Shorter Works

Miscellaneous Pieces by Title

This page lists all of L.M. Montgomery’s known miscellaneous pieces by date. Most of these have been reprinted in The L.M. Montgomery Reader, Volume 1: A Life in Print (2013) and A Name for Herself: Selected Writings, 1891–1917 (2018).


The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career (June–November 1917 memoir)
Around the Table (28 September 1901–26 May 1902 newspaper column; 35 instalments)
An Author Speaks (24 February 1939 essay)
An Autobiographical Sketch (February 1929 memoir)


The Bad Boy of Blanktown School (4 March 1896 sketch)
Bits from My Mailbag (9 December 1922 essay)
Blank Verse? “Very Blank,” Said Father (3 December 1921 memoir)


Canadian Writers on Canadian Literature—A Symposium (1 January 1910 round table)
Christmas Shopping in Halifax Stores (9–13, 16–19 December 1901 advertisements)
Come Back with Me to Prince Edward Island (May–June 1936 sketch)
Crooked Answers (March 1896 sketch)


The Day before Yesterday (May 1927 memoir)


Extracts from the Diary of a Second Class Mouse (April 1894 sketch)


Fairy Laughter (sketch)
Fiction Writers on Fiction Writing: Advice, Opinions and a Statement of Their Own Working Methods by More Than One Hundred Authors (1923 questionnaire)
For and about Girls (23 October 1937 review)
Foreword to Up Came the Moon (1936 paratext)
Four Questions Answered (18 November 1910 article)
From Prince Albert to P.E. Island (31 October 1891 sketch)


The Gay Days of Old (15 December 1919 memoir)
A Girl’s Place at Dalhousie College (29 April 1896 essay)
Gleanings from Our Mail Bag (March 1899 letter)


Half an Hour with Canadian Mothers (November 1901 sketch)
A Half-Hour in an Old Cemetery (26 September 1901 sketch)
High School Life in Saskatchewan (May 1894 sketch)
How I Became a Writer (3 December 1921 memoir)
How I Began (1 April 1915 memoir)
How I Began to Write (7 January 1911 memoir)


“I Dwell among My Own People” (ca. 1921 essay)
I Have Come Home (15 June 1938 sketch)
The Importance of Beauty in Everything (19 July 1933 essay)
Innocent Irreverence (July 1905 joke)
Is This My Anne (January 1935 essay)


James Henry, Truant (April 1896 sketch)


Kindly Criticisms (report)


Letters from the Literati (1912 letter)
Letter to Mr. Dominick (1926 letter)
Letter to Shaw Correspondence School (1922 letter)
Life Has Been Interesting (May 1931 memoir)
L.M. Montgomery (1935 autobiographical sketch)
L.M. Montgomery’s Ideas (1 September 1930 letter)
Lost and Found (15 November 1910 letter)


Many Admiring Glances Bestowed upon Graduates (30 April 1902 essay)
Memories of Childhood Days (May–June 1936 memoir)
My Childhood in Canada (12 June 1938 memoir)
My Favorite Bookshelf (ca. 1917 essay)


Netted Doily (April 1903 pattern)
Novel Writing Notes (17 November 1923 essay)


One Little Girl Who Wrote to L.M. Montgomery and Received a Reply (1920 letter)
One Mother’s Opinion (9 November 1907 sketch/excerpted)
An Open Letter from a Minister’s Wife (October 1931 essay)


“Portia”—A Study (14 June 1894 essay)
Prince Edward Island (1939 sketch)
Prince Edward Island’s Famous Writer (May–June 1940 memoir)


Spring in the Woods (May 1911 essay)
Symposium on Canadian Fiction in Which Canadian Authors Express Their Preferences (8 December 1924 round table)


The ’Teen-Age Girl (March 1931 essay)


The Usual Way (March 1894 playlet)


Valedictory (9 June 1894 address)


The Way to Make a Book (April 1915 essay)
A Western Eden (17 June 1891 sketch)
What Are the Greatest Books in the English Language? (January 1916 round table)
What to Teach Your Son (1906 tract)
What Twelve Canadian Women Hope to See as the Outcome of the War (April 1915 round table)
“Which Has the Most Patience under the Ordinary Cares and Trials of Life—Man or Woman?” (February 1896 sketch)
The Woods in Autumn (October 1911 essay)
The Woods in Summer (September 1911 essay)
The Woods in Winter (December 1911 essay)
The Wreck of the “Marco Polo” (5 March 1891 essay)
Writers and Books (1915 letter)

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