
Actors by Surname: F

This page lists actors who have performed in a screen adaptation of the work of L.M. Montgomery and whose surnames begin with F.

Actors by surname: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

Kristin Fairlie

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)
Becky Lester

S6E02: Lonely Hearts
S6E05: The Trouble with Davey
S6E07: A Fox Tale
S6E08: Fools and Kings
S6E09: The More Things Change
S6E11: What a Tangled Web We Weave
S6E13: Homecoming

S7E03: Davey and the Mermaid
S7E08: Ah . . . Sweet Mystery of Life
S7E13: So Dear to My Heart

Kyle Fairlie

Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series (2000–2001 animated television series)
Felix King (voice)

S1E04: The Best Partner
S1E05: A Question of Rules
S1E06: Taffy
S1E07: One True Friend
S1E09: Idle Chatter
S1E10: A Bully by the Horns
S1E11: The Ice Cream Promise
S1E12: The Sleeves
S1E13: The Avonlea Herald
S1E14: Chores Eclipsed
S1E15: The Swim of Things
S1E16: Butterflies
S1E17: A Walk in His Shoes
S1E20: Marbles
S1E21: Oh, Brother!
S1E22: A Condition of Superstition
S1E24: A Better Mousetrap
S1E25: No Anne Is an Island

Anne: Journey to Green Gables (2005 animated film)
Felix King (voice)

Ella Jonas Farlinger

Anne with an “E” (2017–2019 television series)
Prissy Andrews

S1E02: I Am No Bird, and No Net Ensnares Me
S1E03: But What Is So Headstrong as Youth?
S1E04: An Inward Treasure Born
S1E05: Tightly Knotted to a Similar String

S2E02: Signs Are Small Measurable Things, but Interpretations Are Illimitable
S2E05: The Determining Acts of Her Life
S2E06: I Protest Against Any Absolute Conclusion
S2E07: Memory Has as Many Moods as the Temper
S2E08: Struggling Against the Perception of Facts
S2E09: What We Have Been Makes Us What We Are
S2E10: The Growing Good of the World

S3E06: The Summit of My Desires
S3E07: A Strong Effort of the Spirit of Good

Richard Farnsworth

Anne of Green Gables (1985 television miniseries)
Matthew Cuthbert

Anne Farquhar

Lantern Hill (1990 television movie)
Cecily Stanley

Amariah Faulkner

L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables: The Good Stars (2017 television movie)
Jane Andrews

L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables: Fire and Dew (2017 television movie)
Jane Andrews

Michael Fawkes

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)

S7E13: So Dear to My Heart

Jim Feather

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)
Maître d’

S1E02: The Story Girl Earns Her Name

Jaime Feggi

L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables (2016 television movie)
Minnie May

Barbara Feldon

Emily of New Moon (1998–2003 television series)
Madame Marlena

S2E11: When the Bough Breaks

Anna Ferguson

Anne of Green Gables (1985 television miniseries)
Punch Woman

Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel [Anne of Avonlea] (1987 television miniseries)
Mrs. Boulter

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)
Gossipy Woman

S1E05: Old Lady Lloyd [Song of the Night]

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)
Mrs. Biggins

S1E04: The Materializing of Duncan
S1E07: Conversions
S1E08: Aunt Abigail’s Beau
S1E09: Malcolm and the Baby
S1E10: Felicity’s Challenge

S2E02: How Kissing Was Discovered
S2E03: Aunt Hetty’s Ordeal
S2E04: Of Corsets and Secrets and True True Love
S2E09: All That Glitters

Steve Ferguson

Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning (2008 television movie)

Denise Fergusson

Lantern Hill (1990 television movie)
Mrs. Simpson

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)
Mrs. Tarbrush

S1E02: The Story Girl Earns Her Name (uncredited)
S1E07: Conversions

S3E03: But When She Was Bad . . . She Was Horrid (Part 2) (as Mrs. Tarbush)

David Ferry

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)
Harmon Andrews

S1E10: Felicity’s Challenge

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)
Stuart McRae

S7E01: Out of the Ashes
S7E02: Love May Be Blind . . . but the Neighbours Ain’t
S7E11: Return to Me
S7E12: The Last Hurrah
S7E13: So Dear to My Heart

Happy Christmas, Miss King [An Avonlea Christmas] (1998 television movie)
Stuart McRae (archival footage)

C.J. Fidler

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)
Kitty Riley

S4E05: Moving On [Sara and the Marshal]

Susan Field

Anne of Avonlea (1975 television miniseries)
Mrs. Charlotte E. Morgan

S1E03: Episode Three
S1E04: Episode Four

Jan Filips

Emily of New Moon (1998–2003 television series)
Mr. Stuart

S2E02: And So Shall They Reap
S2E05: The Witches’ Spell Book
S2E06: Rivers of Babylon
S2E10: Crown of Thorns
S2E12: Love Knots

S3E02: The Return of Maida Flynn (as Jan Fillips)
S3E03: Under the Wishing Moon (as Jan Fillips)
S3E08: Had a Wife and Couldn’t Keep Her

Eric Fink

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)
Mr. Stewart

S1E01: The Journey Begins

Kerry-Lee Finkle

Anne with an “E” (2017–2019 television series)
Busybody Woman 1

S3E06: The Summit of My Desires

Matteo Fiorini

Anne with an “E” (2017–2019 television series)

S3E04: A Hope of Meeting You in Another World

Anne with an “E” (2017–2019 television series)
Indigenous Boy

S3E08: Great and Sudden Change

Siena Fiorini

Anne with an “E” (2017–2019 television series)

S3E04: A Hope of Meeting You in Another World

Catherine Fitch

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)
Selena Dale

S4E01: Tug of War (as Selina Dale)

S7E06: King of the Great White Way
S7E07: Total Eclipse

Emily of New Moon (1998–2003 television series)
Maud Dutton

S2E01: Summer of Sorrows (as Maud)
S2E12: Love Knots
S2E13: The Book of Hours

S4E07: A Seller of Dreams (archival footage) (as Aunt Maud)

Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning (2008 television movie)
Cider Press Woman

Anne with an “E” (2017–2019 television series)
Sister Cecilia

S3E04: A Hope of Meeting You in Another World

Michael Fitzgerald

Emily of New Moon (1998–2003 television series)
Real Reverend Pitch

S2E08: The Devil’s Punchbowl

Nuala Fitzgerald

Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel [Anne of Avonlea] (1987 television miniseries)
Mrs. Tom Pringle

Michael Fletcher

Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel [Anne of Avonlea] (1987 television miniseries)

Sharry Flett

Lantern Hill (1990 television movie)
Lillian Morrow

Alexandra Floras-Matic

Anne with an “E” (2017–2019 television series)
Older Girl

S1E01: Your Will Shall Decide Your Destiny

S2E01: Youth Is the Season of Hope
S2E05: The Determining Acts of Her Life

S3E02: There Is Something at Work in My Soul Which I Do Not Understand

Alex and Ryan Floyd

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)
Daniel King

S3E01: The Ties That Bind [Sister of the Bride] (uncredited)
S3E04: Felix and Blackie (as Baby Daniel)
S3E05: Another Point of View [Facts and Fictions] (as Baby Daniel)
S3E06: Aunt Janet Rebels [Aunt Janet’s Rebellion] (as Baby Daniel)
S3E08: Friends and Relations (as Baby Daniel)
S3E09: Vows of Silence [True Confessions] (as Baby Daniel)
S3E11: High Society (as Baby Daniel)

S4E01: Tug of War (as Baby Daniel)
S4E03: Incident at Vernon River (as Baby Daniel)
S4E05: Moving On [Sara and the Marshal] (as Baby Daniel)
S4E06: Evelyn (as Baby Daniel)
S4E07: The Dinner [Felicity’s Grand Design] (as Baby Daniel)
S4E08: Heirs and Graces (as Baby Daniel)
S4E12: Home Movie [Jasper’s Home Movie] (as Baby Daniel)
S4E13: Hearth and Home (as Baby Daniel)

S5E01: Fathers and Sons (as Baby Daniel)
S5E02: Memento Mori (as Baby Daniel)
S5E05: Stranger in the Night (as Baby Daniel)
S5E06: The Great Race (as Baby Daniel)
S5E07: Someone to Believe In (as Baby Daniel)
S5E08: Strictly Melodrama (as Baby Daniel)
S5E09: Thursday’s Child (as Baby Daniel)
S5E11: Otherwise Engaged (as Baby Daniel)
S5E13: The Minister’s Wife (as Baby Daniel)

S6E01: The Return of Gus Pike (as Baby Daniel)
S6E07: A Fox Tale
S6E08: Fools and Kings
S6E11: What a Tangled Web We Weave
S6E12: A Time to Every Purpose
S6E13: Homecoming

S7E01: Out of the Ashes (uncredited)
S7E05: Secrets and Sacrifices
S7E07: Total Eclipse
S7E10: After the Ball Is Over
S7E12: The Last Hurrah
S7E13: So Dear to My Heart

David Foley

Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel [Anne of Avonlea] (1987 television miniseries)
Lewis Allen

Megan Follows

Anne of Green Gables (1985 television miniseries)
Anne Shirley

Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel [Anne of Avonlea] (1987 television miniseries)
Anne Shirley

Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story (2000 television miniseries)
Anne Shirley

Franck Fon

Anne with an “E” (2017–2019 television series)
Hammock Man

S2E02: Signs Are Small Measurable Things, but Interpretations Are Illimitable

Bill Forbes

Emily of New Moon (1998–2003 television series)

S3E06: The Return of Malcolm Murray

Emily of New Moon (1998–2003 television series)
Gate Keeper

S4E07: A Seller of Dreams (archival footage)

Anthony Forrest

Anne of Avonlea (1975 television miniseries)
Roy Gardner

S1E05: Episode Five
S1E06: Episode Six

Kevin Forster

Anne with an “E” (2017–2019 television series)
Caleb Lynde

S3E04: A Hope of Meeting You in Another World
S3E05: I Am Fearless and Therefore Powerful

Neil Foster

Anne with an “E” (2017–2019 television series)
Bank Manager

S1E06: Remorse Is the Poison of Life
S1E07: Wherever You Are Is My Home

S2E10: The Growing Good of the World

Gillian Fowler

Anne of Green Gables (1952 television miniseries)

S1E02: The Amethyst Brooch
S1E03: Anne to the Rescue
S1E04: Great-Aunt Josephine

Philip Fowler

Anne of Avonlea (1975 television miniseries)
Young Man

S1E05: Episode Five

Cassidy Fox

Anne with an “E” (2017–2019 television series)
Young Marilla

S1E06: Remorse Is the Poison of Life

S2E07: Memory Has as Many Moods as the Temper

Colin Fox

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)
Galileo Gale

S4E01: Tug of War

David Fox

Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel [Anne of Avonlea] (1987 television miniseries)
John Blythe

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)
Clive Pettibone

S4E02: The Lady and the Blade
S4E03: Incident at Vernon River
S4E04: Boys Will Be Boys
S4E07: The Dinner [Felicity’s Grand Design]
S4E10: Felicity’s Perfect Beau
S4E13: Hearth and Home

S5E04: A Friend in Need
S5E06: The Great Race
S5E11: Otherwise Engaged
S5E13: The Minister’s Wife

S6E02: Lonely Hearts
S6E04: Comings and Goings
S6E06: Great Expectations
S6E09: The More Things Change

S7E04: Woman of Importance
S7E08: Ah . . . Sweet Mystery of Life

Anne with an “E” (2017–2019 television series)
Infirm Old Man

S2E06: I Protest Against Any Absolute Conclusion

Keith Fox

Lucy Maud Montgomery: The Road to Green Gables (1975 documentary)

Jan Francis

Anne of Green Gables (1972 television miniseries)
Diana Barry

S1E02: Episode Two
S1E03: Episode Three
S1E04: Episode Four
S1E05: Episode Five

Anne of Avonlea (1975 television miniseries)
Diana Barry

S1E01: Episode One
S1E02: Episode Two
S1E03: Episode Three
S1E04: Episode Four
S1E05: Episode Five
S1E06: Episode Six

Don Francks

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)
Abe Pike

S2E08: Sea Ghost (as Abe)

S3E02: But When She Was Bad . . . She Was Horrid (Part 1)
S3E03: But When She Was Bad . . . She Was Horrid (Part 2)

S6E01: The Return of Gus Pike

Brian Frank

Anne with an “E” (2017–2019 television series)
Man #1

S3E08: Great and Sudden Change
S3E09: A Dense and Frightful Darkness

Jerry Franken

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)

S6E10: Home Is Where the Heart Is

Joe Franklin

Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel [Anne of Avonlea] (1987 television miniseries)
Isaac Kent

Sabina Franklyn

Anne of Avonlea (1975 television miniseries)
Philippa Gordon

S1E05: Episode Five
S1E06: Episode Six

Jill Frappier

Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story (2000 television miniseries)
Mrs. Dodd

Zoe Fraser

L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables (2016 television movie)
Ruby Gillis

L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables: The Good Stars (2017 television movie)
Ruby Gillis

L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables: Fire and Dew (2017 television movie)
Ruby Gillis

Wesley French

Anne with an “E” (2017–2019 television series)

S3E01: A Secret Which I Desired to Divine

John Friesen

Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990–1996 television series)
Archie Gillis

S2E13: Misfits and Miracles

S3E04: Felix and Blackie
S3E05: Another Point of View [Facts and Fictions]
S3E12: The Calamitous Courting of Hetty King
S3E13: Old Friends, Old Wounds

S4E02: The Lady and the Blade
S4E04: Boys Will Be Boys
S4E05: Moving On [Sara and the Marshal]
S4E09: Hearts and Flowers
S4E12: Home Movie [Jasper’s Home Movie]

S5E05: Stranger in the Night
S5E07: Someone to Believe In
S5E08: Strictly Melodrama
S5E10: Best Laid Plans

S6E13: Homecoming

S7E01: Out of the Ashes
S7E03: Davey and the Mermaid
S7E12: The Last Hurrah

David Frisch

Anne with an “E” (2017–2019 television series)

S2E04: The Painful Eagerness of Unfed Hope
S2E05: The Determining Acts of Her Life

Adam Frost

Emily of New Moon (1998–2003 television series)
Jack Haszard

S4E01: Rites of Passage
S4E02: The Taming of Ilse Burnley
S4E03: A Bill of Divorcement
S4E04: Too Close to the Sun
S4E05: The Weight of the World
S4E07: A Seller of Dreams (archival footage)


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