Kindred Spirits (published as Kindred Spirits of P.E.I. from spring 1990 to spring 1992) was a quarterly newsletter published by the Anne of Green Gables Museum in Park Corner, Prince Edward Island. This museum, the home of L.M. Montgomery’s maternal relatives the Campbells, continues to be operated by the descendants of these relatives. George Campbell and Maureen Campbell were the magazine’s managing editors, and Sandy Wagner was a contributing editor and a frequent contributor.
Total number of items 1,349
1990 (71)
Kindred Spirits of P.E.I.: Spring 1990
Editorial. 2.
Campbell, George. “Dear Readers.” 3.
Epperly, Elizabeth R. “Greetings from Two of L.M. Montgomery’s Grandchildren: Interview with Cousins Dave and Kate Macdonald.” 4–5.
Untitled article on L.M. Montgomery tourist sites in Prince Edward Island. 6–9, 14.
“L.M. Montgomery’s Island.” 10–11.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Sewing Circle.” 12–13.
Wagner, Sandy. “Around the Kitchen Table.” 15.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Mayflower Message.” 16.
Russell, Glenna. “Flowers of May.” 16.
“Spring Blossoms and Flowers.” 17.
Boutilier, Linda. “Mr. T. Comes Home.” 18.
“Bulletin Board.” 20.
Kindred Spirits of P.E.I.: Summer 1990
Editorial. 2.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 3.
Campbell, George, and Louise Polland. “Under the Shadow of Change: Leta Andrews Keeps Alive the Memories.” 4–5.
“The Pilgrimage.” 5.
Macneill, Jennie. “Macneill Homestead.” 6–7.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Gable Window.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “Woods in Summer” (excerpts). 8.
“The Strike at Putney Church: A Story of Success.” 8–9.
Untitled article on L.M. Montgomery’s wedding anniversary. 10–11.
Boutilier, Linda. “Making Pot Pourri.” 12.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Sewing Circle.” 12–14.
Montgomery, L.M. “My Rose Jar.” 12.
“The Roses Crossword Puzzle.” 14.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 15.
“Answers to Spring Blossoms and Flowers.” 15.
MacLean, Nicholas. “Spookie.” 16.
Russell, Glenna. “Interview with Charlotte Buell.” 17.
Campbell, Julia. “Flowers.” 17.
“Coming Up!” 18.
Montgomery, L.M. “A P.E. Island Shore.” 19.
“Bulletin Board.” 20.
Kindred Spirits of P.E.I.: Autumn 1990
Editorial. 2.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 3.
Macneill, Jennie. “A Message to Kindred Spirits from Barbara Wachowicz.” 4.
“The Launching.” 5.
“The Pilgrimage.” 5.
Macneill, Jennie. “Cavendish School.” 6.
Russell, Glenna. “Sketches on the Schools Where L.M. Montgomery Taught.” 7.
Russell, Glenna. “Charlotte’s Back.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Woods in Autumn” (excerpts). 8.
Notice of the marriage between Ella Johnstone and George L. Campbell. 8.
Russell, Glenna. “‘Road to Avonlea’ Leads to Prince Edward Island.” 9.
MacDonald, Barb. “Green Gables to Be Redeveloped.” 10–11.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Sewing Circle.” 12.
Campbell, George. “Around the Kitchen Table.” 13.
Wagner, Sandy. “School Days Contest.” 14.
Macneill, Jennie. “Lest We Forget.” 15.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Piper.” 15.
“With the Children.” 16–17.
“How the Maple Leaf Became Canada’s Emblem.” 17.
Boutilier, Linda. “Mr. T. Meets a Friend.” 18.
“Bulletin Board.” 20.
Kindred Spirits of P.E.I.: Winter 1990–1991
Editorial. 2.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 3.
Russell, Glenna. “Memories of Silver Bush: An Interview with Georgie MacLeod.” 4–5.
Macneill, Jennie. “Wintertime, 1908 Cavendish.” 6.
“Island Hymn: Patriotic Hymn of Prince Edward Island.” 6.
“The Pilgrimage.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “Woods in Winter” (excerpts). 8.
“Readers Response.” 8.
Michael, Phil. “Canadian World Hokkaido Japan: A Re-creation of Canada Featuring Anne of Green Gables.” 9.
Boutilier, Linda. “Leaskdale Revisited.” 10–11.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Dream Fancy.” 12. “When you see a little new moon swing high.”
Schulte, Bill. “Kindred Spirits (of the United States of America).” 13.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Sewing Circle.” 14.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 15–17.
Macneill, Jennie. “Skiing at Green Gables.” 18.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Country Boy” (excerpted). Kindred Spirits, Winter 1990–1991, 19.
“Bulletin Board.” 20.
1991 (68)
Kindred Spirits of P.E.I.: Spring 1991
Editorial. 2.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 3.
Macneill, Jennie. “Cavendish, April, 1942: I Remember.” 4–5.
“The Pilgrimage.” 5.
Stewart, Fenner Scott. “Highlights of My Supervising Years at Green Gables.” 6–7.
“Weather.” 7.
“Readers Response.” 8.
Wagner, Sandy. “Journey to Prince Albert.” 9–11.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Prairie Lake.” 11.
Montgomery, L.M. “Spring in the Woods” (excerpts). 12.
Moore, Audrey. “The Trysting Place.” 12.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 13.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Sewing Circle: My Favourite Things.” 14–15, 17.
“With the Children.” 16–17.
Boutilier, Linda. “Mr. T.’s Narrow Escape.” 18.
“Bulletin Board.” 20.
Kindred Spirits of P.E.I.: Summer 1991
Editorial. 2.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 3.
Russell, Glenna. “An Interview with Glynis Ranney, Who Stars in the 1991 Musical Production of Anne of Green Gables at Confederation Centre.” 4–5.
Untitled article on L.M. Montgomery tourist sites in Prince Edward Island. 6–7.
Rubio, Mary. “Reader’s Response.” 8.
Macneill, Jennie. Untitled article on trees. 9.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Tree Lovers.” 9.
Bolger, F.W.P. “Lucy Maud’s Island.” 10–11.
Smith, Edith K. “A Dark Enchantment.” 12–13.
Macneill, Jennie (Moore). Untitled article on Cavendish. 14.
Russell, Glenna. “Memories of Green Gables.” 15.
“The Sewing Circle.” 16.
Carruthers, Susan. “Around the Kitchen Table: Home Made Ice Cream.” 17.
“With the Children: A Picture Story.” 18.
“Bulletin Board.” 20.
Kindred Spirits of P.E.I.: Autumn 1991
Editorial. 2.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 3.
Russell, Glenna. “Tea Anyone?” 4–5.
Hutton, Jack. “The Day That L.M.M. Came to Bala, Ontario.” 6–8.
“The Pilgrimage.” 8–9.
“Prince Edward Island’s National Pathways.” 9.
“Peddler’s Corner.” 9.
Wagner, Sandy. “Lest We Forget.” 9.
Montgomery, L.M. “September.” 10.
Montgomery, L.M. “In the Days of the Golden Rod.” 10.
Montgomery, L.M. “October Rain.” 10.
Montgomery, L.M. “Wind of Autumn.” 11.
Montgomery, L.M. “An Autumn Evening.” 11.
Montgomery, L.M. “November Dusk.” 11.
Epperly, Elizabeth R. “Address for L.M. Montgomery Ceremony.” 12.
Macneill, Jennie. Untitled article on potato picking. 13.
Campbell, George. “Around the Kitchen Table.” 14.
Wagner, Sandy. “With the Children.” 15.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Sewing Circle.” 16–17.
“Exhibition of Pressed Flowers: Scenes from ‘Anne of Green Gables.’” 17.
“Reader’s Response.” 18.
Otto, Carol. “Avonlea.” 18.
“Bulletin Board.” 20.
Editorial. 2.
Kindred Spirits of P.E.I.: Winter 1991–1992
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 3.
Russell, Glenna. “The Man from Stanley Bridge.” 4–5.
Rubio, Mary. “The Tribe That Knows Joseph.” 6–7.
Rounds, Nathaniel. “Prince Edward Island’s Unsolved Mystery: The Lost Home Movies of L.M. Montgomery.” 8–9.
Campbell, George. “The Spare Room.” 10–11.
Hutton, Jack. “Word Painter.” 12.
Macneill, Jennie. “Around the Kitchen Table.” 13.
“With the Children.” 14–15.
“The Sewing Circle.” 16–17
“Peddler’s Corner.” 17.
Wagner, Sandy. “Winter Pilgrimage.” 17.
Macneill, Jennie. “Mudding.” 18.
“Bulletin Board.” 20.
1992 (91)
Kindred Spirits of P.E.I.: Spring 1992
Editorial. 2.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 3.
Wagner, Sandra. “A Tribute to Ruth Campbell.” 4–5.
“Konnichiwa—Hello! Highlights from My Japanese Visit.” 6–7.
“Reader’s Response.” 7.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “In the Garden with ‘Anne.’” 8.
“‘Thank You So Much’ from L.M. Montgomery.” 9.
Hutton, Jack. “At 83, Keith Webb Has Never Forgotten ‘Aunt Maud.’” 10–11.
Macneill, Jennie. “The Macneill Homestead.” 12–13.
“Bulletin Board.” 14.
“A Mariner’s Friend (The Island Lighthouse).” 14.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 15.
Macneill, Jennie. “Trouting.” 16.
“Springtime Pilgrimage.” 17.
“Peddler’s Corner.” 17.
Montgomery, L.M. “Riding to Church.” 18.
Wagner, Sandy. “All About Cats.” 19.
“The Sewing Circle.” 20–21.
Wagner, Sandy. “With the Children: Long Ago in Springtime.” 22.
Kindred Spirits: Summer 1992
Montgomery, L.M. “Song of Summer.” 2.
Campbell, George. Untitled note. 2.
“Dear Kindred Spirits.” 3.
Classon, Lyndell. “‘Thank You Glenda for the Past Twenty Years.’” 4–5.
Montgomery, L.M. Letter to Margaret McKenzie, 17 September 1911. 6–7.
Montgomery, L.M. “Wild Rose Song.” 8.
Montgomery, L.M. “Daisy’s Story.” 8.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Flowers for the Bride.” 9.
Montgomery, L.M. “Pansy Faces.” 9.
MacLeod, Carl. “Wild Rose.” 10.
Wagner, Sandy. “With the Children.” 11.
Roch, Colin. “West Cliff.” 12.
“Literary Award Presented.” 12.
Classon, Lyndell. Untitled profile of Ben Stahl. 13.
Schulte, Bill. “Anne’s Brook.” 14.
“The Many Faces of ‘Anne.’” 15.
“Anne Around the World.” 16–17.
“Summer Pilgrimage.” 18.
Hutton, Jack. “The Old Home—No Longer an Orphan.” 20–21.
Macneill, Jennie. Untitled article on raspberry jam. 22.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 23.
“The Sewing Circle.” 24–25.
Oliver, Trude. “Victorian Crafts.” 26.
“An Evening at Silver Bush.” 27.
DeSimone, Rebecca Anne. “Ode to the Island.” 28.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share. . . .” 28.
“Health and Beauty Hints.” 29.
Rubio, Mary. “Reader’s Response.” 30.
Kindred Spirits: Autumn 1992
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share. . . .” 3.
Wagner, Sandra. “A Basket of Old-Fashioned Roses.” 4–5.
Oliver, Trude. “Victorian Crafts.” 6.
Wagner, Sandy. “With the Children.” 7.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “The Language of Flowers.” 8.
Macneill, Jennie (Moore). “Teaching Days in Cavendish.” 9.
Paynter, Ruth L. “Millman Road Designated as Heritage Road by Nature Trust.” 10–11.
Wagner, Sandy. “Apple Variety Contest.” 12–13.
Moore, Audrey. “The Disappointed House.” 14.
Classon, Lyndell. “Summerside High School.” 15.
“Summerside’s Heritage Sites.” 16–17.
Yoshida, Mitsue. “Autumn Pilgrimage.” 18.
Wagner, Sandy. “I Remember.” 20.
Bayley, Patricia A. “My Autumn Road.” 20.
Roch, Colin. “The Blue Heron.” 20.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 21.
Speight, Jeanne Kaye. Untitled article. 22.
“Christmas Gift Ideas for the Family.” 23.
“The Sewing Circle.” 24–25.
Hutton, Jack. “The Grand Opening of Bala’s Museum Was Like a Page Out of One of Maud’s Novels.” 26–28.
Montgomery, L.M. “Our Women.” 28.
“Peddlers Corner.” 31.
Kindred Spirits: Winter 1992–1993
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2–4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share. . . .” 5.
Hutton, Jack. “A Spotlight on Mary Rubio” (part 1). 6–9.
Montgomery, L.M. “Song of Winter.” 10.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Winter Dawn.” 10.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Winter Day.” 10.
“A Toast to Robert Burns (January 25, 1759–July 21, 1796).” 11.
“Winter Pilgrimage.” 11.
Wagner, Sandy. “With the Children.” 12–13.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Lavender and Lace . . . A Potpourri of Ideas.” 14.
Macneill, Jennie. “Avonlea Women’s Institute.” 15–17.
Haszard, Helen. “Island Shores.” 18–19.
Wagner, Sandra. “Quilted Memories.” 20–22.
“Answers to Apple Variety.” 23.
“In the Pantry.” 24–25.
“The Sewing Circle.” 26–27.
Selkowitz, Robert. “An Artist’s View of L.M. Montgomery.” 28–29.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 30–31.
“Peddler’s Corner.” 33.
Macdonald, L.M. Montgomery. Letter to Fred Clark, 14 December 1925. 34.
“General Information Bureau.” 36.
1993 (105)
Kindred Spirits: Spring 1993
Campbell, George, and Sandy Wagner. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
Hutton, Jack. “A Spotlight on Mary Rubio” (part 2). 6–8.
Wagner, Sandy. “With the Children.” 9.
Montgomery, L.M. “Robin Vespers.” 10.
Montgomery, L.M. “Where the Wild Plum Blossoms.” 10.
Montgomery, L.M. “Sweet Clover.” 10.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Garlands of Sweet Clover.” 11.
Hutton, Jack. “Montgomery Plaque Unveiled in Norval.” 12.
Campbell, Mary. “Maud, the Memory and Me.” 13.
Erdmann, Sandy. “Amy Lambert Remembers Her PEI Historical Roots.” 14.
“Springtime Pilgrimage.” 15.
“Charlotte Bronte (April 21, 1816–March 31, 1855).” 15.
McCabe, Kevin. “Some of Her Favorite Things.” 16–17.
“Perennial Pleasures.” 18–19.
MacKay, Matthew. “A Sight to Behold.” 20–21.
“The Sewing Circle.” 22–23.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 24–25.
Macneill, Jennie. “Cawnpore and the Rock Shore.” 26–27.
Montgomery, L.M. “Off to the Fishing Ground.” 27.
Crossword puzzle. 28.
Wagner, Sandy. “Old Dishes.” 29.
Tancock, Martha. “L.M. Montgomery’s Private Legacy.” 30–33.
“The Quill Query.” 34.
“General Information Bureau.” 36.
Kindred Spirits: Summer 1993
Campbell, George, and Sandy Wagner. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
Kessler, Deirdre. Interview with Leisa Way. 6–8.
“Summer Pilgrimage.” 9.
“Sir James Matthew Barrie (May 9, 1860–June 19, 1937).” 9.
Montgomery, L.M. “Milking Time.” 10.
Montgomery, L.M. “Midsummer.” 10.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Wild Places.” 10.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Chronicle of an Old Garden: A Sense of Place.” 11.
Selkowitz, Robert. “Anne of Green Gables Meets The House of the Seven Gables.” 12–13.
Wagner, Sandy. “Tannis of the Flats.” 14–15.
Paynter, Ruth. “Here Comes That Travellin’ Man.” 16–17.
Heilbron, Alexandra. “Interview with Sarah Polley.” 18–19.
“Anne of Green Gables Museum at Silver Bush.” 20–21.
Wagner, Sandy. “Sailing Ships.” 22–23.
Macneill, Jennie, and Sandy Wagner. “The Story of the Marco Polo.” 24–29.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 30–31.
Macneill, Jennie. “The Cavendish Tea Party.” 32.
Wagner, Sandy. “With the Children.” 33.
“The Sewing Circle.” 34–35.
“The Quill Query.” 36.
“Under the Shadow.” 36.
Montgomery, L.M. Letter to Fanny Wise Mutch, 30 January 1912. 37–39.
“General Information Bureau.” 40.
Kindred Spirits: Autumn 1993
Montgomery, L.M. “Premonitions.” 2.
Campbell, George, and Sandy Wagner. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
Rubio, Mary. “A Spotlight on Dr. Elizabeth Epperly.” 6–8.
“L.M. Montgomery Institute Plans Events at U.P.E.I.” 9.
Montgomery, L.M. Letter to Murray Macneill, 6 July 1909. 9.
Sangster, Dorothy E. “Autumn Day: Lake of Shining Waters.” 10.
Montgomery, L.M. “There Is a House I Love.” 10.
Whiteley, Mary. “Vacation at Park Corner.” 10.
“Autumn Pilgrimage.” 11.
“The Poet Laureate: Alfred, Lord Tennyson (August 6, 1809–October 6, 1892).” 11.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: The Work of Our Hands.” 12–13.
Hutton, Jack. “Bala’s Museum Escapes a Giant Wind Storm.” 13.
Wagner, Sandy. “With the Children.” 15.
Moore, Audrey. “After All, He Was a Nice Old Bear. . . .” 16–17.
Classon, Lyndell, and Sandy Wagner. “Kindred Spirits Quilt Guild.” 18–19.
“Anne Shirley Dies at Age 74.” 19.
“Keir House.” 20–21.
Wagner, Sandy. “All Loveliness Around.” 22–23.
“L.M. Montgomery Society.” 23.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 24–25.
Wagner, Sandy. “Garlands of Golden Rod.” 26–27.
Rootland, Nancy. “The Anne of Green Gables Treasury Tour.” 27.
Wagner, Sandy. “Politics.” 28–29.
Macneill, Jennie. “Harvest Time—Thrashing Time.” 30–31.
Heilbron, Alexandra. “Interview with Michael Mahonen.” 32–34.
“The Quill Query.” 35.
“Under the Shadow.” 35.
“The Sewing Circle.” 36–37.
“Lest We Forget.” 38.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Three Songs.” 38.
Kindred Spirits: Winter 1993–1994
Campbell, George, and Sandy Wagner. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
Wagner, Sandra. “Epitome of Graciousness.” 6–9.
Wagner, Sandy. “With the Children.” 10–11.
Rootland, Nancy. “Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Birthplace.” 12.
Selkowitz, Robert. “The Seance: L.M. Montgomery Plays with the Spirits.” 13–14.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “The Sewing Circle.” 15–16.
“The Quill Query.” 16.
Wagner, Sandy. “Among Friendly Presences.” 17–19.
“Dollar, Scotland.” 20–21.
“James Hogg (December 9, 1770–November 21, 1835).” 22.
“Winter Pilgrimage.” 22.
Montgomery, L.M. “In Memory of ‘Maggie.’” 23.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Benediction.” 23.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Poet.” 23.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 24–26.
Heilbron, Alexandra. “Interview with Gema Zamprogna.” 27–29.
Jackson-Hutton, Linda. “An Evening with Veronica Tennant as Lucy Maud Montgomery.” 30–31.
“General Information Bureau.” 31.
Wagner, Sandy. “Parlor Pastimes.” 32–33.
“Kindred Spirits Announcements.” 33.
Marks, John R. “My Violin.” 33.
“Under the Shadow.” 34.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: The Scented Geranium.” 35–36.
Macneill, Jennie. “Boiling the Pigs Potatoes.” 37–38.
1994 (104)
Kindred Spirits: Spring 1994
Campbell, George, and Sandy Wagner. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4–5.
“The Quill Query.” 5.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 6.
“Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (February 27, 1807–March 24, 1882).” 7.
Fraser, Bess. “The Pansy Patch.” 8.
Golisky, Sherri Louise. “Twilight Time.” 8.
Bayley, Patricia A. “Just Before Dawn.” 8.
Amos, Nancy Lee. “Morning Glory.” 9.
Montgomery, L.M. “An April Night.” 8.
“Springtime Pilgrimage.” 10.
Toews, Marjorie. “An Interview with Charlotte Buell.” 11–13.
Rootland, Nancy. “Green Gables.” 14–15.
Heilbron, Alexandra. “Talking with . . . Zachary and Mairon Bennett.” 16–19.
Wagner, Sandy. “With the Children.” 20.
“Knitting Nook.” 21.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: In the Sweet o’ the Year.” 22–23.
“Kindred Spirits Weddings Planners.” 24.
“Wedding Trivia.” 25.
“Here Comes the Bride.” 26–27.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 28–30.
“The Sewing Circle.” 31–35.
“Under the Shadow: Celebrating Anne as an Eleven Year Old.” 36.
“General Information Bureau.” 37–38.
Montgomery, L.M. [Mrs. L.M. MacDonald (sic)]. “Life Has Been Interesting.” 39.
Kindred Spirits: Summer 1994
Wagner, Sandy. Untitled welcome message. 4.
Campbell, George. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4–5.
“L.M. Montgomery Land Trust Established.” 5–6.
“Summertime Pilgrimage.” 7.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 8–9.
“Pen Friends.” 10.
“The Quill Query.” 10.
“William Makepeace Thackeray (July 18, 1811–December 24, 1863).” 11.
“Lower Bedeque School.” 12.
Montgomery, L.M. “Vacation Song.” 13.
Montgomery, L.M. “For Little Things.” 13–14.
Hamilton, Melody J. “Where the Heart Is.” 14.
Alexander, Becky. “Sky Shades.” 14.
“Nature’s Bounty.” 15.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: A Summer’s Day in the Garden.” 16–17.
“A Tribute to Leta Andrew.” 17.
Gallant, Paul. “An Interview with John and Jennie Macneill.” 18–21.
“Grandpa Montgomery’s House Park Corner.” 22–23.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 24–26.
“The Sewing Circle.” 27–30.
Latner, Lori. “With the Children: The Most Unforgettable Character I’ve Known.” 31.
Heilbron, Alexandra. “Talking with . . . Cedric Smith.” 32–34.
“Under the Shadow: News from Our Subscribers.” 35.
Schulte, June M. “Dawn and Dusk Reflections.” 36–37.
“General Information Bureau.” 38–39.
“Kindred Spirits Society News.” 40.
“An Epoch in Anne’s Life . . . Charlottetown Was Thirty Miles Away.” 41–42.
Kindred Spirits: Autumn 1994
Campbell, George, and Sandy Wagner. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Autumn Pilgrimage: The Splendor of Crimson and Gold.” 5.
“Lest We Forget: Rupert Brooke (August 3, 1887–April 23, 1915).” 5.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 6.
“Pen Friends.” 7.
“The Quill Query.” 7.
Fraser, Hazel. “Transplanted.” 8.
Montgomery, L.M. “By an Autumn Fire.” 8.
Gjeldum, Erika. “At the Break of Dawn.” 9.
Gruenewald, Mary. “Prince Edward Isle.” 9.
Cousins, Loralee. “Moving to the Isle of Anne.” 10–12.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Back to School: Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Dedicated Teacher.” 13–15.
Wagner, Sandy. “Glimpses of the Moon.” 16.
Heilbron, Alexandra. “Behind the Scenes at Road to Avonlea.” 17–20.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: A Sweet Harvest.” 21–22.
Cavendish, Joyce. “Air Castles.” 22.
“Air Castles Crocheted Doily Christmas Ornament.” 22–23.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 24–26.
Wallace, Cynthia. “With the Children: The Season of Bosom Friends.” 27–28.
“The Sewing Circle.” 29–30.
McCabe, Kevin. “A Spotlight on Mollie Gillen.” 31–33.
“Under the Shadow: News from Our Subscribers.” 34–35.
“General Information Bureau.” 36.
Montgomery, L.M. “My Legacy.” 37.
“An Artist’s Legacy.” 37.
“Kindred Spirits Society News.” 38.
“New L.M. Montgomery Society.” 38.
Kindred Spirits: Winter 1994
Campbell, George, and Sandy Wagner. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5–6.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Christmas Night.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “A New Year Wish.” 7.
Quesnelle, Cindy. “What Is Kitten Thinking.” 8.
Blake-Kinnin, Marcy. “Untitled.” 8.
Wagner, Sandy. “Gifts for Anne.” 9.
Hutton, Jack. “The First International L.M. Montgomery Symposium Was a Great Success.” 10–11.
MacDonald, Anna. “Busy Times for the L.M. Montgomery Institute.” 12–13.
“Call for Papers.” 13.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: The Garden in Winter.” 14–15.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Garden in Winter.” 16.
Montgomery, Lucy Maud. “A Christmas Mistake.” 17–21.
Macneill, Jennie. “Christmas Memories.” 22.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 23–24.
“The Wreath—A Tradition.” 25.
“The Sewing Circle.” 26–27.
Montgomery, Lucy Maud. “Uncle Richard’s New Year’s Dinner.” 28–29.
“Under the Shadow: News from Our Subscribers.” 30.
“General Information Bureau.” 31–32.
“Kindred Spirits Society News.” 33.
“New Kindred Spirits Society of Hamilton Ontario.” 33.
“Charlotte M. Yonge.” 33.
“Winter Pilgrimage.” 34.
“Louisa May Alcott (November 29, 1832 to March 6, 1888).” 34, inside back cover.
1995 (68)
Kindred Spirits: Spring 1995
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
“The Quill Query.” 6.
Montgomery, L.M. “Dandelion Song.” 7.
Hodges, Valerie. “The Piper of Spring.” 7.
MacDonald, Anna. “Life at Silver Bush . . . Aunt Amy Remembers.” 9–10.
Heilbron, Alexandra. “Talking with . . . Jackie Burroughs.” 11–14.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: The Lore and Legends of Flowers.” 15–16.
Montgomery, L.M. “Spring Song” (excerpts). 16.
Rootland, Nancy. “A View of the Macneill Homestead.” 17–18.
Speight, Jeanne Kaye. “Mrs. Rachel Lynde: Finally, the Spoken Thought.” 19–20.
Wagner, Sandy. “Around the Kitchen Table: Favorite Ginger Recipes.” 21–22.
“News from the L.M. Montgomery Institute.” 23.
“General Information Bureau.” 24.
Wagner, Sandy. “Cavendish . . . Up Home.” 25–26.
“Islandscapes: Land of Anne.” 27.
Kindred Spirits: Summer 1995
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4–5.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 6–7.
“Pen Friends.” 8.
Montgomery, L.M. “When the Dark Comes Down.” 9.
MacNeill, Emily. “The Lure of the Sea.” 9.
Hutton, Jack. “A Spotlight on Elizabeth Waterston” (part 1). 10–12.
Stewart, Scott. “L.M. Montgomery Land Trust.” 13.
Wagner, Sandy. “Sweetest Memories.” 14–15.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: The Garden at Orchard Slope.” 16–17.
Macneill, Jennie. “L.M. Montgomery’s Island.” 18–21.
“Summer Pilgrimage.” 21.
Wagner, Sandy. “Around the Kitchen Table: A Golden Picnic.” 22.
“News from the L.M. Montgomery Institute.” 23.
Speight, Jeanne Kaye. “Women in Maritime Literature: The Strength of the Region.” 24.
“General Information Bureau.” 25.
“Under the Shadow: News from Our Subscribers.” 26.
Kindred Spirits: Autumn 1995
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
Montgomery, L.M. “Out o’ Doors.” 7.
Dinkoff, B. Christopher. “Early September.” 7.
“Lest We Forget.” 8.
Hutton, Jack. “A Spotlight on Elizabeth Waterston” (part 2). 9–11.
“Autumn Pilgrimage.” 11.
Wagner, Sandy. “Almost a Century.” 12–13.
Epperly, Elizabeth R. “L.M. Montgomery Captures the Clan.” 14–16.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: Farewell Summer.” 17–18.
Rootland, Nancy. “Silver Bush.” 19–20.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “A Haunt of Ancient Peace.” 21–22.
“Around the Kitchen Table: Favorite Apple Recipes.” 23.
“News from the L.M. Montgomery Institute.” 24.
Wagner, Sandy. “A Contest About Millinery.” 25.
Kindred Spirits: Winter 1995–1996
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Pair of Slippers.” 7.
Gjeldum, Erika. “Winter Charade.” 7.
Gay, Marjorie MacCallum. “The School That Vanished.” 8–9.
“Presentation to Miss Montgomery.” 10.
McCabe, Kevin. “Orphans Sunny Side Up: Anne and Her Kinfolk.” 11–12.
Wagner, Sandy. “Turning the Pages.” 13.
“From an Old Family Album.” 14–15.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: A Gardener’s Bookshelf.” 16–17.
Smith, Edith Katherine. “Commemorative Plaque Unveiled at Lucy Maud Montgomery Heritage Museum.” 18–19.
“News from the L.M. Montgomery Institute.” 20.
“Around the Kitchen Table: Valentine Party Recipes.” 21.
“The Sewing Circle.” 22–23.
“General Information Bureau.” 24.
“Winter Pilgrimage.” 24.
Wagner, Sandy. “Homemade Wine.” 25.
Campbell, George. “In Memory of Mary Ella Montgomery (1902–1996).” 26.
1996 (73)
Kindred Spirits: Spring 1996
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
Montgomery, L.M. “Fancies.” 7.
Anich, Christine Elaine. “Ode to Springtime Flowers.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “Aunt Felicia’s Preserve-Jars.” 8–10.
Macneill, Jennie. “Keeping the Geese.” 11.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: Fairies of the Garden.” 12–13.
“Springtime Pilgrimage.” 13.
Wagner, Sandy. “Young at Heart.” 14–15.
Montgomery, L.M. “Come Back with Me to Prince Edward Island” (part 1). 16–19.
Hutton, Jack. “Jack and Linda Hutton Purchase Inn Linked to L.M. Montgomery’s The Blue Castle.” 20–21.
“News from the L.M. Montgomery Institute.” 22.
“General Information Bureau.” 22.
“Around the Kitchen Table: A Friendly Snack.” 23.
“The Sewing Circle.” 24.
Campbell, George. “Under the Shadow.” 25.
Kindred Spirits: Summer 1996
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
Provenza, Jennifer. “Early Morning.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “Twilight in the Garden.” 7.
Paynter, Ruth L. “The South West River Speaks.” 8–9.
Montgomery, L.M. “In a Garden of Old Delights.” 10–12.
Gaboury, Carol A. “Elderhosteling with Anne.” 13–15.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: Heartsease.” 16.
Montgomery, L.M. “Come Back with Me to Prince Edward Island” (part 2). 17–19.
“Around the Kitchen Table: A Jam and Pickle Shower.” 20.
“The Sewing Circle.” 21.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Crochet Corner.” 22–23.
“Summer Pilgrimage.” 24.
“General Information Bureau.” 24.
Wright, Lorraine A. “Under the Shadow: In Memory of Anita Webb.” 25.
Wagner, Sandy. “With the Children.” 26.
Kindred Spirits: Autumn 1996
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
Hutton, Jack. “Our Kindred Spirits Share: Bala’s Museum Honors the Poetry of L.M. Montgomery.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
Thorn, Winifred A. “The Little Girls.” 7.
Fraser, F. Hazel. “Indian Summer.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “On the Hills.” 8.
Denault, Leigh. “The Autumn Bringer.” 8.
“L.M. Montgomery’s Ideas.” 9–10.
“Autumn Pilgrimage.” 11.
“Lest We Forget.” 11.
Wagner, Sandy. “L.M. Montgomery and Canadian Culture: An International Conference.” 12–13.
“L.M. Montgomery and Canadian Culture: An International Conference.” 14–15.
Olson, Patricia Diane. “Red Roads and Green Gables: Memories of a Prince Edward Island Childhood.” 16–18.
“With the Children.” 19.
Alvandi, Natasha. “Chiming of Childhood.” 19.
Smith, Edith K. “Adoption in Shades of Black and Red: The Taming of Topsy and Adoption of Anne.” 20–21.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: True September.” 22.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Great Family of Winds.” 23.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Nora Lefurgey Campbell.” 24–26.
Kindred Spirits: Winter 1996–1997
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
Kiphut, Celeste Veronica. “’Tis Love.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “In an Old Farmhouse.” 7.
“Woman’s World: Tribute to Frederica.” 8.
“General Information Bureau.” 9.
Kaufield, Kathy. “The Natural.” 10–12.
Wagner, Sandy. “Under the Shadow: In Memory of Audrey Moore.” 13.
Callaghan, W.P. “Crossing at the Capes.” 14–16.
Cynthia. “Around the Table: February 10, 1902” (excerpts). 17.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: Cousin Jimmy’s Garden.” 18–19.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 20–21.
“Aunt Maud’s Recipe Book, by Elaine Crawford and Kelly Crawford.” 21.
Montgomery, L.M. “In the Pantry.” 22–23.
“Quill Query.” 24.
“Winter Pilgrimage.” 25.
“The Sewing Circle.” 25.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Angel Word Square.” 26.
“The Sacred Sites of L.M. Montgomery, by Nancy Rootland.” 26.
1997 (83)
Kindred Spirits: Spring 1997
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Brown Seed.” 7.
Cairns, Sherry. “Yesterday.” 7.
Latta, Ruth. “The Appeal of Anne.” 8–9.
Jones, Heather. “A Song and a Hope and a Prayer: The Theology of Lucy Maud Montgomery.” 10–11.
Kawai, Yoko. “Doll of Anne.” 11.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Peep of Day Series.” 12.
“General Information Bureau.” 13.
Cynthia. “Around the Table: May 5, 1902.” 14–15.
Kaufield, Kathy. “The Kid from Little Pond.” 16–17.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Emily’s Quest—1927: To Stella Campbell Keller of the Tribe of Joseph” (part 1). 18–21.
Hoehamer, Lynne, and Diane White. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: Spring Had Come.” 22–23.
“Spring Pilgrimage.” 23.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 24–25.
Wagner, Sandy. “Cupboards.” 25.
“The Sewing Circle: Strawberry Embroidered Centre-Piece.” 26.
“Press Tributes to L.M. Montgomery: November 30, 1874–April 24, 1942.” 27–28.
Sangster, Dorothy E. “In Search of Anne Shirley.” 29–30.
Kindred Spirits: Summer 1997
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 5.
Montgomery, L.M. “Buttercup Hill.” 6.
Lane, Lynne Laura. “Starlight Shadows.” 6.
Kiphut, Celeste Veronica. “Remember When.” 6.
“Summer Pilgrimage.” 7.
Cynthia. “Around the Table: May 26, 1902” (excerpts). 7.
Weber, Ephraim. “L.M. Montgomery as a Letter-Writer” (part 1). 8–10.
“General Information Bureau.” 11.
Montgomery, L.M. “Kenneth’s Treasure Trove.” 12–13.
Untitled article on P.E.I. lighthouses. 14–15.
Montgomery, L.M. “On the Bay.” 14–15.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Emily’s Quest—1927: To Stella Campbell Keller of the Tribe of Joseph” (part 2). 16–18.
“Personal Letter Written by L.M. Montgomery.” 19.
“In the Garden.” 20.
Wagner, Sandy. “Foxgloves: Digitalis Purpurea.” 20.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 21.
“Sewing Circle.” 22.
“L.M. Montgomery Word Search.” 22.
Kaufield, Kathy. “BridgeFest ’97: Wasn’t That a Party!” 23–24.
“News from the L.M. Montgomery Institute.” 24.
McKinney, Mary. “She Knew ‘The Story Girl.’” 25.
Wagner, Sandy. “Out of the College Quartet.” 26.
Kindred Spirits: Autumn 1997
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4–5.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Boy’s Best Creed.” 7.
Canniere, Monique. “October.” 7.
Jones, L. Taliaferro. “Bedtime.” 7.
Weber, Ephraim. “L.M. Montgomery as a Letter-Writer” (part 2). 8–11.
Cynthia. “Around the Table” (excerpt from 23 November 1901 instalment). 11.
Robertson, Ian Ross. “Sir Andrew Macphail and Orwell” (part 1). 12–15.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: Dahlias.” 15.
Kaufield, Kathy. “Dream Come True.” 16–17.
Lindsay, Alison. “Edinburgh Emigrants: The Scottish Ancestors of L.M. Montgomery.” 17–18.
“Autumn Pilgrimage.” 19.
“Lest We Forget.” 19.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Difference.” 19.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Thanksgiving Partnership.” 20–21.
“The Sewing Circle: A Tufted Comfort.” 22.
Trachsel, Julia. “Around the Kitchen Table: Marilla Prepares for Christmas.” 23–24.
Wagner, Sandy. “Mincemeat.” 24.
Kindred Spirits: Winter 1997–1998
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
Montgomery, L.M. “Great-Grandmamma’s Portrait.” 7.
Sears, Yvonne. “Winter Magic.” 7.
Livesay, Mrs. F.R. “There’s Only One Island, P.E.I.” 8–11.
Kessler, Deirdre. “L.M. Montgomery Birthday Event.” 12–13.
“Dream Come True.” 14–15.
Robertson, Ian Ross. “Sir Andrew Macphail and Orwell” (part 2). 16–17.
Cynthia. “Around the Table: Monday, December 23, 1901” (excerpted). 18–19.
“Winter Pilgrimage.” 19.
“Stormy Wind.” 19.
Hutton, Jack. “L.M. Montgomery Celebration Drew International Audience to Bala.” 20–21.
Hutton, Jack. “An Anne of Green Gables Winner.” 21.
Dwight, Phoebe. “Want to Know How to Write a Book? Well Here’s a Real Recipe.” 22–23.
“German Newsletter Available.” 23.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: Hyacinths.” 24.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 25.
“The Sewing Circle: Puffed Heart Decoration.” 26.
Hutton, Jack. “Anne of Green Gables Is Now Available Through Your Computer Screen!” Inside back cover.
1998 (86)
Kindred Spirits: Spring 1998
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“A Day by the Lake of Shining Waters: An Anne of Green Gables Treasury Experience on Prince Edward Island, July 1–August 8, 1998.” 6.
Olson, Patricia D. “By the Schoolyard, Circa 1963.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “We Will Walk with Spring Today.” 7.
Jones, Heather. “Presbyterianism Through the Eyes of Lucy Maud Montgomery.” 8–9.
“A Day with Anne.” 9.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Beaton Family Group.” 10–12.
MacDonald, Anna. “L.M. Montgomery Featured in Small Islands Literature Conference.” 13.
Rubio, Mary Henley. “The Hidden Life of Anne.” 14–17.
“General Information Bureau.” 17.
MacQuarrie, Heath. “L.M. Montgomery Finally Appreciated.” 18.
Cynthia. “Around the Table: Monday, April 21, 1902” (excerpts). 19.
Speight, Jeanne Kaye. “The Minister’s Wife: A Woman Alone.” 20–22.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: Lily of the Valley.” 23.
“Around the Kitchen Table: Custard Pies.” 24.
“The Sewing Circle: Baby Bonnet.” 25.
“Lucy Maud and the Cavendish Cat, by Lynn Manuel, illustrated by Janet Wilson.” 25.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Ladies.” 26.
“The ‘Jolly Racket’ Continues.” 26.
Kindred Spirits: Summer 1998
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Garden.” 7.
Wagner, Sandy. “Childhood’s Window.” 7.
Faulkner, Brandon. Untitled poem. 7.
King, Alison L. “The Old Red Road.” 7.
Watson, Julie V. “Emily ‘Talk’ with Dutch Thompson.” 8–9.
Weale, David. “No Scope for Imagination: Another Side of Anne of Green Gables” (part 1). 10–13.
Hutton, Jack. “What Would Maud Say About This in Her Diary!” 13.
Cole, Sally. “Ready to Play Anne.” 14–15.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Kilmeny of the Orchard—1910: To My Cousin Beatrice A. McIntyre This Book Is Affectionately Dedicated.” 16–19.
Cynthia. “Around the Table: Monday, May 19, 1902” (excerpts). 20.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Garden of Old Delights.” 21–23.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 24.
“Crochet Corner: Filet-Crochet, Rose Design Pincushion Cover.” 25.
Wagner, Sandy. “Elusive Eyes.” 26.
“General Information Bureau.” 26.
Kindred Spirits: Autumn 1998
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4–5.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” Kindred Spirits, Autumn 1998, 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
Montgomery, L.M. “My Grandfather’s Barn.” 7.
Martin, Erin. “Changing Air.” 7.
Hutton, Jack, and Linda Jackson-Hutton. “Some Muskoka Surprises in Our Book.” 8.
Waterston, Elizabeth. Review of Lucy Maud Montgomery and Bala, by Jack Hutton and Linda Jackson-Hutton. 9.
Amann, William. “What L.M.M. Might Observe and Write About on the Hillside.” 9.
Wagner, Sandy. “L.M. Montgomery Ecumenical Memorial Service: Cavendish United Church, P.E.I., Sunday, August 23rd, 1998.” 10–13.
Lowther, Linda. “L.M. Montgomery Festival: Summer 1998.” 14.
Campbell, George. “Kindred Spirits Days Writers’ Workshop.” 15.
“List of Proposed Events Celebrating the 125th Anniversary of L.M. Montgomery’s Birth.” 15.
Weale, David. “No Scope for Imagination: Another Side of Anne of Green Gables” (part 2). 16–18.
“Autumn at Ingleside.” 19.
Cynthia. “Around the Table: Saturday, October 26, 1901.” 20–21.
“Lest We Forget.” 21.
Matheson, Neil A. “Yankee Gale’s Story Is Death, Destruction.” 22–23.
“Emily of New Moon Fans.” 23.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: Chrysanthemums.” 24.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 25.
“The Sewing Circle.” 26.
“Kensington and Area Tourist Association Notes.” Inside back cover.
Harris, Eileen. “In the Wild.” Inside back cover.
“Road to Avonlea Christmas Special.” Inside back cover.
“Anne of Green Gables III—The Continuing Story.” Inside back cover.
Kindred Spirits: Winter 1998–1999
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
Montgomery, L.M. “To a Desired Friend.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
“Winter Pilgrimage.” 6.
Dollard, Elizabeth. “Picture of a Winter Afternoon.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Fir Lane.” 7.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Anne of Green Gables—1908: To the Memory of My Father and Mother; Clara Macneill.” 8–10.
“Merry Christmas, Miss King: Road to Avonlea Special.” 10.
Macneill, Jennie. “L.M. Montgomery’s 124th Birthday: November 30, 1998.” 11.
“1999: The Year of Lucy Maud Montgomery.” 11.
Wagner, Sandy. “Bideford Schooldays.” 12–15.
Montgomery, L.M. “Bertie’s New Year.” 16–18.
Gaboury, Jim. “Under the Shadow: In Memory of Carol Gaboury.” 19.
Heaney, Doug. “Green Gables.” 20.
Barrie, Meghan. “Maud.” 21.
Spralding, Regina. “Life Lessons from the Brook.” 21.
Reese, Alice Anna. “A Penny-Candy Day.” 21.
“Around the Kitchen Table: Walnuts.” 22–23.
“Kindred Spirits Presents Cheque.” 23.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 24.
“The Sewing Circle.” 25.
Wagner, Sandy. “Hearts and Flowers.” 26.
1999 (88)
Kindred Spirits: Spring 1999
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
Elftaler. “Where Is Spring?” 7.
Provenza, Jennifer. “The Greatest Silence.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “In Blossom Time.” 7.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Anne of Green Gables—1908: To the Memory of My Father and Mother; Hugh John Montgomery” (part 1). 8–10.
“Springtime Pilgrimage.” 11.
Hutton, Jack. “How a Rare Anne of Green Gables China Set Was Found.” 12.
Riedel, Sarah. “Queen Victoria Day.” 13.
Benjamin, Harry. “Dalvay Remembered.” 14–15.
Bolger, Francis W.P. “Lucy Maud’s Island.” 16–20.
Cynthia. “Around the Table: June 14, 1902” (excerpts from 14 April 1902 column). 21.
Kohler, Konstanze. “Walter and the Pied Piper: An Old Myth Retold by Lucy Maud Montgomery.” 22–23.
Walker, Michael. “The Daffodils.” 23.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 24.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: Fuchsia.” 25.
“The Sewing Circle.” 26.
Wagner, Sandy. “Royalty.” 26.
“Peddler’s Corner.” 26.
Kindred Spirits: Summer 1999
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
“New Collection of Essays Examines How L.M. Montgomery’s Writing Has Affected Canadian Culture.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “A June Evening.” 8.
Frost, M. Jennie. “A Stranger’s Perspective.” 8–9.
Downey, Deborah. Untitled poem. 9.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Anne of Green Gables—1908: ‘To the Memory of My Father and Mother’; Hugh John Montgomery” (part 2). 10–13.
“Books by Montgomery Donated to the National Library of Canada.” 13.
“Prairie Summer in Poetry.” 14–15.
Cox, Amy Elizabeth. “Friend with Friend: Our Remembered Dream.” 16–17.
“Summer Pilgrimage.” 18–19.
“A Banner Year for the Charlottetown Festival.” 20–21.
“New Plate Commemorates Birth of Lucy Maud Montgomery.” 22.
“Come Celebrate ‘Anne Day’ at Westfield Heritage Village.” 22.
“Avonlea Emporium and Trading Post.” 23.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: Day Lilies.” 24.
Montgomery, L.M. “Day Lilies.” 24.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 25.
“Knitting Nook.” 26.
Wagner, Sandy. “Strawberries.” 26.
Kindred Spirits: Autumn 1999
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“Fans of Anne in Japan Start Their Own ‘Anne Club.’” 5.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Wind.” 6.
Senum, Maja. “Midnight Walk in the Haunted Wood.” 7.
Butterfield, Alicia. “Moods of Cavendish.” 7.
“Pen Friends.” 8.
“Quill Query.” 9.
Lefebvre, Benjamin. “Meet the ‘Other Marilla’: An Interview with Elizabeth Mawson.” 10–12.
Bolger, Francis W.P. “L.M. Montgomery’s Birthplace: Special Then, Special Now.” 13.
Jackson, Patricia. “The Author Receives Her First Book.” 14.
Wagner, Sandy. “Here Comes the Bride.” 15.
Vos, Helen. “Grief and Anne of Green Gables.” 16–17.
“Lest We Forget.” 17.
Newman, Hilary. “Delayed and Late Marriages in L.M. Montgomery’s Chronicles of Avonlea.” 18–19.
Latta, Ruth. “All Passion Spent?” 20–21.
McKenna, Barb. “Red Oak Chosen as P.E.I.’s Tree.” 22.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Law.” 22.
“Autumn Pilgrimage: The Witching Hour of Twilight.” 23.
“Chronicles from an Old Garden.” 24.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 25.
“Sewing Circle.” 26.
Wagner, Sandy. “Contest: Witches in Code.” 26.
Kindred Spirits: Winter 1999–2000
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
Jackson-Hutton, Linda. “Monday’s Child.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
Montgomery, L.M. “Snowshoe Song.” 7.
Knight, Brenda. “Anne.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Christmas Inspiration.” 8–10.
Kessler, Deirdre. “Second Annual Kindred Spirits Day.” 11.
Leader, Lynda M. “Spruce Trees.” 11.
England, Mike. “No Bubbles Burst at Park Corner.” 12–13.
Magrath, Jane. “L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture.” 13.
Wagner, Sandy. “One Hundred Years Ago: Remembering Herman Leard (1870–1899).” 14–15.
Fraser, F. Hazel. “Memories of Molly: An Island Beauty.” 16.
Kendall, John. “Fair Island of the Sea.” 17–19.
Montgomery, L.M. “Island Hymn.” 18.
Mountain, Heather. “Kindred Spirits Visit from Poland.” 20.
“Winter Pilgrimage: A Christmas Journey.” 21.
“Avonlea Emporium and Trading Post.” 21.
Thorpe, Rosa Hartwick. “Curfew Must Not Ring Tonight.” 22–23.
“Chronicles of an Old Garden: Calceolarias.” 24.
Wagner, Sandy. “Puzzle: Window Wonderland.” 24.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 25.
“Crochet Corner.” 26.
“Craft Corner.” 26.
Macneill, Jennie. “A Writer Is Born: Gala Celebrates the 125th Anniversary of the Birth of L.M. Montgomery.” Inside back cover.
2000 (93)
Kindred Spirits: Spring 2000
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
Montgomery, L.M. “The New Day.” 6.
Osborne, Dorothy M. “White-Throated Sparrows.” 7.
Vos, Helen. “To My Unknown Friend.” 7.
“Pen Friends.” 8.
“Quill Query.” 8.
Cynthia. “Around the Table” (excerpts from the 28 April 1902 instalment). 9.
Wagner, Sandy. “Just for Fun.” 9.
Epperly, Elizabeth. “Ten Years Later: An(other) Interview with Cousins Dave and Kate Macdonald.” 10–11.
Hutton, Jack, and Linda Jackson-Hutton. “Happy Anniversary from Bala’s Museum.” 12.
“Spring Pilgrimage.” 12.
Boutilier, Linda M. “With the Children.” 13.
Wagner, Sandy. “Celebrating 10 Years: 1990–2000.” 14–15.
Hunt, Lori Bona. “Montgomery’s Manuscript Donated to the University of Guelph.” 16.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Prince Edward Island: Alec and May Macneill, and Pat of Silver Bush.” 17.
“Celebrating L.M. Montgomery’s 125th Birthday, All Year Long.” 18.
Macneill, Jennie. “Spanning Three Centuries.” 19.
Nozawa, Aoi. “To Some Japanese Ladies, Happiness on Earth.” 20.
“Charlottetown Festival Announces 2000’s Lead Roles for Musicals of Anne of Green Gables and Emily.” 21.
“General Information Bureau.” 22.
White, Dianne, and Lynne Hoehamer. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: Young Months Grown Old.” 23.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 24–25.
Wagner, Sandy. “Puzzle—Tea Time.” 25.
Wagner, Sandy. “Craft Corner: Baskets o’ May.” 26.
Kindred Spirits: Summer 2000
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
Barrie, Meghan. “The Cliffs of Cavendish.” 6.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Poplars at the Gate.” 7.
Murphy, Meghan. “The Calling of the Sea.” 7.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Prince Edward Island: Ernest and Myrtle Webb, and Mistress Pat.” 8–9.
Malmros, Stina. “Summer Pilgrimage: Walking Through PEI—Lucy Maud Montgomery Land.” 10.
Roberts, Holly. “Grand Imaginations.” 11.
“Interview with Deirdre Kessler.” 12.
Amann, W. “The Hill Field.” 13.
“Pen Friends.” 13.
Wray, Gwen. “Across the Miles.” 14–15.
Wilson, Michele. “Tea with Terri.” 16.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 17.
Jones, Pat. “Under the Shadow: In Memory of Pauline Joyce Jones.” 18.
Vos, Helen. “Anne with an ‘E.’” 19.
Newman, Hilary. “Marriage and Art in the Emily Trilogy.” 20–22.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Sewing Circle.” 22.
“General Information Bureau.” 23.
Blair, Jane. “Avonlea Tatler.” 23.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: The Author’s Gates.” 24.
Wagner, Sandy. “Growing by the Garden Gate.” 25.
“Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story.” 26.
Kindred Spirits: Autumn 2000
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
Weber, Ephraim. “A Loaf of Bread.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
Montgomery, L.M. “At Sundown.” 6.
Wagner, Matthew. Untitled poem. 6.
Wagner, Sandy, and Michele Wilson. “The Bideford Parsonage Museum.” 7.
Demeria, Susan. “The Tragedy.” 8–9.
Cox, Karen. “Autumn Pilgrimage—October on PEI.” 10–11.
Vos, Helen. “We Went to PEI and We Saw. . . .” 11.
Butler, Kate Macdonald. “Dear Grandmother Maud.” 12–13.
Also, in substantially revised and expanded form and as “Dear Grandmother Maud on the Road to Heaven,” in L.M. Montgomery’s Rainbow Valleys: The Ontario Years, 1911–1942, edited by Rita Bode and Lesley D. Clement, 263–72. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.
“General Information.” 13.
“L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture.” 14–15.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Bracelet.” 16.
“Lest We Forget.” 16.
Montgomery, Lucy Maud. “The Knuckling Down of Mrs. Gamble.” 17–20.
Cynthia. “Around the Table: Monday, November 11, 1901” (excerpts). 21–22.
Montgomery, Lucy Maud. “All Aboard for Dreamland.” 22.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: Plotting the Resurrection.” 23.
“Around the Kitchen Table—Cookies for the Lunchbox.” 24–25.
“Craft Corner: Clove Oranges.” 25.
Wagner, Sandy. “A Steady Grind of Study.” 26.
Wilson, Michele. “Sewing Circle.” 26.
Kindred Spirits: Winter 2000–2001
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 4.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 6.
Montgomery, L.M. “Evening Star.” 7.
Kiphut, Celeste Veronica. “Picture This.” 7.
Montgomery, Lucy Maud. “A Christmas of Long Ago.” 8–9.
Kendall, John. “Millennia According to L.M. Montgomery.” 9.
Osborne, Dorothy M. “Winter Pilgrimage.” 10.
Cynthia. “Around the Table: January 27, 1902” (excerpted). 11.
Hornbaker, Nicole. “Maud’s Kindred Spirit.” 12–13.
“Beloved Old Jugs.” 14–15.
Van Hook, Nicole Leigh. “A Friendship Rekindled.” 16.
“Third Annual Kindred Spirits Day.” 17.
Ozon, Lacey. “The Legend of Millie.” 17.
Montgomery, Lucy Maud. “A Valentine Mistake.” 18–19.
“With All Good Wishes.” 20.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden: A Garden of Remembrance.” 21.
“Under the Hat.” 21.
Hutton, Jack. “Bala’s Cranberry Festival.” 22.
Jackson-Hutton, Linda. “Around the Kitchen Table: Maud’s Cranberry Connection.” 23.
“Christmas Craft and Cookie Corner.” 24–25.
Wagner, Sandy. “Elephants.” 25.
“The Bend in the Road CD-ROM Wins Three Awards.” 26.
2001 (87)
Kindred Spirits: Spring 2001
Wagner, Sandy. “Rainbow Valley.” 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
“General Information.” 3.
“Pen Friends.” 4.
Cavendish, Joyce. “Come Where the Violets Blow.” 5.
Hutton, Jack. “Celebrating a Life: Wilda Clark.” 6.
Jensen, Sue Ellen. “Spring Pilgrimage.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “Mock Sunshine.” 8–10.
“Fourth Annual Kindred Spirits Day.” 11.
Blomquist, Cheri R. “Looking North from the Hill Field at Silver Bush.” 11.
Cox, Amy Elizabeth. “A Sweet Legacy.” 12–14.
Wagner, Sandy. “Annie Laura Moore.” 15.
Doughty, Nancy. “Richard Farnsworth.” 15.
Booker, Sara E. “My Muse—Anne Shirley.” 16–17.
Fauls, Ashley. “Enchantment.” 17.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Wonderful Garden.” 18.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 19.
Wilson, Michele. “The Sewing Circle: Embroidered Pillow Cover.” 20.
Wagner, Sandy. “Carl’s Collection.” 21.
Wagner, Sandy. “Craft Corner: Candied Violets.” 21.
Amann, William. “International Anne Look-Alike.” 22.
“Freshen Linens and Lingerie.” 22.
“Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series.” 23.
Kindred Spirits: Summer 2001
Wagner, Sandy. “Mistress Pat.” 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
McLaughlin, Anne Kathleen. “Three Months in Avonlea.” 3.
“Pen Friends.” 4.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Book of the Year.” 5.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Perfume of Roses.” 5.
“Blacksmiths.” 6.
Wheeler, Bessie M. “The Blacksmith Shop.” 6.
“From the Editors Desk.” 6.
West, Candace C. “Finding the Neighbor.” 7–9.
Bajusz, Courtney. “To Prince Edward Island.” 9.
Wagner, Sandy. “A Breath of Comradeship.” 10–11.
“Keir Memorial Presbyterian Church.” 12–13.
Montgomery, L.M. “Miss Judith’s Peonies.” 14–16.
Montgomery, L.M. “Garden Talk.” 17.
Fima, Merav. “Fairy Queen’s Garden.” 17.
Wilson, Michele. “Sewing Circle: Teddy Bear.” 18–19.
Wagner, Sandy. “Craft Corner: Daisies.” 19.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 20–21.
“General Information.” 21.
“Garden Flower in Code.” 22.
Kindred Spirits: Autumn 2001
Wagner, Sandy. “Anne of Windy Poplars.” 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
“Pen Friends.” 4.
“Lest We Forget.” 4.
Montgomery, Lucy Maud. “November Evening.” 5.
Titley, William Harry. “Our Times in the Maritimes.” 6–7.
Hutton, Jack. “Megan Follows’s 7-Year-Old Son’s Acting Debut in Bala.” 7–8.
Osborne, D.M. “Harvest Moon of the Falling Leaf.” 8.
Montgomery, L.M. “An Open Letter from a Minister’s Wife.” 9–10.
Mathews, Alexa. “With the Children: My ABC Book for ‘Anne of Green Gables.’” 11–13.
Hornbaker, Nicole. “As Night Falls.” 14.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Old Garden.” 14.
Congram, John. “Remembering Lucy Maud.” 15.
Cloutier, Marie. “Potato Man.” 16.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 17.
“Craft Corner.” 18.
Wagner, Sandy. “Recipe Teaser.” 18.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Girl Who Drove the Cows.” 19–21.
Campbell, Donna. “Leaskdale Manse Scaled Model.” 22.
Wilson, Michele. “Sewing Circle: Hot Water Bottle Cover.” 23.
“Writer’s Workshop.” 23.
Cynthia. “Around the Table: October 5, 1901” (excerpted). 24.
Kindred Spirits: Winter 2001
Wagner, Sandy. “Emily Climbs.” 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
Montgomery, L.M. “At New-Moon Time.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 4.
“Pen Friends.” 4.
Montgomery, L.M. “Who Knows?” 5.
Cellucci, Daniella Louisa. “Anne’s Blanket of Snow.” 5.
Yoshimura, Sayoko. “Yankee Hill Cemetery.” 6.
Weber, Ephraim. “L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Anne’” (part 1). 7–9.
Hutton, Jack, and Linda Jackson-Hutton. “Bala Museum’s New Display of Foreign Language LMM Books.” 10–11.
Wagner, Sandy. “An English Exam.” 11.
“Patchwork Quilts.” 12–13.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Burton Girls’ Patch Party.” 14–17.
Fraser, F. Hazel. “The Season’s Smile.” 17.
Campbell, Donna. “Leaskdale Manse Scaled Model: Unveiling Ceremony.” 18–19.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 20.
Paynter, Ruth. “Sewing Circle.” 21.
Montgomery, L.M. “Clorinda’s Gift.” 22–23.
2002 (102)
Kindred Spirits: Spring 2002
Montgomery, L.M. “Spring in the Woods” (excerpted). 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
“From the Editor’s Desk.” 3.
Maxton, Rachel. “A Postcard to Maud Montgomery.” 4.
“Pen Friends.” 4.
Osborne, Dorothy. “Spring in Abegweit.” 5.
Blanton, Elise. “Spring.” 5.
Montgomery, L.M. “An April Brook.” 5.
Weber, Ephraim. “L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Anne’” (part 2). 6–7.
“Spring Pilgrimage.” 8.
Fraser, Hazel. “Memories.” 8.
Trowsdale, Janice. “Victorian Christmas at the Parsonage.” 9.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Easter Solo.” 10–11.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Old Hymns.” 11.
“Kilmeny of the Orchard.” 12–13.
“Sixty Years Ago.” 14–16.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 17.
Montgomery, L.M. “Aunt Nan’s Garden.” 17–18.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 19–20.
“The Sewing Circle.” 20.
Montgomery, L.M. “Easter Lilies.” 21.
MacDonald, Anna. “A Tribute to L.M. Montgomery: November 30, 2001.” 21.
Kindred Spirits: Summer 2002
Montgomery, L.M. “The Woods in Summer” (excerpts). 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
“Pen Friends.” 3.
Montgomery, L.M. “Rain in the Woods.” 4.
Ferguson, Laura. “The Birches.” 4.
“Sandpipers.” 5.
Osborne, Dorothy M. “Footsteps.” 5.
“Summer Pilgrimage.” 6.
Wagner, Sandy. “With the Children.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Boys We Like.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “Aunt Polly’s Rose Party.” 8–9.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 9.
Fima, Merav. “The Passion of Writing.” 10.
Weber, Ephraim. “L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Anne’” (part 3). 11.
“Anne of Ingleside.” 12–13.
Montgomery, L.M. “What Children Know.” 12–13.
Montgomery, L.M. “Lilian’s Roses.” 14–15.
“The Quill Query.” 15.
Weinfield, Madeline Anne. “The Whisper of Fairies.” 16–17.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 18.
Wilson, Michele. “Sewing Circle: ‘E’ Is for Elephant.” 19.
“General Information.” 19.
Kraemer, Justine. “Anne of Green Gables: Word Search.” 20.
“When It’s Summer at Green Gables.” 20–23.
Kindred Spirits: Autumn 2002
Montgomery, L.M. “The Woods in Autumn” (excerpts). 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
“Pen Friends.” 3.
Montgomery, L.M. “Twilight.” 4.
Collins, Christina Elaine. “A Visit to a Dream.” 4.
Vos, Helen. “The Blue and the Gold.” 4.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Old Church.” 5.
“Lest We Forget.” 5.
Montgomery, L.M. “Curtain Island Mystery.” 6–7.
Reid, Elizabeth. “A Victorian Romance.” 8.
Sanderson, Thelma Paynter. “Solitude.” 8.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Rilla of Ingleside—1921” (part 1). 9–11.
“Rilla of Ingleside.” 12–13.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Piper.” 12–13.
“Autumn Pilgrimage.” 14.
Titley, William. “Charm of the Island.” 14.
Wagner, Sandy. “Symposium Snippets.” 15.
Collins, Carolyn Strom. “L.M. Montgomery as Illustrator of Her Journals, Letters and Stories.” 16–17.
Wagner, Sandy. “Likeness to Likeness.” 17.
Montgomery, L.M. “What Teddy and Gordon Saw in the Lane.” 18–19.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 19.
McKie, William Scobie. “School Days at Park Corner.” 20.
Macneill, Jennie. “Let’s Go Picking Gum.” 21.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 22.
Wilson, Michele. “The Sewing Circle: Great Aunt Eve’s Knitting Bag.” 23.
“Quill Query.” 23.
Heaney, Doug. “The 2002 L.M. Montgomery Festival.” 24.
Kindred Spirits: Winter 2002
Montgomery, L.M. “The Woods in Winter” (excerpts). 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Girl with the Red Scarf.” 4–5.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 5.
Montgomery, L.M. “Winter Dusk in the Firs.” 6.
Hornbaker, Nicole. “A Winter’s Night.” 6.
Senum, Maja. “The Waltz.” 6.
MacLeod, Carl. “Under the Shadow.” 7.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Good Fairy.” 8.
Campbell, George. “From the Editor’s Desk.” 8.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Rilla of Ingleside—1921” (part 2). 9–11.
“The Golden Road.” Kindred Spirits, Winter 2022, 12–13.
West, Candace. “The Long, Long Call.” 14–16.
Wilson, Michele. “The Sewing Circle: Quilted Book Cover.” 16.
Wagner, Sandy. “With the Children.” 17.
“Editor’s Correction.” 17.
“Personals.” 18.
Wagner, Sandy. “Remembering Bessie.” 18.
Senum, Maja. “Sweetened Dreams for Little Girls.” 19.
Montgomery, L.M. “Her Pretty Golden Hair.” 20–21.
“Pen Friends.” 21.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 22.
Wagner, Sandy. “Cake.” 23.
“Four Your Information.” 23.
Sanderson, Thelma Paynter. “Island Fields.” 24.
2003 (88)
Kindred Spirits: Spring 2003
Montgomery, L.M. “The Good-Night Angel.” 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
Hornbaker, Nicole. “Thank You, Maud.” 3.
Hecker, W.B. “Roses for Maud.” 3.
Gillespie, Mrs. Edgar. “To: Lucy Maud Montgomery.” 3.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 4.
James, Wanda. “Reaching Back.” 5.
Hornbaker, Nicole. “The Olden Orchard Remembers When.” 6.
Sparks, Juanita Preston. “Springtime Blossoms.” 6.
Gant, Lea Gillespie. “Little Anne.” 7.
Knight, Brenda. “The News.” 7.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 8.
“Pen Friends.” 8.
Montgomery, L.M. “Between the Hill and Valley.” 9–12.
Ludwig, Marilyn. “Not a Kindred Spirit After All.” 13.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Children’s Garden.” 14–15.
Riedel, Sarah. “Tribute to Anne: L.M. Montgomery and the Gift of Friendship.” 15–16.
“General Information.” 16.
“Springtime Pilgrimage.” 17.
Fraser, F. Hazel. “Song Birds.” 17.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Necklace of the Year.” 17.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 18.
Hastwell, Geoff. “Anne’s Song.” 19.
Kindred Spirits: Summer 2003
Montgomery, L.M. “A Sunshiny Morning.” 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
Gardiner, Amanda, and Charlotte Gardiner. “Facts and Fancies.” 3.
Weinfield, Madeline Anne. “Lay It Softly in the Beach Grass.” 4.
Fauls, Ashley. “Shining Water.” 4.
Kessler, Jen. “A Beautiful Island.” 4.
D’Astous, Pascale. “Summer Pilgrimage.” 5.
“Pen Friends.” 5.
Montgomery, L.M. “Nurse Friedrich.” 6–8.
Yoshimura, Sayoko. “The Island.” 9.
Grader, Carla. “Tulips on PEI and Why a Real Dutch Princess Was Born in Canada.” 10–11.
Campbell, Donna. “Cavendish Macneill Homestead: Home of L.M. Montgomery.” 11.
Boutilier, Linda. “Bringing in the Cows.” 12.
Wilson, Michele. “Sewing Circle: Chicken Scratch Embroidered Apron.” 13.
Ruttan, Andrea. “A Victorian Tea Party.” 14.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 15.
Hutton, Jack. “Mary Miles Minter Still Fascinates Us!” 16–17.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 18.
Pettett, Wendy. “Anne.” 19.
“General Information.” 19.
Kindred Spirits: Fall 2003
Montgomery, L.M. “Dusk.” 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
Montgomery, L.M. “While I May.” 3.
Osborne, Dorothy M. “Indian Summer.” 4.
Schreiber, Dorothy M. “My Blue Castle.” 4.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Last Prayer.” 5.
Wagner, Sandy. “Lest We Forget.” 5.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Story of the Ruby Ring.” 6–7.
Naylor, Diane Richardson. “My Dream Comes True.” 8–9.
Fraser, F. Hazel. “Silhouette.” 10.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 11.
Latta, Ruth. “Peer-Professional from the Past.” 12–13.
Montgomery, L.M. “What Are We Here For?” 13.
Montgomery, L.M. “Dixie.” 14–15.
Naylor, Diane Richardson. “Sewing Circle.” 15.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 16.
“General Information.” 17.
“Pen Friends.” 17.
Wagner, Sandy. “Tea with Mrs. Douglas.” 17.
England, Mike. “Some Things You Have to Smile About.” 18.
Wilson, Michele. “Thanksgiving Craft: Gourd Tea-Lights.” 19.
Campbell, Donna. “Preserving the Memory of L.M. Montgomery: The Macneill Homestead in Cavendish, PE.” 20.
Kindred Spirits: Winter 2003
Montgomery, L.M. “Coasting Song.” 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
Wagner, Sandy. “Crossword Contest.” 3.
Montgomery, L.M. “One of the Shepherds.” 4.
Ryan, S.M. “The Shepherds (A Play).” Adapted by June M. Schulte. 5–6.
“A Christmas Bouquet.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Worst Girl in School.” 8–9.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 10–11.
Newman, Hilary. “Career and Marriage in the Life of L.M. Montgomery.” 12–13.
“In Memoriam of Rev. Ewan Macdonald.” 13.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Night in the Cold.” 14–15.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Recipe Book.” 16.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 17.
“The Sewing Circle: Green Gables Quilt.” 18.
“Dear Kindred Spirits.” 18.
Fraser, F. Hazel. “Back to School in 1914—‘Remembering.’” 19.
Wilson, Michele. “Christmas Craft: Potpourri Christmas Ball.” 19.
“Conference Update: L.M. Montgomery Institute.” 20.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Winter Pilgrimage.” 20.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Winter Wind.” 20.
2004 (68)
Kindred Spirits: Spring 2004
Wagner, Sandy. “Jane of Lantern Hill.” 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
Senum, Maja. “The Garden’s Secret Delight.” 4.
Osborne, Dorothy M. “Lilac Bush on Prince Edward Island.” 5.
Wright, Walter P. “The Garden Home.” 5.
“What’s Happening?” 5.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Old Cooky Woman.” 6–8.
Trowsdale, Janice. “An Evening with L.M. Montgomery.” 8.
Montgomery, L.M. “Mabel’s Cookies.” 9.
“The Sewing Circle.” 10.
Montgomery, L.M. “In Primrose Lane.” 11.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 11.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 12.
Montgomery, L.M. “Trouble in the Kitchen.” 13.
“Springtime Pilgrimage.” 13.
Barrie, Meghan. “Abegweit.” 13.
“General Information.” 14.
“Did You Know?” 14.
Wilson, Michele. “Craft Corner: Handkerchiefs.” 15.
“School Days.” 15.
Kindred Spirits: Summer 2004
Montgomery, L.M. “The Old Garden.” 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
Wagner, Sandy, and Michele Wilson. “A Fond Remembrance.” 3.
Silsbe, Brenda. “In Soil.” 4.
Hornbaker, Nicole. “Sailor’s Bride.” 4.
Silsbe, Brenda. “A Simple Garden.” 4.
Montgomery, L.M. “Frank’s Wheat Series.” 5–6.
Slater, Faith. “The Clover Field.” 6.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 7.
Williams, Donna. “Just Imagine.” 8–9.
“General Information.” 10.
Wilson, Michele. “The Sewing Circle: Log Cabin Wall Hanging.” 11.
“Summer Pilgrimage.” 12–13.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Butterfly Queen.” 14–16.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 17.
Boutilier, Linda. “Cradled by the Hills.” 18–19.
“The Lesley Homes.” 19.
Kindred Spirits: Autumn 2004
Montgomery, L.M. “The Sunset Bells.” 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2–3.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 4–5.
Gilmore, Rachna. “Transcending Time and Space: The Allure of Montgomery’s Landscapes” (abridged). 6–7.
Fraser, F. Hazel. “Gain and Loss.” 8.
Silsbe, Brenda. “Autumn Pilgrimage.” 8.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 9.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Soldier of the Queen.” 10–13.
Wilson, Michele. “The Sewing Circle: Detergent Bottle Apron/Dress.” 13.
Woster, Emily. “The Readings of a Writer: The Literary Landscape Created by L.M. Montgomery’s Love of Literature” (abridged). 14–16.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 17.
Shea, Martha. “Anne of Green Gables.” 18.
Wagner, Sandy. “A Picture Story of Hats.” 19.
Ekstrand, Mrs. E.E. “Crochet Corner: Crocheted Fascinator.” 19.
Wagner, Sandy. “Lest We Forget.” 20.
Kindred Spirits: Winter 2004
Reid, Elizabeth R. “The Christmas Gift.” 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
“Winter Pilgrimage.” 4.
Ironside, Katie Marie. “A Mysterious Light.” 4.
Trachsel, Julia. “A Lighthouse Christmas.” 5–8.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 9.
Wagner, Sandy. “Christmas.” 9.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “The Forest Primeval: The Shared Landscapes of L.M. Montgomery and Arthur John Lockhart (Pastor Felix)” (abridged). 10–13.
Montgomery, L.M. “Francoise.” 14–17.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 17.
Montgomery, L.M. “Polly Patterson’s Autograph Square.” 18–19.
Wilson, Michele. “Embroidery Note.” 19.
Montgomery, L.M. “Christmas Eve.” 20.
2005 (74)
Kindred Spirits: Spring 2005
Wagner, Sandy. “Speaking to the World.” 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
Senum, Maja. “Spring Wanders Down the Lane.” 4.
Silsbe, Brenda. “Young Dancer.” 4.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 5.
Campbell, George. “A Writer’s Garden.” 5.
Epperly, Carolyn M. “Painting with Words.” 6–7.
“Springtime Pilgrimage.” 7.
Montgomery, L.M. “Rain in the Country.” 7.
Hayden, Beverley. “Minute by Minute: The Cavendish Literary Society 1886–1924.” 8–9.
“The Re-enactment (August 11, 1890–August 13, 2004): In Celebration of L.M. Montgomery.” 10–11.
Cavendish, Maud. “A Baking of Gingersnaps.” 12–15.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 16.
Boutilier, Linda. “Great-Grandmother’s Cake.” 16.
“Quill Query.” 17.
Wilson, Michele. “Sewing Circle: Teapot Breadcloth.” 18.
Wagner, Sandy. “The Square Garden.” 18.
Trowsdale, Janice. “Reminiscences of Wednesday Evenings with L.M. Montgomery.” 19.
Kindred Spirits: Summer 2005
Montgomery, L.M. “My Pictures.” 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
Elftaler. “Fairy Dance.” 4.
Osborne, Dorothy M. “Sunrise on PEI.” 4.
Izawa, Yuko. “Anne of Green Gables in Japanese Landscapes.” 5.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Glenn’s Light.” 6–7.
Campbell, Donna, and Jean Butcher. “Anne of Green Gables Stamp: Martha Shea Revisited/Updated.” 8.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 9.
“Photography by L.M. Montgomery.” 10–11.
MacLeod, Carl. “Tales from the Carriage.” 12–13.
“Unveiling of Monument to Lucy Maud Montgomery.” 14–15.
Macneill, Jennie. “A Remembrance.” 15.
Firth, Anne Margaret. “Down Memory Lane.” 16.
“Summer Pilgrimage.” 17.
“Sewing Circle.” 18.
“Love and Romance.” 18.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Answers.” 18.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 19.
“General Information.” 20.
Kindred Spirits: Autumn 2005
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
Boutilier, Linda. Untitled poem. 4.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 5.
Doughart, George. “He Had the Spark of Nature: Tribute to James (Late) and Ruth Campbell.” 6–8.
Campbell, Jim. “Farming for a Vocation.” 9.
Wagner, Sandy. “Under the Shadow.” 9.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Pastoral Call.” 10–11.
Bolger, Francis W.P. “Reflections on Stanley Bridge.” 12–13.
Senum, Maja. “Autumn Twirls Among the Trees.” 14.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 15.
Kimball, Dorothy. “I Remember Anne.” 16–17.
Montgomery, L.M. “A Country Lane.” 17.
Wilson, Michele. “The Sewing Circle.” 18.
Wagner, Sandy. “Slippers.” 18.
Trowsdale, Janice. “Bideford Parsonage Museum Opening.” 19.
Montgomery, Lucy Maud. “A Little Soldier.” 20.
Kindred Spirits: Winter 2005
Montgomery, L.M. “In Winter Woods.” 1.
Wagner, Sandy, and George Campbell. “Dear Kindred Spirits.” 2.
“Our Kindred Spirits Share.” 3.
Silsbe, Brenda. “Slide in Time.” 4.
Cavendish, Joyce. “The Star thro’ the Pines.” 4.
Wagner, Sandy. “Chronicles of an Old Garden.” 5.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Second-Hand Travel Club.” 6–7.
Pezzotti-Venafro, Vanessa. “A Quilting Story.” 8.
“From the Editor’s Desk.” 8.
Senum, Maja. “Winter Pays a Call.” 9.
“The Blue Castle.” 10–11.
Cavert, Mary Beth. “Whatever Happened to Nate Lockhart?” 12–13.
“For Your Information.” 13.
Wuorio, Eva-Lis. “The Mother of the Anne Series.” Translated by Katri Arjava. 14–15.
Mayer, Robert. “The Theology of L.M. Montgomery as Expressed in ‘Anne of the Island.’” 16.
“Around the Kitchen Table.” 17.
Montgomery, L.M. “The Spelling Match at Albury.” 18–19.
Wilson, Michele. “Craft Corner: Star Photo Ornament.” 19.