

Dissertation/Thesis (1)

Virokannas, Maria. “The Complex Anne-Grrrl: A Third Wave Feminist Re-reading of Anne of Green Gables.” Post-graduate thesis, University of Tampere (Fin.), 2011.

Vikki Visvis

Journal Article (1)

Visvis, Vikki. “Deaf Canada: Disability Discourses and National Constructs in Frances Itani’s Deafening.” Canadian Literature 243 (2020): 81–100.

Etan Vlessing

Magazine Item (1)

Vlessing, Etan. “‘Emily’ TV Series Walks Path of ‘Green Gables.’” The Hollywood Reporter (Los Angeles), 12 August 1996.

Eric Volmers

Newspaper Item (1)

Volmers, Eric. “Anne Comes Home to Westfield.” Cambridge (ON) Reporter, 2 March 2000, B1.

Helen Vos

Newsletter Items (5)

Vos, Helen. “Grief and Anne of Green Gables.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1999, 16–17.

Vos, Helen. “To My Unknown Friend.” Kindred Spirits, Spring 2000, 6–7.

Vos, Helen. “Anne with an ‘E.’” Kindred Spirits, Summer 2000, 19.

Vos, Helen. “We Went to PEI and We Saw. . . .” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2000, 11.

Vos, Helen. “The Blue and the Gold.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 2002, 4.

Caroline Vukson

Newsletter Item (1)

Vukson, Caroline. “Road to Avonlea: Season One Word Search.” The Avonlea Traditions Chronicle 29 (Autumn 1999): 28.


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